


新东方在线:新GRE Issue写作范文透析5
新东方在线:新GRE Issue写作范文透析5  Topic  The following is a letter to the editor of an environmental magazine:"The decline in the numbers of amphibians worldwide clearly indicates the global ...
2012-5-9 15:35
新东方在线:新GRE Issue写作范文透析4
新东方在线:新GRE Issue写作范文透析4  Issue  "People work more productively in teams than individually. Teamwork requires cooperation, which motivates people much more than individual competition ...
2012-5-9 15:35
新东方在线:新GRE Issue写作范文透析3
新东方在线:新GRE Issue写作范文透析3  Topic  The following is a letter to the editor of an environmental magazine:"The decline in the numbers of amphibians worldwide clearly indicates the global ...
2012-5-9 15:35
新东方在线:新GRE Issue写作范文透析2
新东方在线:新GRE Issue写作范文透析2  Without a doubt, there are many examples of individual's whose reputations have been diminished by media scrutiny. The media's uncovering of former U.S. Preside ...
2012-5-9 15:34
新东方在线:新GRE Issue写作范文透析1
新东方在线:新GRE Issue写作范文透析1  Issue  "The reputation of anyone who is subjected to media scrutiny will eventually be diminished."  观点陈述型作文/  “被置于媒体审视下的任何人,其名誉终 ...
2012-5-9 15:34
新东方在线:gre写作 如何清楚表达自己的逻辑思维
新东方在线:gre写作 如何清楚表达自己的逻辑思维  很多考生对改革后的新gre写作感到茫然,如何清晰表达自己的逻辑思维呢?新gre写作题目更加具体,考察考生完成题目过程中是否能够融合批判性思维和分析写作能力, ...
2012-5-7 15:56
新东方在线:让GRE作文画龙点睛的20句  1、超越性的题目: 现实与理想;眼前利益与长期利益;集体身份与人格独立;规约与自由,利己与利他、竞争与合作、客观束缚与主观能动  人类之所以纠结,在于沉重的肉身和高傲 ...
2012-5-7 15:56
新东方在线:新GRE满分作文解读现代摄像机和印刷术  GRE写作备考过程中,考生需要汇总一定量的GRE写作范文,通过GRE写作范文,考生可以积累高分词汇及句式,并且通过分析范文的文章结构,构架自己的GRE写作模板, ...
2012-5-7 15:55
新东方在线:应对GRE写作 方法是关键
新东方在线:应对GRE写作 方法是关键  新GRE写作要求考生在30分钟+30分钟内分别完成Issue task和Argument task两篇文章,它是美国所有作文考试中时间最长而质量要求最高的一类作文考试。虽然GRE写作题库为全世界公 ...
2012-5-7 15:54
新东方在线:GRE考试Argument 精选题分析5
新东方在线:GRE考试Argument 精选题分析5  1.ratio of computers,K-12  论断:未来几年没有理由在电脑或其他科技项目上花费任何开支。因为我们电脑与学生的比便是1:7,它能保证我们所有的学生在高中毕业前熟 ...
2012-5-6 14:25
新东方在线:GRE考试Argument 精选题分析4
新东方在线:GRE考试Argument 精选题分析4  1.eastern Canadian province,grizzly bears  论断:L地可能有过G熊,探险者的描述也可能准确地认出了这个熊。因为最近对于一在东部地区生活了几千的民族的语言和传 ...
2012-5-6 14:24
新东方在线:GRE考试Argument 精选题分析3
新东方在线:GRE考试Argument 精选题分析3  1.handheld cell phones by drivers  论断:没有必要限制人们使用在紧急情况中很方便或很有帮助的工具的自由,立法是愚蠢的。虽然有人使用手机导致了事故,但大部分 ...
2012-5-6 14:24
新东方在线:GRE考试Argument 精选题分析2
新东方在线:GRE考试Argument 精选题分析2  1.Impecunia,a state lottery  论断:以教育和公众健康名义设抽奖,就会赚钱。因为一份在省会城市的调查表明该市平均每人每年有50美元花在赌博上。另外论者还引用邻 ...
2012-5-6 14:23
新东方在线:GRE考试Argument 精选题分析1
新东方在线:GRE考试Argument 精选题分析1  1.Nature’s Way  论断:在Plainsville开店会赚钱。  ·赚钱的前提是收益高出成本,论断没有提供关于在此地开店的成本计算问题  ·那些参加健身活动的人不一定关 ...
2012-5-6 14:23
新东方在线:怎样写好gre作文7  勿把GRE高频作文看太重:很多同学在备考GRE作文的时候,之所以对“高频”情有独钟,实际上思想根源还是希望能减少工作量,说得通俗一点,也就是还是抱有“投机取巧”的心理。这些同 ...
2012-4-28 15:51
新东方在线:怎样写好gre作文6  如何处理想要模板又怕雷同问题?其实雷同这个问题在GRE作文里面真的是特别特别的敏感,原因是GRE作文出道那么多年居然一成不变,所以我们用的资料啊什么的别人都有可能使用过。如果c ...
2012-4-28 15:50
新东方在线:怎样写好gre作文5  如何在最短的时间里写出满意的字数?其实在这个部分没有任何新的东西可以讲,因为在前边都讲过了,只是为了粗心G亲们在梳理梳理:(1)学会快速形成行文逻辑并产生相应的模板(2)学会快 ...
2012-4-28 15:50
新东方在线:怎样写好gre作文4  如何总结和提炼好词好句?其实我觉得这个部分是很多G亲们的软肋,有思想但是一表达起来就是不行,我的战友甚至有曾经写过中文的Issue然后再翻成英文的。为什么会这样呢?原因一目了然 ...
2012-4-28 15:50
新东方在线:怎样写好gre作文3  如何添加思想中的点睛之笔?这是一个非常关键性的技巧和方法,简单而又行之有效。其实道理很简单,一篇文章逻辑再严密,文采再斐然,但是思想不深刻,最多也只能是食之无味,弃之可 ...
2012-4-28 15:49
新东方在线:怎样写好gre作文2  如何快速形成整体行文逻辑?中国学生的逻辑思维真的都很厉害,所以本来我们面对GRE作文的行为逻辑是一点困难都不会有的,但是事实上呢,有很多G亲们在这点上却做得很不理想,究其根 ...
2012-4-28 15:49
新东方在线:怎样写好gre作文1  如何快速饱满地展开分支论点?相信这个问题是我们G亲们最最头疼的事情,提纲有了,分论点什么的都有了,甚至连事例都有了,可是给我一个论点就是写不出来,硬挤硬挤终于挤出来一段, ...
2012-4-28 15:49
新东方在线:详解新GRE写作中例子的用法  为什么要用例子?  用现实或者虚拟的事情,阐明或者加强自己的论证。所以一定要注意,自己用的例子,有没有把之前的论证弄的更清楚了而不是更复杂,加强了而不是削弱或者 ...
2012-4-24 15:55
新东方在线:GRE Issue主题范文及评析6
新东方在线:GRE Issue主题范文及评析6  Cooperation---or Tragedy?  The solution to the world’s growing environmental problems may have to wait awhile. It has been said that "environmental problems ...
2012-4-24 15:55
新东方在线:GRE Issue主题范文及评析5
新东方在线:GRE Issue主题范文及评析5  At no other time then in our present time has the need for unity and togetherness been more necessary to the inhabitants on our planet. For many decades the mot ...
2012-4-24 15:54
新东方在线:GRE Issue主题范文及评析4
新东方在线:GRE Issue主题范文及评析4  Our declining environment may bring the people of the world together as no politician, philosopher, or war ever could. Environmental issues are a growing concer ...
2012-4-24 15:54
新东方在线:GRE Issue主题范文及评析3
新东方在线:GRE Issue主题范文及评析3  Working together for each other and the environment,Our Environment, if we take care of it, it will take care of us. CFCs destroying the ozone layer, hundreds o ...
2012-4-24 15:54
新东方在线:GRE Issue主题范文及评析2
新东方在线:GRE Issue主题范文及评析2  Environmental problems will require a joint efferct amoung people to solve, however, environmental problems may not cause people to come together. Should the pr ...
2012-4-24 15:53
新东方在线:GRE Issue主题范文及评析1
新东方在线:GRE Issue主题范文及评析1  In todays society we spend to much time addressing issues that will not prepare us for the trials and tributlations facing our young people.  For example, the ...
2012-4-24 15:53
新GRE写作AW三阶段备考策略  第一阶段:重视题库  Arg题库如何准备?每个题目都要看,把逻辑错误找出来,提取关键词或者信号词。比如调查类错误就是找survey,看到nationwide就想到fa,这要成为一种习惯,找的时 ...
2012-4-22 15:32
新东方在线:GRE Issue高频提纲教育类话题汇总
新东方在线:GRE Issue高频提纲教育类话题汇总  177. The study of an academic discipline alters the way we perceive the world. After studying the discipline, we see the same world as before, but with d ...
2012-4-20 16:30
新东方在线:GRE argument 范文解析
新东方在线:GRE argument 范文解析  关于argument的重要性  很多人认为argument相对于issue来说容易些,也更好操作些,更容易拿高分。我个人认为这是个误区。我们最后拿到的成绩是个平均分,没有人知道具体每篇 ...
2012-4-20 16:29
新东方在线:GRE重考心态最重要  GRE即“美国研究生 入学考试”,多数人都有所耳闻,它是在美国、加拿大读研的敲门砖。以往人们多是以GRE的难度作为讨论话题,考试的难度显而提高了出国留学的门槛,或许有很大一部 ...
2012-4-20 16:29
新东方gre写作复习资料:gre写作issue模板4Issue 二The issue of whether(原文) is a complex and controversial one. Different people hold different views due to their respective angles. On the one hand, as ...
2012-4-19 11:17
新东方gre写作复习资料:gre写作issue模板3Issue 一(重复题目)? To some extent, I agree with the author’s general assertion that if(作者的观点,赞同形式). (即在作者的观点上,加上一些条件,有保留地赞同). ...
2012-4-19 11:17
新东方gre写作复习资料:gre写作issue模板2ISSUE:Recently there is a debate over whether …..Some people assert that.., while other people believe that…As a matter of fact, the issue of whether ….. is ...
2012-4-19 11:17
新东方gre写作复习资料:gre写作issue模板1开头段:第一句话(两厢比较型中则是第一组话):A.单一观点型(看场合不同选择一个)1.As is well-known and has often been described, ...2.It is traditionally a common p ...
2012-4-19 11:16
新东方网络课堂:新gre写作题库14181. Three years ago, because of flooding at the Western Palean Wildlife Preserve, 100 lions and 100 western gazelles were moved to the East Palean Preserve, an area tha ...
2012-4-18 11:17
新东方网络课堂:新gre写作题库13161. The following appeared in a business magazine.a) "As a result of numerous complaints of dizziness and nausea on the part of consumers of Promofoods tuna, the compan ...
2012-4-18 11:16
新东方网络课堂:新gre写作题库12141. The following is a letter to the editor of the Waymarsh Times.a) "Traffic here in Waymarsh is becoming a problem. Although just three years ago a state traffic surv ...
2012-4-18 11:16
新东方网络课堂:新gre写作题库11121. The following appeared in an article in the Grandview Beacon.a) "For many years the city of Grandview has provided annual funding for the Grandview Symphony. Last y ...
2012-4-18 11:16
新东方网络课堂:新gre写作题库10101. The following memorandum is from the business manager of Happy Pancake House restaurants.a) "Butter has now been replaced by margarine in Happy Pancake House restau ...
2012-4-18 11:15
新东方网络课堂:新gre写作题库981. The following appeared in a health newsletter.a) "A ten-year nationwide study of the effectiveness of wearing a helmet while bicycling indicates that ten years ago, a ...
2012-4-18 11:15
新东方网络课堂:新gre写作题库871. The following report appeared in the newsletter of the West Meria Public Health Council.a) "An innovative treatment has come to our attention that promises to signifi ...
2012-4-18 11:15
新东方网络课堂:新gre写作题库761. The following appeared in a letter to the editor of Parson City's local newspaper.a) "In our region of Trillura, the majority of money spent on the schools that most ...
2012-4-18 11:14
新东方网络课堂:新gre写作题库651. The following appeared in the summary of a study on headaches suffered by the residents of Mentia.a) "Salicylates are members of the same chemical family as aspirin, ...
2012-4-18 11:14
新东方网络课堂:新gre写作题库541. The following appeared in an article written by Dr. Karp, an anthropologist.a) "Twenty years ago, Dr. Field, a noted anthropologist, visited the island of Tertia and ...
2012-4-18 11:14
新东方网络课堂:新gre写作题库431. In surveys Mason City residents rank water sports (swimming, boating, and fishing) among their favorite recreational activities. The Mason River flowing through the c ...
2012-4-18 11:13
新东方网络课堂:新gre写作题库321. The council of Maple County, concerned about the county's becoming overdeveloped, is debating a proposed measure that would prevent the development of existing farmla ...
2012-4-18 11:13
新东方网络课堂:新gre写作题库211. Arctic deer live on islands in Canada's arctic regions. They search for food by moving over ice from island to island during the course of the year. Their habitat is ...
2012-4-18 11:13
新东方网络课堂:新gre写作题库11. The following appeared as part of a letter to thea) Woven baskets characterized by a particular distinctive pattern have previously been found only in the immediate vi ...
2012-4-18 11:12
gre写作复习资料:gre写作作文笔记5  1. Agree P104 3  2. Disagree P108 47  3. Agree with concession P105 16  4. Disagree with concession P107 34  5. Refuse to take sides拒绝站在任何一边case by ...
2012-4-15 10:54
gre写作复习资料:gre写作作文笔记4  6. post hoc,ergo prepter hoc = after this,therefore because of thisP46 47,P55 81  7. concurrence P36 5,P50 61  8. incomplete comparison or selective comparison ...
2012-4-15 10:54
gre写作复习资料:gre写作作文笔记3  一、段数量:2~4段之间,一段含4~8个句子  二、TOPIC SENTENCE内参4页  三、过渡句,承上启下  l first……second……Third……  l In the first place……in the sec ...
2012-4-15 10:54
gre写作复习资料:gre写作作文笔记2  1. skim the question and write the introduction  2. input the topic sentence.找出问题所在,一个问题一句话  3. develop the body paragraphs one by one.逐一展开问 ...
2012-4-15 10:53
gre写作复习资料:gre写作作文笔记1  一、Analysis of an Issue (perspective观点)分析要evidence reasoning , objective  二、二者择其一  Take a position and supported立论,确定立场并支持  Analysis o ...
2012-4-15 10:53
提升GRE写作含金量的精致名言 KNOWLEDGE 知识篇  Activity is the only road to knowledge 。  (George Bernard Shaw , British dramatist)  行动是通往知识的唯一道路 。 (英国剧作家 肖伯纳。 G.)  A fr ...
2012-4-11 15:10
如何让你的GRE写作成绩突破4分  为什么你的GRE写作拿不到4分  首先,题库是给定的,经过几年下来的前人总结,机考本身已经毫无悬念。高频,模板,例证,范文,大量资料充斥在互联网上并且被专业人士和机构总结印 ...
2012-4-9 11:38
GRE新作文2012官方范文要点分析  1、官方范文的重要性不言而喻,大家对官方范文的态度也有褒有贬,有人说这些6分的官方文章都是大牛写出来的,我们学不来,于是有的同学的重心就转向了北美范文。但有一点是不可否 ...
2012-4-9 11:36
新gre写作的高频词汇:abide  新GRE写作高频词汇-释义、写作语境之abdicate abide abolish  【GRE GMAT写作语境】 It would not be compatible with the duty of the Secretaries of State to “promote the edu ...
2012-4-9 11:35
GRE作文中的法律类话题分析 “There are two types of laws: just and unjust. Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and, even more importantly, to disobey and resist unjust ...
2012-4-9 11:34
GRE作文开头结尾十大核心句型  gre开头核心句型  1. The arguer may be right about…, but he seems to neglect(fail) to mention (take into account) the fact that….  2. Although many people believe t ...
2012-4-9 11:34
gre写作范文:孩子整体和局部的发展  gre写作题目:  Society should identify those children who have special talents and abilities and begin training them at an early age so that they can eventually ...
2012-4-9 11:33
新GRE作文:正确认识高频题目  其实在这个部分没有任何新的东西可以讲,因为在前边都讲过了,只是为了粗心G亲们在梳理梳理:(1)学会快速形成行文逻辑并产生相应的模板(2)学会快速化套路化地展开分支观点(3)固定观 ...
2012-4-9 11:32
gre写作复习资料:给GRE学生写的作文例子  我把每个例子都给你控制在100个字左右  哥伦布  Christopher Columbus was a navigator and colonialist who is one of the first Europeans to discover the Americ ...
2012-4-8 10:50
gre写作复习资料:新版gre作文新题库解析4  新版gre考试改革虽然作文机考形式没变,但是新版gre作文新题库标志着作文的改革,gre作文新题库可降低了考生依赖事前准备的可能性。另外,对于issue部分,答题时间也缩 ...
2012-4-7 11:21
gre写作复习资料:新版gre作文新题库解析3  新版gre考试改革虽然作文机考形式没变,但是新版gre作文新题库标志着作文的改革,gre作文新题库可降低了考生依赖事前准备的可能性。另外,对于issue部分,答题时间也缩 ...
2012-4-7 11:21
gre写作复习资料:新版gre作文新题库解析2  新版gre考试改革虽然作文机考形式没变,但是新版gre作文新题库标志着作文的改革,gre作文新题库可降低了考生依赖事前准备的可能性。另外,对于issue部分,答题时间也缩 ...
2012-4-7 11:21
gre写作复习资料:新版gre作文新题库解析1  新版gre考试改革虽然作文机考形式没变,但是新版gre作文新题库标志着作文的改革,gre作文新题库可降低了考生依赖事前准备的可能性。另外,对于issue部分,答题时间也缩 ...
2012-4-7 11:20
gre写作复习资料:gre issue 官方范文1
gre写作复习资料:gre issue 官方范文1  以下是ets公布的所有的issue主题的范文。一共6个题目,每个题目,6篇不同分数的范文。建议大家研读“4-6”分作文。对于1-3分作文,可以看看ets对它的评价,分析其分数低的 ...
2012-4-6 11:54
gre写作复习资料:GRE写作备考经验 一、Analytical Writing Section 逻辑写作  从形式上讲,逻辑写作考试包括两个不同的部分:  1.Issue task(45min),要求作者根据所给题目,完成一篇表明立场的逻辑立论文。  ...
2012-4-6 11:53
gre写作复习资料:gre满分作文北美范文全揭秘  gre满分作文北美范文全揭秘。学习GMAT/GRE写作往往离不开“北美范文”,但其中良莠不齐,并非篇篇能称之为“范”,毕竟它们不是ACT/ETS所钦定的文章。如此说来,Offi ...
2012-4-6 11:53
gre写作复习资料:gre写作素材实用名句7  61. We must engage in thorough discussions in order to gain a better sence of the most appropriate and effective way to proceed with the project .  我们必须 ...
2012-4-6 11:53
gre写作复习资料:gre写作素材实用名句6  51. Gone are the days when Chinese people could expect cradle to death support from the government .  中国人可以指望政府提供从出生到死亡的资助的日子已经不复 ...
2012-4-6 11:52
gre写作复习资料:gre写作素材实用名句5  41. Television violence has contributed directly to rising crime , as evidenced by statistics showing a dramatic rise in copycat crimes .  数据显示模仿的犯罪 ...
2012-4-6 11:52
gre写作复习资料:gre写作素材实用名句4  31. All reliable information points to the fact that the Y2K Virus ( Millennium Bug ) will create havoc with computer systems worldwide at the turn of the cent ...
2012-4-6 11:52
gre写作复习资料:gre写作素材实用名句3  21. We must admit that the overwhelming volume of indisputable circumstantial evidence far outweighed the presumption of innocence .  我们必须承认,大量无可 ...
2012-4-6 11:51
gre写作复习资料:gre写作素材实用名句2  11. Perhaps there's no better example of high-level corruption than the case of former Beijing Mayor Chen Xitong .  也许没有比前北京市市长陈希同更好的高层腐 ...
2012-4-6 11:51
gre写作复习资料:gre写作素材实用名句1  1. A few more examples should be added to highlight the already familiar facts .  还需要增加几个例子强调已经很熟悉的真相。  2. We can cite Nelson Mandela's ...
2012-4-6 11:50
gre写作复习资料:gre写作范文16  In a study of reading habits of Leeville citizens conducted by the University of Leeville, most respondents said they preferred literary classics as reading material. ...
2012-4-1 10:30
gre写作复习资料:gre写作范文15  "It is primarily through identification through social groups that we define ourselves."  Sample Essay  As primarily social animals, human beings naturally seek o ...
2012-4-1 10:29
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