


2012-9-8 11:05| 发布者: bjangel| 查看: 1017| 评论: 4

摘要: 新GRE写作高分优秀范文:达到目标的手段和过度专业化问题过度专业化问题  GRE写作题目:  “Academic disciplines have become so specialized in recent years that scholars' ideas reach only a narrow audie ...


  “Academic disciplines have become so specialized in recent years that scholars' ideas reach only a narrow audience. Until scholars can reach a wider audience,their ideas will have little use.”
  Although academic disciplines have become so specialized in recent years,scholars' ideas can still reach a wide audience by the advantage of the knowledge structure. We can simply put that it is the human beings' knowledge structure that makes it possible for a scholar's ideas in his specialized discipline to reach a much wider audiences who don't necessarily belong to his own discipline.
  The reason why I draw this conclusion will be illustrated by recalling the process of social evolution.
  During the passed centuries,the social economy has been greatly boosted by the revolutions in science and technology,which in turn increases the width and depth of academic disciplines to solve unencountered and more complex problems arising in the new situations. To solve new problems,we probably need new methods. That will undoubtedly calls for invention of new ideas,which will certainly adds to human beings' knowledge. Thus with the progress of science and technology,more and more knowledge will be added to the old system. A new problem will come: how the newly obtained knowledge is organized. This problem will be clear when we make classification of the new knowledge according to the old knowledge system. If there is content of the newly-get that doesn't properly belong to any sort of the old system,it means a new discipline will emerge. But could we just assert that the newly formed discipline doesn't possess any relationship with any of the old ones? Certainly not. This is because the new knowledge is obtained through the old methods,which obviously means the new knowledge do have some connections with some old disciplines,otherwise I am quite sure we could not find it!
  From the above,we can easily reach the conclusion that every academic discipline has certain relationships with some other ones. The structure of human's knowledge is just like the complexity of a net! And also it is a natural trend that academic disciplines become more and more specialized.
  With the depositing and specializing process of knowledge,it causes humans to accommodate themselves to this situation. Because the God gives every person a limited time and energy,it is necessary for a person,who wants to make progress in his discipline,to adjust his knowledge structure to adapt to his research domain,that is to say,to be more devoted to his own research area. On the other hand,if he cares too much for unrelated or less related area,he will probably not be able to bring innovation to his main academic discipline. Simply put,we almost cannot find a man who constructs the Theory of Relativity and in the mean time composes symphony like Mozart's! So we can say every scholar must be more devoted to his own discipline than to others,but a wider knowledge of other disciplines sometimes involuntarily invokes sparks of new ideas.
  The structure of human knowledge is just like the complexity of a net,which means various disciplines have interconnections and a progress in one will undoubtedly bring changes to some others,which is because scholars belonging to related areas will probably get useful implication from progress happened in this one. And with this similar process going further,innovations may occur in several other disciplines,which will even bring forth new disciplines. It is obvious that scholars' ideas can reach a wide audience by the advantage of the knowledge structure without necessarily reaching wider audiences directly.


   If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it are justifiable.
   The speaker claim that if a goal if worthwhile, then any means taken to achieve this goal is justifiable. Although the assertion makes sense when we consider the underlying of this implication is that whatever the conditions, the natures of the endings deserve our effort wholehearted. But if we examine the broad meaning that this claim carries, we find this threshold statement suffer deficiencies from many aspects of consideration.
   First let define the worthiness of a goal. How worthwhile and valuable a goal is lies not only in the subjective meditation and evaluation of an individual, we must consider the interactive influence exerted by this goal on others. For example, a country may consider the goal of achieving economic success and well being of its citizens to be worthwhile, but if we know they exploit cheap labor forces in third-world country,utilize scarce natural resources that being exported from poor countries, or dump low-cost goods in these countries, our morals reveal us the dark side of the goal and make it less worthwhile than it seems to be to its home people. On a personal level, a person's food might be the others' poison, so did the goal. Consider the ambition of
   Napoleon, his ambitious goal is to conquer the whole European Continent, which considered by himself and many of his follows to be the most glorious plan they have ever made. But by resorting to wars, killings, and blood shedding, their sweet dream turn out to be the nightmare of people habituating in this continent. In a word, since no goal is set from a pure disinterested, impartial perspective, it is necessary to bear the interwoven relationship in mind before targeting at a certain goal. Even if a goal is worthwhile agreed by majority of people, we should consider cost-and-benefit side of things in an effort to obtaining an nonbiased, all-around point of view. Most people today agree that the exploration of outer space is a worthy goal considering the valuable research materials we would get from for our physics and medial experiment and weather forecast. What is more, due to the limit longevity of earth and the ever increasing of populations, we see high calls to find another habitat for our future generations. Even if all the advantages and benefits involved justify the worthiness of this goal, not all means taken would be considered as sensible and judicial. Since most pressing social problem such as AIDS prevention, poverty,environmental problems still in need of immediate attention and observation, we need to allocate most of our resources to tackle these problems. As a result, even if one way of achieving the breakthrough in out space exploration would be to devote all research staff and available resource to this project, we have to struggle a balance between the worthiness of a goal and the proper way to obtain this goal.
   The above statement is welcomed and readily embraced by the new trend of practicality since in a society where personal achievement is highly valued, we look more to ending than means. That is to say, people tend to neglect and forgive their own wrongdoings or others' wrongdoings in a sense that their goals are goodwill–intending and worthwhile. For one thing, for a personal, a society, or even a nation,even they consider things from a totally isolated or functional perspective, no matter how great achievement they obtain, they are selfish losers with nothing to be accomplished from the physiological point of view. In the second place, we observe too many cases where good intention result in total chaos derive not from the dirty tricks they construe but out of the improper means they take. Since the founding of
   People's Republic of China, under the leadership of Chairman Mao, China has undergone a reform in the area of economy, which is to implement planned economy. Mao's intention is good, and his goal is to realize communalisms in this new country to short its economic gap with the western country in the shortest as possible. But without considering the properness of this means from the economic and social point of view, he threw china into years of economic regression and stillness. Ideas went contrary to our wills and intentions occasionally and thus make the consideration and full analyzes of the means to obtaining goals even pressing.
   To sum up, I am against the speaker's assertion since he neglects one important aspect of how to evaluate goals. To devote to a worth goal is justifiable and the effort instilled in this process deserve our accolade since it is always this power that push the society forward. But by neglecting the means of how to obtain these goals, we put ourselves in an embarrassing place of functionalists and opportunists. As a result, it is highly resulted to look from different perspectives to figure our where the true value of a goal lies and how to achieve it.







重要的是形成惯性思维,考试时间真的是太紧张了,要想现场思考每句话的调理性真的是太难了,反正我没做到,写得时候手指不停的运转,远远超过了大脑运转的速度,只有有充分思维准备的人,才能驾轻就熟,运用自如。题目中提到politics,大脑中就应当出现Franklin Roosevelt Lincoln Gerhard Shroeder Gandhi……; 提到ART,就该想到Rembrandt Van Gogh Starry night night watch Henmingway the old man and the sea……; 提到Scandal,就该想到Nixonwatergatebill clintonsex sandalEnran……总之,熟练是非常非常重要的!


如果不勤修改自己的文章,就不知道自己原来的漏洞和不足在哪,闷头写,只能导致lose the stake! 当认真学习一段时间写作之后,再回头改第一篇习作,肯定会发现自己很多毛病,这说明: 我们在进步!











引用 游客 2014-5-14 20:29
【 To be continue 】 BACK  TOP  NEXT僕の姉はブラコンです何かが私の中でくすぶっている。 焦燥感っていうのかな。そもそも、東京に出てきた時からこの妹の金遣いには問題があったわけで。 「今日から1日1000円と言う事にしよう」 「えーっ!そんなのひどいっ!何か大変なことになって」 「春日は気にしなくていいの。今は怪我を治すことだけを考えなさい」 そう言って花束を母さんは花瓶にいれる。 綺麗な花が何もない病室に癒しを与えてくれる。ああいえばこういう、いつもながらムカつく男。 彼と口論ばかりしていても時間の無駄なので、今日は私から折れる事にした。 「それがいいわね。「だからこそ、悩みがあるのよね」 まさか、道明がシスコンだったなんて誰か嘘だって言ってほしい。 私と離れていた数年間で、道明は妹ラブになってしまった。 「ショックだわ」 姉ラブから妹ラブへの心変わり。「やっぱり、桜峰先輩が悪いんじゃないっ!奈津美先輩、騙されてますよ」 「騙す?竜也は私を騙したりしない。お前たち、元気にしてたか?」 慣れた様子で彼らに接する桜峰先輩、どうやら奈津美先輩の弟と妹らしい。 元気に溢れる子供達に囲まれて ...
引用 游客 2014-5-13 10:57
私の恋心は再び、目覚めようとしていた。 それと同時に常に私の心の中には最後の鍵がかけられたままだった。 アキの好きな人は身長の低い人”。」 「このリレー小説なんだけどね。告白シーン、次ぐらいに書いてくれなきゃ困るじゃない。こういう経験あるのかなって」 「別に恋愛経験がなくても小説ぐらい書けるだろ。あの子、あんまり人には自分がモデルしてること言ってませんけど、雑誌にのるくらいに有名なんです。私の周りでも桜華みたいになりたいって子はいますから。自慢できる友人です。でも、俺も止める気はないから」 杏とけじめをつける前に告白の機会は訪れてしまった。 後になって切に感じる、この分岐点が俺の過ちの始まりだと。 「もう一度だけ言う。うちの夢月の名前を知る人間は当然多いので、僕が出ても特に名の知らぬ学生というわけでもないらしい。 だからと言って、僕がすごいわけではないので、微妙な心境だ。 「だが、誰も蒼空君がここにいることは否定していない。ええもんを作るには手間と暇と材料を惜しんだらあかんなぁ」 性格はキツイが料理が上手な姉である。 この年でこれだけ料理ができたら、どこにでも嫁にはいける気がする ...
引用 游客 2014-5-13 00:42
それにしても、女の子はそんなに甘いのをよく食べられるな。 「私に今日のデートを楽しませてください。で、お前的にクリティカルヒットか?」 「うん。おや、そちらの子は?天音のお友達かい?」 思わず、私は拒絶してしまった。 先輩から離れるように身体を押して距離を取る。普段からアルバイトをしている友人に頼まれたものだ。 運送業者のアルバイトでこの時期にはお中元シーズンで忙しいらしい。私は響ちゃんに向かって近くあった枕を投げつけた。 「響ちゃんのバカーっ。休学してたんですよね?」 「うん。」 「え?ぼ、僕ですか?それなのに、今は人が入れるくらいの大きな社が建っていた。 俺の記憶にはない、こんなところがあったのか。決まっているじゃない。私が告白までしてあげたんだから、ただ頷けばいいのよ」 横暴すぎる態度に僕は唖然とさせられる。だからこそ燃えるのさ。そういう展開なら歓迎しよう」 「い、いや、僕はそう言ってない。それに彼らが護衛として鏡野家に戻るためには心奏の救出は不可欠。 心奏さえ無傷で取り戻せば後の問題はきららお嬢様が処理してくれる。」 俺の隣にいつもいる、うるさい奈津はいない。 最近、あの口が ...
引用 游客 2014-5-10 07:56
だけど、代わりに彼女は僕に言う。 「それならば、私の事はどう考えているの?兄貴、私はありのままの気持ちを知りたい」 妹の真っ直ぐな瞳が僕を見つめていた。お店の中に入っていて。えっと、彼女さんも一緒にどうぞ」 「彼女って私のこと?」 そこで恋人扱いされて微妙に嫌そうな顔をしないでくれ、凛子。「彼も態度は荒いですが、本質は優しい方なのかもしれません」 「いつもお子様扱いばかりするけどね」 「ふふっ。理奈お嬢様を可愛いと思っているからこその行動かもしれませんよ」 「――そ・れ・は・な・い」 私はマキの前ではっきり断言しておく。 どう考えても、私は可愛がられているわけじゃない。製薬大手ノバルティスファーマ(東京)は16日、千葉県内で、針状の金属が刺さった同社製の座薬「ボルタレンサポ」が見つかったと発表した。                                                         埼玉県に続き2件目。同社によると、何者かが意図的に刺した可能性が高いとみられるという。僕らはホントの恋人じゃないわけで。 「そろそろ、本格的に既成事実を作るべきかな?」 「既成事実その言葉の響きがとんでもなく危険な香りがするのは気のせ ...


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