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新东方网络课堂:上海中级口译笔记104--3 Business Management 经营之道Vocabulary1、work ethic 工作理念2、one’s prospective business contact 将要打交道的生意人3、the “get-down-to-business-first” m ...
2012-5-8 10:57
新东方网络课堂:上海中级口译笔记94--2 The AIDS Epidemic 艾滋哀之Vocabulary1、AIDS Epidemic 艾滋病2、leading cause 主要原因 main/major3、HIV—positive HIV 阳性 阴性 negative4、imperil 使---处 ...
2012-5-8 10:56
新东方网络课堂:上海中级口译笔记8Unit 4 Interpreting Interviews 访谈口译4—1 Travel in America 行在美国Vocabulary1、 由汽车驱动的国家 a country driven by automobiles2、 生活在轮子上的民族 a people ...
2012-5-8 10:56
新东方网络课堂:上海中级口译笔记73—3 Establishing a Joint Venture 合资企业Vocabulary1、 投资意向 investment proposal/intention2、 有说服力的 persuasive 注意很相似的词pervasive 深入的,有渗透力的3、 ...
2012-5-8 10:56
新东方网络课堂:上海中级口译笔记6Unit 3 Interpreting Conversations 会谈口译3—1 Welcome 欢迎光临Vocabulary1、邮电 Post and Telecommunicationscommunication① 传达,传播,传递Among the deaf and dumb ...
2012-5-8 10:55
新东方网络课堂:上海中级口译笔记52—3 Banquet Service 宴会招待Vocabulary1. maneuver v/n v 调遣/操纵 n 策略/巧计/花招/伎俩 artful handling of affairs/a strategic action2. 大自然 ...
2012-5-8 10:55
新东方网络课堂:上海中级口译笔记4Unit 2 Interpreting for Reception Service 接待口译2—1 Greetings at the Airport 机场迎宾Vocabulary1. 人力资源部经理 Manager of Human Resources Division2. top-notch ...
2012-5-8 10:54
新东方网络课堂:上海中级口译笔记3口译中造成漏译和错译的十种主要原因以及建议:1、笔记贪多贪全 考生往往前面记的很详细,后面来不及,因此翻译出来的东西虎头蛇尾,笔记不宜过多,过多的笔记会干扰对大意的把握 ...
2012-5-8 10:54
新东方网络课堂:上海中级口译笔记2听力口译七步法介绍1. Maintain your composure and your confidence;保持冷静和自信,千万不要因为一处没反应过来而慌了手脚。2. Make pictures and images;要学会把抽象的英语文 ...
2012-5-8 10:54
新东方网络课堂:上海中级口译笔记1中口译第一次课1、 介绍自己,留下联系方式,说明打招呼的两种方式,可模拟一下;2、 让同座的同学互相打招呼,认识对方;3、 大家本着各种目的来学习,我的目的① make friends ...
2012-5-8 10:53
新东方网络课堂:口译实战三步法之问、补、扔  “没听懂怎么办?”这是我最常被问到的问题。首先必须说明的是,没听懂是不可避免的。虽然水平越高.没听懂的次数就越少,但还是会碰到。我在英国做口译十多年,接触 ...
2012-5-7 10:15
新东方网络课堂:口译考试中的听解技巧  听解过程是口译过程的先导,如果听不懂或不能完整地听懂原语的意义,则口译便无从谈起。 译员只有具备了较强的双语理解表达能力、丰富的百科、专业和情景知识等非语言知识以 ...
2012-5-7 10:15
新东方网络课堂:口译考试中的经典错误  三天改卷的时间,每天从早上八点到晚上九点,全国十几个地方的2000多张高级口译卷子过手,真是不一样的体验。  改卷期间,发现高级听力中得分率最低的反而不是NTGF(大概 ...
2012-5-7 10:14
新东方网络课堂:口译中如何练好发声  1、运用声音  译员表达时首先要吐字清晰、发音标准。译员对于听众而言就是一个发言者,要让听众听得清楚、便于理解。语音训练可以通过朗读、演讲和绕口令来进行。译员要及时 ...
2012-5-7 10:14
新东方网络课堂:中高级口译笔记速记提升宝典5  中翻英真题:  1.  中国是一个有着12亿人口的发展中国家,因此,就人权而言,首先要考虑的是我国的实际情况。//  速记为:中 12y人 deg□//∴ 人权 先:中 实 ...
2012-5-7 10:13
新东方网络课堂:中高级口译笔记速记提升宝典4  真题速记演示  下面,我们就结合中级口译历年真题来给大家进行口译笔记速记演示,希望帮助大家逐步提高和完善速记能力和技巧,从而为顺利准确的进行口译奠定扎实的 ...
2012-5-7 10:12
新东方网络课堂:中高级口译笔记速记提升宝典3  三、常用速记符号  速记是一项技术含量较高的特殊的技巧,速记语言是由一套完整的符号组成的体系。口译实践中逐步掌握一些简单的速记符号是非常有益的。总体上来说 ...
2012-5-7 10:12
新东方网络课堂:中高级口译笔记速记提升宝典2  二、笔记的格式  正确的笔记格式对于笔记后的信息回读是非常关键的。在考试中,有很多考生由于笔记格式错误,导致在信息回读上出现时间滞后,断句错误,甚至逻辑混 ...
2012-5-7 10:12
新东方网络课堂:中高级口译笔记速记提升宝典1  口译考试之所以难,在于其长度和规定的限时。估计很多参加过第二部分口译考试的考生都有这样的经历,听的时候大意可以听懂,但是由于听时未作任何速记,关键词汇,逻 ...
2012-5-7 10:11
新东方网络课堂:中级口译真题11Question 26~30  If You Really Want to Read This, You'll Be too Busy  NEW YORK—Pythagoras had his theorems, Einstein his theories and Murphy his laws. I have develop ...
2012-5-6 11:44
新东方网络课堂:中级口译真题10Questions 21~25  Extract 1  A stylish dining room with cream walls and curtains and black carpet ad foil to an eclectic array of furniture. Many of the pieces are cl ...
2012-5-6 11:43
新东方网络课堂:中级口译真题9Question 26~30  If You Really Want to Read This, You'll Be too Busy  NEW YORK—Pythagoras had his theorems, Einstein his theories and Murphy his laws. I have develope ...
2012-5-6 11:43
新东方网络课堂:中级口译真题8  Extract 2  Old bathrooms often contain a great deal of ugly pipework in need of disguising. This can either be done by boxing in the exposed pipes, or by fitting woo ...
2012-5-6 11:42
新东方网络课堂:中级口译真题7Questions 21~25  Extract 1  A stylish dining room with cream walls and curtains and black carpet ad foil to an eclectic array of furniture. Many of the pieces are cla ...
2012-5-6 11:42
新东方网络课堂:中级口译真题6Questions 11~15  The elephants left the shade, crossed an open piece of grass between bushes, and came towards the mud-pool where my truck was parked. One by one they a ...
2012-5-6 11:41
新东方网络课堂:中级口译真题5  2. In comparison with Voltaire, Sir Winston Churchill.  A. was happier with three hours of sleep  B. would sleep more when stretched out  C. world enjoy a longer ...
2012-5-6 11:41
新东方网络课堂:中级口译真题4Part C: Listening and Translation  Ⅰ. Sentence Translation  Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 5 English sentences. You will hear the sentences only ...
2012-5-6 11:41
新东方网络课堂:中级口译真题3 18. A. Geology  B. Chemistry  C. Biology  D. Astronomy  Questions 19~22  19. A. It means that you continue studying for as many years as you can.  B. It mea ...
2012-5-6 11:40
新东方网络课堂:中级口译真题26. A. The company was unable to order spare parts.  B. The company was short of cash for delivery.  C. The parts could be considered genuine.  D. The parts could be ...
2012-5-6 11:40
新东方网络课堂:中级口译真题1SECTLON 1: LISTENING TEST (40 minutes)  Part A: Spot Dictation  Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in ...
2012-5-6 11:40
新东方网络课堂:英语口译基础教程11Unit 10P1The information technology industry council (ITI)is an elite group of the nation’s top high-tech companies and is widely recognized as tech industry’s most ...
2012-5-5 11:05
新东方网络课堂:英语口译基础教程10Unit 9P1Environmental pollution is a term that refers to all the way by which man pollutes his surroundings . man dirties the air with gasses and smoke , poisons the ...
2012-5-5 11:05
新东方网络课堂:英语口译基础教程9Unit 8P1Today let me give you not a definition but a desripition of country music in the united states , first of all , the themes in country music are traditionally r ...
2012-5-5 11:04
新东方网络课堂:英语口译基础教程8Unit 7Dialogue and cooperation among cultures and civilizations are some of the best ways to further understanding and tolerance among peoples. They help to avoid misu ...
2012-5-5 11:04
新东方网络课堂:英语口译基础教程7Unit 6P1Not only are historic stories about food ,wine ,art ,people ,personality, heroes and tragedies all important in making up the cultural map , when presented in ...
2012-5-5 11:03
新东方网络课堂:英语口译基础教程6Unit 5主席阁下,刘女士,劳拉和我非常荣幸欢迎您和您的代表团来到白宫。非常高兴您还有其他尊贵的朋友能来到白宫。2008年中国举办奥运会,届时来自世界各地的运动员将齐聚中国。 ...
2012-5-5 11:03
新东方网络课堂:英语口译基础教程5Unit4P1The current global environment is ,taken as a whole ,as promising as it has been for the last few years . last year’s growth performance was impressive by an ...
2012-5-5 11:03
新东方网络课堂:英语口译基础教程4Unit3Paragraph 1Many years ago the world may have worried about the rise of china . now it welcomes this as truly an opportunity for us all . china’s engagement in th ...
2012-5-5 11:02
新东方网络课堂:英语口译基础教程3Paragraph 4展览业的国际化是展览业走向成熟的标志,展览会是推动国际贸易和经济技术合作的重要平台,展览业的国际化是展览业发展的必然趋势。国际贸易和经济技术合作的发展需要展 ...
2012-5-5 11:01
新东方网络课堂:英语口译基础教程2Paragraph2The growth of the internet as a learning and information resource completely changes everything the exhibition industry has had before . customers no longer ...
2012-5-5 11:01
新东方网络课堂:英语口译基础教程1Unit oneParagraph oneChina will earn 42.6 billion dollars in foreign exchange revenue with the annual average growth of nearly 8% and it is expected to be ranked third ...
2012-5-5 11:01
新东方网络课堂:中级口译口试英泽汉模拟试题15assage 15For a woman, conventional beauty is her only attribute. She is supposed to have no lines or wrinkles, no scars or blemishes. She is thin, generally ...
2012-5-4 10:01
新东方网络课堂:中级口译口试英泽汉模拟试题14Passage 14The human brain contains an average of ten billion neurons or nerve cells, each of which is linked with one thousand to ten thousand other neurons ...
2012-5-4 10:01
新东方网络课堂:中级口译口试英泽汉模拟试题13Passage 13There are about six billion people in the world. But every person is unique. Some people have black eyes; others have brown eyes. Some have dark h ...
2012-5-4 10:00
新东方网络课堂:中级口译口试英泽汉模拟试题12Passage 12From recorded time, man has been fascinated and delighted with music. Bone whistles, used as a type of flute, have been found dating back to 5,000 ...
2012-5-4 10:00
新东方网络课堂:中级口译口试英泽汉模拟试题11Passage 11Today, we pioneers and leaders of electronic commerce, are meeting here to call for changes in US patent law. We believe such changes are needed t ...
2012-5-4 10:00
新东方网络课堂:中级口译口试英泽汉模拟试题10Passage 10Silicon Valley is a magnet to which numerous talented engineers, scientists and entrepreneurs from overseas flock in search of fame and fast money ...
2012-5-4 09:59
新东方网络课堂:中级口译口试英泽汉模拟试题9Passage 9A major appeal of investing in bonds is that they provide investors with a steady stream of income and guarantee the repayment of the loan in full a ...
2012-5-4 09:59
新东方网络课堂:中级口译口试英泽汉模拟试题8Passage 8For most of the 1990s, CEOs of Old Economy companies struggled to turn slow-moving organizations into nimbler, more flexible outfits. The truth is, ...
2012-5-4 09:59
新东方网络课堂:中级口译口试英泽汉模拟试题7Passage 7In his book Brave New World, published in 1932, Aldous Huxley predicted a big biotechnological revolution about to take place: the hatching of peopl ...
2012-5-4 09:58
新东方网络课堂:中级口译口试英泽汉模拟试题6Passage 6The difference between a brain and a computer can be expressed in a single word, that is, complexity. The large mammalian brain is the most complica ...
2012-5-4 09:58
新东方网络课堂:中级口译口试英泽汉模拟试题5Passage 5What will the role of universities be in this globalized economy? How will they contribute to improving society through innovation that will improve ...
2012-5-4 09:58
新东方网络课堂:中级口译口试英泽汉模拟试题4Passage 4Innovation starts at the top, and it is important for leaders to create an environment where innovation is constant, where people have the skills an ...
2012-5-4 09:58
新东方网络课堂:中级口译口试英泽汉模拟试题3Passage 3The Washington National Cathedral is one of the largest and most famous religious centers in the United States. It belongs to the Episcopal Church. ...
2012-5-4 09:57
新东方网络课堂:中级口译口试英泽汉模拟试题2Passage 2In the short period of six days, we have gone a longer distance than the world-renowned “Long March”. We have acquired a keen sense of the diversi ...
2012-5-4 09:57
新东方网络课堂:中级口译口试英泽汉模拟试题1Passage 1I think Chinese businesspeople tend to have business negotiations in a rather indirect manner, as opposed to the more direct style of American busin ...
2012-5-4 09:57
新东方网络课堂:上海高级口译真题10Questions 7--10  It is 15 years since Moises Naim coined the memorable phrase “corruption eruption”. But there is no sign of the eruption dying down. Indeed, ther ...
2012-5-3 09:54
新东方网络课堂:上海高级口译真题91. What is the traffic light system discussed in the passage? What is the function of such traffic light system?2. Why do food manufacturers carry out lobbying campai ...
2012-5-3 09:54
新东方网络课堂:上海高级口译真题8SECTION 4: LISTENING TEST(30 minutes)Part A: Note-taking and Gap-fillingDirections: In this part of the test you will hear a short talk. You will hear the talk ONLY ON ...
2012-5-3 09:53
新东方网络课堂:上海高级口译真题716. The author introduced The Washington Post and The Los Angeles Times at the beginning of the passage in order to show that ______. (A) newspapers can still play th ...
2012-5-3 09:53
新东方网络课堂:上海高级口译真题611. The author introduced the selfish economic decisions of home buyers, mortgage brokers, investment bankers and institutional investors over the past decade to illus ...
2012-5-3 09:53
新东方网络课堂:上海高级口译真题56. The expression “social mobility” used in the passage mainly means that _______.(A) private and grammar school pupils go to study in comprehensive schools(B) state ...
2012-5-3 09:52
新东方网络课堂:上海高级口译真题4SECTION 2: READING TEST(30 minutes)Directions: In this section you will read several passages. Each one is followed by several questions about it. You are to choose ON ...
2012-5-3 09:52
新东方网络课堂:上海高级口译真题3Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following interview.11. (A) Dressing styles throughout the world. (B) Taking a journey to Sri Lanka in South Asia. (C) Life ...
2012-5-3 09:51
新东方网络课堂:上海高级口译真题2Part B: Listening Comprehension Directions: In this part of the test there will be some short talks and conversations. After each one, you will be asked ...
2012-5-3 09:51
新东方网络课堂:上海高级口译真题1PART A:SPOT DICTATIONRenowned U.S. economist, John Rutledge, who helped frame the fiscal policies of two former U.S. presidents, warned that an abrupt rise in China’ ...
2012-5-3 09:51
新东方网络课堂:口译商务词汇4 drawing 提款,提存  aid 援助  allowance, grant, subsidy 补贴,补助金,津贴  cost 成本,费用  expenditure, outgoings 开支,支出  fixed costs 固定成本  over ...
2012-5-2 09:46
新东方网络课堂:口译商务词汇3 creditor 债权人  debtor 债务人,借方  borrower 借方,借款人  borrowing 借款  interest 利息  rate of interest 利率  discount 贴现,折扣  rediscount 再贴现  ...
2012-5-2 09:46
新东方网络课堂:口译商务词汇2hard currency 硬通货  speculation 投机  saving 储装,存款  depreciation 减价,贬值  devaluation (货币)贬值  revaluation 重估价  runaway inflation 无法控制的 ...
2012-5-2 09:45
新东方网络课堂:口译商务词汇1economist 经济学家  socialist economy 社会主义经济  capitalist economy 资本主义经济  collective economy 集体经济  planned economy 计划经济  controlled economy 管 ...
2012-5-2 09:45
新东方网络课堂:初级口译分类词汇常用口语6237. That reminds me.(那提醒了我。)238. What the hell are you doing?(你到底在做什么?)239. I can't seem to get to sleep.(我好象睡不着。)240. You look ...
2012-5-2 09:43
新东方网络课堂:初级口译分类词汇常用口语5189. I wonder what happened to him.(我不知道他出什么事了。)190. You are just trying to save face.(你只是想挽回面子。)191. His argument doesn't hold wate ...
2012-5-2 09:43
新东方网络课堂:初级口译分类词汇常用口语4142. I'll consider this matter.(我会考虑这件事的。)143. I'll do something about it.(我会想办法的。)144. What are you talking about?(你在说些什么?)145 ...
2012-5-2 09:43
新东方网络课堂:初级口译分类词汇常用口语394. Are you pulling my leg?(你在开我玩笑吗?)95. Sooner or later.(迟早会的。)96. I'll keep my ears open.(我会留意的。)97. It isn't much.(那是微不足 ...
2012-5-2 09:43
新东方网络课堂:初级口译分类词汇常用口语246. 我明白了。 I’ve got it .47. 我受够了。 I’ve had it .48. 真是难以置信! It’s incredible! 49. 离这很近。 It’s near here.50. 不值得。It’s not worth it .5 ...
2012-5-2 09:42
新东方网络课堂:初级口译分类词汇常用口语11. 绝对不是。 Absolutely not!2. 你跟我一起去吗? Could you go with me?3. 你能肯定吗? Are you sure?4. 尽快。 ASAP.5. 相信我。 Give me some credit.6. 买下来! H ...
2012-5-2 09:42
新东方网络课堂:口译教程基础词汇及熟语7心想事成May all your wish come true先入为主First impressions are firmly entrenched.先下手为强catch the ball before the bound像热锅上的蚂蚁like an ant on a hot pa ...
2012-5-2 09:41
新东方网络课堂:口译教程基础词汇及熟语6金无足赤,人无完人Gold can"t be pure and man can"t be perfect.金玉满堂Treasures fill the home脚踏实地be down-to-earth脚踩两只船sit on the fence老生常谈,陈词滥调c ...
2012-5-2 09:40
新东方网络课堂:口译教程基础词汇及熟语52008年,奥运会将在北京举行。作为中国人,我们都想对奥运会有一个更全面的了解,尤其是怎么用英语表达,我想通过一些常用的术语以及句子来增强对它的了解。首先,我们来了 ...
2012-5-2 09:40
新东方网络课堂:口译教程基础词汇及熟语4工业1.“达到”怎么译? “达到”可用reach或amount to,但amount to 表示几个部分相加后得到的总和,和add up to,total,number的意思一样。2.operation一词的意思 operat ...
2012-5-2 09:40
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