


2012-5-7 10:12| 发布者: bjangel| 查看: 291| 评论: 0

摘要: 新东方网络课堂:中高级口译笔记速记提升宝典4  真题速记演示  下面,我们就结合中级口译历年真题来给大家进行口译笔记速记演示,希望帮助大家逐步提高和完善速记能力和技巧,从而为顺利准确的进行口译奠定扎实的 ...

  I wish to take this opportunity to thank you on behalf of all my colleagues for your warm reception and hospitality. //
  速记为: opp thx u △ collea ∵ + rec hos
  The past five days in China have been truly pleasant and enjoyable and most memorable.//
  速记为: 5d 中⊕ memo
  I particularly want to pay tribute to our Chinese partners for their sincere cooperation and support in concluding these agreements.//
  速记为:Esp trib 中伙 ∵ sinc coop sup → =
  May I ask all of you present here to join me in raising your glasses, to the lasting friendship and cooperation between our two companies.//
  速记为:tst all u→ ---- fri coop 2 com
  Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to report on my recent investigation of the current situation of China's automobile market. //
  速记为:- + repo 调。situ 中 auto mkt
  Considering the fact that there is only one car for every 580 Chinese at present, the potential auto market is extremely attractive. //
  速记为: csi 1车/580 中 人 。// 潜 auto mkt +attr
  China has cut its average tariff rate from 23% to 17% this year.//
  速记为: 中 ↓均 tari 23%-17 y
  It has created conditions for its entry into the World Trade Organization and in turn for the inevitable opening of its auto market to the outside world.//
  速记为: 创条 →WTO // ∴ - 避 open auto mkt to □w
  On behalf of all the members of my delegation, I would like to thank your company for the gracious invitation and hospitality. //
  速记为: △ dele, thx ur com for + invi hos
  Although we have stayed in Shanghai for only five days, our visit is one of a great success. //
  速记为:~ 在SH only 5d,访 +suc
  During our stay, we've met old friends, made new friends, and visited many factories. The new progress that you have achieved impressed us deeply. //
  速记为:期间,见老友,新友,访 +厂//new → u achi impr us +
  We have a long friendly relationship with China. We are no longer strange to each other, but cordial friends and important trading partners.//
  速记为: 长 fri rela 同 中// - stra but cordi fri & ☆ T 伙
  The future of economic cooperation with China should be viewed with a combination of enthusiasm and realism.//
  速记为: 将 E coop with 中 结(热/现)
  I have seen both difficulties and benefits in improving economic relations between our two countries.//
  速记为: 看难/利 →E rela 2 □
  I shall focus my remarks primarily on US-Chinese economic relation because it differs greatly from the relationship between China and other nations.//
  速记为: foc : → US 中 E rela //∵ ≠ rela 中 他国
  I am certain that others here will address the very important relationship between China and Japan, China and Europe, and China and Canada, so I shall focus on US-China relations.//
  速记为: : oth !☆rela 中 日,中欧,中加,//so foc US 中 rela
  Every responsible society should do something meaningful to improve the lives of its younger generation, such as freeing children from the horrible burden of school tests and examinations.//
  速记为: eve 责 S do sth 意 ↗ 生 年轻 gene,eg free Child – bur sch test&exam
  Unfortunately, in this country schools and parents do all they can to force children to sit for all kinds of examinations before they are allowed into colleges and universities.//
  速记为:不幸, □,sch pare forc child exam befo colle uni
  Children complain that their classes, their textbooks and their teachers are boring. However, the voice of the children is rarely heard by the adult world.//
  速记为:kid comp clas 书 师 bore// ~ 声 kid – hear by 成人
  I doubt that children under this compulsory system will actually learn anything beneficial for the country and for themselves. I don't believe they will become very creative citizens.//
  速记为:dout kid 强sys lean bene for □ them// -: they crea citi Z









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