


2012-6-27 11:38| 发布者: bjangel| 查看: 164| 评论: 0

摘要: 新东方网络课堂:GRE作文备考资料1  内在驱动和外在刺激  Drives and desires can be described as a deficiency or need that activates behavior that is aimed at a goal or an incentive. These are thought ...

  Drives and desires can be described as a deficiency or need that activates behavior that is aimed at a goal or an incentive. These are thought to originate within the individual and may not require external stimuli to encourage the behavior. Basic drives could be sparked by deficiencies such as hunger, which motivates a person to seek food; whereas more subtle drives might be the desire for praise and approval, which motivates a person to behave in a manner pleasing to others.
  By contrast, the role of extrinsic rewards and stimuli can be seen in the example of training animals by giving them treats when they perform a trick correctly. The treat motivates the animals to perform the trick consistently, even later when the treat is removed from the process.
  Intrinsic motivation is the drive for which people engage in an activity, without obvious external incentives, such as a hobby. Intrinsic motivation has been studied by educational psychologists since the 1970s, and numerous studies have found it to be associated with high educational achievement and enjoyment by students.
  It is thought that students are more likely to be intrinsically motivated if they:
  1. Attribute their educational results to internal factors that they can control (e.g. the amount of effort they put in).
  2. Believe they can be effective agents in reaching desired goals (i.e. the results are not determined by dumb luck).
  3. Are interested in mastering a topic, rather than just rote-learning to achieve good grades.
  Human emotion has a significant influence on, or can even be said to control, human behavior, though historically many cultures and philosophers have for various reasons discouraged allowing this influence to go unchecked.
  In modern scientific thought, certain refined emotions are considered to be a complex neural trait of many domesticated and a few non-domesticated mammals. These were commonly developed in reaction to superior survival mechanisms and intelligent interaction with each other and the
  environment; as such, refined emotion is not in all cases as discrete and separate from natural neural function as was once assumed. Still, when humans function in civilized tandem, it has been noted that uninhibited acting on extreme emotion can lead to social disorder and crime.




  1. gre写作考试有题库:

  为了达到公平,ETS公布了它考试的所有写作题库,那么为了达到能和native speaker一起竞争,考生应该在考前对所有题目都进行预习(节约考试时的审题时间),并通过100-150个提纲的写作了解GRE写作的一般结构,通过30-50篇写作来练习自己的写作思路和表达。对题库中的题目越熟练,对考试越有利。

  2. gre写作考试的评阅是计件工作制的:

  每个评卷人对你文章的评阅非常快,不可能对每个细节都很仔细地去看。考生应该迎合评卷人的评卷思路,用最规范的结构和最清晰的表达来体现自己的思路:首段要鲜明地提出观点,中间段落层次要拉开,每段的开始应该就是该段的topic sentence

  3. gre写作的评分是整体评分(holistic scoring)

  首先,从ETS公布的各分数段评分标准看,其评分主要注重以下三个方面:①、逻辑分析能力(要求insightful);②、文章的组织(要求well-organized);③、语言能力(要求standard written English; concise; varied structure)

  4. gre写作两个部分在总分中的权重是一样的:











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