


gre阅读复习资料:GRE阅读长难句解读1  1.That sex ratio will be favored which maximizes the number of descendants an individual will have and hence the number of gene copies transmitted.  那种性 ...
2012-4-1 10:32
gre阅读复习资料:GRE阅读中语篇模式理论的认知心理学  大家再想一个问题,如果有人给你说:1...2...3...,然后你会想到什么?我相信会数数的人肯定会期待对方说出4了。  但是大家有没有想过:为什么会有这样的认 ...
2012-3-30 15:59
gre阅读复习资料:GRE考试难句训练法  训练方法:凡读过的GRE文章,凡有读一两遍不懂的句子,摘下或输入电脑:每天花半小时来读,读懂读顺为止;开始越窄越多,翟导20句以后,越窄越少,一个月后几乎没有了。这是可 ...
2012-3-30 15:58
gre阅读复习资料:GRE阅读难句分类  由于本人长期接触GRE的阅读文章,亲身经历过艰苦的学习过程,而且体验过考场上的紧张气氛,现在又从事GRE阅读的教学工作,除了对GRE有比较多的感受之外,更有着对GRE阅读的一些 ...
2012-3-30 15:58
gre阅读复习资料:gre阅读听课笔记6  1阅读部分,单词的重要程度按词性排序为:v.adj.adv.n.  2 A but B重点在but后;A though B重点在though前☆  not only...but also连接两事物强调后者;as well as连接两事物 ...
2012-3-30 15:57
gre阅读复习资料:gre阅读听课笔记5  快速阅读:  1.意群阅读法,阅读速度一定要快(≥160words/min),勇敢的省略,记住:看题时间要比看文时间长  2.重点看文章的结构和态度,不关心内容,大胆取舍,该跳过的就跳过 ...
2012-3-30 15:57
gre阅读复习资料:gre阅读听课笔记4  1主题题型P120Q22  【题干】:The passage is primarily concerned with___? The primary purpose of the passage is to__?  Which of the following statement best summ ...
2012-3-30 15:57
gre阅读复习资料:gre阅读听课笔记3  §3语言现象  因果连词  because, so引出细节原因/结论,不必关注,解题时能分清“谁是因谁是果”即可  结果连词--so, therefore, hence, thus , conclude引出明确结论,多 ...
2012-3-30 15:56
gre阅读复习资料:gre阅读听课笔记2  §2文章写作套路  一、新旧观点型:  判断标志:(a)首句提出过去、传统、大家都接受的观点,这些观点是旧观点首句有表示“时间”概念的词或动词的完成时态:often, common ...
2012-3-30 15:56
gre阅读复习资料:gre阅读听课笔记1  阅读整体原则:  ①先读文章后做题,阅读速度一定要快,勇敢的省略,记住:看题时间要比看文时间长  ②两遍法,第一遍通读,重点看文章的结构、focus、作者态度,第二遍在解题时 ...
2012-3-30 15:55
新东方在线:新GRE阅读考试长难句实例解析20  Islam,on the other hand,represented a radical breakaway from the Arab paganism that preceded it;Islamic law is the result of an examination, from a rel ...
2012-3-29 10:52
新东方在线:新GRE阅读考试长难句实例解析19  (Both Jewish law and canon law are more uniform than Islamic law.)Though historically there is a discernible break between Jewish law of the sovereign stat ...
2012-3-29 10:51
新东方在线:新GRE阅读考试长难句实例解析18  1. Islamic law is a phenomenon so different from all other forms of law—notwithstanding,of course,a considerable and inevitable number of coincidences ...
2012-3-29 10:51
新东方在线:新GRE阅读考试长难句实例解析17  1. Even the requirement that biomaterials processed from these materials be nontoxic to host tissue can be met by techniques derived from studying the reac ...
2012-3-29 10:50
新东方在线:新GRE阅读考试长难句实例解析16  1. Historians such as Le Roy Ladurie have used the documents to extract case histories, which have illuminated the attitudes of different social groups ...
2012-3-29 10:50
新东方在线:新GRE阅读考试长难句实例解析15  1. Only when a system possesses natural or artificial boundaries that associate the water within it the hydrologic cycle may the entire system properly be ...
2012-3-29 10:49
新东方在线:新GRE阅读考试长难句实例解析14  1. Only when a system possesses natural or artificial boundaries that associate the water within it the hydrologic cycle may the entire system properly be ...
2012-3-29 10:49
新东方在线:新GRE阅读考试长难句实例解析13  1. Studies by Hargrave and Geen estimated natural community grazing rates by measuring feeding rates of individual zooplankton species in the laboratory ...
2012-3-29 10:49
新东方在线:新GRE阅读考试长难句实例解析12  1. A low number of algal cells in the presence of a high number of grazers suggested,but did not prove, that the grazers had removed most of the algae. ...
2012-3-29 10:48
新东方在线:新GRE阅读考试长难句实例解析11  1. Although these molecules allow radiation at visible wavelengths, where most of the energy of sunlight is concentrated,to pass through,they absorb som ...
2012-3-29 10:48
新东方在线:新GRE阅读考试长难句实例解析10  1. Black Fiction surveys a wide variety of novels,bringing to our attention in the process some fascinating and little-known works like James Weldon Joh ...
2012-3-29 10:48
新东方在线:新GRE阅读考试长难句实例解析9  1. Although fiction assuredly springs from political circumstances,its authors react to those circumstances in ways other than ideological,and talking abo ...
2012-3-29 10:47
新东方在线:新GRE阅读考试长难句实例解析8  1. As my own studies have advanced,I have been increasingly impressed with the functional  similarities between insect and vertebrate societies and less ...
2012-3-29 10:47
新东方在线:新GRE阅读考试长难句实例解析7  The physicist rightly dreads precise argument,since an argument that is convincing only if it is precise loses all its force if the assumptions on which ...
2012-3-29 10:47
新东方在线:新GRE阅读考试长难句实例解析6  1. Thus,for instance,it may come as a shock to mathematicians to learn that the Schrodinger equation for the hydrogen atom is not a literally correct desc ...
2012-3-29 10:46
gre阅读中的长难句解读3  13.It has thus generally been by way of the emphasis on oral literarycreativity that these Chicano writers,whose English language works aresometimes uninspired,developed th ...
2012-3-29 10:45
gre阅读中的长难句解读2  7.Is it not tyrannical,in Pascal's sense,to insist that those whoexcel in “sensitivity” or “the ability to express compassion” meritequal wealth with those who excel in ...
2012-3-29 10:45
gre阅读中的长难句解读2  7.Is it not tyrannical,in Pascal's sense,to insist that those whoexcel in “sensitivity” or “the ability to express compassion” meritequal wealth with those who excel in ...
2012-3-29 10:45
gre阅读中的长难句解读1  1.Recently some scientists have concluded that meteorites foundon Earth and long believed to have a Martian origin might actually havebeen blasted free of Mars's gravity by t ...
2012-3-29 10:44
GRE阅读:如何分析阅读段结构  我们从“词--句--篇章”来谈谈这篇文章。  原文:  Geologists have long known that the Earth‘s mantle is heterogeneous, but its spatial arrangement remains unresolved ...
2012-3-29 10:44
新gre阅读:厄尔尼诺  The recent, apparently successful prediction by mathematical models of an appearance of EI Nino- the warm ocean current that periodically develops along (5) the Pacific coast of ...
2012-3-23 11:25
新GRE阅读指南  通过对旧有GRE考题和两次改革后的样题比较,我们可以很清楚的发现,GRE阅读的文字内容,复杂程度有所降低。而逻辑复杂程度持续增加。这反映了ETS对于影响研究生阶段学术成功的基本能力的更为深入的 ...
2012-3-23 11:24
Gre难句的典型结构解析  1、长成分  1)、长从句做主语、宾语及其他成分  a、 主语从句  b、 宾语从句  2)、长状语  3)、层层修饰  4)、并列成分  2、常见倒装搭配  (1)、及物动词加介词:固定词组 ...
2012-3-23 11:24
新gre阅读层次特性分析  阅读理解层次的特性:  GRE阅读理解可分为三个层次:  (1) General Understanding:  主要是解决两个问题:  A. Main Idea or Point  B. Logical Development or Organization  ...
2012-3-23 11:23
新GRE阅读对于词汇的考察  首先,新GRE阅读中出现了词汇题,即直接问你某个单词是什么意思。我们在看一道样题中公布的阅读题对于词汇是如何考查的:  Questions 9 and 10 are based on the following reading pa ...
2012-3-23 11:23
新版gre考试阅读题解析  新版gre考试阅读有两个Section,阅读的一般是各占10道题,如果是题考情况,一个Section里面包含一篇长文章,四篇短文章,四篇短文章里面,包含一个逻辑单元体的文章,非常短,大概只有40字 ...
2012-3-23 11:23
备考gre阅读:文章的重点  阅读整体原则:  ①先读文章后做题,阅读速度一定要快,勇敢的省略,记住:看题时间要比看文时间长  ②两遍法,第一遍通读,重点看文章的结构、focus、作者态度,第二遍在解题时定位阅读  ...
2012-3-23 11:22
备考gre阅读难句的四类分析  难句概论  GRE阅读,包括数学和逻辑中的一些题干的一大特点,也就是一大难点,就是充斥着一些或很长、或很怪异的句子,我们称之为GRE难句。句子,作为任何阅读文章最基本的阅读单位 ...
2012-3-23 11:22
新gre阅读常见困惑解析  困惑:进行了一段时间的阅读训练后,总觉得自己没什么长进?  很多人可能都会有这样的感受,就是经过了一段时间的阅读练习,本以为阅读水平会有突  飞猛进的提高,可结果却不是那么近人 ...
2012-3-23 11:21
备考gre阅读难句的五个要点  学习指导:  大原则:以实战的要求为目的。难句子不仅出现在阅读中,还出现在句子填空、逻辑但体中,因此,对难句子得攻克变得相当重要。  原则一:迅速读懂  原则二:利用语法 ...
2012-3-23 11:21
备考gre阅读倒装句结构详解  在GRE阅读中,考生往往会因为倒装结构的不清晰导致无法理顺整个句子的结构与来龙去脉,因此掌握倒装结构对于我们正确理解句子原意有着非常大的帮助。所谓到装也就是为了实现强调句子的 ...
2012-3-23 11:20
新gre阅读三种逻辑思维解析  专家解析新GRE考试中常见的逻辑思维1. 文中没说的不要选  有同学看到这第一个思维就在笑,这谁都知道,干嘛还要强调呢­我把这个思维放在第一个讲,是因为这是考生们最容易犯的错误 ...
2012-3-23 11:20
新GRE阅读考试长难句实例解析22  1. Unless they succeed,the yield gains of the Green Revolution will be largely lost even if the genes in legumes that equip those plants to enter into a symbiosis ...
2012-3-18 15:42
新GRE阅读考试长难句实例解析21  One such novel idea is that (idea) of inserting into the chromosomes of plants discrete genes that are not a part of the plants‘ natural constitution:specifically, ...
2012-3-18 15:41
新GRE阅读考试长难句实例解析19  (Both Jewish law and canon law are more uniform than Islamic law.)Though historically there is a discernible break between Jewish law of the sovereign state of ancient ...
2012-3-18 15:40
新GRE阅读考试长难句实例解析18  1. Islamic law is a phenomenon so different from all other forms of law—notwithstanding,of course,a considerable and inevitable number of coincidences with one or ...
2012-3-18 15:40
新GRE阅读考试长难句实例解析17  1. Even the requirement that biomaterials processed from these materials be nontoxic to host tissue can be met by techniques derived from studying the reactions of tis ...
2012-3-18 15:40
新GRE阅读考试长难句实例解析16  1. Historians such as Le Roy Ladurie have used the documents to extract case histories, which have illuminated the attitudes of different social groups (these attit ...
2012-3-18 15:39
新GRE阅读考试长难句实例解析15  1. The historian Frederick J. Turner wrote in the 1890‘s that the agrarian discontent that had been developing steadily in the United States since about 1870 had been ...
2012-3-18 15:39
新GRE阅读考试长难句实例解析14  1. Only when a system possesses natural or artificial boundaries that associate the water within it the hydrologic cycle may the entire system properly be termed hydro ...
2012-3-18 15:39
新GRE阅读考试长难句实例解析13  1. Studies by Hargrave and Geen estimated natural community grazing rates by measuring feeding rates of individual zooplankton species in the laboratory and then com ...
2012-3-18 15:38
新GRE阅读考试长难句实例解析12  1. A low number of algal cells in the presence of a high number of grazers suggested,but did not prove, that the grazers had removed most of the algae. (3+)  在存 ...
2012-3-18 15:38
新GRE阅读考试长难句实例解析11  1. Although these molecules allow radiation at visible wavelengths, where most of the energy of sunlight is concentrated,to pass through,they absorb some of the lon ...
2012-3-18 15:38
新GRE阅读考试长难句实例解析10  1. Black Fiction surveys a wide variety of novels,bringing to our attention in the process some fascinating and little-known works like James Weldon Johnson‘s Auto ...
2012-3-18 15:37
新GRE阅读考试长难句实例解析9  1. Although fiction assuredly springs from political circumstances,its authors react to those circumstances in ways other than ideological,and talking about novels an ...
2012-3-18 15:37
新GRE阅读考试长难句实例解析8  1. As my own studies have advanced,I have been increasingly impressed with the functional  similarities between insect and vertebrate societies and less so with the ...
2012-3-18 15:36
新GRE阅读考试长难句实例解析7  The physicist rightly dreads precise argument,since an argument that is convincing only if it is precise loses all its force if the assumptions on which it is based ...
2012-3-18 15:36
新GRE阅读考试长难句实例解析6  1. Thus,for instance,it may come as a shock to mathematicians to learn that the Schrodinger equation for the hydrogen atom is not a literally correct description of t ...
2012-3-18 15:36
新gre阅读三种逻辑思维解析  专家解析新GRE考试中常见的逻辑思维1. 文中没说的不要选  有同学看到这第一个思维就在笑,这谁都知道,干嘛还要强调呢­我把这个思维放在第一个讲,是因为这是考生们最容易犯的错误 ...
2012-3-13 09:45
如何攻破gre阅读单词关  GRE文章是论证性文字,不是说明性文字,也不是叙述性文字。这种以论证为特点的文字,及于GRE阅读文章的各个层面:“篇章—段落—句子—单词”。篇章由多个论点组成,论点由作为论据的句子 ...
2012-3-13 09:44
新GRE阅读了解2大特性  孙子兵法告诉我们:“知己知彼,方能百战不殆。”也就是说在知道GRE阅读的定义也就是它的本质之后,我们就应该对其各种特性要有所了解,这样才能使我们的准备工作有相当针对性,达到事半功 ...
2012-3-13 09:44
新gre考试阅读实例分析 通过对旧有GRE考题和两次改革后的样题比较,我们可以很清楚的发现,GRE阅读的文字内容,复杂程度有所降低。而逻辑复杂程度持续增加。这反映了ETS对于影响研究生阶段学术成功的基本能力的更为 ...
2012-3-13 09:43
gre阅读长难句中译英练习(21-25)  21. Such large, impersonal manipulation of capital and industry greatly increased the numbers and importance of shareholders as a class, an element in national life r ...
2012-3-10 10:02
gre阅读长难句中译英练习(16-20)  16. The current passion for making children compete against their classmates or against the clock produces a two-layer system, in which competitive A-types seem in so ...
2012-3-10 10:02
gre阅读长难句中译英练习(11-15)  11. If its message were confined merely to information and that in itself would be difficult if not impossible to achieve, for even a detail such as the choice of the ...
2012-3-10 10:02
gre阅读长难句中译英练习(6-10)  6. Numerous other commercial enterprises, from theaters to magazine publishers, from gas and electric utilities to milk processors, bring better and more efficient ser ...
2012-3-10 10:01
gre阅读长难句中译英练习(1-5)  1. The American economic system is organized around a basically private-enterprise, market-oriented economy in which consumers largely determine what shall be produced ...
2012-3-10 10:01
新版gre考试阅读题解析  新版gre考试阅读有两个Section,阅读的一般是各占10道题,如果是题考情况,一个Section里面包含一篇长文章,四篇短文章,四篇短文章里面,包含一个逻辑单元体的文章,非常短,大概只有40字 ...
2012-3-9 11:42
备考gre阅读难句的四类分析  难句概论  GRE阅读,包括数学和逻辑中的一些题干的一大特点,也就是一大难点,就是充斥着一些或很长、或很怪异的句子,我们称之为GRE难句。句子,作为任何阅读文章最基本的阅读单位 ...
2012-3-9 11:42
新gre阅读常见困惑解析  困惑:进行了一段时间的阅读训练后,总觉得自己没什么长进?  很多人可能都会有这样的感受,就是经过了一段时间的阅读练习,本以为阅读水平会有突  飞猛进的提高,可结果却不是那么近人 ...
2012-3-9 11:41
备考gre阅读难句的五个要点  学习指导:  大原则:以实战的要求为目的。难句子不仅出现在阅读中,还出现在句子填空、逻辑但体中,因此,对难句子得攻克变得相当重要。  原则一:迅速读懂  原则二:利用语法 ...
2012-3-9 11:41
备考gre阅读倒装句结构详解  在GRE阅读中,考生往往会因为倒装结构的不清晰导致无法理顺整个句子的结构与来龙去脉,因此掌握倒装结构对于我们正确理解句子原意有着非常大的帮助。所谓到装也就是为了实现强调句子的 ...
2012-3-9 11:40
新版gre考试阅读题解析  新版gre考试阅读有两个Section,阅读的一般是各占10道题,如果是题考情况,一个Section里面包含一篇长文章,四篇短文章,四篇短文章里面,包含一个逻辑单元体的文章,非常短,大概只有40字 ...
2012-3-9 11:40
gre阅读长难句实例分析15  1. My point is that its central consciousness—its profound understanding of class and gender  as shaping influences on people’s lives—owes much to that earlier literar ...
2012-3-2 14:53
gre阅读长难句实例分析14  1. Historians such as Le Roy Ladurie have used the documents to extract case histories, which have illuminated the attitudes of different social groups (these attitudes i ...
2012-3-2 14:53
gre阅读长难句实例分析13  1. The historian Frederick J. Turner wrote in the 1890’s that the agrarian discontent that had been developing steadily in the United States since about 1870 had been prec ...
2012-3-2 14:53
gre阅读长难句实例分析12  1. The hydrologic cycle,a major topic in this science,is the complete cycle of phenomena through which water passes,beginning as atmospheric water vapor,passing into liq ...
2012-3-2 14:52
gre阅读长难句实例分析11  1. Studies by Hargrave and Geen estimated natural community grazing rates by measuring feeding rates of individual zooplankton species in the laboratory and then computing ...
2012-3-2 14:52
gre阅读长难句实例分析10  1. Which of the following most probably provides an appropriate analogy from human morphology for the “details” versus “constraints” distinction made in the passage in r ...
2012-3-2 14:52
gre阅读长难句实例分析9  1. Although these molecules allow radiation at visible wavelengths, where most of the energy of sunlight is concentrated,to pass through,they absorb some of the longer-wav ...
2012-3-2 14:51
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