


2011-12-2 12:18| 发布者: bjangel| 查看: 865| 评论: 0

摘要: gre逻辑阅读练习题1  It is a popular misconception that nuclear fusion power is free of radioactivity; in fact, the deuterium- tritium reaction that nuclear scientists are currently exploring with su ...

  It is a popular misconception that nuclear fusion power is free of radioactivity; in fact, the deuterium- tritium reaction that nuclear scientists are currently exploring with such zeal produces both alpha particles 5 and neutrons. (The neutrons are used to produce tritium from a lithium blanket surrounding the reactor.) Another common misconception is that nuclear fusion power is a virtually unlimited source of energy because of the enormous quantity of deuterium in the sea.10 Actually, its limits are set by the amount of available lithium, which is about as plentiful as uranium in the Earth‘s crust. Research should certainly continue on controlled nuclear fusion, but no energy program should be premised on its existence until it has proven
  15 practical.
  1. It can be inferred from the passage that the author believes which of the following about the current state of public awareness concerning nuclear fusion power?
  (A) The public has been deliberately misinformed about the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear fusion power.
  (B) The public is unaware of the principal advantage of nuclear fusion over nuclear fission as an energy source.
  (C) The public‘s awareness of the scientific facts concerning nuclear fusion power is somewhat distorted and incomplete.
  (D) The public is not interested in increasing its awareness of the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear fusion power.
  (E) The public is aware of the disadvantages of nuclear fusion power but not of its advantages.
  For the following question, consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply
  2. The passage provides information that would answer which of the following questions EXCEPT?
  A How much incidental radiation is produced in the deuterium tritium fusion reaction?
  B What is likely to be the principal source of deuterium for nuclear fusion power?
  C Why are scientists exploring the deuterium-tritium fusion reaction with such zeal?
  答案:1.C 2.AC









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