

新GRE高频阅读机经原文:sea cow, sea urchin, sea otter and kelp和玛雅文明 ...

2012-9-8 11:14| 发布者: bjangel| 查看: 1190| 评论: 4

摘要: 新GRE高频阅读机经原文:sea cow, sea urchin, sea otter and kelp和玛雅文明玛雅文明  根据机经有篇短阅读是说某种果树在玛雅废墟那块,长得很好,这个是玛雅文明的证明,但是有人反对,说是因为蝙蝠吃了果子排出种子 ...
新GRE高频阅读机经原文:sea cow, sea urchin, sea otter and kelp和玛雅文明


  原文应该是Charles M. Peters 1983年的一篇文章叫observations on maya subsistence and the ecology of a tropical tree,有条件的G友可以上网找。。。以下是一点总结:
  这植物叫B. alicastrum,又叫maya nut.
Miksicek et al.,说B. alicastrum长得很好,这个是玛雅文明的证明,。
  文章很长,ets估计节选了后面的:作者谈到frugivorous bats eat the fruit and later drop the seed intact...bat-dispersed seed...总而言之,maya ruins旁边有很多B. alicastrum is a result of normal ecological process does not in itself negate the possibility that the tree was used by the Maya. 因为B. alicastrum很有nutrition,是maya人的staple food.

  sea cow, sea urchin, sea otter and kelp

  Modelling the extinction of Steller's sea cowS.T Turvey1,* and C.L Risley2 
  Biology Letter
  机经原文“另一篇需要在草稿纸上画关系图的阅读:某岛上的sea cow(神马玩意:海牛)在短短十来年间灭绝了,这是难以仅仅用人类的捕猎来解释的。其实呢,是这样的:人类在捕杀sea cow的同时也在捕杀另一种玩意,这种玩意的主食是U开头的一个玩意sea urchin 海胆。U这些玩意因此得以坐大,吃掉了很多的otter(又是神马:水獭)。Otter可是咱们的sea cow的主食呀,被U们吃光了,亲们就不得不加速灭绝了。"(机经原文错成这样了……海牛吃水獭,太恐怖了)
Steller’s sea cow, a giant sirenian discovered in 1741 and extinct by 1768, is one of the few megafaunal mammal species to have died out during the historical period. The species is traditionally considered to have been exterminated by ‘blitzkrieg’-style direct overharvesting for food, but it has also been proposed that its extinction resulted from a sea urchin population explosion(海胆增多) triggered by extirpation of local sea otter populations(海獭灭绝) that eliminated the shallow water kelps(浅水褐藻灭绝) on which sea cows fed. Hunting records from eighteenth century Russian expeditions to the Commander Islands, in conjunction with life-history data extrapolated from dugongs(儒艮), permit modelling of sea cow extinction dynamics. (用记录model海牛灭绝的过程)Sea cows were massively and wastefully overexploited, being hunted at over seven times the sustainable limit, and suggesting that the initial Bering Island sea cow population must have been higher than suggested by previous researchers to allow the species to survive even until 1768.(作者认为是捕猎导致灭绝的) Environmental changes caused by sea otter declines are unlikely to have contributed to this extinction event.(作者不同意食物链说) This indicates that megafaunal extinctions can be effected by small bands of hunters using pre-industrial technologies, and highlights the catastrophic impact of wastefulness when overexploiting resources mistakenly perceived as ‘infinite’(作者认为:灭绝可以由一小群捕猎者导致,浪费(即过度捕杀原本以为是无尽的资源)会带来灾难性的后果).
  human hunted sea cows => the author's point of view
extirpation of sea otter海獭灭绝 => explosion of sea urchin海胆增多 => eat all the kelps 褐藻灭绝=> no kelp for sea cow to eat海牛饿死 {the alternative explanation that the auhtor disagreed}


新GRE高频阅读机经原文:sea cow, sea urchin, sea otter and kelp和玛雅文明的延伸阅读——GRE阅读高分技巧



























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プ ...
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