


2015-5-7 10:20| 发布者: ayawei| 查看: 114| 评论: 0

摘要: 不遗余力保护古建筑的古建收藏家  Passion for Old Houses Leads Man to Buy 400Properties   A man's passion for ancient Chinese houses drives him to buymany, with the aim of restoring them, he tells D ...

  Passion for Old Houses Leads Man to Buy 400Properties

  A man's passion for ancient Chinese houses drives him to buymany, with the aim of restoring them, he tells Deng Zhangyu.

  Some people collect paintings, others, sculptures and antiquefurniture. But Qin Tongqian does more-he buys entire houses,mostly homes built in ancient China.

  He doesn't resell them. He is passionate about these old buildings and boasts a collection of morethan 400 wooden structures. He restores anything that needs renovation and gives the public achance to view them once they have been restored to their former glory.

  At a warehouse, transformed from a military base in Shaoxing, in eastern China's Zhejiangprovince, Qin has stored hundreds of rosewood beds, chairs, dining tables, rows of corbels,pillars, windows and all other things required to rebuild the houses-some more than severalcenturies old.

  It has been six months since his workers started numbering the items, and the process is ongoing.It is just one of the four factory-like warehouses Qin has in Shaoxing and Shanghai.

  Qin, owner of a Shanghai-based real estate company, spent his childhood in Shao-xing, a city withmany old mansions.

  "They are my source of pain and happiness," Qin, 52, says of the ancient houses.


  For years, his family and friends thought Qin was "crazy", as he went about buying dilapidatedhouses, most of which were sold by the original owners, who wanted to live in new houses in the1990s. Many Chinese moved to apartments back then. The trend of selling old houses haddropped off by 2005, with local governments discouraging the sale of such houses on grounds ofprotecting cultural heritage.

  Among Qin's "collection" are ancestral temples and opera houses.

  "Back then, people couldn't understand my passion at all," Qin says, adding that the money fromhis regular business was invested in buying the ancient houses.

  During his travels to rural areas, he sometimes even had to climb mountains to view an ancienttemple deep in the valley.

  He enjoys being alone and likes to listen to soothing music while making a pot of tea. He describeshimself as a strong supporter of traditional Chinese culture. His office and house are both designedin traditional Chinese style.

  "It's true that ancient houses are not comfortable enough to live in. But we can transform theirinner environment to meet modern living standards instead of dismantling them altogether."


  Old Chinese architecture is a mix of philosophy, culture and craftsmanship, especially those built ineastern Anhui and Zhejiang provinces, where many rich people and senior officials lived during theMing (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties. They usually placed a lot of value on housedesigns.

  Qin loves the legendary stores, fairy tales and scenes of daily life engraved on pillars, corbels,windows and doors of the antique houses.

  "It will take me months to see just the wood carvings of these old buildings. They are hand-carvedby craftsmen. Even two pieces with the same pattern have different detail," Qin says.

  While buying houses may be easy, restoring them as close to the original as possible is a challenge.

  Chinese wooden houses have to have people living in them, or they will quickly decay, says Qin.That's why he is restoring some of them into hotels where people can experience traditionalChinese architecture.

  In Zhu Jiajiao, an ancient town in Shanghai's outskirt, Qin re-assembled a traditional opera stageand a mansion that was built at least 600 years ago, while in Shaoxing, he restored dozens ofhouses to build a hotel.

  Both projects were partnered by Indonesian hotel brand Aman Resorts.

  It took about four years to restore 100 ancient houses in Qin's possession. He says he will openthem to free public viewing in the near future, with an aim to promote a better understanding oftraditional Chinese architecture of the Ming and Qing dynasties.

  Huang Jian, Qin's friend, says that businessmen from Hong Kong and Singapore were among thefirst to buy ancient Chinese houses, followed by those from Zhejiang province. Many either resoldthe houses to other buyers or turned them into paid tourist attractions, Huang says.

  Qin says: "I want people to know the treasures passed down from our ancestors, thecraftsmanship, the culture and the traditional relationships between family members."

  He says many wealthy Chinese of his generation respect traditional Chinese culture, but prefer tolive in Western-style houses. However, the young generation gives him hope. They are moreinterested in their own culture and have the awareness of protection of cultural relics.

  "In the youth, I see the future of cultural protection."

  renovation: n.翻新; 修复; 整修

  warehouse: n.仓库,货栈; 批发商店

  rosewood: n.红木(指黑檀、紫檀等)

  corbel: n.承材,枕梁

  pillar: n.柱,台柱,顶梁柱

  dilapidated: adj.残破的,失修的; 荒废的,衰败的

  soothing: adj.慰藉的; 使人宽心的; 镇静的

  engrave: vt.(使)铭记; 雕刻,镌刻


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  具有以下特点:a,转折句。(HOWEVER,BUT等) b,设问句。(自问自答) c,首段末句—》结论,科学发现。 d,因果句。 e,明显分类描述/明显数量概述/复数名词。

  托福阅读第3步:各段的首句/各段的开始部分—sub idea。







  MI: F(x)=A(x[主语])+B(x[谓语])+C(x[宾语])






  这道题的MI黑体字句子是:this passage discusses fossils that help to explain the likely origins of cetaceans-whales,porpises,and dolphins.

  分析主谓宾可以知道:fossil(主语)+help to explain(谓语)+origins of cetaceans(宾)


  1.recent discoveries of fossils have helped to show the link between land mamals and cetaceans.

  很容易的划出主干: fossils(主语的分支) +helped to show(谓语动词理解一样) +the link(宾语一致)


  2.the discovery of Axxxx provided evidence for a whale that lived both on land and at sea.

  划出主干:Axxx(化石,又是MI主语的分支)+ provided evidence (谓语动词理解一样)+宾语


  5.fossils thought to be transitional forms between walking mammals and swimming whales were found。

  主干:fossils(MI主语的分支)+were found(因为找到所以提供的证据,帮助理解,和MI谓语动词理解一样)











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