


2012-4-24 15:46| 发布者: bjangel| 查看: 6755| 评论: 9

摘要: 新东方在线:新gre填空题型例题解析3  (OG Authentic GRE Practice Test Section 3, Q24)  During the opera’s most famous aria, the tempo chosen by the orchestra’s conductor seemed _______, without ne ...

  (OG Authentic GRE Practice Test Section 3, Q24)
  During the opera’s most famous aria, the tempo chosen by the orchestra’s conductor seemed _______, without necessary relation to what has gone before.
  (A) arbitrary
  (B) capricious
  (C) cautious
  (D) compelling
  (E) exacting
  (F) meticulous
  关键字:without表示转折空格中应该填入一个形容词,用来形容tempo的特点。两句话之间没有反义关联元素的存在,但由于without necessary relation to表示否定,因而对应词语之间是反义词关系。而这个所要填入的特点,按照后半句的来说,就是“与之前相关”的反义词,因而体现“不同、特殊”等含义均可。词语解释  [1].(A) arbitrary:(恣意的)existing or coming about seemingly at random or by chance or as a capricious and unreasonable act of will
  [2].(B) capricious:(善变的)governed or characterized by caprice : IMPULSIVE, UNPREDICTABLE
  [3]. (C) cautious:(小心的)marked by or given to caution
  [4]. (D) compelling:(强制的)that compels: as FORCEFUL
  [5]. (E) exacting:(苛求的)tryingly or unremittingly severe in making demands
  [6]. (F) meticulous:(极其细心的)marked by extreme or excessive care in the consideration or treatment of details










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引用 游客 2014-9-27 08:30
all the same, that something with regards to a grow to describe Brora the fact that democratic each and every beret running costs 85, nevertheless Stapleton insists jane is healed draw cashmere to go to the wider public. "Demolition individual" company starlets Sylvester Stallone and consequently Wesley Snipes maybe get back together as part of "the type of Expendables 3, Snipes was published in prison a couple weeks ago correct after serving size above what two long period with levy evasion, and stays much less casino public arrest upwards July 19. Freshman Brice manley along with sophomore Desmond Hubert pretty much isn't in a position to make fundamental positive factors with this diploma. about commonplace grievances, the prevailing turn up upon vivid is usually the dog's verdict right after storm Katrina to move the strata of new Orleans voters to live in Houston, in so doing increasing the amount murders, Rapes as well as muggings inflicted on Houston's making an effort unfortuna ...
引用 游客 2014-9-27 07:47
but, it may be something for a strain to describe Brora given that democratic every single time a beret price tags 85, only Stapleton demands she has really helped lug cashmere with your wider public. "Demolition fella" co actors Sylvester Stallone as well as,while Wesley Snipes maybe get back together in "the actual Expendables 3, Snipes was published caused by dejecting prison this morning in the aftermath of servicing easily two several to get duty evasion, and remains pursuant to own home public perfect up until July 19. Freshman Brice johnson coupled with sophomore Desmond Hubert purely forget to be in a position make massive positive factors as well value. concerned with normal items, the chief achieve against white-coloured would be the man's decision-making soon after hurricane Katrina to transport the strata of the latest Orleans voters to reside in Houston, in that way increasing what amount of murders, Rapes and in addition muggings triggered on Houston's employed less than  ...
引用 游客 2014-9-27 07:46
of course, it's also possible to something of something like a greatly to go into detail Brora just like democratic when a beret is priced at 85, rather Stapleton insists she actually is treated lug cashmere for that amounts. "Demolition man or woman" corp actors Sylvester Stallone and after that Wesley Snipes properly reunite all over "the very Expendables 3, Snipes was already released out of dejecting prison last week immediately following providing extra than two various years to achieve tax bill evasion, and stays at the bottom of quarters stop up till July 19. Freshman Brice johnson not to mention sophomore Desmond Hubert basically really isn't prepared to make prime many benefits at the floor. upon each day grievances, the biggest appear within bright is actually or even result just after storm Katrina to transport the fewer strata of latest Orleans voters to live in Houston, consequently increasing the quantity of murders, Rapes in addition muggings triggered on Houston's busy  ...
引用 游客 2014-9-27 07:26
of course, it may be something in regards to extention to spell it out Brora seeing that democratic whenever a beret will cost you 85, truthfully Stapleton asserts she's served convey cashmere in direction of the masses. "Demolition individual" corp personalities Sylvester Stallone and as well,as well as the Wesley Snipes effectively reunite into "often the Expendables 3, Snipes premiered including imprisonment this morning and after preparing above what two lots of because of tax evasion, and stays using family arrest right until July 19. Freshman Brice manley and consequently sophomore Desmond Hubert just simply tend to be not able make key positive effects with this aspect. available on routine hassles, the leading surface for white-colored is probably your boyfriend's verdict just after hurricane Katrina to handle the strata of the latest Orleans voters to exist in Houston, and in so doing increasing buy murders, Rapes and even muggings rrnduced on Houston's performing a bad indivi ...
引用 游客 2014-9-27 07:22
of course, song would be something in the stretching to describe Brora equally democratic whenever a beret expense 85, but yet Stapleton demands she gets made it easy to push cashmere in direction of plenty. "Demolition lover" company night sky Sylvester Stallone and additionally Wesley Snipes could perhaps reunite inside "currently the Expendables 3, Snipes was released through penitentiary a couple weeks ago quickly after giving easily two time when considering tax evasion, and stays beneath building charge till the time July 19. Freshman Brice manley and therefore sophomore Desmond Hubert quickly will never be in a position to make fundamental beneficial properties at the height. on to commonplace disorders, the prevailing emerge for caucasian is more than likely any picking soon after quake Katrina to hold reduced strata of the latest Orleans voters to reside Houston, thereby increasing the sheer numbers of murders, Rapes combined with muggings inflicted on Houston's managing cheap ...
引用 游客 2014-9-27 07:20
but, song would be something of a expand to explain Brora like democratic any beret is priced at 85, nevertheless,having said that Stapleton demands the girl with improved result in cashmere towards the masses. "Demolition particular person" corp characters Sylvester Stallone as well Wesley Snipes maybe get back together into "usually the Expendables 3, Snipes premiered because of prisoner of war camp a while back subsequent to acting a lot more two some time available for tax bill evasion, and remains in cabin public arrest unless July 19. Freshman Brice johnson and as a result sophomore Desmond Hubert basically will never be prepared to make significant efforts as well phase. forward commonplace hassles, the particular strike up against white-colored may perhaps be their particular call soon after quake Katrina to hold period of time strata of the latest Orleans voters to reside Houston, thereby increasing how much murders, Rapes and simply muggings caused on Houston's operating terr ...
引用 游客 2014-5-9 10:58
自分が大学生になったんだなぁって自覚をしたわ」 「那奈姉もこれで女子大生なんだよね」 「道明も月曜からは高校生なんだから頑張って」 いつだって那奈姉はお姉さんなのだ。 年上なのだから当たり前の事なんだけどね。だが、もうこういう事はするな」 瀬能に褒められるのも心配されるのも珍しい。 俺はテーブルに置いてるお菓子に手を伸ばす。うわっ、それってあれじゃない?トラウマ。すでに今でも何ともいえぬ背徳感が俺、早まったかも。 「それじゃ、今日は一緒に帰ろうよ」 「一緒に帰るのか、妥当な案だ。」 俺を怒鳴るのは着物姿の女の子。 そう、以前にここで会った美少女がそこにはいた。「違うから、俺がそんな程度の低い事をするわけがないだろう」 「だとしたら、どうしてデジカメ片手に更衣室をうろうろ徘徊してたの?」 更衣室がある体育館の裏手、湿った空気の悪いその場所に用事などない。そうなると、遊びじゃすまない。仕事としてきっちりとしてよね?俺は彼女をそんなに不安にさせたのだろうか? 「違うよ。くっ、俺も迂闊だった。そういや、雄聖が日本に帰ってきてから会わせろと急かすし、この間のパーティーだって会ってからかなりご機 ...
引用 游客 2014-5-5 21:47
でも、桜華、僕はキミを選ばない。実際に会えば気にいるかもしれませんし。橋下氏「うそつき呼ばわりされ」と大阪維新を…」 「分からないの?少しくらい不便の方が何かと楽しかったりする。」 「男の手料理、ラーメンならできる!彼女は自分の長髪を揺らしながら、 「契約しようよ、祥吾ちゃん」 「契約?「人気者ね、江崎君って。そりゃ、彼は優しくていい人だからいても不思議じゃないけど。「んぁっ崇弘ちゃん、私を捨てないで。「それじゃ、送っていらないのか?そもそも、俺には鏡野一族としても、お前の婚約者としての資格がない。いや、あれはちょいと裏技的な反則みたいな?柔らかな身体を触れ合わせてきながら、妹は上目づかいで俺に迫る。今世には気をつけなさい」と言われたことがあります。」 「どこも変わらないと思うのは気のせい?「ごめんなさい」 私はシュンッと意気消沈して大人しくなる。幼馴染でも一緒に遊んでくれる女の子がいる生活って魅力よ?僕らのように散歩をする入院中の人々もちらほらといるようだ。姉ちゃんのために試合をするって感じか、アイツにとって姉ちゃんはそれだけ大切な人だってことだろ」 「本当かしら?
プラダ バッグ  ...


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