新gre填空试题解析16 例16. (2006 Sample Test Q12) (CEH) Murray, whose show of recent paintings and drawings is her best in many years, has been eminent hereabouts for a quarter century, although often regarded with (i) ______, but the most (ii) ______ of these paintings (iii) ______ all doubts. BLANK (i) BLANK (ii) BLANK (iii) (A) partiality (D) problematic (G) exculpate (B) credulity (E) successful (H) assuage (C) ambivalence (F) disparaged (I) whet (一) 选取第一空所在部分: Murray, whose show of recent paintings and drawings is her best in many years, has been eminent hereabouts for a quarter century, although often regarded with (i) ______ “Murray, whose show of recent paintings and drawings is her best in many years, has been eminent hereabouts for a quarter century …”部分连续使用best与eminent来说Murray的作品在近几年来都是很好的。 而后面,插入成分使用although连接,因而其中表达的意思是与前面所跟的句子相反的意思,即Murray的作品有“不好”的地方。 选择与自主判读一致的词汇填空: [1]. partiality: a special taste or liking(偏爱,褒义词,相反选项) [2]. credulity: readiness or willingness to believe especially on slight or uncertain evidence(轻信,无关选项) [3]. ambivalence:(既好又坏,好坏兼有,“好、坏”的广义反义词)simultaneous and contradictory attitudes or feelings (as attraction and repulsion) toward an object, person, or action (二) 选取第二、三空所在部分: … often regarded with (i) ______, but the most (ii) ______ of these paintings (iii) ______ all doubts. “but”连接的句子与“… often regarded with (i) ______”的句子表示相反的意思,由前述知,blank(i)中应该填入Murray的作品“不好”,那么but连接的句子即应该说Murray的作品“好”。而“好”的作品能够“消除”人们对于她的种种顾虑。 选择与自主判读一致的词汇填空: [1]. problematic: posing a problem : difficult to solve or decide(有问题的,负评价,相反选项) [2]. successful:(成功的,正评价,“好”) [3]. disparaged: to lower in rank or reputation : DEGRADE(贬低,负评价,相反选项) [4]. exculpate: to clear from alleged fault or guilt(开脱,与“罪行”结合,而不是“顾虑”不符合语法契合的要求) [5]. assuage: to put an end to by satisfying : APPEASE, QUENCH(缓解) [6]. whet: to make keen or more acute : EXCITE, STIMULATE(激起,相反选项) (三) 理解句意,看是否逻辑与语义契合: 穆雷在近25年内的名声显赫,而近些年的作品是她这么些年来最好的。尽管公众对她的评价经常有矛盾之处,但是穆雷的绝大多数成功的作品可以打消人们对她的疑虑。 例17. (Revised GRE Practice Book Section 4 Q7) (CFI) Higher energy prices would have many (i) ______ effects on society as a whole. Besides encouraging consumers to be more (ii) ______ in their use of gasoline, they would encourage the development of renewable alternative energy sources that are not (iii) ______ at current prices. BLANK (i) BLANK (ii) BLANK (iii) (A) pernicious (D) aggressive (G) unstable (B) counterintuitive (E) predictable (H) adaptable (C) salubrious (F) sparing (I) viable (一) 选取第二空所在部分: Higher energy prices ... Besides encouraging consumers to be more (ii) ______ in their use of gasoline … Besides表示对于上文的顺承,因而两句话之间是同义关系。 高油价对于人们的最直接的作用是使人们节约用油,故blank(ii)填入“节约”之意。 选择与自主判读一致的词汇填空: [1]. aggressive: tending toward or exhibiting aggression(激进的) [2]. predictable: able to make a prediction(可以预见的) [3]. sparing: to use or dispense frugally(节约) (二) 选取第一空所在部分: Higher energy prices would have many (i) ______ effectson society as a whole. Besides encouraging consumers to be more (ii) ______ in their use of gasoline, they would encourage the development of renewable alternative energy sources …. Besides表示对于上文的顺承,因而两句话之间是同义关系。 后一句话中,无论是让人节约用油,还是促进新能源的开发,都是好事儿,因而高油价也是能够有“正面”作用的。 选择与自主判读一致的词汇填空: [1]. pernicious: highly injurious or destructive : DEADLY(有害的) [2]. counterintuitive: contrary to what one would intuitively expect(出乎意料之外的) [3]. salubrious: favorable to or promoting health or well-being(有益健康的、好的,褒义词) (三) 完成整个句子: … they would encourage the development of renewable alternative energy sources that are not (iii) ______ at current prices. 高油价促进新能源的发展,是因为现在我们不能用像油价一样的价格来购买新能源,因而随着油价的不断上涨,我们应该去找寻一种廉价的新能源来满足我们需求。 选择与自主判读一致的词汇填空: [1]. unstable: not stable : not firm or fixed : not constant(不稳定的) [2]. adaptable: capable of being adapted : SUITABLE(可改变的) [3]. viable: capable of existence and development as an independent unit(有效) (四) 理解句意,看是否逻辑与语义契合: 高油价对于整个社会而言会有许多比较有益的作用。除了能够鼓励消费者在使用汽油的过程中更加节省以外,高油价还能刺激现阶段价格高企的可再生替代能源的发展。 新gre填空更加注重实际运用语言能力的考察,减少了对单词纯意义的考察,所以备考新gre填空考试的考生可以根据以上gre官方指南对三空题型的解析进行备考。 |