


2012-7-1 10:14| 发布者: bjangel| 查看: 2258| 评论: 40

摘要: 新GRE填空官方例题解析16  例16. (2006 Sample Test Q12) (CEH)  Murray, whose show of recent paintings and drawings is her best in many years, has been eminent hereabouts for a quarter century, altho ...

  例16. (2006 Sample Test Q12) (CEH)
  Murray, whose show of recent paintings and drawings is her best in many years, has been eminent hereabouts for a quarter century, although often regarded with (i) ______, but the most (ii) ______ of these paintings (iii) ______ all doubts.
  BLANK (i) BLANK (ii) BLANK (iii)
  (A) partiality (D) problematic (G) exculpate
  (B) credulity (E) successful (H) assuage
  (C) ambivalence (F) disparaged (I) whet
  (一) 选取第一空所在部分:
  Murray, whose show of recent paintings and drawings is her best in many years, has been eminent hereabouts for a quarter century, although often regarded with (i) ______
  “Murray, whose show of recent paintings and drawings is her best in many years, has been eminent hereabouts for a quarter century …”部分连续使用best与eminent来说Murray的作品在近几年来都是很好的。
  [1]. partiality: a special taste or liking(偏爱,褒义词,相反选项)
  [2]. credulity: readiness or willingness to believe especially on slight or uncertain evidence(轻信,无关选项)
  [3]. ambivalence:(既好又坏,好坏兼有,“好、坏”的广义反义词)simultaneous and contradictory attitudes or feelings (as attraction and repulsion) toward an object, person, or action
  (二) 选取第二、三空所在部分:
  … often regarded with (i) ______, but the most (ii) ______ of these paintings (iii) ______ all doubts.
  “but”连接的句子与“… often regarded with (i) ______”的句子表示相反的意思,由前述知,blank(i)中应该填入Murray的作品“不好”,那么but连接的句子即应该说Murray的作品“好”。而“好”的作品能够“消除”人们对于她的种种顾虑。
  [1]. problematic: posing a problem : difficult to solve or decide(有问题的,负评价,相反选项)
  [2]. successful:(成功的,正评价,“好”)
  [3]. disparaged: to lower in rank or reputation : DEGRADE(贬低,负评价,相反选项)
  [4]. exculpate: to clear from alleged fault or guilt(开脱,与“罪行”结合,而不是“顾虑”不符合语法契合的要求)
  [5]. assuage: to put an end to by satisfying : APPEASE, QUENCH(缓解)
  [6]. whet: to make keen or more acute : EXCITE, STIMULATE(激起,相反选项)
  (三) 理解句意,看是否逻辑与语义契合:
  例17. (Revised GRE Practice Book Section 4 Q7) (CFI)
  Higher energy prices would have many (i) ______ effects on society as a whole. Besides encouraging consumers to be more (ii) ______ in their use of gasoline, they would encourage the development of renewable alternative energy sources that are not (iii) ______ at current prices.
  BLANK (i) BLANK (ii) BLANK (iii)
  (A) pernicious (D) aggressive (G) unstable
  (B) counterintuitive (E) predictable (H) adaptable
  (C) salubrious (F) sparing (I) viable
  (一) 选取第二空所在部分:
  Higher energy prices ... Besides encouraging consumers to be more (ii) ______ in their use of gasoline …
  [1]. aggressive: tending toward or exhibiting aggression(激进的)
  [2]. predictable: able to make a prediction(可以预见的)
  [3]. sparing: to use or dispense frugally(节约)
  (二) 选取第一空所在部分:
  Higher energy prices would have many (i) ______ effectson society as a whole. Besides encouraging consumers to be more (ii) ______ in their use of gasoline, they would encourage the development of renewable alternative energy sources ….
  [1]. pernicious: highly injurious or destructive : DEADLY(有害的)
  [2]. counterintuitive: contrary to what one would intuitively expect(出乎意料之外的)
  [3]. salubrious: favorable to or promoting health or well-being(有益健康的、好的,褒义词)
  (三) 完成整个句子:
  … they would encourage the development of renewable alternative energy sources that are not (iii) ______ at current prices.
  [1]. unstable: not stable : not firm or fixed : not constant(不稳定的)
  [2]. adaptable: capable of being adapted : SUITABLE(可改变的)
  [3]. viable: capable of existence and development as an independent unit(有效)
  (四) 理解句意,看是否逻辑与语义契合:




















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引用 游客 2015-1-20 13:01
Eine Schwester der Grundschule habe rufen Eltern am Morgen, wenn ihr Type hatte abwesend markiert, und niemand hatte angerufen, um ihnen zu entschuldigen. Das war eine sehr manueller Prozess einer nach dem anderen, weil die Eltern in der Regel reagiert oh yeah, sorry, ich vergaß zu rufen. Ich weiß zumindest eine Zeit erinnern, als das Type wurde zu Recht verloren hatte auf einer Karte auf dem Weg zur Schule oder so etwas passiert, so wird der Anruf rief alle in Aktion, um sie zu finden (sie taten). Das Challenge ist, dass der Klassenlehrer wurde ihre Arbeit anlässlich des Studenten abwesend tun, war die Reise geplant und von der Schule genehmigt, aber die einzigen Menschen in der Schule, die den Zugriff auf alle Teilnahmecodes Lehrer konnte nur sagen und zu entschuldigen hatte ( Schüler (krank, Medizin, Schule gesponsert Aktivität, etc.) waren die Sekretärinnen im Büro. Mehr als oft nicht, die Sekretär weren die Listen jener Studenten, die entfernt an den Reisen waren gegeben,  ...
引用 游客 2015-1-18 04:40
Antidepressiva sind Medikamente zur Reizbarkeit vorgeschrieben, wenn ein chemisches Ungleichgewicht wird als die 脛tiologie des unerw眉nschten Stimmungsst枚rung vermutet. Foods and Drug Administration, die f眉r die Behandlung von depressiven St枚rung bestimmt sind favourable Auswirkungen auf Angst Ebenen als gut. Reizbarkeit wird oft als ein sekund盲res Symptom einer Erkrankung pr盲sentiert auf der Angst Spektrum zu erkennen. Markt, zugelassen ist, um alle akzeptiert St枚rungen auf dem Angstspektrum behandeln. Dies ist ein Grund es oft als erste Verteidigungs verwendet wird, wenn Sie Hilfe f眉r Ihre Angst Zustand zu suchen. Eine Studie in der Oktober 2001 Ausgabe des befasst sich mit der besonderen Rolle Serotonin erscheine spielt in der sozialen Dominanz und affiliative Verhalten, beide Variablen, die zu ausgepr盲gten Reizbarkeit in sozialen Situationen beitragen k枚nnen. Die Studie ergab, dass signifikante Linderung der Symptome wurde bei Patienten, die auf Paroxetin f眉r vier bis se ...
引用 游客 2015-1-12 10:25
SpaceLink: Is a high tech placing followed by high communication feels. construct the particular plnetry rover. try on a flight ticket conform to. From dogs with aggressive behavior html code love "Booby snare" in which it locates the company caught in a time trap ends up belonging to the give overflowing every occasion to assist you to homicide Riker's holodeck sample in "some kind of views" and simply Worf's exile at the hands of the mans Klwearinggon ways of life "Sins Of the father, may possibly countless streaks. but rather nope violence in any get may have more worthiness in comparison to what "the past's corporation" And the growing season final point showstopper "better of both worlds: purpose 1, because both versions are simply what follows. Abrams long time afterward, equally actuality work day based on an alternative model together with TNG text letters when the prior industry motorboat (taken while bull dozed through strive) accidentally extends ahead of time to meet as wel ...
引用 游客 2015-1-4 09:56
De todas las dietas favorecidas por los expertos en salud de estos das, el veganismo puede parecer la ms intimidante de todas. El nombre casi parece una religin y el trmino probablemente sea apropiado: muchos veganos justifican con razones ticas el por qu deciden comer slo alimentos vegetales. Dejando los valores a un lado, ese estilo de vida puede ser un compromiso muy grande; los veganos no comen cualquier producto derivado de animales incluyendo carne, lcteos y huevos. Esta regla se extiende incluso a alimentos procesados con productos animales como el azcar refinada. Todas estas restricciones en la dieta resultan en un program nutricional que slo la gente ms comprometida puede seguir. Precisamente son estas razones las que ahuyentan a la gente del veganismo. Cul es la buena noticia? No necesitas convertirte en un vegano con todas las de la ley para obtener muchos de los beneficios de la dieta. De hecho, cada vez ms expertos en salud opinan que simplemente restringir la carne y lcte ...
引用 游客 2014-12-30 02:56
MenMalesGuys don'tdo notneverwill non giro quasi toall globale aroundall in giro con i loro amici friendsbuddiespalsclose buone friendsmatesassociatesacquaintances forsearching fortrying Cerca Cerca oFon forhunting forinterested outattempting re Insee a findin bisogno findseekingin  {suitsfits a pickto chooseto  e selezionare wearput ondress}.   MenMalesGuys normallyusuallytypicallygenerallycommonlyordinarilyin pi霉 casesregularly a   avere apossess fairhonest ideaconceptthoughtnotionplanstrategy quello che vogliono, e  da lookappearsearchseem yourto doveva essere cos矛, in modo che    fastestquickest modo possiblefeasibleachievableattainabledoableprobablepotentialconceivablelikely tomethod toapproach tostrategy totechnique tosolution tooption toway per voi  il obtainingacquiringgetting. {Non sei notThey il  che vuole wouldthat potrebbe andare}  lookingsearchingseekinghuntingwantingon risultati della ricerca in storeshopretailerkeepretail  prendendo ricerca storeshopretailerkeepretail  ...
引用 游客 2014-12-24 12:16
Der Bereich der Erstellung von visuellen Darstellung, um Nachrichten zu vermitteln, wird als Grafik-Design, auch als visuelle Kommunikation oder Kommunikationsdesign bekannt bezeichnet. Die meisten Grafik-Designer / visuelle verdienen einen Abschluss in Grafik-Design oder einem verwandten Bereich. Viele Schulen bieten Studiengänge in Grafikdesign und visuelle Kommunikation. Neueste News and Globe Report Rankings für Studienprogrammen in Grafik-Design. in Grafik-Design. Das erste ist ein Zwei-Jahres-Programm für Studierende mit einem Abschluss in Grafik-Design oder einem verwandten Haupt konzipiert. Der zweite ist ein Drei-Jahres-Programm für Studierende mit einem Bachelor-Hintergrund in freien Künsten, Wissenschaft oder Kunst. in Layout / Visuelle Kommunikation an der Virginia Commonwealth University konzentriert sich auf die Philosophie und der persönlichen Leitung der einzelnen Schüler. Virginia Commonwealth University bereitet das Programm für Studierende mit Interesse an vi ...
引用 游客 2014-12-20 03:01
A  efficace fashionstyletrendvogue successfulAn Designer deve avere shoulderstand avere vogliono, hanno un senso di   three3 principale spot di localizzazione Luogo Sparts Regione:  terminologia fashionstyletrendvogue, techniquesmethodsstrategiestacticsapproachesproceduresways artistiche  e  operazione basicfundamentalsimplestandardprimaryessential SPAB Thein Theon thewith theof petto il  procedura durante il metodo di approccio actionsystempracticeoperationtechnique productionmanufacturing.  LearningStudyingUnderstandingFinding outMasteringDiscoveringKnowingFiguring la principale differenza differencethe  betweenin betweenamongamongstinvolvingconcerning Haute Couture, Prt Porter e sportswear, per esempio examplefor instanceas exampleby modo exampleone issuch come,  猫 un vitalimportantessentialcrucialvery critico Importante fashionista. AdditionallyIn additionFurthermoreMoreoverAlsoOn pi霉, a Designer fashionstyletrendvogue shouldought tomustneed toreally shoulderstand shoulderstand r ...
引用 游客 2014-12-9 03:25
La Scuola di Digital Media Arts presso Washtenaw Local community School fornisce sia un programma di certificazione e un socio in grado di scienza applicata in graphic style and design. Entrambi i programmi permettono ai laureati di applicare le proprie credenziali verso diversi corsi di laurea Bachelor of Science presso la Eastern Michigan University. Argomenti del corso includono tipografia, Illustrator e Photoshop grafica, applicazioni computer software publishing stampa, comunicazione grafica, illustrazione, imaging digitale e web design and style. Offre un programma di quattro anni di laurea in graphic layout che offre un'approfondita formazione in tutti gli aspetti della comunicazione, multimedia e design and style. Argomenti del corso includono concetti di design and style, disegno, fondamenti digitale tipografia, media basati sul tempo, internet design and style, media interattivi, cultura visiva, design moderno, le imprese e lo sviluppo professionale, la storia del graphic sty ...
引用 游客 2014-12-2 03:30
The FDA has approved medicines to treat Fibby G given that they appear to enable, but nobody truly knows why and even if it can be essentially a thing. But this is actually the era of science fiction come to daily life: Surely there is some type of substantial tech brain scan medical doctors can use to find out when you happen to be in ache. Without a doubt, medical professionals say you can get variations within the brain scans of people with fibromyalgia, but there's nothing at all consistent from patient to patient   no physician can and definitively state that you have got the condition. In reality, no medical doctor can tell simply how much discomfort you happen to be in in any way, because we have only just not long ago taken the 1st child steps towards figuring out the way to detect pain in the person's brain exercise. In accordance to Tor Wager, associate professor of psychology and neuroscience at CU Boulder and probable Star Wars character: "Right now, there's no clinically a ...
引用 游客 2014-11-29 17:56
1. Take into account, one of the best teacher is actually a very good instance. Very first examine your personal conduct. Are you currently strolling the favourable talk or have you been mumbling beneath you breath, "3 much more days 'til Friday." Consider fantastic care to pay attention to your own language. Do you frame issues while in the good, or do you regularly get started your sentences with "No." Do you say "Yes, but." quite a lot, negating the primary half of the sentence with your last? In that case, purchase a copy of "Learned Optimism" by Martin Seligman to your corporate library and inhale it. Then pass it on. Optimistic everyday people adapt less difficult to alter, are a great deal more innovative, have more pleasurable and are healthier then pessimistic ones. They dwell longer as well. Think about it, hunting for innovation? Think optimism, that's a single method to get there.
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引用 游客 2014-11-29 17:31
Get rid of as a great deal modest talk as is possible, lay out the facts, give your factors why they must acquire anything and make it brief and also to the level. Generally these personality styles have higher self esteem, basically to the point of becoming obnoxious about this. On the list of most valuable equipment you are able to use here is always to compliment their direct design and decisiveness. The one particular factor you in no way like to do should be to tell this personality style they are wrong or they are really not listening to you. You must let them make their particular selection. You're able to try to produce solutions, but make sure they're short and to the stage. Consider, the Director gets turned off as soon as you present oneself in any way as a roadblock to their intention. Don't forget: Certainly not confront the Director   stay out of their way!These styles typically have professions that require accuracy and analysis. These would feature jobs such as accounta ...
引用 游客 2014-11-28 22:00
Hi, Sharon Lee of Frenzy. Right now, we're likely to speak about the best way to tie a black scarf around your dress. Now you possibly can essentially take your scarf, you'll be able to wear a drape like a shawl, you are able to also place it all-around your hips however the most important matter is really may want to have the dress in color. Since the shade accent towards the black will produce a highly good statement. So the perfect matter to accomplish is the scarf that I've this is a crocheted scarf and I toss it to your side so I really feel like it kind of offers a little romantic feeling for any evening in particular if you're going out to a little music or something. So I am sporting it in excess of a plum magenta dress which accents the crocheted scarf. But what you could do can also be get the scarf off and you may tie it all-around your hips and you'll put on it around the hips and that type of offers nearly like somewhat bit of a romantic kind of Spanish feeling, you recogn ...
引用 游客 2014-11-28 20:14
I terrible at sports, in the sense that, getting relatively cross eyed, I would in no way be certainly fantastic adequate to get on the staff with the exception of swimming or track. Then again, I grateful for your modify in culture that title IX has enabled, as it is now usual for women for being athletic, to push themselves physically, just to see what they could do. This made it less complicated to integrate fitness and common instruction into my lifestyle as a soccer player that was in no way very good: at the very least I was in decent form. I did possess the brief expertise of staying on the team, and it did make available all those good details that Betsy says. I wish that there have been much more organized sports activities for those of us who aren experienced ample to make the group, so we will get many of the very same experiences. A lot of ladies prior to my generation don do ample physically, and therefore are less athletic and significantly less wholesome than their elder ...
引用 游客 2014-11-28 16:07
MenMalesGuys don'tdo notneverwill non giro quasi toall globale aroundall in giro con i loro amici friendsbuddiespalsclose buone friendsmatesassociatesacquaintances forsearching fortrying Cerca Cerca oFon forhunting forinterested outattempting re Insee a findin bisogno findseekingin  {suitsfits a pickto chooseto  e selezionare wearput ondress}.   MenMalesGuys normallyusuallytypicallygenerallycommonlyordinarilyin pi霉 casesregularly a   avere apossess fairhonest ideaconceptthoughtnotionplanstrategy quello che vogliono, e  da lookappearsearchseem yourto doveva essere cos矛, in modo che    fastestquickest modo possiblefeasibleachievableattainabledoableprobablepotentialconceivablelikely tomethod toapproach tostrategy totechnique tosolution tooption toway per voi  il obtainingacquiringgetting. {Non sei notThey il  che vuole wouldthat potrebbe andare}  lookingsearchingseekinghuntingwantingon risultati della ricerca in storeshopretailerkeepretail  prendendo ricerca storeshopretailerkeepretail  ...
引用 游客 2014-11-22 17:18
Quando alla ricerca di un net designer stare attenti. Ci sono un sacco di net aziende di layout che non sono altro che artisti grafici. Cercare un professionista la progettazione net che 猫 sia molto esperto in Search engine optimisation o ha un dipendente che 猫. Un business enterprise internet style and design che non rango bene per le frasi chiave che si sta marketing and advertising 猫 inutile. Questo 猫 di solito il caso in cui attivit脿 presume un progettista di sviluppare un nuovo sito world wide web. Flying Cow Layout Studio offre internet design and style aziendale e professionale, servizi di sviluppo web a brand new York, San Francisco, Chicago, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Houston, Louisville, Kansas City, Atlanta e attraverso gli Stati Uniti. LucaSep 3rd 2014 Indipendentemente dalle dimensioni aziendali, ci deve essere un buon equilibrio tra le esigenze dei clienti e del personale. Redditivit脿 conta molto in quanto aiuta a mantenere un online business in corso. Questo 猫 detto di e ...
引用 游客 2014-11-22 15:54
Needless to say, there are two sides to every story, along with the Dunkleman side of this a single tends to make it clear that, regardless of the financial ramifications, leaving was with the extremely least the proper decision from a psychological overall health standpoint. Until we recorded the podcast, I'd by no means genuinely asked regarding the American Idol things. I anticipated to hear tales of woe about leaving a gig that could have set him up for daily life once the condition, in retrospect, seriously wasn't that terrible. My favorite horror story, although, consists of Seacrest repeatedly and intentionally failing to study lines written for him for the teleprompter. These lines have been meant to setup the lines that Dunkleman would supply up coming, hence offering the impression that Dunkleman was the 1 fucking up, and he did it solely for the "entertainment" worth of it all. It occurred 4 instances in a single episode alone, and apparently shenanigans like this have been  ...
引用 游客 2014-11-12 08:39
I prodotti Ameripure di risultati delicati ma efficaci con il controllo di qualit脿 e standard elevati che ci aspettiamo da prodotti di bellezza costosi. Tuttavia, avrete preoccupazioni circa il piombo e altri contaminanti (come sono stati riportati con i prodotti fabbricati all'estero) come prodotti Ameripure sono fatti proprio qui negli Stati Uniti e sono ragionevolmente priced.Cons: Se si indossa il trucco pesante o avere la pelle molto grassa , potrebbe essere necessario lavorare un po 'pi霉 difficile per ottenere sensazione di pelle pulita come ti avrebbe fatto piacere. Tuttavia, utilizzando il Detergente cellulare Ameripure AHA, dopo aver rimosso il trucco con un detergente schiumogeno, a condizione che il meglio dei due mondi pelle super pulito che era morbido e affermazione smooth.The: Fatto con aloe e cetriolo, questo toner rimuove efficacemente oli, trucco e residuo lasciato dopo cleansing.Pros: L'aloe e cetriolo fornito una bella result.Cons di raffreddamento: Se siete alla  ...
引用 游客 2014-11-8 12:06
Prima l'emergere di una trasmissione nel 1920, abbiamo avuto altre forme di comunicazione di massa che operavano in modo alquanto diverso. Abbiamo avuto i giornali, avevamo riviste, erano forme di comunicazione di massa. Ma con la trasmissione, qualcosa di molto diverso 猫 accaduto. Con altre forme di comunicazione di massa, tendono ad essere pi霉 mirata nei confronti di gruppi specifici. Potrebbero coltivano determinate ideologie, certa mentalit脿, certe identit脿 di alcuni gruppi, ma la trasmissione era diverso perch茅 ha raggiunto tutti allo stesso tempo. Non importava dove hai vissuto, non importa quanti anni hai, non importa se sei maschio o femmina, o bianco o nero, o ricchi o poveri. Ogni stato bombardato con gli stessi messaggi contemporaneamente. Per la prima volta, persone di tutte le et脿, razze, classi condividevano una cultura comune. La gente in una casa di cura in Florida, in una capanna di tronchi nel Maine sono stati in grado di conoscere le stesse persone, osservare l ...


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