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  2014考研英语图画作文预测:过度浪费资源   2014考研英语图画作文预测:过度浪费资源的延伸阅读— —2014考研英语作文必背十大模板   考研英语作文,你是选择背模板还是提升英语写作自己写?两方面见 ...
2013-11-30 14:36
  2014考研英语图画作文预测:过度浪费资源   2014考研英语图画作文预测:过度浪费资源的延伸阅读— —2014考研英语作文必背十大模板   考研英语作文,你是选择背模板还是提升英语写作自己写?两方面见 ...
2013-11-30 14:36
掌握三大方法 灵活准备考研英语作文写作
  掌握三大方法 灵活准备考研英语作文写作   既然背范文是比较适合的复习方法,那为什么很多考生还是反映写作非常难呢?教师们经常纳闷:"就几十篇文章,一篇文章200词,加在一起的背诵量不过数千词,即使每篇文 ...
2013-11-30 14:34
  2014考研英语图画作文预测:未来的城市   2014考研英语图画作文预测:未来的城市的延伸阅读— —2014考研英语作文必背十大模板   考研英语作文,你是选择背模板还是提升英语写作自己写?两方 ...
2013-11-30 14:33
  2014考研英语图画作文预测:乱贴小广告   2014考研英语图画作文预测:乱贴小广告的延伸阅读— —2014考研英语作文必背十大模板   考研英语作文,你是选择背模板还是提升英语写作自己写?两方面见解相 ...
2013-11-30 14:32
  2014考研英语图画作文预测:乡村巨变   2014考研英语图画作文预测:乡村巨变的延伸阅读— —2014考研英语作文必背十大模板   考研英语作文,你是选择背模板还是提升英语写作自己写?两方面见 ...
2013-11-30 14:31
  2014考研英语图画作文预测:网络种菜   2014考研英语图画作文预测:网络种菜的延伸阅读— —2014考研英语作文必背十大模板   考研英语作文,你是选择背模板还是提升英语写作自己写?两方面见解相 ...
2013-11-30 14:26
  2014考研英语图画作文预测:信息甄别   2014考研英语图画作文预测:信息甄别的延伸阅读— —2014考研英语作文必背十大模板   考研英语作文,你是选择背模板还是提升英语写作自己写?两方面见解相持 ...
2013-11-30 14:25
  2014考研英语图画作文预测:网络双刃剑   2014考研英语图画作文预测:网络双刃剑的延伸阅读— —2014考研英语作文必背十大模板   考研英语作文,你是选择背模板还是提升英语写作自己写?两方面见解相 ...
2013-11-30 14:21
  【考研作文高分必备】从普通词到高级词的阶梯(第一讲)   1. important=   crucial (extremely important)   significant (amount or effect large enough to be important)   2. common=   universal ...
2013-11-30 14:02
  【考研作文高分必备】从普通词到高级词的阶梯(第二讲)   26. hard-working=   assiduous (someone who is assiduous works hard or does things very thoroughly)   27. difficult=   arduous (if some ...
2013-11-30 14:02
  【考研作文高分必备】从普通词到高级词的阶梯(第二讲)   26. hard-working=   assiduous (someone who is assiduous works hard or does things very thoroughly)   27. difficult=   arduous (if some ...
2013-11-30 14:02
  【考研作文高分必备】从普通词到高级词的阶梯(第三讲)   50. hot=   boiling (very hot)   51. dangerous=   perilous (very dangerous)   hazardous(dangerous, especially to people's safety and ...
2013-11-30 14:01
  【考研英语作文必备】从普通词到高级词的阶梯(第四讲)   76. satisfy=   gratify (if you are gratified by something, it gives you pleasure and satisfaction)   77. short=   fleeting (lasting fo ...
2013-11-30 14:00
  化腐朽为神奇:作文词句提升闪光点的七种武器   这些技巧不难,只是改动一个词或者一个词组就能提升你的语言的地道性。建议每篇文章用3-5个,可以在文章中增加闪光点。   1、强调名词【very+名词】   有 ...
2013-11-30 13:59
  高分考研,英语作文金牌句型(一)   1.There be结构   1) There are other techniques that might help you with you studying.   2) There is more entertainment in a good book than is a month of typ ...
2013-11-30 13:57
高分考研 英语作文金牌句型(二)
  高分考研,英语作文金牌句型(二)   3.动名词或分词结构   1) Improving your study habits will improve your grades.   2) Teaching gives me pace, and variety, and challenge, and the opportunity t ...
2013-11-30 13:57
高分考研 英语作文金牌句型(三)
  高分考研,英语作文金牌句型(三)   10.表示对比和比较   1) Of all American cities, San Francisco is considered by many to be by far the most beautiful.   2) Jobs and work do much more than mos ...
2013-11-30 13:56
高分考研 英语作文金牌句型(四)
  高分考研,英语作文金牌句型(四)   14.表示采取措施   1) The government is taking effective(有效的)measures to overcome current difficulties.   2) We are making further efforts to decrease the ...
2013-11-30 13:55
高分考研 英语作文金牌句型(四)
  高分考研,英语作文金牌句型(四)   14.表示采取措施   1) The government is taking effective(有效的)measures to overcome current difficulties.   2) We are making further efforts to decrease the ...
2013-11-30 13:55
高分考研 英语作文金牌句型(五)
  高分考研,英语作文金牌句型(五)   17.表示存在的问题   1)One of the greatest problems facing the 21st century will be what to do with all the rubbish produced in the world.   2) The frequent ...
2013-11-30 13:54
  2012年考研英语作文常用表达同义替换词   1. 动词(词组):   absorb-assimilate 吸收   agree partly-agree with reserve 有保留地赞同   arouse-ignite/stimulate/spur/motivate 引起;鼓励   change ...
2013-11-30 13:53
  2012年考研英语作文常用表达同义替换词   1. 动词(词组):   absorb-assimilate 吸收   agree partly-agree with reserve 有保留地赞同   arouse-ignite/stimulate/spur/motivate 引起;鼓励   change ...
2013-11-30 13:53
  考研英语:写好考研英语作文就这么简单   优秀作文必备的几大要素   有的人能写一些好句子,但是内容不够深刻不够连贯;有些人思维灵活,但是不知道如何布局与表达,更多的人则是对于英文作文都理不清一个所 ...
2013-11-30 13:49
  考研英语考前30天狂背作文(1)   第一章应用文写作   推荐信   结构要点推荐信是向收信人推荐某人做某事的信件,一般分为三个部分:   1.指出被推荐的人及推荐的原因;   2.介绍被推荐人的情况;   3. ...
2013-11-30 13:46
  考研英语考前30天狂背作文(2)   3   Suppose one of your nieces is going to choose a major for the university. Write a letter in about 100 words to make a suggestion to her. Do not sign your nam ...
2013-11-30 13:45
  考研英语考前30天狂背作文(3)   感谢信   结构要点感谢信是就某事向收信人表示感谢的信件,分为三个部分:   1. 指出对方帮助自己的事情,表示感谢;   2. 展开叙述这件事;   3. 再次感谢,并可表示希 ...
2013-11-30 13:44
  考研英语考前30天狂背作文(13)   备忘录   结构要点备忘录是单位内部传递信息的文件,包括抬头和正文,其中抬头包含四个部分:   TO: 收阅者   FROM: 撰写者   SUBJECT: 主题   DATE: 日期   27 ...
2013-11-30 13:41
  考研英语考前30天狂背作文(4)   致歉信   结构要点致歉信是向收信人表示歉意的信件,包括三个部分:   1. 说明为何事而致歉;   2. 解释造成过失或不能履约的原因;   3. 再次致歉或提出解决方案。   ...
2013-11-30 13:40
  考研英语考前30天狂背作文(5)   祝贺信   结构要点祝贺信是由于某种原因向收信人道贺的信件,一般包含三个部分:   1. 点明要祝贺的事情,并向对方道贺;   2. 详述祝贺的事情;   3. 再次祝贺。   1 ...
2013-11-30 13:39
  考研英语考前30天狂背作文(6)   邀请信   结构要点邀请信是邀请收信人参加某项活动的书信,包含三个方面:   1. 邀请对方参加的活动的内容、时间和地点;   2. 与该活动有关的注意事项;   3. 期待对方 ...
2013-11-30 13:38
  考研英语考前30天狂背作文(7)   投诉信   结构要点投诉信是对产品或服务表示不满的信件,一般分三个部分:   1. 提出投诉内容;   2. 说明具体情况;   3. 提出解决办法。   15   Write a letter c ...
2013-11-30 13:37
  考研英语考前30天狂背作文(8)   询问信   结构要点询问信是希望获取信息的信件,分为三个部分:   1. 说明自己的计划或目的,也就是询问信息的原因;   2. 征询具体信息;   3. 期待回复并表示感谢。 ...
2013-11-30 13:36
  考研英语考前30天狂背作文(9)   介绍信   结构要点介绍信是向收信人介绍某人的信件,包含三个部分:   1. 说明被介绍人的身份;   2. 提出希望收信人做的事情;   3. 如果是请收信人关照被介绍人,表示 ...
2013-11-30 13:35
  考研英语考前30天狂背作文(10)   申请信   结构要点申请信是向收信人提出某个请求的信件,包含三个部分:   1. 提出请求;   2. 说明原因;   3. 请求回复并表示感谢。   21   Write a letter in a ...
2013-11-30 13:34
  考研英语考前30天狂背作文(11)   便 笺   结构要点便笺也叫做便条,是一种简便的信函,形式简单,可用于询问、道歉、请假、约会、留言、归还东西等很多事由。   23   Suppose you have received a shor ...
2013-11-30 13:33
  考研英语考前30天狂背作文(12)   通 知   结构要点通知的目的是传递信息或分配工作,包含内容、时间和地点。如果是活动,应包含参加的人员范围;如果是讲座或报告,应包含演讲人的简介。   25   Write a ...
2013-11-30 13:29
  考研英语考前30天狂背作文(14)   简 历   结构要点简历是个人经历的书面表达形式,应包含个人信息、教育背景和工作经历。有时还可包含事业目标(objective或career objective)、其他经历(activities)、获奖 ...
2013-11-30 13:27
  考研英语考前30天狂背作文(14)   简 历   结构要点简历是个人经历的书面表达形式,应包含个人信息、教育背景和工作经历。有时还可包含事业目标(objective或career objective)、其他经历(activities)、获奖 ...
2013-11-30 13:27
  考研英语考前30天狂背作文(15)   一、 命题作文   命题作文又叫提纲式作文,是1996年及以前历年考研使用的模式,再考的可能性已非常小了,但它是各种写作的基础。这类作文主要可分为观点类与办法类。   1 ...
2013-11-30 13:26
  考研英语考前30天狂背作文(16)   2.办法类   办法类文章的题目通常是以"How to"开头的,这一类的文章数量相当多。办法类文章分为三类:第一类是社会生活中的重大问题;第二类是令人担忧的社会问题;第三类是 ...
2013-11-30 13:25
  考研英语考前30天狂背作文(17)   三、 图画作文   图画作文在最近九年中考了八次,可谓占据了大作文的统治地位。图画作文可分为图片、漫画与照片等多种。图画作文总体上比图表作文的结构变化多,更为灵活, ...
2013-11-30 13:24
  考研英语考前30天狂背作文(18)   1Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay in which you should:   1. describe the drawing,   2. interpret its meaning, and   3. make your com ...
2013-11-30 13:24
  考研英语考前30天狂背作文(20)   4Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay in which you should:   1. describe the drawing,   2. interpret its meaning, and   3. make your com ...
2013-11-30 13:18
  考研英语考前30天狂背作文(20)   4Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay in which you should:   1. describe the drawing,   2. interpret its meaning, and   3. make your com ...
2013-11-30 13:16
  考研英语考前30天狂背作文(19)   6Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay in which you should:   1. describe the drawing,   2. interpret its meaning, and   3. make your com ...
2013-11-30 13:15
  考研英语考前30天狂背作文(21)   6Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay in which you should:   1. describe the drawing,   2. interpret its meaning, and   3. make your com ...
2013-11-30 13:10
  考研英语考前30天狂背作文(22)   9Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay in which you should:   1. describe the drawing,   2. interpret its meaning, and   3. make your com ...
2013-11-30 13:09
  考研英语考前30天狂背作文(23)   11Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should:   1. describe the picture;   2. interpret the meaning of the picture;   3. m ...
2013-11-30 13:08
  考研英语考前30天狂背作文(24)   13Study the following pictures carefully and write an essay in which you should:   1. describe the picture;   2. interpret the meaning of the picture;   3. ...
2013-11-30 13:07
  考研英语考前30天狂背作文(25)   17Study the following pictures carefully and write an essay in which you should:   1. describe the picture;   2. interpret the meaning of the picture;   3. ...
2013-11-30 13:05
  考研英语考前30天狂背作文(27)   22Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay in which you should:   1. describe the drawing,   2. interpret its meaning, and   3. make your co ...
2013-11-30 13:04
  考研英语考前30天狂背作文(26)   19Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay in which you should:   1. describe the drawing,   2. interpret its meaning, and   3. make your co ...
2013-11-30 13:02
  考研英语考前30天狂背作文(29)   26Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay in which you should:   1. describe the drawing,   2. interpret its meaning, and   3. make your co ...
2013-11-30 12:59
  考研英语考前30天狂背作文(28)   24Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should:   1. describe the picture;   2. point out the reasons for this phenomenon;   ...
2013-11-30 12:56
  考研英语考前30天狂背作文(30)   28Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should:   1. describe the picture;   2. list the advantages and disadvantages of urban ...
2013-11-30 12:50
  考研英语考前30天狂背作文(31)   30Study the following table carefully and write an essay in which you should:   1. describe the table;   2. interpret the trend;   3. make your comments.   ...
2013-11-30 12:49
  考研英语考前30天狂背作文(32)   32Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should:   1. describe the picture;   2. interpret the meaning of the picture;   3. d ...
2013-11-30 12:48
  考研英语考前30天狂背作文(33)   34Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should:   1. describe the picture;   2. interpret the meaning of the picture;   3. m ...
2013-11-30 12:48
  考研英语考前30天狂背作文(34)   36Study the following pictures carefully and write an essay in which you should:   1. describe the picture;   2. interpret the meaning of the picture;   3. ...
2013-11-30 12:47
  考研英语考前30天狂背作文(35)   38Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should:   1. describe the picture;   2. interpret the meaning of the picture;   3. m ...
2013-11-30 12:46
  考研英语考前30天狂背作文(36)   40Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay in which you should   1) describe the drawing,   2) give possible reasons for the phenomenon;    ...
2013-11-30 12:45
考前30天狂背作文 第三章 范文点评(57)
  考前30天狂背作文 第三章 范文点评(57)   Direction 30   Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay in which you should   1) describe the drawing,   2) give possible reasons f ...
2013-11-30 12:41
考前30天狂背作文 第三章 范文点评(56)
  考前30天狂背作文 第三章 范文点评(56)   Direction 29   Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should:   1. describe the picture;   2. point out the serious c ...
2013-11-30 12:40
考前30天狂背作文 第三章 范文点评(55)
  考前30天狂背作文 第三章 范文点评(55)   Direction 28   Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should:   1. describe the picture,   2. interpret the meaning o ...
2013-11-30 12:40
考前30天狂背作文 第三章 范文点评(54)
  考前30天狂背作文 第三章 范文点评(54)   Direction 27   Study the following pictures carefully and write an essay in which you should:   1. describe the pictures;   2. interpret the meaning ...
2013-11-30 12:39
考前30天狂背作文 第三章 范文点评(53)
  考前30天狂背作文 第三章 范文点评(53)   Direction 26   Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should:   1. describe the picture;   2. interpret the meaning o ...
2013-11-30 12:38
考前30天狂背作文 第三章 范文点评(52)
  考前30天狂背作文 第三章 范文点评(52)   Direction 25   Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should:   1. describe the picture;   2. interpret the meaning o ...
2013-11-30 12:37
考前30天狂背作文 第三章 范文点评(51)
  考前30天狂背作文 第三章 范文点评(51)   Direction 24   Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should:   1. describe the picture,   2. interpret the meaning o ...
2013-11-30 12:36
考前30天狂背作文 第三章 范文点评(50)
  考前30天狂背作文 第三章 范文点评(50)   Direction 23   Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should:   1. describe the picture;   2. interpret the meaning o ...
2013-11-30 12:31
考前30天狂背作文 第三章 范文点评(49)
  考前30天狂背作文 第三章 范文点评(49)   Direction 22   Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should:   1. describe the picture;   2. interpret the meaning o ...
2013-11-30 12:29
考前30天狂背作文 第三章 范文点评(48)
  考前30天狂背作文 第三章 范文点评(48)   Direction 21   Read the following story carefully and write an essay in which you should:   1. retell the story briefly;   2. interpret the meaning; ...
2013-11-30 12:28
考前30天狂背作文 第三章 范文点评(48)
  考前30天狂背作文 第三章 范文点评(48)   Direction 21   Read the following story carefully and write an essay in which you should:   1. retell the story briefly;   2. interpret the meaning; ...
2013-11-30 12:27
考前30天狂背作文 第三章 范文点评(47)
  考前30天狂背作文 第三章 范文点评(47)   Direction 20   Study the following table carefully and write an essay in which you should:   1. describe the table;   2. interpret the trend;   3. ...
2013-11-30 12:15
考前30天狂背作文 第三章 范文点评(46)
  考前30天狂背作文 第三章 范文点评(46)   Direction 19   Study the following table carefully and write an essay in which you should:   1. describe the table;   2. give possible reasons for t ...
2013-11-30 12:14
考前30天狂背作文 第三章 范文点评(45)
  考前30天狂背作文 第三章 范文点评(45)   Direction18   Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should:   1. describe the picture,   2. list the advantages and ...
2013-11-30 12:11
考前30天狂背作文 第三章 范文点评(44)
  考前30天狂背作文 第三章 范文点评(44)   Directions 17   Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should:   1. describe the picture;   2. interpret the meaning; ...
2013-11-30 12:11
考前30天狂背作文 第三章 范文点评(43)
  考前30天狂背作文 第三章 范文点评(43)   Directions 16   Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should:   1. describe the picture;   2. interpret the meaning; ...
2013-11-30 12:09
考前30天狂背作文 第三章 范文点评(43)
  考前30天狂背作文 第三章 范文点评(43)   Directions 16   Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should:   1. describe the picture;   2. interpret the meaning; ...
2013-11-30 12:09
考前30天狂背作文 第三章 范文点评(42)
  考前30天狂背作文 第三章 范文点评(42)   Directions15   Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should:   1. describe the picture;   2. give your comment;    ...
2013-11-30 12:07
中华会计网校 新东方网络课堂 中华会计网校会计继续教育 新东方网校 环球网校 中公网校

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