


2012-4-12 15:12| 发布者: as2113710| 查看: 8721| 评论: 15

摘要: 考研英语难句突破300句(三十一)  10. sad to say,this project has turned out to be mostly low-level findings about factual errors and spelling and grammar mistakes,combined with lots of head-scratchi ...


  10. sad to say,this project has turned out to be mostly low-level findings about factual errors and spelling and grammar mistakes,combined with lots of head-scratching puzzlement about what in the world those readers really want.

  「译文」 遗憾的是,这一计划结果只是获得了一些肤浅的发现,诸如事实有误,拼写和语法错误,另外还有许多令人挠头的困惑,譬如读者到底想读些什么。

  「析句」 本句主语是this project,谓语是has turned out to be,findings为宾语,mostly low-level是宾语的定语修饰成分,about factual errors and spelling and grammar mistakes是宾语的补语成分。combined with lots of…really want是过去分词引导的伴随状语,其中about what in the world those readers really want是 puzzlement的定语。注意lots of headscratching puzzlement about what in the world those readers really want这一部分并不包含在findings里面,low-level findings和puzzlement是并列的关系,它们都是这次调查的结果。

  「讲词」 factual意为“事实的;属于事实的;真实的”。head-scratching意为“挠头的”,即让人感到麻烦的。

  11. in other words, there is a conventional story line in the newsroom culture that provides a backbone and a ready-made narrative structure for otherwise confusing news.

  「译文」 换言之,在新闻采编室的文化中存在着一套约定俗成的写作模式,它为纷繁复杂的新闻报道提供了一个主干框架和一个现成的故事叙述结构。

  「析句」 本句的主干是there is a conventional story line,后面的句子成分( that provides a backbone and a ready-made narrative structure for otherwise confusing news)是定语从句,修饰conventional story line.


  「讲词」 a story line是指新闻报道的主线。

  newsroom culture指“新闻采编室文化”,即新闻采编室的工作环境和动作方式。这里的“文化”是一种狭义的文化,指工作环境的氛围。

  backbone本义为“脊柱”,此处是“主干”。 he is a man of backbone.(他是有骨气的人。)

  the older employees are the backbone of the industry.(老员工是这一行业的骨干。)

  12. there exists a social and cultural disconnect between journalists and their readers,which helps explain why the “stan-dard templates” of the newsroom seem alien to many readers.

  「译文」 新闻记者和读者之间存在着社会和文化方面的脱节,这就是为什么新闻编辑室的“标准模式”似乎与许多读者的意趣相差甚远。

  「析句」 此句是一个以there引导的句子,exist是系动词,表语(a social and cultural disconnect)后接一个同位语从句(which helps explain why the “standard templates” of the newsroom seem alien to many readers),对a social and cultural disconnect加以说明。

  「讲词」 disconnect意为“拆开,分离,断开”,在这里作名词。依据句子的意思,译成“脱节”比较合适。

  alien本义为“异国的”或“外国人,外侨,外星人”,在句中意为“全然不同的,相差甚远的”。standard templates意为“标准模式”或“标准模板”,熟悉计算机的人应该更能明白这个概念。

  13. the astonishing distrust of the news media isn't rooted in inaccuracy or poor reportorial skills but in the daily clash of world views between reporters and their readers.

  「译文」 对新闻媒介这种令人震惊的不信任,其根源并非是报道失实或低下的报道技巧,而是记者与读者的世界观每天都发生着碰撞。

  「析句」 本句的主干是the astonishing distrust of the news media isn't rooted.两个分词短语充当句子的状语。

  另外注意not… but结构中,but后面的部分一般总是阅读的重点。

  「讲词」 to be rooted in意为“根源在于”。his attitude towards women is rooted in his upbringing.(他对女人的态度源自于他的教养。)

  14. if it did,it would open up its diversity program,now focused narrowly on race and gender,and look for reporters who differ broadly by outlook,values,education,and class.

  「译文」 如果真是这样,那就会实行其多样化计划,寻找那些世界观、价值观、教育水平和社会阶层反差巨大的记者,而现在的计划只是单纯考虑招收不同种族和性别的员工。

  「析句」 本句是一个虚拟语句。it代表上文提到的a troubled business,即“问题重重的新闻界”。主语it跟了两个并列的谓语成分,一是would open up its diversity program,二是(would)look for reporters.reporters后面跟了一个定语从句。now focused narrowly on race and gender是插入语,作program的定语。

  「讲词」 diversity意为“差异;多样化,多样性”。charles darwin saw in the diversity of species the principles of evolution that operated to generate the species: variation,competition and selection.(查尔斯·达尔文在物种的多样性中发现了致使物种产生的进化原则:变异、竞争、选择。)









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