


2012-2-23 16:34| 发布者: dadax| 查看: 498| 评论: 0

摘要:   中考英语语法讲解资料及练习:宾语从句   一个句子如果加上宾语从句,句子显然变复杂了,也变的difficult了,其实,你大可不必发愁。只要掌握好宾语从句的用法,一切问题就迎刃而解了。   宾语从句由关系代 ...
  以that引导的宾语从句。    如:I hear that you have passed the examination. Good luck!
  以if 和whether引导的宾语从句。   如:I don't know if you can come tomorrow.
  以连接代词或连接副词引导的宾语从句。   如:Please tell me how you can get here.
  1. She asked me if I knew _______.
  A. whose pen is it
  B. whose pen it was
  C. whose pen it is
  D. whose pen was it
  2. I don't know _______ he still lives here after so many years.
  A. whether
  B. where
  C. what
  D. when
  3. I don't know ______ he will come tomorrow. _______ he comes, I'll tell you.
  A. if, whether
  B. whether, whether
  C. if, That
  D. if, If
  4. The small children don't know ________.
  A. what is their stockings in
  B. where is in their stockings
  C. where is their stocking in
  D. what in their stockings
  5. Can you tell me ________?
  A. when does the ship leave
  B. when the ship will leave
  C. when the ship leave
  D. when will the ship leave
  6. Can you tell me ______?
  A. when did he come
  B. when he came
  C. when did he came
  D. he came when
  7. Can you tell me ______ the radio ?
  A. how did he mend
  B. what did he mend
  C. how he mended
  D. what he mended
  8. He asked his father _________.
  A. where it happens
  B. where did it happen
  C. how it happened
  D. how did it happen
  9. I didn't know what colour_________.
  A. is the bag
  B.the bag is
  C. was the bag
  D. the bag was
  10. Could you tell me ______ with the money?
  A. how to do
  B. what should I do
  C. how should I do
  D. what I should do
  1.We are _____ going to the factory and work there.
  A. briefly
  B. lately
  C. recently
  D. shortly
  2.For most students, their teacher's advice is more important than ______ of their parents.
  A. one
  B. what
  C. which
  D. that
  3.They talked in a low voice ______ be heard by others.
  A. so not as to
  B. so as not to
  C. so as to not
  D. so as to
  4.Not until this evening ______ that the meeting had been put off.
  A. I did know
  B. did I know
  C. I knew
  D. I have known
  5.We are looking forward to seeing you again,and we'll be very disappointed if you ______.
  A. didn't come
  B. haven't come
  C. won't come
  D.don't come
  6.If I _______ there earlier, I ________ him.
  A. had arrived ,would have met
  B. have arrived, would have
  C. arrived, have met
  D. arrived, had met
  7.Lily is said ______ for London last month.
  A. to have left
  B. to leave
  C. to be leaving
  D. to be left
  8.Life on earth ______ impossible unless we stop destroying the forest and poisoning the oceans.
  A. was
  B. has been
  C. will have been
  D. will be
  9.The twins will go fishing with us this weekend _______ they are free.
  A. though
  B. if
  C. whether
  D. but
  10. --______ we go at 8:00? --What about _______ it a little earlier?
  A. Shall, making
  B. Shall, to make
  C. Will, making
  D. Will, make
  11.New York is bigger than ______ in the United States.
  A. any other city
  B. any cities
  C. any city
  D. other cities
  12.Her mother ______ for more than three years.
  A. has died
  B. had died
  C. is dead
  D. has been dead
  13.All the guests _______ got to the classroom on time.
  A. invited
  B. being invited
  C. inviting
  D. to be invited
  14.At twelve that night we arrived in the village _______ we once lived.
  A. what
  B. which
  C. where
  D. that
  15.He ran from house to house, ______ people the good news.
  A. told
  B. telling
  C. tell
  D. to tell
  一、每天保证8小时睡眠 晚上不要熬夜,定时就寝。中午坚持午睡。充足的睡眠、饱满的精神是提高效率的基本要求。
  二、学习时要全神贯注 玩的时候痛快玩,学的时候认真学。一天到晚伏案苦读,不是良策。学习到一定程度就得休息、补充能量。学习之余,一定要注意休息。但学习时,一定要全身心地投入,手脑并用。我学习的时侯常有陶渊明的“虽处闹市,而无车马喧嚣”的境界,只有我的手和脑与课本交流。
  三、坚持体育锻炼 身体是“学习”的本钱。没有一个好的身体,再大的能耐也无法发挥。因而,再繁忙的学习,也不可忽视放松锻炼。有的同学为了学习而忽视锻炼,身体越来越弱,学习越来越感到力不从心。这样怎么能提高学习效率呢?
  四、学习要主动 只有积极主动地学习,才能感受到其中的乐趣,才能对学习越发有兴趣。有了兴趣,效率就会在不知不觉中得到提高。有的同学基础不好,学习过程中老是有不懂的问题,又羞于向人请教,结果是郁郁寡欢,心不在焉,从何谈起提高学习效率。这时,唯一的方法是,向人请教,不懂的地方一定要弄懂,一点一滴地积累,才能进步。如此,才能逐步地提高效率。
  五、保持愉快的心情,和同学融洽相处 每天有个好心情,做事干净利落,学习积极投入,效率自然高。另一方面,把个人和集体结合起来,和同学保持互助关系,团结进取,也能提高学习效率。
  六、注意整理 学习过程中,把各科课本、作业和资料有规律地放在一起。待用时,一看便知在哪。而有的学生查阅某本书时,东找西翻,不见踪影。时间就在忙碌而焦急的寻找中逝去。我认为,没有条理的学生不会学得很好。
  总结 学习必须讲究方法,而改进学习方法的本质目的,就是为了提高学习效率。学习效率的高低,是一个学生综合学习能力的体现。在学生时代,学习效率的高低主要对学习成绩产生影响。当一个人进入社会之后,还要在工作中不断学习新的知识和技能,这时候,一个人学习效率的高低则会影响他(或她)的工作成绩,继而影响他的事业和前途。可见,在中学阶段就养成好的学习习惯,拥有较高的学习效率,对人一生的发展都大有益处。可以这样认为,学习效率很高的人,必定是学习成绩好的学生(言外之意,学习成绩好未必学习效率高)。因此,对大部分学生而言,提高学习效率就是提高学习成绩的直接途径。提高学习效率并非一朝一夕之事,需要长期的探索和积累。前人的经验是可以借鉴的,但必须充分结合自己的特点。影响学习效率的因素,有学习之内的,但更多的因素在学习之外。首先要养成良好的学习习惯,合理利用时间,另外还要注意“专心、用心、恒心”等基本素质的培养,对于自身的优势、缺陷等更要有深刻的认识。总之,“世上无难事,只怕有心人。”







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