


2014-1-17 16:01| 发布者: bjangel| 查看: 125| 评论: 0

摘要: 托福口语考试实例解析  托福口语考试实例解析。新托福口语练习可以将所有的题材分类进行,把经常考的一些类似口语问题归类汇总,这样有利于复习时的思路。下面,和小编一起来看看吧:  托福口语是大家在托福考试 ...

  Alone or Group
  Choice A: alone
  - set own schedule
  - focus on priorities
  - concentration
  Choice B: group
  - share work
  - motivation
  - company
  Topic sentence
  - I have learned that I definitely prefer to study alone because I am more successful this way.
  Supporting sentence
  - I like to set a schedule according to what I have to study.
  - I focus my weaker areas; they might not be the ones a study group would choose.
  - Organizing my study time allows me to control the pace an atmosphere.
  Closing sentence (optional)
  Without other people around me I can concentrate fully on the work and take in the material more efficiently.
  I have learned that I definitely prefer to study alone because I am more successful this way. The method I like to follow is to set a schedule for myself according to what I must study. If I divide it into units I can manage the workload better. Mostly, I focus on my weaker areas. There are my priority areas but they might not be the ones a study group chooses to work on.While a study group sounds like it might be fun and a way to share the work, my study time is more effective when I plan it alone. Organizing my own study time allows me to control the pace as well as the atmosphere of my study sessions.Without other people around me I can concentrate fully on the work and take in the material more efficiently.
  In person or By letter
  Choice A: in person
  - take action instantly
  - get quicker response
  - express your disappointment
  Choice B: by letter
  - document the details
  - clam down
  - ask for action
  Topic sentence
  - Despite the temptation to complain immediately, I prefer to keep a cool head and wait to write a letter.
  Supporting sentence
  - A letter lets me document the incident.
  - The purpose of a letter is to file a formal record or complaint.
  - I need to find the person in authority.
  Closing sentence (optional)
  - By taking my time and writing a proper letter of complaint I can express my anger and let the store do something to make me feel better about my purchase.
  Despite the temptation to complain immediately, I prefer to keep a cool head and wait to write a letter. Complaining immediately does give some emotional satisfaction and the listener can see the very real upset I am feeling, but it might miss the point of complaining. A letter lets me document the incident and is less likely to end in hard feelings and yelling at someone. After all, the purpose of the letter is to file a formal record or complaint that must be dealt with. Perhaps the service person needs more training. furthermore, I need to find the person in authority that can act on my complaint. The manager might choose to apologize or to offer me a discount to make good on the store’s policy of good service to customers. By taking my time and writing a proper letter of complaint I can express my anger and let the store do something to make me feel better about my purchase.







  3、在描述时,应该尽量将抽象的话语具体化,不能很空泛地喊口号做呼吁,这样常常收效甚微。西方人习惯十分具体生动的描述,如描述环境很优美,不应该仅仅说“it's beautiful outside”,而可以去描述flowertreebird等细节,增强生动性。











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