


2012-7-16 10:42| 发布者: bjangel| 查看: 496| 评论: 0

摘要: 新概念英语第四册第三单元单词学习2shudder 不寒而栗【释义】 (of a person) tremble convulsively, typically as a result of fear or repugnance (人)战栗,打颤,发抖He shuddered with revulsion. 他因情绪突 ...

shudder 不寒而栗
【释义】 [noobj.](of a person) tremble convulsively, typically as a result of fear or repugnance (人)战栗,打颤,发抖 
He shuddered with revulsion. 他因情绪突变而战栗。
I shudder to think of retirement. 我想起退休的事就不寒而栗。
The train shuddered and edged forward. 火车震动着,徐徐向前开。
He slammed on the brakes and the car shuddered to a halt. 他猛踩刹车,车颤抖着停住了。
The news sent a shudder through the audience. 这消息使听众激动得直发抖。
She gave a little shudder when she touched his clammy hand.  摸到他湿冷的手时,她微微一颤。
repress, suppress a shudder 抑制住颤抖:
He repressed a shudder of disgust. 他不让自己因厌恶而颤抖。
The sight of the coffin sent a shudder through him. 看到那副棺材,他浑身一阵战慄。
with a shudder颤抖着
He remembered that awful moment with a shudder.  想起那可怕的时刻,他一阵战慄。
She shuddered involuntarily as he approached her. 他靠近她时,她不由自主地颤抖起来。
She shuddered at the memory of school exams.  想起学校的考试,她就一阵哆嗦。

court 追求
【释义】 [with obj.](dated)be involved with romantically, typically with the intention of marrying (旧)追求;恋爱;求爱;求婚 
He was courting a girl from the neighboring farm. 他在追求相邻农场的一个女孩。
We went to the cinema when we were courting. 我们恋爱时常去看电影。
go to court / take legal action 上法院;打官司 
They are trying to settle the squabble out of court. 他们正试图私下解决争端。
an out-of-court settlement私下了结
There were several courting couples in the park. 公园里有几对谈情说爱的男女。
bring into court 诉诸法律, [转]引为证据
bring to court 诉诸法律, [转]引为证据
clear the court 禁止旁听, 命旁人退席
go to court 上朝, 朝见君主; 上法院; 打官司
hold court 开庭, 开审, (国王)上朝
in court 在法庭上
laugh out of court 对...置之一笑, 讥笑, 嘲笑
out of court 【律】被驳回, 无诉讼权利; (论点, 计划等)不值得考虑, 不值一顾; 没有理由[根据]
pay one's court to 奉承, 献殷勤, (向女子)求爱[婚]
make one's court to 

The committee ruled any further discussion on the matter out of court. 委员会拒绝对此事进一步讨论。
My suggestion was ruled out of court because it was too expensive. 我的提议耗资太大,因此被否决。
This is the highest court in the land. 这是该国的最高法院。
They took their case to the appeal court. 他们把案子提请上诉法院审理。
We are prepared to go to court to get our compensation. 我们愿意打官司索赔。
Their neighbors took them to court. 他们的邻居把他们告上了法庭。
The case should not be allowed to go to court. 这个案子法庭不应当受理。
There wasn’t enough evidence to bring the case to court. 没有足够的证据可把此案提交法庭。
The dispute was settled out of court. 争端已庭外和解。
She is too young to appear before the court. 她年纪太小,不应出庭。
He will appear in court tomorrow charged with the murder. 他被控谋杀罪,明天出庭。
The court was presided over by Judge Owen. 那宗案件由欧文法官主持审理。

The court heard how the mother had beaten the 11-year-old boy. 法庭听取了这个母亲如何暴打那个11岁男孩的经过。
The court acquitted Reece of the murder of his wife. 法庭宣告里斯谋杀其妻的罪名不成立。
The court dismissed the appeal. 法院驳回了上诉。
The court upheld the plaintiff’s claim of unfair dismissal. 法院支持原告声称解雇不公平。
The court held that she was entitled to receive compensation. 法庭认定她有权获得赔偿。
She tried to get a court order to prevent him from coming near her. 她试图争取法院命令以阻止他接近自己。
He received a court summons for non-payment of tax. 他接到法院的欠税传票。
Divorce no longer requires a court appearance. 离婚不再需要出庭。
They could now face a court battle for compensation. 他们现在也许面临着一场争取赔偿的法庭之战。
She was appointed a high court judge in 1998. * 1998年,她获任命为高等法院法官。
He was found guilty at Swindon Crown Court. 他在斯温登刑事法庭被判有罪。
The case is now before the court. 这个案子现已提交法庭审理。
He was charged with contempt of court after shouting at a witness. 他因对证人大喊大叫而被控犯有藐视法庭罪。
The case will be heard by the court of appeal next month. 该案将于下月由上诉法院听证审理。
I don’t think that argument would stand up in a court of law. 我认为这个论据在法庭上站不住脚。
The child was made a ward of court when her parents were jailed. 孩子的父母进了监狱之后,她就由法院监护。
Off court she is just as aggressive as she is on the court. 球场下的她和球场上一样咄咄逼人。
The players have been on court for an hour. 选手们已经上场一个小时了。
He spent three months assiduously courting a newspaper editor. 他花了3个月殷勤地追求一位报社编辑。









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