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2015年6月英语六级高分经验:从英语零基础到六级576分  近日看到不少网友都在学习英语,都准备考四级,我很庆幸自己六级过了;虽然不能太说明什么,但是自己的口语和英语基础终归还是上去了,和老外做一些日常的沟 ...
2015-5-20 14:09
2015年大学英语六级听力快速提分技巧  5月份离6月中旬的英语四六级考试越来越近了,考生这时候一定在紧锣密鼓备战中。考前冲刺不光要有热情和精力还需要有技巧的进行,而冲刺阶段效果最好的两个提分部分就是写作与 ...
2015-5-20 14:07
2015年6月大学英语四级听力短文理解该如何应对?  从2013年12月份的考试起,四、六级考试的试卷结构和测试题型进行了局部调整。调整后的听力理解题包括:听力对话和听力短文。听力短文包括短文理解和短文听写,短 ...
2015-5-15 13:41
  1.阅卷流程   由于阅卷老师每人都需要在规定的时间内保质保量的阅完规定数量的试卷,因此实际上老师停留在每份试卷上的时间是非常的短的,甚至只有十几秒的时间。在阅卷之前,老师们会接受一个简短的培训,清 ...
2015-3-17 10:36
  通过扩充词汇量和总结归纳对英语六级阅读题目的理解,考生可以有效提升自己的英语六级阅读实力。以下为详细复习方法,欢迎大家参考学习。   1、扩充词汇量   虽然六级词汇(特别是里面的生词)可以在文章中能 ...
2015-3-17 10:35
  这个阶段一般是一个月,主要在单词和听力上下功夫。单词这个阶段采用狂背的方法,重点背诵四六级词汇,每天一百词左右,背诵三遍。辅助一遍四级重点词汇,这个阶段是非常重要的。   听力由于有了四级的基础, ...
2015-3-17 10:31
  汉→英   必做:   1.__________(鉴于她病情严重),they sent her for doctor.   2.The girl is like her mother__________(原因在于她的感情也很细腻)。   选做★:She probably didn’t attend the me ...
2011-11-19 20:50
  语法改错练习   必做:   1.The city was taken,the inhabitants fled.   2.A man escaped from the prison last night.It was a long time when the guards discovered what had happened.   选做★:Y ...
2011-11-19 20:48
  汉→英   必做:   1._______(很明显)that Jack has returned.   2._________(几乎所有行为都是学来的)is a basic assumption of social scientists.   选做★:His ability has never been in doubt,bu ...
2011-11-19 20:48
  难句翻译练习   必做:   1.After all, a little healthy worrying is okay if it leads to constructive action-like having a doctor look at that weird spot on your back.   2.Data show that econom ...
2011-11-19 20:47
  完形填空练习   1.Jean left__1__Russ turned back to write on the blackboard. I knew Russ avoid Jean pretended not to see her.But I really had no idea that what has Jean done___2__Russ should trea ...
2011-11-19 20:46
  语法改错练习   1.No one thought that Harry’s suggestion was worth to consider.   2.There to be no homework left,the pupils could do whatever they like.   选做★:To be given such a good cha ...
2011-11-19 20:45
  汉译英练习   1.Fred claimed_______________(在昨天的晚会上受到了很糟糕的招待)   2.The naughty girl said to her parents that she wanted to be a good girl and______(下定决心从头开始)   选做★: ...
2011-11-19 20:44
  翻译   1.Fred claimed_______________(在昨天的晚会上受到了很糟糕的招待)   2.The naughty girl said to her parents that she wanted to be a good girl and______(下定决心从头开始)   选做★:______ ...
2011-11-19 20:43
  语法改错练习   1.Do you think the reason why he gave is believable?   2.My boss even thought beer was the best drink which he had ever drunk.However,I just take it as the bitter water with bub ...
2011-11-19 20:43
 语法改错练习   1.Do you think the reason why he gave is believable?   2.My boss even thought beer was the best drink which he had ever drunk.However,I just take it as the bitter water with bubbl ...
2011-11-19 20:42
  翻译题   必做:   1.Through the window________(阵阵醉人的芳香飘了进来)   2.Especially important to many people_____(正是针对污染展开立法)   选做:   ★It’s said that________(人类此前从 ...
2011-11-19 20:41
  1.The more developed a legal system becomes, the more society takes responsibility for the discovery,control,and punishment of violent acts.   2.At the top of the list is the notion that intelli ...
2011-11-19 20:40
  必做题目:   1.Sometimes I wish I am living in a different time and a different place.   2.Had electronic computers not been invented,many problems on space flight could not be solved.   选 ...
2011-11-19 20:39
  翻译:   Therefore,with every increase of knowledge and skill,wisdom becomes more necessary,for every such increase augments our capacity for realizing our purposes,and therefore augments our ca ...
2011-11-19 20:38
 1.A more conclusive answer about life on Mars,past or present, would give researchers invaluable data about the range of conditions under which a planet can generate the complex chemistry that leads ...
2011-11-19 20:37
  If you are a man,you can point out that most poets and men of science are male;if you are woman,you can retort that so are most criminals.   【妙译】如果你是男人,你会指出,大多数诗人和科学家都 ...
2011-11-19 20:36
  以下是难句翻译,依然是针对六级高频考点—虚拟语气进行练习,虚拟语气是六级的常考语法   1.When I think about all the problems of our overpopulated world and look at our boy grabbing at the lamp by ...
2011-11-19 20:34
  1.So many students get failed in the final examination.It is strange that such a thing __1__in your school.It is important that the results of an experiment__2___.   1. happens happened   shou ...
2011-11-19 20:33
 1.So many students get failed in the final examination.It is strange that such a thing __1__in your school.It is important that the results of an experiment__2___.   1. happens happened   should ...
2011-11-19 20:31
英语杂志(7) Steve is also a voice-over performer with his own studio, as well as a published photographer and writer. He also does graphic design. He grew up in Baltimore, Maryland. He has been a ...
2011-8-12 20:04
英语杂志(6) Today we discuss three books that tell about ways the human brain works. One book considers the power of the brain in controlling why some people care about how someone else feels and ...
2011-8-12 20:03
英语杂志(5) Wisdom teethare normally the last teeth to appear. This usually happens when people are in their late teen years or early twenties -- in other words, when they are older and wiser. Wis ...
2011-8-12 20:01
英语杂志(4) Students inWashington, DC, will return to classrooms this month to begin a new school year. But at least five percent of theirteacherswill not return with them. Last month, the Distri ...
2011-8-12 20:01
英语杂志(3) West Berlin children at Tempelhof airport watch of American airplanes bringing in supplies in this undated photo STEVE EMBER: Welcome toTHE MAKING OF A NATION-American historyinVO ...
2011-8-12 19:59
英语杂志(2) Welcome toAMERICAN MOSAICinVOA Special English. (MUSIC) I'mDoug Johnson. This week on our show, we have music from a new album by the Swedish electronic group Little Dragon ... And we ...
2011-8-12 19:58
英语杂志(1) This is theVOA Special EnglishEconomics Report. A "rollercoaster ride" is one description for these days of scary ups and downs in financial markets. If you want to use a more technica ...
2011-8-12 19:56
新概念第一册笔记(44)补充教材 P28 -- Would you/Do you mind if I(did/do…)? -- May/Can I possibly do…? -- Do you think it would be possible for me to…? -- Is it OK if I…? -- I hope you didn’t ...
2011-8-6 23:02
新概念第一册笔记(43)Lesson 127 A famous actressKaren Marsh looks old.Karen Marsh doesn't look old.Doesn't Karen Marsh look old!I read she's only twenty-nine, but she must be at least forty.I'm sure ...
2011-8-6 23:00
新概念第一册笔记(42)Lesson 125 Tea for twowater v.浇水terribly adv.非常dry adj.干燥的,干的nuisance n.讨厌的东西或人mean(meant/meant) v.意味着,意思是surprise n.惊奇,意外的事waters水域/ watermelon ...
2011-8-6 22:59
新概念第一册笔记(41)语法讲解He is the man. He came here last week. whoHe is the man who came here last week.She is the woman. I served the woman yesterday. who/whomShe is the woman who I served yest ...
2011-8-6 22:59
新概念第一册笔记(40)Lesson 117 Tommy's breakfastWhen my husband wasgoing intothe dining room this morning,hedroppedsome coinson the floor.There were coins everywhere.Welookedfor them, but we could n ...
2011-8-6 22:58
新概念第一册笔记(39)Lesson 115 Knock, KnockIs there anyone at home?Is everything very quiet?What is Jim sure?What does Helen think?What does Helen ask Jim to do?Jim is knocking at the door.But there ...
2011-8-6 22:57
新概念第一册笔记(38)Lesson 113 Small changeconductor n.售票员fare n.车费,车票change v.兑换note n.纸币passenger n.乘客none pron.没有任何东西neither adv.也不get off下车tramp n.流浪汉except prep.除… ...
2011-8-6 22:57
新概念第一册笔记(37)Lesson 111 The most expensive modelmodel n.型号,式样afford v.付得起deposit n.预付定金instalment n.分期付款price n.价格millionaire n.百万富翁语法:interesting, expensive, difficu ...
2011-8-6 22:56
新概念第一册笔记(36)Lesson 109 A good ideaidea n.主意a little少许teaspoonful n.一满茶匙的less adj.较少的,更少的a few几个pity n.遗憾instead adv.代替advice n.建议,忠告idea含义较广opinion对某事具体的 ...
2011-8-6 22:56
新概念第一册笔记(35)Lesson 105 Full of mistakesspell v.拼写(spelt, spelt)intelligent adj.聪明的,有智慧的mistake n.错误present n.礼物dictionary n.词典mistake比较一般的错误blunder由于粗心大意犯的比较 ...
2011-8-6 22:55
新概念第一册笔记(34)Lesson 103 The French testexam n.考试pass v.及格,通过mathematics n.(maths是缩写)数学question n.(具体的某一个)问题easy adj.容易的enough adv.足够的paper n.考卷fail v.未及格 ...
2011-8-6 22:55
新概念第一册笔记(33)Lesson 101 A card from JimmyScotland n.苏格兰(英国)card n.明信片youth n.青年hostel n.招待所,旅馆(简易的)association n.协会soon adv.不久write(wrote, written) v.写name car ...
2011-8-6 22:54
新概念第一册笔记(32)Lesson 97 A small blue caseleave (left, left) v.遗留describe v.描述zip n.拉链labeln.标签handle n.提手,把手address n.地址pence n. penny的复数形式belong v.属于belong to补充材料:P ...
2011-8-6 22:54
新概念第一册笔记(31)Lesson 93 Our new neighbourpilot n.飞行员return v.返回New York n.纽约Tokyo n.东京Madrid n.马德里fly (flew, flown) v.飞行Athens n.雅典Berlin n.柏林Bombay n.孟买Geneva n.日内瓦Mosc ...
2011-8-6 22:53
新概念第一册笔记(30)Lesson 89 For salebelieve v.相信,认为may modal verb(用于请求许可)可以how long多长since prep.自从why adv.为什么sell v.卖,出售because conj.因为retire v.退休cost v.花费pound n. ...
2011-8-6 22:52
新概念第一册笔记(29)Lesson 85 Paris in the spring巴黎之春Paris n.巴黎cinema n.电影院film n.电影beautiful adj.漂亮的city n.城市never adv.从来没有ever adv.在任何时候现在完成时have/has been to曾经去过h ...
2011-8-6 22:52
新概念第一册笔记(28)Lesson 83 Going on holiday度假mess n.杂乱,凌乱pack v.包装,打包,装箱suitcase n.手提箱leave v.离开already adv.已经语法现在完成时:1表示在过去不确定的时间里发生的并与现在有关某种 ...
2011-8-6 22:51
新概念第一册笔记(27)Lesson 79 Carol's shopping list卡罗尔的购物单shopping n.购物list n.单子vegetable n.蔬菜need v.需要hope v.希望thing n.事情money n.钱make a shopping listhope to do sth.cabbage/pea/ ...
2011-8-6 22:50
新概念第一册笔记(26)Lesson 75 Uncomfortable shoes不舒适的鞋子ago adv.以前buy(bough) v.买pair n.双,对fashion n.(服装的)流行式样uncomfortable adj.不舒服的wear(wore) v.穿着语法宾语从句一般是名词或代 ...
2011-8-6 22:50
新概念第一册笔记(25)Lesson 73 The way to King Streetweek n.周London n.伦敦suddenly adv.突然地bus stop公共汽车站smile v.微笑pleasantly adv.愉快地understand (understood) v.懂,明白speak (spoke) v.讲, ...
2011-8-6 22:49
新概念第一册笔记(24)What you really value is not what you have, but what you miss.《新概念英语语法词汇练习》《新概念英语自学词典》Lesson 69 The car raceyear n.年race n.比赛(强调竞技性强、激烈的)to ...
2011-8-6 22:49
新概念第一册笔记(23)Lesson 67 The weekendgreengrocer n.蔬菜水果零售商absent adj.缺席的Monday n.星期一Tuesday n.星期二Wednesday n.星期三Thursday n.星期四keep v.(身体健康)处于(状况)spend v.度过wee ...
2011-8-6 22:48
新概念第一册笔记(22)No road is long with good company.company公司,朋友,陪伴有良友相伴,路途虽远并不遥远。With friends at one's side, the life displays all its value.有了朋友,生命才完整。Lesson 63 ...
2011-8-6 22:48
新概念第一册笔记(21)Lesson 61 A bad cold重感冒Health is a kind of freedom and comes first of all.feel v.感觉look v.看(起来)must modal verb必须call v.叫,请doctor n.医生telephone n.电话remember v. ...
2011-8-6 22:47
新概念第一册笔记(20)Lesson 58 What's the time?几点钟He usually shave at 7:00 o'clock, but today, he is shaving at 8:00.1 She usually drinks tea in the morning, but this morning, she is drinking coff ...
2011-8-6 22:46
新概念第一册笔记(19)If someone has deceived you, don't get angry with him, because everybody wants to make a living. And the way of life is so narrow that you cannot but run into others.It's nearly ...
2011-8-6 22:46
新概念第一册笔记(18)I think therefore I am.我思故我在。lesson 52 What nationality are they? Where do they come from?the U.S. n.美国- American:美国人Brazil n.巴西 - Brazilian:巴西人Holland n.荷兰 - ...
2011-8-6 22:45
新概念第一册笔记(17)Everything goes well with you.I wish everything goes well with all of you here as usual.There is only one good, that is knowledge, there is only one evil, that is ignorance.世界 ...
2011-8-6 22:30
新概念第一册笔记(16) Lesson 46 Can you…? lift v.拿起,搬起,举起 cake n.饼,蛋糕 biscuit n.饼干 Written exercises书面练习A page 92 Examples: He is taking his book. He can take his book. She is ...
2011-8-6 22:25
新概念第一册笔记(15) Lesson 41 Penny's bag彭妮的提包 cheese n.乳酪,干酪 bread n.面包 soap n.肥皂 chocolate n.巧克力 sugar n.糖 coffee n.咖啡 tea n.茶 tobacco n.烟草,烟丝 Who moved my cheese? ...
2011-8-6 22:25
六级相关 This week President Obama signed a bill raising the nation's borrowing limit. That debt deal, however, failed to keep stock markets from dropping. Prices fell sharply on growing economic co ...
2011-8-5 21:28
六级改错(9) 指代错误与冠词错误。同单复数一样,解指代错误题也要关注指代的对象到底是单数还是复数:(1)During the 1980s’ culture wars, school systems across the country pulled some books from library s ...
2011-8-5 21:20
六级改错(8) A--A型错误。所谓A--A型错误,就是指六级改错命题经常将形容词(adjective)与副词(adverb)混淆.这时我们的任务就是将文中的形容词换成它的副词形式,或将副词换成形容词:(1)Science should not only be ...
2011-8-5 21:19
六级改错(7) 单复数错误与主谓不一致错误。这个考点在六级改错中出现的也很频繁,同学们对这种错误也比较熟悉,做题时一定得仔细观察句子的主语:(1)Most education system neglect exploration, understanding an ...
2011-8-5 21:18
六级改错(6) ed型改错:(1)If you have to send one, make sure it is one taking in a professional setting…(06年1月六级改错第九题)这里的one指代前文的photo,我们都知道照相用take a photo,所以这里的one和t ...
2011-8-5 21:17
六级改错(5) -ing型与-ed型改错题。此类题一般是动词后面少了ing或ed,这种题经常出现,值得注意。  ing型改错题分两种情况:(1)介词后面或某些动词后面跟着的动词需要使用该动词的-ing形式(2)用一个逗号将一个动词 ...
2011-8-5 21:16
六级改错(4) 并列结构。这主要是指由and或or连接的几个并列成分在形式上必须保持一致.这一考点在历年六级改错中出现频率相当高,同学们要给予相当的重视.(1) At the heart of the NEA survey is the belief in(改 ...
2011-8-5 21:15
六级改错(3) 指代错误与冠词错误。同单复数一样,解指代错误题也要关注指代的对象到底是单数还是复数:(1)During the 1980s’ culture wars, school systems across the country pulled some books from library s ...
2011-8-5 21:15
六级改错(2) 单复数错误与主谓不一致错误。这个考点在六级改错中出现的也很频繁,同学们对这种错误也比较熟悉,做题时一定得仔细观察句子的主语:(1)Most education system neglect exploration, understanding an ...
2011-8-5 21:14
六级改错(1) 逻辑错误。  这种错误一般得根据上下文判断得出,分析这么多年六级改错的逻辑错误,答案无一例外都是将文中某个用错的词(很多情况下是一个形容词)改成它的反义词或添上一个否定词,这里要求同学们 ...
2011-8-5 21:13
Gre遣词造句(10) This is an outstanding response, even though it is not quite finished. The writer's views on the issue are so cogent, well articulated, and well developed that the writer was not ...
2011-8-5 21:00
Gre遣词造句(9) 下面的是ETS对它的评论 This is an outstanding response, even though it is not quite finished. The writer's views on the issue are so cogent, well articulated, and well developed th ...
2011-8-5 20:59
Gre遣词造句(8) campaign for civil rights. King urged小词的功力 his followers to withstand any abuse that they might encounter because the media will take their peacefulness into the homes of thei ...
2011-8-5 20:59
Gre遣词造句(7) 能够表达的!里面的用词hemilines/inches/cosmetics/accentruate/bobbed/haircuts都是我们学习的对象!但是不幸的是~我们即使学会用这些词汇~也写不出来这么自然的句子. The movies, as well as ...
2011-8-5 20:58
Gre遣词造句(6) 不单只不觉得累赘~而且非常通顺~显示了作者非常好的句子的多变~而且由于是belief作者后面用了challenged充分的为大环境作铺垫. From where was all this rebellion stemming?作者来了一个设问句~ ...
2011-8-5 20:57
Gre遣词造句(5) grandparents类似 it was a result of television and revolutionary并不直接说music而是加上了一个强烈的形容词~表示音乐对于人的影响是巨大的~为后问的观点作铺垫 music. No matter how the im ...
2011-8-5 20:57
Gre遣词造句(4) 学语言的或者对于语言有深入地研究,这些人一定是学过外语的人,(只可惜中国人词汇进入欧美的大部分是一些物质上面的包括dim sum点心,cheong-sam旗袍(长衫),等等都是香港人为中文在英语国 ...
2011-8-5 20:56
Gre遣词造句(3) 我们一直以为他的意思是“以什么为自豪”的意思,但是我们想想,以什么为自豪,不就是因为拥有了才自豪么?于是这就是have 的一个同义词,带着自豪的色彩,可以褒义用也可以贬义用,还有什么表 ...
2011-8-5 20:56
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