


2011-9-24 20:35| 发布者: 5688150| 查看: 171| 评论: 0

摘要: 新东方网络课堂:2011年职称英语考试理工类阅读理解训练题7 下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题,每题后面有4个选项。请仔细阅读短文并根据短文回答其后面的问题,从4个选项中选择1个最佳答案涂在答题卡相应的位置上 ...

  Most-Favored-Nation Treatment
  A tax placed on products because they go from one nation to another is called a tariff. Import duties are the most significant, most common, and most controversial of tariffs. They are used to raise money for a government, to protect domestic manufactures and agriculture, or to achieve a combination of both. The list of country’s import duties is called a tariff schedule. A single tariff schedule applies to all goods, no matter what their country of origin. A double or multicolumned(多列的)schedule provides for differing rates depending on the country of origin. Most modern trade agreements are made on the basis of what is called most-favored-nation treatment.
  A most-favored-nation treatment guarantees that any rights or concessions in trade made by either of the contracting nations to a third nation are also granted to the other party to the treaty. The clause is also a guarantee against discriminatory(歧视性的)trade practices. Because these clauses are included in international trade treaties, they have become a principle of international law as well as instruments of economic policy.
  The primary application of most-favored-nation status has always concerned the duties charged on imports. If, for example, Canada and Japan deal with each other on most-favored-nation terms, Canada could not place higher duties on Japanese television sets than it does on those imported from Korea. And, of course, any benefit granted to Korean imports would be given to Japan as well.
  There have traditionally been two forms of most-favored-nation treatment, conditional and unconditional. Under the conditional form, the contracting parties do not grant all the concessions made to a third country, only those concessions specifically bargained for. In the unconditional form, any tariff concession granted to a third party is also granted to the other party to the treaty.
  31 What are the chief purposes of charging duties on imports?
  A To put taxes on any products that to in and out of a country. 







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