


2014-12-30 17:22| 发布者: bjangel| 查看: 90| 评论: 0

摘要: 2015考研英语二作文真题深度解析2015年写作题型依然延续了一贯的考查方式:应用文+图表作文,非常符合英语二专硕的考查要求。但是具体来说,今年英语二的写作在考查难度上偏难,原因大部分在于考查内容出乎很多老师 ...


48. Directions:

Write an essay based on the following chart. In your writing, you should

1) interpret the chart, and

2) give your comments.

You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)


今年大作文依然考图表作文,文字规定部分只字未变,但是图表却发生了很大的改变。从2010年到2014年,英语二大作文考了4次柱形图、1次表格,但是从未考过饼图,由此不少老师认为大作文不太可能考饼图,但是今年恰恰考的就是饼图,这也就给大家的答题带来了难度。其实,仔细看一下,如表格一样,饼图反映的其实很大一部分就是各个部分之间的差异性,因此在写作时可以大部分借鉴表格的写作方法。除此之外饼图本身还反映了事物整体与部分之间的关系, 因此在应用表格描述方式时需要进行适当的调整,但是变化不大。



1. 直观评价。本句比较简单,可以直接用准备的句型,Here is a chart, simple but accurate.

2. 图表主题。先将“我国某市居民春节假期花销比例”译成英语,根据倒鱼钩翻译法,可译成the proportions of the Spring Festival‘s expense of the residents in a certain city in China.再套用课上所讲句型,即成It goes without saying that the chart records the proportions of the Spring Festival’s expense of the residents in a certain city in China, which successfully arouses our curiosity.

3. 主流趋势。在饼图中,主流趋势指的就是事物的整体与部分的关系,也就是其整体体现。在本题中,表现为“全部花销花在了各种各样不同的东西上面”。由此,套用固定句型,即是As is clearly reflected by the graph, the expense has been spent on totally different things.

4. 最大差异。饼图中此句指的就是部分与整体的关系,也就是每个部分占了整体多少比例。而且在这些比例中往往会存在最大值或最小值,那么这就是该部分与其他部分之间的差异性。本题中体现为用在“新年礼物”上面的花销占比最大,为40%.那么可以表达为Especially, the money used to buy the New Year‘s gifts accounts for 40% of the entire expense, which already outweighs all the others.

5. 过渡句。此句的作用就是总结第一段,铺垫第二段,可以直接用固定句型Definitely, what the chart reflects is supposed to be given further analysis.


首先,关键句。在这一部分,需要具体点明原因分析的对象,也就是第一段话中的第四句,但是需要注意的是不要全句照抄,而要将意思再用不同的语言表述出来。那么套用固定句即成Theoretically, several reasons may trigger the trend that people tend to spend more money to buy gifts during the Spring Festival, but as for my part, the following two are of great value.

其次,具体原因。对于春节期间人们更乐意将钱花在购买新年礼物上这一现象,其原因很多,包括春节在中国节日里面的重要性促使人们回家时购买大量礼物,以及春节期间各种礼物广告的泛滥变相鼓励了人们去花钱等等,当然还有其他的一些原因,大家可以自由发挥,只要合情合理即可。但是要注意:考虑到语言多样性的评分标准,写作时不可只用简单的单词或短语来衔接列举原因,因此可以用句子来列举,具体如下:On the top of list is that the current state of the affair may have been encouraged, though not justified, by the widely spreading advertisements of gifts. In addition, there is the other point that no one can ignore. It is universally acknowledged that the Spring Festival is the most important festival in our nation during which most people will buy gifts for their families and friends.


第三段中主要就上面分析的这一现象进行趋势预测,那么很明显在接下来的很长一段时间里春节期间人们都会花大量地钱来为身边的亲人、朋友购买新年礼物,这种形式将会持续下去。因此,按照之前准备的固定句型,可用Taking into account what has been discussed above, we may safely come to the conclusion that the present situation concisely conveyed by the pie chart will sustain in the forthcoming years.


Here is a pie chart, simple but accurate. It goes without saying that the chart records the proportions of the Spring Festival‘s expense of the residents in a certain city in China, which successfully arouses our curiosity. As is clearly reflected by the graph, the expense has been spent on totally different things. Especially, the money used to buy the New Year’s gifts accounts for 40% of the entire expense, which already outweighs all the others. Definitely, what the chart reflects is supposed to be given further analysis.

Theoretically, several reasons may trigger the trend that people tend to spend more money to buy gifts during the Spring Festival, but as for my part, the following two are of great value. On the top of list is that the current state of the affair may have been encouraged, though not justified, by the widely spreading advertisements of gifts. In addition, there is the other point that no one can ignore. It is universally acknowledged that the Spring Festival is the most important festival in our nation during which most people will buy gifts for their families and friends.

Taking into account what has been discussed above, we may safely come to the conclusion that the present situation concisely conveyed by the pie chart will sustain in the forthcoming years.





词汇始终是英语的基础,针对核心词汇,大家要坚持复习到最后一天。但是有些同学,为了面面俱到,避免考试时遇到生词,不惜在后期拿出宝贵的时间翻阅大量课外资料,不少人甚至还背起了字典。这种做法不能说毫无效果,但就应对考研英语来说是不必要的,且多数是事倍功半。根据以往经验,每年英语阅读中总会出三到五个超纲词汇,那没有必要花费时间在那上面。超纲的词是完全可以通过上下文猜到的。也就是不会的你可以在考试的时候现猜。   猜的技巧就是:上下文中肯定有和超纲词所在句子相关的句子,肯定可以找出和超纲词词性相近的词汇,再对比一下上下文的结构,就会发现,要么一句是另一句的同义替换,要么一句是另一句的深度解释。>>>>>>













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