


2015-7-3 17:12| 发布者: ajianwei| 查看: 178| 评论: 0

摘要:   2016考研英语完型填空模拟题及答案:worstobstacle   Having passed what I considered the worstobstacle, our spirits rose. We 1 towards the left ofthe cliff, where the going was better, 2 rathersteep ...


  Having passed what I considered the worstobstacle, our spirits rose. We 1 towards the left ofthe cliff, where the going was better, 2 rathersteeper. Here we found little snow, 3 most of itseemed to have been 4 off the mountain. There wasno 5 of the mountain in the distance because theclouds were forming all around us.

  About 1 o’clock a storm 6 suddenly. We had time to have 7 its approach but we wereconcentrating on cutting steps, and 8 we had time to do anything, we were blinded by snow.We could not move up or down and had to wait 9 , getting colder and colder. 10 my hood(兜帽), my nose and cheeks were frostbitten and I dared not take a hand out of my glove to warmthem.

  After two hours of this, I realized we would have to do 11 to avoid being frozen to deathwhere we stood. From time to time through the mist I had 12 the outline of a darkbuttress(扶壁)just above us, to descend in the wind was 13 question; our only hope was toscramble up to this buttress, and dig out a platform at the foot of it on which we could 14 ourtent.

  We climbed to this place and started to 15 the ice. At first my companion seemed toregard the 16 as hopeless but gradually the wind 17 and he cheered up. 18 we had made aplatform big enough to put up the tent, and we did this as 19 we could. We 20 into oursleeping bags and fell asleep, felling that we were lucky to be still alive.

  1. A. set B. got C. made D. took

  2. A even B. though C. so D. if

  3. A. when B. where C. as D. so that

  4. A. fallen B. flown C. split D. blown

  5. A. view B. vision C. look D. glimpse

  6. A. came up B. came out C. came over D. came on

  7. A. viewed B. noticed C. notified D. glanced

  8. A. after B. before C. unless D. until

  9. A. motionlessly B. constantly C. steadily D. continually

  10. A. In spite of B. In relation to C. In case of D. In the event of

  11. A. anything B. nothing C. something D. everything

  12. A. laid out B. made out C. drawn out D. marked out

  13. A. without B. in C. beyond D. out of date

  14. A. wrench B. wedge C. pad D. pinch

  15. A. cut down B. cut away C. cut out D. cut off

  16. A. position B. situation C. occupation D. orientation

  17. A. died out B. died off C. died back D. died down

  18. A. Instead of B. Furthermore C. Indeed D. At last

  19. A. well B. good C. best D. better

  20. A. climbed B. crashed C. crept D. crawled













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