


命题趋势 1. 侧重考根据逻辑关系判断的题目2. 固定搭配也是考察重点3. 语法考得较少 解题方法1. 浏览全文,了解文章大意及其组织结构在选择正确答案之前,先通读全文,了解文章大意。正确的选择不是孤立的,取决于考 ...
2011-11-20 19:52
  完型填空的具体解题方法,也就是我们在解完型填空题时应遵循的模式以及所应注意的问题。  1.完型填空的具体解题模式  完型填空的具体解题模式,大致是这样几个步骤:  首先是通读题干,把握文章的脉络, ...
2011-11-20 19:50
  引言:综合来讲,四级考试内容改革,的确对考生能力提出了更高更新的要求,但是只要考生能认真分析各种题型特点,总结合理应对的方法,新四级也并不可怕。单从翻译部分来看,老四级词汇与结构部分的重要词组,重 ...
2011-11-20 19:49
  引言:综合来讲,四级考试内容改革,的确对考生能力提出了更高更新的要求,但是只要考生能认真分析各种题型特点,总结合理应对的方法,新四级也并不可怕。单从翻译部分来看,老四级词汇与结构部分的重要词组,重 ...
2011-11-20 19:43
  考前准备   完形填空是一种高难度的综合性很强的语言水平测试。要想在考试中获取高分,必须抓好语言基本功。第一,考生应有扎实的语法和词汇功底。第二,考生必须具备一定的阅读理解能力。第三,临近考试前考 ...
2011-11-20 19:42
  1 a host of大量   2 a test for检测目的   3 a test on对……进行测试   4 a test with检测手段   5 above all最重要的;   6 according to根据   7 achieve equilibrium取得平衡   8 achieve one ...
2011-11-20 19:42
  1.词语,词组总结:可以是文章中的,也可以是选项中的,只要是自己陌生的,或是常考的词汇,就把它查清楚,吃透  2.长难句,佳句总结:有分析不清的长难句,或对写作有帮助的好句,总结出来,大家一起讨论注常考搭配1—up1 ...
2011-11-20 19:41
  解决完型填空的步骤:   完型填空目的:在于考查学员对于篇章结构的整体把握和对于微观细节的处理能力。不仅测试应试者词汇和语法上运用语言的能力,还测试应试者在语篇上综合运用语言结构的能力。完形填空中 ...
2011-11-20 19:40
体会:完形就是考查从宏观的结构、上下文到微观的词汇的综合实力,方方面面,稍不留心就会阴沟里翻船。 信心指数:100% Sevenyears ago, when I was visiting Germany, I met with an official whoexplained to ...
2011-11-20 19:40
  六级完型填空与翻译点评  翻译部分:  82、He designed the first suspension bridge, which combined beauty and function perfectly.(把美观与功能完美地结合起来)  82题考察的是非限制性定语从句和主谓 ...
2011-11-20 19:39
  解决完型填空的步骤:  完型填空目的:在于考查学员对于篇章结构的整体把握和对于微观细节的处理能力。不仅测试应试者词汇和语法上运用语言的能力,还测试应试者在语篇上综合运用语言结构的能力。完形填空中所 ...
2011-11-20 19:37
  根据《全国大学英语四、六级考试改革方案(试行)》,全国大学英语四、六级考试改革项目组和考试委员会设计了四六级考试新题型试测卷,并于2005年6月进行了较大规模的试测。新设计的试题题型中第三部分变动较大 ...
2011-11-20 19:36
  完形填空的题目在设计时并非拿来一篇短文随便去掉几个词,出题者要遵循一定的要求和准则,以保证测试的效度和信度。  完形填空的测试点及解题方法从表面来看,就是要求考生把每个句子中删掉的词恢复出来。而实 ...
2011-11-20 19:34
  完型填空测试的步骤  1.完型填空题测试点  完型填空题测试点主要在语法、词法、理解、综合、背景知识几方面。具体讲:  语法题包括词序、结构词(连词、介词的搭配)、动词词形(时态、语态、语气、动名 ...
2011-11-20 19:34
  今年的六级和四级一样再次考查了完型填空这种题型,自从07年6月以来全面实行新题型以来一直考查的是完形填空,从我们授课的经验来看,绝大部分同学还是很偏向于碰到完型,而不喜欢改错这种题型,可能对很多考生来讲这 ...
2011-11-20 19:33
  大学英语四六级考试自从在2006年相继进行了改革之后,就一直成为大学生颇为关注的焦点。仔细研究一下最新一次的2007年的考试,在四六级考试的快速阅读部分(Skimming and Scanning)都出现了一次小小的变化,而且 ...
2011-11-20 19:32
  在四六级的考试当中,在拼写形式相近或者含义相近的单词之间进行辨析是让大家相当头痛的题型。从今天起,我们通过若干讲,将四六级考试中常见的单词辨析一起来分析一下。  四级的cloze当中曾经有这样一题:Lan ...
2011-11-20 19:31
  根据四级考试大纲,完型填空满分占710分的10%。其主要形式是在一篇约300词的文章中留出20个空白,要求考生从每题给出的4个选项中选出最佳答案,使补全后的文章意思通顺、前后连贯、结构完整。  相比较以前,完 ...
2011-11-20 19:30
英语六级考试中完型填空的特点在于它的综合性,也就是说,它对于考生的阅读能力,语法分析能力,词汇熟练掌握程度都进行了考查,因而具有相当的难度。  英语六级考试中的完型填空,按照大纲的规定,是在一篇题材熟 ...
2011-11-20 19:30
每年的英语四六级考试都是大学生们最大的烦恼,英语词典从不离手,熬夜备战,为何大学英语四六级考试还是一路红灯?专家将为您提供英语四六级考试宝典,英语四六级答题技巧,想在英语四六级中一举夺魁,请看下面的文 ...
2011-11-20 19:29
  完型填空的具体解题方法,也就是我们在解完型填空题时应遵循的模式以及所应注意的问题。   1.完型填空的具体解题模式   完型填空的具体解题模式,大致是这样几个步骤:   首先是通读题干,把握文章的脉络 ...
2011-11-20 19:27
  英语六级综合,即完形或改错。虽然自2007年6月六级全面实施改革以来,六级综合这块儿一直都考的是完形,不是改错,但并不代表我们就不去准备改错了。自改革以来,完形已经被考过5次了,出题者想必也应该有些审美 ...
2011-11-20 19:26
  at large(=at liberty, free) 在逃, 逍遥法外 at large(=in general) 一般来说, 大体上 at large(=at full length; with details)详细地   accuse…of…(=charge…with; blame sb. for sth. ; blame sth. on s ...
2011-11-20 19:24
2011英语四六级备考 完型填空解题技巧
  完型填空旨在测试考生运用所学过的语法知识和词汇以及通过上下文的逻辑关系等,进行综合填空的能力,要求考生既要有扎实的语法知识基础和丰富的词汇量,又要有较强的阅读能力。   一、从上下文寻找信息词    ...
2011-11-20 19:23
  2011年英语六级考试完形填空分类练习   Until recently most historians spoke very critically of the Industrial Revolution. They 41 that in the long run industrialization greatly raised the standard ...
2011-11-19 21:55
  2011年英语六级考试完形填空分类练习   Until recently most historians spoke very critically of the Industrial Revolution. They 41 that in the long run industrialization greatly raised the standard ...
2011-11-19 21:54
  2011年英语六级考试完形填空分类练习   Until recently most historians spoke very critically of the Industrial Revolution. They 41 that in the long run industrialization greatly raised the standard ...
2011-11-19 21:54
  2011年英语六级考试完形填空分类练习   Sleep is divided into periods of so-called REM sleep, characterized by rapid eye movements and dreaming, and longer periods of non-REM sleep. 41 kind of sl ...
2011-11-19 21:53
  2011年英语六级考试完形填空分类练习   Until recently most historians spoke very critically of the Industrial Revolution. They 41 that in the long run industrialization greatly raised the standard ...
2011-11-19 21:53
  According to BT's futurologist, Ian Pearson, these are among the developments scheduled for the first few decades of the new millennium(a period of 1,000 years), when supercomputers will dramatic ...
2011-11-19 21:52
  Public image refers to how a company is viewed by its customers, suppliers, and stockholders, by the financial community, by the communities 1 it operates, and by federal and local governments. Pu ...
2011-11-19 21:50
 When women do become managers, do they bring a different style and different skills to the job? Are they better, or worse, managers than men? Are women more highly motivated and __1__ than male mana ...
2011-11-19 21:49
  The mass media is a big part of our culture, yet it can also be a helper, adviser and teacher to our young generation. The mass media affects the lives of our young by acting as a(an) 1 for a numb ...
2011-11-19 21:48
  The mass media is a big part of our culture, yet it can also be a helper, adviser and teacher to our young generation. The mass media affects the lives of our young by acting as a(an) 1 for a numb ...
2011-11-19 21:48
 If you were to begin a new job tomorrow, you would bring with you some basic strengths and weaknesses. Success or 1 in your work would depend, to 2 great extent, 3 your ability to use your strengths ...
2011-11-19 21:47
  Most people would be (1) by the high quality of medicine available (2) to most Americans. There is a lot of specialization, a great deal of (3) to the individual, a (4) amount of advanced technica ...
2011-11-19 21:44
 Who won the World Cup 1994 football game? What happened at the United Nations? How did the critics like the new play? 1 an event takes place; newspapers are on the streets 2 the details. Wherever an ...
2011-11-19 21:43
 For many people today, reading is no longer relaxation. To keep up their work they must read letters, reports, trade publications, interoffice communications, not to mention newspapers and magazines ...
2011-11-19 21:42
  Bristol University launches volunteering award   Organised volunteering and work experience has long been a vital companion to university degree courses. Usually it is left to employers to deduc ...
2011-11-19 21:41
  Have you ever wondered what our future is like?Practically all people _1_ a desire to predict their future _2_.Most people seem inclined to _3_ this task using causal reasoning.First we _4_ recogn ...
2011-11-19 21:41
  A great deal of attention is being paid today to the so-called digital divide--the division of the world into the info(information) rich and the info poor. And that __1__ does exist today. My wife ...
2011-11-19 21:40
  According to BT's futurologist, Ian Pearson, these are among the developments scheduled for the first few decades of the new millennium(a period of 1,000 years), when supercomputers will dramatic ...
2011-11-19 21:39
  Public image refers to how a company is viewed by its customers, suppliers, and stockholders, by the financial community, by the communities 1 it operates, and by federal and local governments. Pu ...
2011-11-19 21:39
  When women do become managers, do they bring a different style and different skills to the job? Are they better, or worse, managers than men? Are women more highly motivated and __1__ than male ma ...
2011-11-19 21:38
  The mass media is a big part of our culture, yet it can also be a helper, adviser and teacher to our young generation. The mass media affects the lives of our young by acting as a(an) 1 for a numb ...
2011-11-19 21:38
  If you were to begin a new job tomorrow, you would bring with you some basic strengths and weaknesses. Success or 1 in your work would depend, to 2 great extent, 3 your ability to use your strengt ...
2011-11-19 21:37
  Most people would be (1) by the high quality of medicine available (2) to most Americans. There is a lot of specialization, a great deal of (3) to the individual, a (4) amount of advanced technica ...
2011-11-19 21:37
  Who won the World Cup 1994 football game? What happened at the United Nations? How did the critics like the new play? 1 an event takes place; newspapers are on the streets 2 the details. Wherever ...
2011-11-19 21:36
 For many people today, reading is no longer relaxation. To keep up their work they must read letters, reports, trade publications, interoffice communications, not to mention newspapers and magazines ...
2011-11-19 21:35
英语四六级完形填空模拟题(3)C 11.【答案】C【解析】关于politics之类的严肃话题,只能选educate。12.【答案】B【解析】此句意为:报纸通过广告影响读者在经济生活中的选择。13.【答案】B【解析】大多数报纸依靠广 ...
2010-7-28 16:43
英语四六级完形填空模拟题(3)B 第三篇答案+解说: 1.【答案】A【解析】just在此为副词,意为“刚刚”,做状语。此句意为“一个事件刚刚发生,街上就有报纸报道详情了。说明报纸对新闻的反应之快。2.【答案】A【解 ...
2010-7-28 16:42
英语四六级完形填空模拟题(3)A 第三篇Who won the World Cup 1994 football game? What happened at the United Nations? How did the critics like the new play? 1 an event takes place; newspapers are on the ...
2010-7-28 16:41
英语四六级完形填空模拟题(2)C 11.【答案】D【解析】本句主语是A bookkeeper or carpenter…。根据主谓一致原则,其谓语应当用单数is,而不是复数are。being, been都是分词,应该排除。12.【答案】D【解析】on与 ...
2010-7-28 16:41
英语四六级完形填空模拟题(2)B 第二篇答案+解说:1.【答案】C【解析】本句的意思是:“成功或失败在很大程度上取决于你是否能扬长避短。”improvement改进;victory胜利;achievement成果,成就。这三个词都不合题 ...
2010-7-28 16:40
英语四六级完形填空模拟题(2)A 第二篇 If you were to begin a new job tomorrow, you would bring with you some basic strengths and weaknesses. Success or 1 in your work would depend, to 2 great extent, ...
2010-7-28 16:39
英语四六级完形填空模拟题(1)C 11.【答案】C【解析】add to相当于increase,增加。其余选项后面都不接to。12.【答案】A【解析】later on为固定短语,“后来”。13.【答案】D【解析】attendant仆人;keeper可理解为 ...
2010-7-28 16:38
英语四六级完形填空模拟题(1)B 1.【答案】A 【解析】根据下一句及随后的内容,作者讲的是怎样成为动物爱好者的(从小就喜欢动物),应当选择A.how。2.【答案】C【解析】in the first place是固定短语,意思是“首先” ...
2010-7-28 16:38
英语四六级完形填空模拟题(1) 第一篇   Most people have no idea of the hard work and worry that go into the collecting of those fascinating birds and animals that they pay to see in the zoo. One of ...
2010-7-28 16:37
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