


2014-4-25 14:16| 发布者: bjangel| 查看: 116| 评论: 1

摘要: 托福写作范文:该不该总是诚实  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Sometimes it is better not to tell the truth .Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.  I agree ...

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Sometimes it is better not to tell the truth .Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
  I agree that sometimes it is better not to tell the truth. In some cases the truth is going to hurt someone and no good will be gained by it. If so, then I don't think that person should be told the truth. There are times when a person needs to know the truth in order to make an important decision, There are also times when telling the truth is the only way to help someone who's being self-destructive. However, often telling the truth only benefits the teller, not the person being told.
  If someone has said something nasty about a person, those words don't need to be repeated. However, what if a person has told a shameful secret to a friend, and that friend has told the secret to others? Then that person needs to know that she can't trust her friend, Otherwise ,she might tell that friend other secrets.
  What if someone is doing something self-destructive, like partying all night in college instead of studying? Then he needs to be told that this behavior is upsetting his friend who are worried about him. However, if he skips class and teacher asks his friend why he isn't there, it’s not necessary for the friend to tell the truth. He doesn't have to be, but he also doesn't have to give information about his friend's behavior.
  Sometimes people needs to know the truth before they can make an important decision. Suppose you're selling your house and you know there's water in the basement. Then you should tell the truth about that to anyone interesting in buying your house. If you don’t, you could be in trouble legally as well as ethically! However, you don't need to tell the truth about the cranky neighbor who lives next door. The neighbor may not be as cranky with someone else as he was with you. Sometimes It's better not to tell.




  1 避免中式英语:第一个最为显著的问题就是如何避免中式英语,其实我们想说出什么是中式英语,有些难,但是我们可以很明确的知道,托福阅读的文章都是非常地道的英语,因此,我们在看托福阅读的时候,一定总是在思考我们自己会怎么写,这是一个非常重要的过程。

  2 用词准确:比如说affectshock有什么区别?affect只是影响,但是没有幅度上的差别。shock相应的就是很剧烈的影响的含义,这就是用词的准确性。再比如andso有什么差别?

3 动词的名词化:这其实是写出地道托福作文的一个不错的小妙招,就是将动词名词化,因此在这里也将其单独列出。比如说 which of the following was responsible for the evaporation of the Mediterraneans waters?这句话,我们写的时候是不是会将其写成Why did the Mediterraneans waters evaporate?











引用 游客 2014-5-5 18:04
公開期間:2013年7月29日~連載中長編作品 [完結] (28)俺の彼女は猫系女子全40話蒼い海への誘い蒼い海への誘い 全10部 216話弘樹の年下の恋人、綺羅は猫系女子。気分次第で自分勝手で、人付き合いが下手な寂しがり屋。やがて痛みも自然におさまってくる。 この前もあざのある場所が痛んだよな何でだろう?「いつも一緒だった。辛い時も、楽しい時も、俺は奈津美と一緒に時間を過ごしてきたんだ。何か気になる事でもあるんですか?」 「いや、彼女の気持ちの問題さ。肺炎患った63歳ウミガメ、屋外プールに戻る徳島県美波町の日和佐うみがめ博物館「カレッタ」で16日、飼育履歴が残るとしては国内最高齢とされる63歳の「浜太郎」(甲長90センチ、体重約100キロ)が約140日ぶりに屋外プールに戻った。まぁ、関係自体はうまくいってたんだが、お互いに高校が違ったんで別れることになったというだけで険悪な関係ではない。 「中学時代の事さ。『――撫子と一緒にいると甘い雰囲気に酔いそうになるから気をつけないとね』 などと、今ではのたうちまわってしまいそうな台詞を妹に対して吐いてた俺である。 助けてくれぇ、過去の俺の発言を全て撤回させ ...


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