

GRE Issue写作范文:历史研究

2012-12-19 15:39| 发布者: bjangel| 查看: 251| 评论: 0

摘要: GRE Issue写作范文:历史研究  The main benefit of the study of history is to dispel the illusion that people living now are significantly different from people who lived in earlier times.  研究历史 ...
GRE Issue写作范文:历史研究

  The main benefit of the study of history is to dispel the illusion that people living now are significantly different from people who lived in earlier times.
  This statement actually insists of two claims. First, people in one period of time are significantly different from people who lived at any other time in history is an illusion. Second, the primary of the study of history is to break down this illusion. As far as I am concerned, I concede that people live in different periods of time in history share some common ground, however, I disagree with both of the two claims.
  1. Admittedly, from the human history, we know that the basic nature of human being has not changed ever: good and evil.
  1) People in every period of time are thirsty for freedom, equality, democracy and the like. People maintain the merits of intelligence, diligence, creativity and so on.
  2) However, we also share the demerits of prejudice, envy and greed. Innovation promotes development while greed leads to wars. Human race keep progressing of the civilization in this way.
  2. On the other hand, the study of history is equally beneficial to understand and appreciate significant differences between peoples of different time periods.
  1) In terms of cultural morals, customs, values, and ideals. Take Chinese feudal society as an example, during that time, all powers were in the hands of the emperor alone, who was assisted by a group of ministers led by the prime minister. Local governors were appointed by the central government. The common people had no democratic rights at all.
  3. Besides, history has many other functions, which might be more significant than to break down the illusion that people in one period of time are significantly different from people who lived at any other time in history.
  1) For example, studying of the achievement of the past can give us inspiration. Studying the mistakes and failures of the past can prevent us from repeating those mistakes and failures again.


GRE Issue写作范文:历史研究延伸阅读——新托福写作一次通关技巧之无所不能辩





其解决方案无非有二。其一是坦荡托福考生思绪。确保他们能想到足够多的分论点以供使用。这点可以经由过程万能理由,破题体例,段履睁开等等手段来达到。但我们仍需要年夜其它角度再供给备选方案。方案二就是,若何变废为宝,若何口角倒置。换言之,攻讦你能否不说你的错误谬误,而改为报复你的利益?撑持我是否可以不说我的利益,而转为回嘴我的劣势?这样理论上,无论你想到的论点是A+, A-,B+,B-, 我们都可以用它们来撑持肆。










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