


新东方托福词汇:托福考试历年高频词汇34  Crisscross 交叉 move back and forth  Skepticism 怀疑主义 doubt  Subsidy 资助 financing  Conjectural 猜测的 based on guessing  Employing 采用 using ...
2012-4-3 14:08
新东方托福词汇:托福考试历年高频词汇33  Major 主要的 principal  Symmetrical 比例平衡的,对称的 proportionally balanced  Obvious 明显的 apparent  Dominated 占支配地位的 were prevalent in  Sup ...
2012-4-3 14:08
新东方托福词汇:托福考试历年高频词汇32  Gap 空隙 opening  Discards 抛弃 gets rid of  Deft 灵巧的 skilled  Robust 强壮的 strong  Heralded 宣布 announced  Position 职位 job ...
2012-4-3 14:08
新东方托福词汇:托福考试历年高频词汇31  Bound 系,绑 tied  Assembling 聚集 gathering  Adorned 装修 decorated  Attire 服装 clothing  Unravel 揭露 discover  Mundane 平凡的 ordinary ...
2012-4-3 14:08
新东方托福词汇:托福考试历年高频词汇30  Rapture 破裂 burst  Miniscule 微小的 tiny  Enables 使能够 allows  Aesthetically 美学的,艺术的 artistically  Refreshing 非同寻常的,耳目一新的 unusual ...
2012-4-3 14:07
新东方托福词汇:托福考试历年高频词汇29  Unrestricted 不受限制的 unlimited  Snap 折断 break  Fed 吃/放入 put  Exposed to 易受影响的,受支配 subjected to  Exert 引起,导致 cause  Diffuses 穿 ...
2012-4-3 14:07
新东方托福词汇:托福考试历年高频词汇28  Nevertheless 但是 however  Rotates 转动,改变 turns  Readily 容易地,欣然地 easily  Constituting 组成 making up  Pits 洞,坑 holes  Disputes 争论 ar ...
2012-4-3 14:07
新东方托福词汇:托福考试历年高频词汇27  Conserve 维持,保留 retain  Magnified 加强,加剧 intensified  Forage 觅食 feed  Counteracted 否定,抵消 negated  In season 应季 a particular time of y ...
2012-4-3 14:06
新东方托福词汇:托福考试历年高频词汇26  Depressed 降低,使沮丧 lowered  Stringent 严厉的 strict  Dictates 决定 determines  Witnessed 看到 observed  A break with 分开 a departure from ...
2012-4-3 14:06
新东方托福词汇:托福考试历年高频词汇25  Rare 罕见的:infrequent  Maintaining 维持:preserving  Tolerate 忍耐:endure  Obtain 获得 get  Roll back 减少 reduce  Stimulating 刺激 encouraging ...
2012-4-3 14:06
新东方托福词汇:托福考试历年高频词汇24  Fundamental 基本的:basic  Skilled 专业的:expert  Presided over 管理控制:managed  Celestial 天文学的:astronomical  Entities 物体:objects  Motifs ...
2012-4-3 14:05
新东方托福词汇:托福考试历年高频词汇23  Entombed 陷入:trapped  Marked 明显的:pronounced  Ushering 开始,引入:beginning  Execute 执行,创造:create  Domains 领域:fields ...
2012-4-3 14:05
新东方托福词汇:托福考试历年高频词汇22  Setting 建立:establishing  Ends 目标:goals  Drastic 激进的:radical  Extracted 提取:removed  Instances 例子:cases ...
2012-4-3 14:05
新东方托福词汇:托福考试历年高频词汇21  Integral 必要的,基本的:an essential  Carry 承担:support  Concentrated 集中:clustered  Effect 影响:influence  Distinct 区别,不同:separate ...
2012-4-3 14:04
新东方托福词汇:托福考试历年高频词汇20  Durable 耐久地:long-lasting  Dwelling 住所:houses  Elaborately 精心地:done in a great detail  Bounds 限制:limits  Chance 偶然的:unplanned ...
2012-4-3 14:04
新东方托福词汇:托福考试历年高频词汇19  Penetrate 穿过:go through  Extended 增加,延长:increase  Preferred 喜欢; favored  Barren 贫瘠的:infertile  Hard 坚硬的:firm  Divergence 不同,区 ...
2012-4-3 14:04
新东方托福词汇:托福考试历年高频词汇18  Conflicting 对立的:apposing  Give way to 让位于:turns into  Speculate 假设:hypothesize  Alternative 选择:option  Imposing 要求高的,费力的:demand ...
2012-4-3 14:04
新东方托福词汇:托福考试历年高频词汇17  Varied 不同:differed  Cumbersome 笨重地:burdensome  Confined 局限:limitedhttp://www.Yeeyi.net  Framed 构造,制定:posed  Supposedly 可能地,推测地 ...
2012-4-3 14:03
新东方托福词汇:托福考试历年高频词汇16  Deliberate 仔细地:careful  Demanded 需要:required  Imitate 模仿:copy  Comparably 相似地:similarly  Inclinations 偏好,喜好 : preferences ...
2012-4-3 14:03
新东方托福词汇:托福考试历年高频词汇15  Smothering 窒息的:eliminated  Coined 组成,创造:created  Intervention 干预:influence  Emerged 出现:appeared  Outlining 概括,总结:summarizing ...
2012-4-3 14:03
新东方托福词汇:托福考试历年高频词汇14  First rank 最高水平:highest quality  Faded from 消失于:disappeared from  Novel 创新的,新颖的:innovative  Stationary 固定的:fixed  Vessel 船只:cr ...
2012-4-3 14:02
新东方托福词汇:托福考试历年高频词汇13  Discrete 分泌:separate  Overtaxed 负担沉重的:heavily burdened  Inadequate 不充足的:deficient  Inevitable 不可避免地:unavoidably  Lamented 不满,抱 ...
2012-4-3 14:02
新东方托福词汇:托福考试历年高频词汇12  Magnify 增加,扩大:increase  Distinction 不同,区别:differences  Fused 结合:combined  Lure 吸引:attract  Placed 放置:deposited ...
2012-4-3 14:01
新东方托福词汇:托福考试历年高频词汇11  Subtle 轻微的,精细的:slight  Compile 收集,积累:put together  Raw 未加工的,为处理的:unprocessed  Prospect 前景,可能性:possibility  Roughly 大约 ...
2012-4-3 14:01
新东方托福词汇:托福考试历年高频词汇10  Bizarre 古怪的:odd  Casts off 抛弃:gets rid of  Homogeneous 一致的,同一的:uniform  Largely renounces 基本上拒绝:generally rejects  Prevail 流行, ...
2012-4-3 14:01
新东方托福词汇:托福考试历年高频词汇9  Hemispheres 半球:sides  Subject to 遭受:susceptible to  Puncture 刺穿:pierce  Dramatic 戏剧性的,显著的:striking  Characterized 不同,区别于其他:d ...
2012-4-3 13:59
新东方托福词汇:托福考试历年高频词汇8  Sole 唯一的:only  Subsidizes 资助:finance  Rotates 旋转:alternates  Implements 玩具:tools  Clues 线索:information ...
2012-4-3 13:59
新东方托福词汇:托福考试历年高频词汇7  Accumulated 积聚,堆积:collected  Related 有关系得:connected  Supported 支撑:upheld  Forward-looking 向前看的:progressive 进步的  Rudimentary 不发 ...
2012-4-3 13:59
新东方托福词汇:托福考试历年高频词汇6  Intense 剧烈的:extreme  Margins 空白:edges  Support 支撑:hold  Appreciation 感激,评价,欣赏:recognition  Bias 偏见:prejudice  Prevailing 流行的 ...
2012-4-3 13:59
新东方托福词汇:托福考试历年高频词汇5  Settle解决,决定:decide  Ascending 上升,攀登:climbing  Solemn 严肃的:serious  Composed创作,作曲:created  Scores 乐谱:music composition  Compri ...
2012-4-3 13:58
新东方托福词汇:托福考试历年高频词汇4  Account for 解释,说明:explain  Picking up 沿着:following  A supremacy至高,霸权:a dominance  Supplanted代替:replaced  Myriad无数:many  Supreme最 ...
2012-4-3 13:58
新东方托福词汇:托福考试历年高频词汇3  Account for 解释,说明:explain  Picking up 沿着:following  A supremacy至高,霸权:a dominance  Supplanted代替:replaced  Myriad无数:many  Supreme最 ...
2012-4-3 13:57
新东方托福词汇:托福考试历年高频词汇2  Advocates 提倡者,赞成者:proponents  Unsubstantiated 无确实根据的,未经证实的:unverified  Maintain 维持:preserve  Considerable 极其,相当,大量:subst ...
2012-4-3 13:57
新东方托福词汇:托福考试历年高频词汇1 Inaccessible 难以接近的:unreachable  Extracting 提取,提炼:removing  Strength 基础:basiswww.yeeyi.NET  Surging 激增,迅速上升:accelerating  Trend 倾 ...
2012-4-3 13:57
新东方托福词汇:托福听力部分替换词汇39  take up a collection —— make a donation  talk sb. out of sth. —— persuade sb. not to do sth.  taxi // buses —— public transportation  terrific — ...
2012-4-2 15:26
新东方托福词汇:托福听力部分替换词汇38  T  take down the information —— make notes of  take forever —— time-consuming  take it out on sb —— make sb. feel bad  take it to the shop —— ...
2012-4-2 15:25
新东方托福词汇:托福听力部分替换词汇37  standing ovation —— stand up and applaud  staple —— necessity  stay on top of sth —— keep in formed  stay put —— not move  sth doesn't ring a ...
2012-4-2 15:25
新东方托福词汇:托福听力部分替换词汇36  so —— both  sooner —— earlier  sorry —— regret  soundproof —— noise  spare —— extra // another one  speechless —— unable to speak  spo ...
2012-4-2 15:24
新东方托福词汇:托福听力部分替换词汇35  shake —— move  shake it off —— remove  share the expense —— pay for some of …  show up —— appear  shut —— close  shy —— timid  sign u ...
2012-4-2 15:24
新东方托福词汇:托福听力部分替换词汇34  S  save the explanation —— no need to explain  one's booked —— one's schedule is filled  schoolwork is suffering —— interfere with studies  scor ...
2012-4-2 15:24
新东方托福词汇:托福听力部分替换词汇33  right away —— soon  run out of // out of point —— no more // no longer // doesn't have any more  run out of steam —— tried // exhausted  run the c ...
2012-4-2 15:24
新东方托福词汇:托福听力部分替换词汇32  renovation —— remodeling // refurbish  rest of the job —— remains of the work  restless —— nervous  return —— take …… back  review —— crit ...
2012-4-2 15:23
新东方托福词汇:托福听力部分替换词汇31  Q  quit —— leave the job  R  radio —— broadcast  raise —— increase  raise the roof —— angry  reach home —— come home  refreshment —— ...
2012-4-2 15:23
新东方托福词汇:托福听力部分替换词汇30  prove —— demonstrate  put a lot of hours —— require a great deal of time  put it on paper —— write …… down  put money into an account —— open ...
2012-4-2 15:23
新东方托福词汇:托福听力部分替换词汇29  pitch —— tone  plant // window // table —— light  pollution —— air  prescription —— medicine  presentation —— assignment  prices went up ...
2012-4-2 15:22
新东方托福词汇:托福听力部分替换词汇28  P  pace —— speed  paper —— schoolwork  parents —— mother and father  parts —— repair // fix  past midnight —— all evening  photo —— pi ...
2012-4-2 15:22
新东方托福词汇:托福听力部分替换词汇27  out of one's mind —— crazy // foolish idea  out of order —— not working right  outcome —— decision  outgoing —— friendly  over one's head —— ...
2012-4-2 15:22
新东方托福词汇:托福听力部分替换词汇26  O  on edge —— nervous // angry  on her own —— herself  on purpose —— intentionally  on sale —— cheap  on the dot —— on time // punctual  ...
2012-4-2 15:21
新东方托福词汇:托福听力部分替换词汇25  noon —— 12 o'clock  not follow —— not understand  not get anywhere —— without result  not push one's luck —— not make too many requests  not s ...
2012-4-2 15:21
新东方托福词汇:托福听力部分替换词汇24  N  navigate —— find its way  need a second opinion —— ask another person  need another few days —— need more time  next to —— beside  next w ...
2012-4-2 15:21
新东方托福词汇:托福听力部分替换词汇23  misread —— not read correctly  money is burning a hole in one's pocket —— no money  most fun —— enjoy  museum —— exhibit  mystery —— surpris ...
2012-4-2 15:20
新东方托福词汇:托福听力部分替换词汇22  M  make a choice —— select  manual —— book  market —— business  meet —— get to know  meet each other half way —— reach a compromise  meet ...
2012-4-2 15:20
新东方托福词汇:托福听力部分替换词汇21  look for a room to rent —— look for a real estate agency  look into —— check // inspect  look on with —— share  look over —— dominated  look u ...
2012-4-2 15:20
新东方托福词汇:托福听力部分替换词汇20  L  larger waist —— gain weight  last time —— previously  late —— delay  late this afternoon —— later on in the day  lay off // le sb. go — ...
2012-4-2 15:19
新东方托福词汇:托福听力部分替换词汇19  K  keep an eye on —— watch  keep an eye out for —— watch for  keep doing // carry on —— continue  keep to oneself —— not sociable ...
2012-4-2 15:19
新东方托福词汇:托福听力部分替换词汇18  interview // resume —— job  iron horse —— train // locomotive // railroad  irresponsible —— isn't careful with  isn't warm enough —— too cold  ...
2012-4-2 15:18
新东方托福词汇:托福听力部分替换词汇17  I  I had no idea —— I didn't know  I'll burst —— I've overeaten  I'm about to —— I plan to do  in a little while —— soon  in a minute —— qu ...
2012-4-2 15:18
新东方托福词汇:托福听力部分替换词汇16  have a way with words —— have a talent for expressing  have sb. do sth. // have sth. done —— someone do  have sth. looked into —— get sth. checked  ...
2012-4-2 15:18
新东方托福词汇:托福听力部分替换词汇15  H  half an hour —— 30 minutes  hand —— help // assistance  hand and shoulders above —— much better than  hand out —— distribute  hand sb. Do ...
2012-4-1 15:00
新东方托福词汇:托福听力部分替换词汇14  gift —— present  give an extension —— have extra time  give sb an ultimatum —— warn sb  give sb. a ride —— drive/take sb. to  go jogging —— ...
2012-4-1 15:00
新东方托福词汇:托福听力部分替换词汇13  get off the ground —— advance // go forward // have a good talk  get one's signature —— take a class  get out of (doing) sth. —— be excused/exempt ...
2012-4-1 14:59
新东方托福词汇:托福听力部分替换词汇12 G  gas stove —— cook food  get a loan —— borrow money  get a move on —— begin to move  get in that line —— stand in that line  get indigestion ...
2012-4-1 14:59
新东方托福词汇:托福听力部分替换词汇11  financial aid —— money  fine —— charge  finish —— complete  finish first —— win  fix —— repair  floor —— department store  fly by —— ...
2012-4-1 14:58
新东方托福词汇:托福听力部分替换词汇10  F  fall back on a dictionary —— look up some words  famous —— well-known  fascinating —— very interesting  feeble —— weak  feedback —— opi ...
2012-4-1 14:58
新东方托福词汇:托福听力部分替换词汇9  E  enrage —— angry  error —— mistake  exact change —— right coins  exercise strenuously —— vigorous exercise  exhausted —— rest  expensiv ...
2012-4-1 14:58
新东方托福词汇:托福听力部分替换词汇8  drop in on sb. —— pay sb a visit  double —— twice  down jacket —— warm jacket  drop by —— visit  drop sb a line —— write to sb  drowsy —— ...
2012-4-1 14:58
新东方托福词汇:托福听力部分替换词汇7  D  delay —— late  deserted —— empty  detest —— strongly dislike  did some shopping —— bought sth  disagreeable —— unpleasant  discard — ...
2012-4-1 14:57
新东方托福词汇:托福听力部分替换词汇6  come a long way —— improve  come in handy —— useful // benefit  come out —— publish  come up with —— find  contest —— competition  couldn't ...
2012-4-1 14:57
新东方托福词汇:托福听力部分替换词汇5  change —— money  change of pace —— diversion  charge —— pay // fine  check —— ask  check it out —— find out  cheerful —— happy  chop do ...
2012-4-1 14:57
新东方托福词汇:托福听力部分替换词汇4  C  cake // apple pie —— dessert  can hardly wait to do —— look forward to doing // can't wait to do // be anxious to do  can't fit it in —— too bus ...
2012-4-1 14:56
新东方托福词汇:托福听力部分替换词汇3  book —— reserve  boring —— uninteresting  borrow —— lend  breathe —— air pollution  brighten one's spirits —— make one feel better  broke ...
2012-4-1 14:56
新东方托福词汇:托福听力部分替换词汇2  B  backpack —— knapsack  be crowded —— be well-attended  be done —— complete  be free —— not busy  be in one ear and out the other —— doesn ...
2012-4-1 14:56
新东方托福词汇:托福听力部分替换词汇1 A  48 hours —— two days  50% off —— discount  a couple of times —— twice  a little after ten —— just past ten o'clock  a waste of money —— no ...
2012-4-1 14:55
新东方托福词汇:新托福词汇练习816. There was a caption underneath the photograph. signature graph title design17. The answer lay in a resource that unknowing Americans had trample ...
2012-4-1 14:55
新东方托福词汇:新托福词汇练习711. Among all societies legal marriage is usually accompanied by some kind of ceremony that expresses group sanction of the union. opinion coercion approval ...
2012-4-1 14:54
新东方托福词汇:新托福词汇练习66. Christopher Columbus was the first person to navigate under the patronage of the Queen Isabella of Spain. explore sail work circumvent7. Immigran ...
2012-4-1 14:54
新东方托福词汇:新托福词汇练习51. This place is a habitat for pit vipers. habit home food candle2. Few composers have been so idolized during their lifetime as was Edward McDowell ...
2012-4-1 14:54
新东方托福词汇:新托福词汇练习416. The flowers on the table were a manifestation of the child's love for his mother. demonstration (an) infestation combination satisfaction17. Most of the ex ...
2012-4-1 14:54
新东方托福词汇:新托福词汇练习311. Statistics seemed to justify the common belief that Americans were devoted to periodicals. generate calculate modify prove12. Born in 1863, Annie Fello ...
2012-4-1 14:53
新东方托福词汇:新托福词汇练习26. On this perfect surface, the artist would sketch a composition with chalk, refine it with ink, and then begin the deliberate process of applying thin layers of egg te ...
2012-4-1 14:53
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