


2011-12-6 18:46| 发布者: 天乐园| 查看: 1434| 评论: 3

摘要: 新托福(TOEFL)写作常用词汇琐碎的,不重要的,微不足道的—trivial(differences are trivial) frivolous (a frivolous novel. 不值得认真注意)superficial trifling不重要的或无甚价值的  worthless  轻视,贬抑 ...

琐碎的,不重要的,微不足道的—trivial(differences are trivial) frivolous (a frivolous novel. 不值得认真注意)superficial trifling不重要的或无甚价值的
  轻视,贬抑--disdain despise鄙视(despised all cowards and flatterers/suck-ups.)reject scorn轻蔑, 嘲笑 contempt derogate disparage
  depreciate折旧, (使)贬值
  嘲笑,嘲讽--deride mock挖苦,为消遣取乐或嘲笑而模仿 ridicule scorn sneer quip flout hack jape
  persiflage taunt
  容易冲动的—impetuous(轻率的; 鲁莽的; 冲动的an impetuous young man) hasty headlong rash brash passionate precipitate
  reckless (鲁莽的, 不顾后果的)
  理论家,空谈家--doctrinaire不顾实际而一味坚持某一经验和理论的人 pedant 书呆子气的; 卖弄学问的: theorist 理论家, 空谈家paranoid
  残忍的,野蛮的--ferocious bloodthirsty brutal cruel fierce vicious wild
  **的,有害的,致命的—sinister, a sinister smile. diabolic corrupt forbidding可怕的, 令人难亲近的 pernicious
  秘密的,偷偷的--cryptic含有隐义的; 晦涩难懂的; 神秘的 furtive, furtive movements偷偷摸摸的, 鬼鬼祟祟的, 秘密的 covert隐蔽的; 不公开的; 秘密的: covered hidden hideaway shelter ,  sneak
  veiled s避难所--asylum haven home institution refuge shelter harbor
  节约的--frugal节省的(尤指对金钱和食物,暗指对奢华的自我克制和戒绝) prudent saving economical sparing(强调在如花费上的节制)= thrifty abstemious stint 节制、 限制某人[自己](尤指食物)
  浪费的,挥霍的—prodigal(They are prodigal in their expenditures) extravagant lavish spendthrift wasteful squander
  浪费时间,逗弄,嬉戏--dally dawdle delay lag linger loiter
  祝福,感谢--benediction bless bliss blessing
  欺骗,诈骗—deceive(是有意隐瞒或歪曲真相的意思) beguile(含有通过友好的方法引诱、欺骗的意思) dupe (意为利用他人的易动感情或幼稚进行欺骗)hoax mislead trick bamboozle cheat delude(指欺骗到一个程度,致使受骗人无法分辨真伪,或做出可靠的判断)
  逃避工作—v.malinger  装病(以逃避工作或责任)goldbrick逃避勤务的士兵 relinquish 放弃
  揭密,泄漏--uncover disclose expose open reveal unmask
  掠夺,抢劫--loot predate rob pillage plunder sack spoil despoil burglarize
  诽谤,中伤--aspersion slander derogate calumniate libel discredit denigrate
  赞扬--extol compliment glorify laud praise commend acclaim eulogize eucomium
  颂词,表扬--laud eulogy ode hymn
  反对,不赞成--demur deprecate dissent dissident
  否认,拒绝,驳斥-- contradict dispute refute renounce naysay reject
  repudiate gainsay
  哀悼,后悔,哀叹--deplore bemoan regret lament dirge bewail repent
  驱逐,出境--deport banish expel expatriate evict exile oust exclude
  居住--dwell abide reside inhabit occupy
  夸张,吹牛--vaunt exaggerate bombast overstate full-blown overdo magnify












引用 游客 2015-6-11 08:33
Want to know one good reason to come to Alaska? It’s “WOW” effect… long story short, I was a 10 year old growing up in Fla and did a book report on Alaska. I was awed at what I learned and for the next 34 years I dreamed of one day coming to Alaska. Having lived in many states during my travels, I finally made a visit in 1998. Had a lodge do a package of fishing and lodging for 8 days. When I returned to Texas,I knew I was destined to be in Alaska. It took me all of a year to make the move to Alaska. I have been here since 2000 and am working for a fly out fishing company that I did a trip with when I was a visitor. This fly out fishing in a float plane was the highlight of my trip. So, it comes very easy to me to explain how coming to Alaska is one of the most memorable trips you may ever experience. The bears and moose up close and personal as well as the beautiful mountains and glaciers and fields of fireweed along the highways. No billboards at all to clutter your vision on a s ...
引用 游客 2015-6-8 03:41
Thanks. Paul Twitchell had such a deep spiritual life, it is hard for anyone to understand it, but what you say has the ring of truth to me. I suspect, but only suspect, that he wrote the first manuscript with other Masters in it and travels with them but got a bad response to it from Kirpal Singh and others so he switched to his experiences with the Eckankar Masters just by changing names. In other words he went to the same places with many Masters and so just changed names. I really don’t know. I suppose one could say I am trying to give Paul the benefit of the doubt and that is probably true. It is hard not to when you have had a few experiences in Eckankar and you have talked to others who have had many great experiences as outlined in the Eckankar book “Earth to God, Come In Please”. But I have to understand how unbelievable it all sounds to outsiders. Having left Eckankar because I don’t fit in as a good teacher, I am beginning to sense the strangeness of it all again but ima ...
引用 游客 2015-6-4 15:44
Dear Ugandan friends, Please send our love and peyrars to all the family and the whole flock who are suffering the double blow of the deaths of Bishop patrick and Mama Petua. Rodney did his teacher training at Makerere University School of Education in 1966-7 befoe teaching for more than four years at St Thomas More’s College, Bukoba, Tanzania which then became Ihungo Secondary School. His first African friend at Kampal was a doctor in training from Malago Hospital who was himself tragically killed in 1970 in a motor-cycling accident on the round-about just below the university. Alas he does not recall his name after 40 years, but he remembers that he was from Sout-West Uganda and his father was a catechist. Please will everyone be extra careful on Uganda’s roads. We are in God’s hands, yes, but He gives us brains and judgement and we have a duty of care to exercise on behalf of our families and fellow road-users. Life is so precious, as is the love and friendship we are receiving a ...


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