


2012-5-20 11:45| 发布者: bjangel| 查看: 149| 评论: 0

摘要: IBT新托福词汇题全集3181 camouflage disguise v. 伪装182 camouflage hide v. 伪装183 camouflage decorate(装饰) v. 伪装184 camouflage blend with circumstances v. 伪装185 cardinal fundamental a. 基本的186 ...

181 camouflage disguise v. 伪装
182 camouflage hide v. 伪装
183 camouflage decorate(装饰) v. 伪装
184 camouflage blend with circumstances v. 伪装
185 cardinal fundamental a. 基本的
186 cargo shipment n. 船货;货物
187 celebrated famous a. 着名的
188 central essential a. 主要的
189 certain specified a. 指定的
190 chancy risky a. 冒险的
191 channel provide v. 提供帮助
192 channel direct v. 引导
193 channel guide v. 引导
194 chaotic disorganized a. 混乱的
195 cherish value v. 珍爱
196 chief major a. 主要的
197 chisel carve v. 刻;凿
198 choose opt v. 选择
199 chronic persistent a. 长期的;不断的
200 chronic confirmed a. 长期的;不断的
201 chronic habitual a. 长期的;不断的
202 chronic inveterate a. 长期的;不断的
203 chronically constantly ad. 长期地
204 circuitous indirect a. 迂迴的
205 circumstance condition n. 环境;情况
206 cite quote v. 引用
207 cite refer to v. 引用
208 classic typical a. 典型的
209 clear visible a. 容易看见的
210 clear apparent a. 显然的
211 cling to attach to v. 附着
212 close careful a. 严密的;周密的
213 clue hint n. 线线索
214 coating cover n. 覆盖层
215 coincide with be as the same time as v. 同时发生
216 collaborate cooperate v. 合作
217 collaboration joint effect n. 合作成果
218 collect gather v. 收集
219 collide hit each other v. 碰撞
220 collide with run into v. 碰撞
221 commemorate celebrate v. 庆祝;纪念
222 compact concise a. 紧密的;简明的
223 compact compressed(结实的) a. 紧密的;简明的
224 comparable equivalent a. 可比较的
224+    comparative     relative        a.      相当的
225 compel push v. 强迫
226 compelling convincing a. 令人信服的
227 compensate reimburse v. 赔偿;补偿
228 compensate for balance phrv. 赔偿;补偿
229 complaint protest v. 抗议
230 complement supplement n. 补充物
231 complement add to v. 补充
232 completely totally ad. 完全地
233 complex elaborate a. 复杂的
234 complex system n. 复合物;综合体
235 complicated complex a. 复杂的
236 complicated made things more difficult a. 复杂的
237 component constituent a. 组成的
238 composition mixture n. 合成物
239 comprehensive understandable a. 能理解的
240 comprehensive complete a. 全部的
241 comprise form v. 组成
242 comprise make up v. 组成
243 concern interest v. 感兴趣
244 conclusive final a. 最后的
245 conclusive ultimate a. 最后的
246 conducive contributive a. 有助于...的
247 configuration arrangement n. 布局;结构
248 configuration form n. 佈局;结构
249 confine limit/boundary v. 限制
250 confront face v. 面临
251 congeal solidify v. 使凝结
252 consecutive successive a. 连续的
253 consequence result n. 结果;重要性
254 consequence importance n. 结果;重要性
255 consequent later a. 随后的
256 consequent resultant a. 作为结果的
257 consequent resulting a. 作为结果的
258 consequential significant a. 重要的
259 consequently therefore ad. 因此
260 consequently thus ad. 因此
261 conserve save v. 保存
262 consider think as v. 考虑;认为
263 consider view as v. 考虑;认为
264 consider think about v. 考虑;认为认为
265 considerable substantial/significant   a. 相当大的
266 consist of compose of v. 由…组成

















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