


2011-10-6 17:38| 发布者: bjangel| 查看: 93640| 评论: 0

摘要: 2011年6月gmat作文机经AI(至7.3)  (1) 本月机经8次 上月机经:5次  工人自己 需要负责适应 高科技和 服务业需求的变化,还是 政府和 商业机构需要负责。  No.87“As technologies and the demand for certain ...
  (28)本月机经 7次 上月机经6次 
  V1是讲政府为了NATION SECURITY 得have access to library 借书记录,and Internet ..histroy. 
  V3 To the interest of national security,governments should have access to their citizens’library checkout records and Internet activities. 
  V4 use survelliance cameras to assist law enforcement officals identifying and arresting people who break the law. 
  V5 To the interest of the national security, governments should have the access to their citizens’ library XXX and Internet view history. 
  1 provide information 
  specific time and space, the number of criminals, and characteristics of the suspects. enhance the efficiency and productivity 
  2 deter crimes 
  criminals will not rashly commit the crime at the risk of being recorded. : 
  3 the privacy of the public 
  4 the cost is paid by taxpayers 
  月机经 3次 上月机经5次 
  AI 问你employer是不是应该prevent employees from unhealthy behaviors,whenever they’er at workplace or personal time。 
  V1.the employers should prohibit the employees from the unhealthy behaviors , both in workplace and in theie leisure time. 
  V2.employers have the rights to prohibit employees from unhealthy behaviors both in their professional life and personal life. 
  V3.公司应该prohibit员工的unhealthy behavior in workplace or personal lives 
  V4. Employers should have a right to prohibit the employees emgaging from the bad behavior, both in workplace and persona life. 
  (32)本月机经 1次 上月机经7次 
  (33)本月机经 5次 上月机经4次 
  No.132 “Governments should not be responsible for regulating businesses and 
  other organizations. Instead, society would benefit if the organizations 
  themselves assumed responsibility for establishing and enforcing their own 
  standards and regulations.” 
  1. Admittedly, the goveronment should not regulate the business or other 
  organizations too much. Too much supervision will harm the development of the 
  business or an organization. 
  2. Let the business alone to regulate itself will also cause problems. The 
  ultimate goal of the business is to gain benefit, therefore all the activities 
  will serve this pivotal goal even at the expense of the social benefit. 
  3. The ideal combination can be the midst. 
  (34)本月机经 6次 上月机经9次 
  How effectively one learns from the class depends on the quality of other students more than the quality of teacher. 
   V2. How effectively we learn depend more on the other students in the classroom than on the teacher. 
  V3.how effectively one learn in the classroom depends more on the quality of the other students than depends on the quality of the teacher 
  V4. AI考的是问“how effectively one learning is effected by the quality of other students or the quality of teachers”问是同学的品质对一个人的学习影响大,还是老师的品质对一个人的影响大。 
  V1,the effectiveness depends more on the quality of other students than the quality of the teacher. 
  V2.how effectiveness one learns in the classroom depends on the quality of the other students than the quality of the teacher. 
  V3 学生的学习效率相对于老师的质量更多的取决于同学的的质量; 
  V4让学生学习effectively, other students和teachers 哪个重要 
  V5 How effectively one learns in a classroom is determined more by the quality of other students than by the quality of the teacher. Agree or not? 
  (36)本月机经 4次 上月机经9次 
  No.26 “Location has traditionally been one of the most important determinants 
  of a business’s success. The importance of location is not likely to change, no 
  matter how advanced the development of computer communications and others kinds 
  of technology becomes.”(26) 
  26. “从传统上讲地址是一家企业成功的最重要决定因素。不论计算机通讯和其他技术发展的如果先进,地址的重要性将不会改变。” 
  2. 当然有很多的需要体验和身体力行的产品供应商的地址还是很重要的,象是餐饮业健身房等。 
  trend tendency net telecommunication transportation location position site 
  important significant determinant factor reason tangible intangible palpable 
  tactile touchable insurance electronic periodic periodical production goods 
  commodity manufacturer producer essentiality significance importance strengthen 
  reinforce weaken demonstrate show exhibit display conveient 
  (38)本月机经 6次 上月机经8次 
  V1. 有很多MEDIA:电视、radio、报纸、internet,但是最主要的还是报纸 
  V2. 虽然有电视收音机网络各种媒介看新闻,但是报纸依然是最重要的新闻形式 
  V4. 一个是现在人们可以从电视。报纸。网络。几个地方看到新闻。但是报纸仍然是最重要的 
  V5. in the contemporary world, people receive news from various media sources, including video, radio, newspaper, internet, among which, newspaper is the most important. 
  In contemporary days, people have a wide selection to get information, such as television, radio, and internet. Although these media have their merits, the newspaper is still the most important media in our life.







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