


2017-9-22 15:43| 发布者: bjangel| 查看: 99| 评论: 0

摘要: 市场营销专业学生英文简历模板self-estimategood ability to innovate. i was the first person who organized “dreams of tsinghua, dreams of peking” and “photos of military training ,1 yuan per piece”go ...


good ability to innovate. i was the first person who organized “dreams of tsinghua, dreams of peking” and “photos of military training ,1 yuan per piece”

good time management. achieve good balance between learning business knowledge and social practice activities

willing to assume responsibilities and to take a challenge.

get on well with others in team.

job objective

to attain employment in the area of marketing and sale


XX.9-XX.7   agricultural university of hebei     department of marketing

my overall gpa was 8 on a 10 scale

won first-class scholarship in june XX

won the honor of excellency in social works twice in december XX and december XX

majored in advertising, international marketing, logistics management, retail management, promotion management, marketing, etc.

extra curriculum

XX.7   organized “dreams of tsinghua,dreams of peking” summer vocation training class 

XX.1    founded “best-brains studio” to recommend home tutors to pupils

XX.9    started “photos of military training ,1 yuan per piece” activity

part-time job or internship

XX.10-XX.5    tcl electronical appliance co. ltd    part-time salesman

XX.12-XX.2    tianjin dingy international food co. ltd   part-time market researcher

XX.7-XX.9     beijing rijia pengda co. ltd  summer analyst


fluent english, passed cet-6(431/710), passedcet-4(certification)

computer skill

skilled in use of microsoft word, microsoft excel microsoft powerpoint. passed ncre1

took xml computer language as elective subject


name: sex don't: female

people family: the han nationality date of birth: on august 18, 1990

telephone number: marriage status: single

body high: 157 cm body weight: 46 kg

households record: zhangzhou now seat: zhangzhou

job objective

position properties: the whole job

job category:

position title: sales consultants, financial industry, real estate, reserve cadre;

work areas:

treatment requirements: (interview) yuan/month does not need to provide housing

starting time: may at any time to work

skill expertise

language: english english level 4; standard mandarin

computer level: familiar with computer daily application

education training

education background: time in school education

september XX - july XX fujian agricultural vocational and technical colleges

work experience

company: zhangzhou kangpu applied economic and trade co., ltd

time range: december XX -

the company properties: private/private company

belongs to industry, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, sideline production and fishery

job description: this work is mainly do veterinary medicine sales and wine sales, is the school requirements of the field work. in time i do during wine sales performance is good, is mainly do the bulk







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