


如何让雅思口语考官喜欢你  在雅思口语考试中,印象分是至关重要。就等于一位好的老师不但课要教得好,更重要的是要有人格魅力(personal charm ),而同学们在考试过程中这种魅力一定要有,通过礼仪体现出来。口语的 ...
2015-5-28 15:50
2015年雅思口语考试评分标准详情分析  雅思考试口语评分标准总分部分:   9分   成绩极佳,能将英语运用自如,精确、流利并能完全理解。   8分   非常良好,能将英语运用自如,只是偶尔不连贯或用词不当, ...
2015-5-28 15:49
雅思口语话题:创业类话题  话题卡   Describe a small business that you would like to own.   You should say:   what this business would be   how you would start/open this business   how you ...
2015-5-25 15:40
雅思口语怎样做到切题回答  对于口语考试,很多考生都感到迷惑,不知道到底怎么回答才叫切题。为了方便同学们的学习,新东方雅思网今天为大家准备了雅思口语怎样回答才叫切题,正在雅思备考的你可千万别错过哟~更 ...
2015-5-25 15:39
浅析修辞手法对雅思口语的重要性  在雅思口语考试的第二部分讲述个人经验,描述日常活动或具体细节的时候,如果能熟练地将修辞方式适当地运用到口语中,考生就可以很明显的展现自己的个人特色,给考官留下好的印象 ...
2015-5-25 15:39
雅思口语中常见食物的英语表达方法  一、Poultry 家禽类   1. 鸡鸭: Fresh Grade Legs(thigh) 鸡大腿 Fresh Grade Breast 鸡胸 chicken fryer小鸡块 Chicken Drumsticks 鸡小腿 Chicken Wings 鸡翅 Turkey 火鸡 ...
2015-5-25 15:37
如何应对没听懂的雅思口语考官的问题  雅思口语考试的时候,考官说话听不懂怎么办?如果PARDON了一遍还是听不懂,考官还能再重复吗?新东方雅思网今天为大家准备了雅思口语考官的问题没听懂该怎么办,正在雅思备考的 ...
2015-5-25 15:36
雅思口语与词汇的重要关系简介  学习一门语言,词汇的重要性想必大家都知道。那词汇对于雅思口语而言,它的重要性又体现在哪几个方面呢?新东方雅思网今天为大家准备了词汇与雅思口语的重要关系,正在雅思备考的你 ...
2015-5-25 15:35
雅思口语考试须知  雅思口语考试的时间不固定,有可能安排在笔试前一周至笔试后一周的任意一天,且雅思口语考试的时间不能按照考生的要求 进行预定或更改,口试场地和地址有可能不同于考点场地和地址,所以,所有 ...
2015-5-8 08:56
雅思口语考试提分技巧  同学们在练习雅思口语的时候需要在考试前了解清楚雅思口语流程是怎样的,或是参加一些雅思口语辅导班还是很有必要,那么接下来呢雅思小编就来给大家介绍一下雅思口语考试有哪些提分秘诀,希 ...
2015-5-8 08:55
雅思口语考前的状态如何调整  一、虽然雅思口语考试在听说读写四项中是最短的,只有10-15分钟,但是很多中国考生依然经常把它看成最大的障碍。主要原因是什么?   答复:大部分考生在口语考试里面临着如下问题: ...
2015-5-8 08:50
雅思口语高分需要怎么答题  首先,在回答第一部分时,切忌回答过短。   一些初识雅思的学生在口语上遇到的最大障碍之一就是没话可说,每个问题的答案都只有寥寥几个词。比如:Are you working orstudying-   I ...
2015-5-7 15:17
雅思口语考试低分原因有哪些  1. 模仿标准答案   在最近一段时间里,已经很少有新题出现。所以大多数考生会选择去一一的准备考过的题目(主要是雅思Part 1和Part 2)。所以,我们可以看到,大多数考生在准备的时候 ...
2015-5-7 15:16
雅思口语技巧之模仿、复述和原创怎么答  一、模仿(Imitation)— 跟读是起点   要打好口语的基础,模仿是最初的一个过程。只有通过有效的模仿,考生们才能够从一开始就养成良好的发音习惯,形成正确的语音语调, ...
2015-5-7 15:16
雅思口语的评分标准是什么  相信参加了雅思考试的同学们最关心的就是自己的成绩了,特别是关心自己的口语成绩,因为对于大多数中国学生而言,口语考试一直是薄弱项,同学们只要能获得自己认为理想的成绩就很满足了 ...
2015-5-7 15:15
雅思口语扣分原则有哪些  雅思口语考试扣分细则雅思口语评分标准的“发音”评分项中,有这样一个界定:“能够使用表情、肢体语言帮助自己被理解”。根据这个标准,如果你有下列问题,你会被扣分。请看详细内容。 ...
2015-5-7 15:14
50个生活冷知识你都听说过么?  Coffee is made from beans, chameleons change colour tomatch their surroundings and Mount Qomolangma is the 'tallest'mountain in the world.   咖啡是由咖啡豆制成,变色龙 ...
2015-5-7 10:18
夏天你招蚊子么?这跟你父母有关  If you frequently find yourself covered in mosquito bites, whileothers escape without so much as an itch, you can blame yourgenes.   如果你发现蚊子特别喜欢叮你,而其 ...
2015-5-7 10:17
你是化悲愤为食量的人么?  Quite often some people will confess that after a long day beingcalm and in complete control of their busy, successful lives theycollapse on the sofa and gorge on chocolate ...
2015-5-7 10:17
雅思口语话题:穿着打扮是否重要  Dressing well is important to one's Iife.   着装在人们的生活中作用重大。   I think clothes and fashion speak to people about what kind ofperson you are. They help ...
2015-5-6 10:30
雅思口语话题:又到毕业季,给应届毕业生的一点建议  We recently asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to tellus the best post-grad advice they’ve ever received. Here’swhat they had to say:   最近 ...
2015-5-6 10:29
雅思口语话题:一个你可能从未听过的职场建议  Susan Colantuono: The career advice youprobably didn’t get   你做了工作中所有正确的事情,采用了所有正确的建议,但就是没升职加薪。为什么会这样? 想知道答 ...
2015-5-6 10:25
雅思口语话题练习——描述人物  外表衣着:   gender 性别 bald/balding 秃头   hair color 头发颜色 brown棕色 blond金发碧眼的   straight/curly/waved hair 直、卷、波浪发   fair hair 金发 dyed h ...
2015-3-23 14:08
  雅思口语备考如同小提琴手适才学琴时,拉空弦、拉音阶都要拉上好几个月一样,基本功的练习是必不行少的。语音语调在雅思口语备考中的重要性,不仅仅体现在雅思口语名列四大评分标准之一,更重要的是,一旦因为语 ...
2015-3-19 09:46
雅思美国口语教程:Going Shopping三
雅思美国口语教程:Going Shopping三  on sale 减价出售  This book is on sale.  This suit is on sale.  for sale 待售  This house is for sale.  promotion 促销  ten percent off 九折  twenty ...
2012-2-21 17:17
雅思美国口语教程:Going Shopping二
雅思美国口语教程:Going Shopping二  refund 退款  exchange 换货  What's the price of this wallet? 这个钱夹多少钱?  How much is…=What's the price of…  What's the price of this TVset?  How ...
2012-2-21 17:17
雅思美国口语教程:Going Shopping一
雅思美国口语教程:Going Shopping一  I enjoy going to department stores on the weekends. 我喜欢在周末逛百货商场。  shoping mall 步行街  department store 百货商店  supermarket 超市  flea marke ...
2012-2-21 17:16
雅思美国口语教程:Eating Out三
雅思美国口语教程:Eating Out三  To your health 为你的健康干杯!  To our friendship 为我们的友谊干杯!  To our cooperation。 为我们的合作干杯!  餐桌用语:  Let's eat up! 开吃吧。(女主人说) ...
2012-2-21 17:16
雅思美国口语教程:Eating Out二
雅思美国口语教程:Eating Out二  dog's meat 狗肉  熟人之间:  You eat like a horse. 你真能吃啊。  You eat like a bird. 你吃得真少啊。  You drink like fish.你真能喝。  You sleep like a log. ...
2012-2-21 17:16
雅思美国口语教程:Eating Out一
雅思美国口语教程:Eating Out一  vegetable蔬菜  vanilla 香草  invite邀请  restraurent 饭店  dessert 甜食  desert沙漠  potato 土豆  tomato 西红柿  soup 汤  soap 香皂  Jame, let's ...
2012-2-21 17:15
雅思美国口语教程:Telephone English二
雅思美国口语教程:Telephone English二  Please tell him his mother is here.  Please tell her her brother is ill.  Would you mind calling back later?  Would you mind calling back this afternoon? ...
2012-2-21 17:14
雅思美国口语教程:Telephone English一
雅思美国口语教程:Telephone English一  telephone=phone 电话  make a call 打电话  call sb. 给某人打电话  mobile phone/cell phone 手机  cordless phone 无绳电话  pay phone 公用电话  walkie- ...
2012-2-21 17:14
雅思美国口语教程:Making decisions
雅思美国口语教程:Making decisions  What have you decided?Can you tell me?你做了决定没有?可以告诉我吗?  decide v.决定  decision n. 决定  I've definitely decided to go to California.我的确已 ...
2012-2-21 17:13
雅思美国口语教程:plan三  I'd love to.but I'm tired.  I'd love to,but I have no time.  That's a good ,but i'll ill lately.很好,但最近我生病了。  Please excuse me for a little while ,I want to ...
2012-2-21 17:13
2011雅思美国口语教程:Time二  before=to  9:50 it`s ten before ten  off=past  9:05 five off nine  It`s a few minutes after seven.现在7点多一点儿。  My brother is already 7 years old,but he ...
2012-2-21 17:10
2011雅思美国口语教程:Time一  Excuse me,what time do you have?麻烦您,几点了?我想对下表。  I wanna set my watch. 我要对表。  wanna=want to  have got to =gotta  going to =gonna  Excuse me ...
2012-2-21 17:10
2012雅思口语学习:英语的习惯性用法五  41 Hang 是个常用的单词,几本意思是“挂,吊”。口语中加上in 或者on后,其意思是坚持。Hang in there, OK? 再在那里坚持一会。Everybody hanging on. 每个人都再坚持一下 ...
2012-2-21 17:10
2012雅思口语学习:英语的习惯性用法四  31 我们赞扬儿童时最常用的话有:Isn't he cute He is so cute. He is adorable. Beautiful baby! 逗一两岁的小孩时,人们常说:Peek-a-boo, I see you.给小孩说再见:See ...
2012-2-21 17:06
2012雅思口语学习:英语的习惯性用法三  21 You look concerned. What's on your mind 你看上去有点心思沉沉,在担心什么呢?  22 I've got to quiet down and get focused. 我该冷静下来,集中注意力。  23 I ...
2012-2-21 17:06
2012雅思口语学习:英语的习惯性用法二  11 I cannot take it any more. 我再也无法忍受了。前面还可以加上一句:don't push me. 不要再逼我呀。 同样意思的句子还有:I cannot stand him any longer.  12 Don' ...
2012-2-21 17:05
2011雅思美国口语教程:Date四  solar calendar阳历,公历  lunar calendar 阴历,农历  中国节假日:  元宵节:The Lantern Festival is the fifeenth day of the first month in the lunar year.  端午 ...
2012-2-21 17:04
2011雅思美国口语教程:Date三  National Day of holiday 国庆假期  Day of Independence 独立日  The National Day is October 1st  The Children`s Day is June 1st.  美国传统节日  the Easter复活节 ...
2012-2-21 17:04
2011雅思美国口语教程:Date二  I was born on October 1st 1981.我出生于1981年10月1 日  Halloween starts on the evening of October 31st.万圣节开始于10月31日晚上。  I took a trip to Hongkong in 1980 ...
2012-2-21 17:03
2011雅思美国口语教程:Date一  date v. (私人)约会  have a date with sb.和某人有个私人约会  date n. 枣  chinese date 枣  What day is it today? 今天礼拜几?  What day is it tomorrow? 明天礼 ...
2012-2-21 17:03
2011雅思美国口语教程:Finished Actitivies一
2011雅思美国口语教程:Finished Actitivies一  I have done sth.  I had done sth  Have you ever been to British?你去过英国吗?  He has gone to london.他去了伦敦。  He has been to london.他去过 ...
2012-2-20 20:29
2011雅思美国口语教程:Continuous Activitives二
2011雅思美国口语教程:Continuous Activitives二  I`m dying 我要死了。  I`m marrying. 我要结婚了。  Your mother was calling to ask if you were at the Sunday school. 你妈妈打电话问你是不是在主日学 ...
2012-2-20 20:29
2011雅思美国口语教程:Continuous Activitives一
2011雅思美国口语教程:Continuous Activitives一  What are you doing?你在做什么?  now现在 at the moment此时 nowsdays ad. 现今,现在  I was calling and nobody was answering.  Julie is playing th ...
2012-2-20 20:28
2011雅思美国口语教程:Housework三  I need to fix it。我得修理它了。  We need a washing machine the old one doesn`t work.我们需要新洗衣机,旧的坏了。  TV set电视机 the stereo system 音响 DVD play ...
2012-2-20 20:27
2011雅思美国口语教程:Housework二  nail sth. up 钉牢某物  hold straight扶直  Will you hold the door open while I get my bicycle out?我往外拿自行车时你能扶着门让它开着吗?  Will you hold the st ...
2012-2-20 20:27
2011雅思美国口语教程:Housework一  We always do the housekeeping(housework) on the weekend.我们总是在周末做家务。  housework=household chore家务琐事  work around the house 做家务事  keep the ...
2012-2-20 20:26
2011雅思美国口语教程:Asking for help三
2011雅思美国口语教程:Asking for help三  Excuse me, will you spare me a minute?劳驾,你能腾出点时间给我吗?  Could you wait a moment?你能等一会吗?  Please don`t bother me,can`t you see I am bus ...
2012-2-20 20:26
2011雅思美国口语教程:Asking for help二
2011雅思美国口语教程:Asking for help二  pick up拣起,拾起,摘 ,接人,学会(慢慢通过实践学会)  pick up a wallet from the ground.从地上把钱包拾起来  pick up a flower摘花  I`ll`pick you up.我 ...
2012-2-20 20:25
2011雅思美国口语教程:Asking for help一
2011雅思美国口语教程:Asking for help一  Will you please do me a favor?您能帮我个忙吗?  Excuse me ,can you help me? 劳驾,您能帮个忙吗?  Can you do me a favor? 您能帮个忙吗?  Will you give ...
2012-2-20 20:25
2011雅思美国口语教程:Time三  Time cures all wound.时间能治愈一切创伤。  Time flies。时间飞逝。  time 次数(可数名词)  several times 很多次  times 时代  our times 我们的时代  keep up wi ...
2012-2-20 20:24
2011雅思美国口语教程:asking for directions五
2011雅思美国口语教程:asking for directions五  You can take the subway to get there。你可以坐地铁到那儿。  take the subway=ride the subway=get on the subway乘地铁  It`s on my way。I`ll walk you ...
2012-2-20 20:23
2011雅思美国口语教程:asking for directions四
2011雅思美国口语教程:asking for directions四  miss怀念  I miss my father a lot.我很怀念我父亲。  miss 错过  miss a bus错过了公交车  miss it没找到,错过  Can I go by bus? 我坐公共汽车能到 ...
2012-2-20 20:22
雅思美国口语教程:asking for directions三
雅思美国口语教程:asking for directions三  follow the road back沿路往回走  go up往前走  go down往后走  go along the street沿着路走  I went up to Beijing我去北京了。  I went down to my home ...
2012-2-20 20:22
2011雅思美国口语教程:asking for directions二
2011雅思美国口语教程:asking for directions二  the Monument to the People`s Heroes人民英雄纪念碑  the Memorial Hall of Chairman Mao毛主席纪念堂  Landmark Tower亮马大厦  Lufthansa Shopping Cent ...
2012-2-20 20:12
2011雅思美国口语教程:asking for directions一
2011雅思美国口语教程:asking for directions一  Excuse me is there a cafe nearby?麻烦一下,这附近有咖啡店吗?  Is there a net cafe nearby?  a net bar 网吧  a W.C.(washing closet)(英)  a r ...
2012-2-20 20:12
2011雅思美国口语教程:Marriage四  adopted son 养子 adopted daughter养女  adopted father 养父 adopted mother养母  He is a son out of the wed lock.他是私生子。  He is born without wed lock. 他是 ...
2012-2-20 20:11
2011雅思美国口语教程:Marriage三  wedding anniversary 结婚纪念日  paper wedding anniversary纸婚 一年 china wedding anniversary磁婚 十年  silver wedding anniversary银婚 二十五年 golden wedding an ...
2012-2-20 20:10
2011雅思美国口语教程:Marriage二  Sino-Tibetan family汉藏语系 Germanic family 日尔曼语系  She gets on well with her mother-in-law。她和她婆婆关系很好。  get on badly 处得不好  get on well处得 ...
2012-2-20 20:09
2011雅思美国口语教程:Marriage一  marriage n.婚姻  marry vt.结婚 marry A to B  My father married me to a doctor.  marry sb. off 把某人嫁出去  She finally married her daughter off.  marry s ...
2012-2-20 20:09
2011雅思美国口语教程:Finished Actitivies二
2011雅思美国口语教程:Finished Actitivies二  must have done sth. 一定做某事  You must have forgotten to lock the door.你一定是忘了锁门了。  postage paid邮资已付  postage邮资  Having sucessfu ...
2012-2-20 20:08
雅思口语学习:英语的习惯性用法九  91. He is a stud.他很帅,他是个帅哥。注意stud只能用于男性,而且是那种具阳刚气、棱角分明、健壮的人(well-cut)。女性相对应的词是bombshell,美得像炸弹,她一出现,就要 ...
2012-2-20 20:07
雅思口语学习:英语的习惯性用法八  71.She's really pretty, isn't she? Her skin looks so baby smooth! 她太靓了。你看她的皮肤,看上去就像婴孩一样光滑。  72.It is no good to put lots of make-up and no ...
2012-2-20 20:06
雅思口语学习:英语的习惯性用法七  61.It's a pro-democracy movement. And it's not only Chinese, it is global. 这是一场民主化运动,这不仅是中国人的追求,而是世界性的运动。在谈到民主化时,在democracy前 ...
2012-2-20 20:06
雅思口语学习:英语的习惯性用法六  51.Back To Basics 从头来,回到起点,回到基础的东西。  This is really complicated for me now, please get back to basics, OK?这真的有点复杂了,我搞不懂,能不能从头 ...
2012-2-20 20:05
雅思美国口语教程:Neighborhood一  I have lived at 24 University Street for 20 years. 我在学院街24号住了20年。  Where do you live?  district 区  municipality 直辖市 n. 自治市;市政当局  24 Un ...
2012-2-20 20:05
雅思美国口语教程:Two language四
雅思美国口语教程:Two language四  text 正文  Every one makes mistakes when they are lenrning to speak.每个人学说话时都会犯错误。  Speak it out.Don`t be afraid to lose face。说出来,别怕丢脸。  ...
2012-2-20 20:04
雅思美国口语教程:Two language三
雅思美国口语教程:Two language三  I can read ang write in three languages.我能用三种语言读和写。  How well do you know Chinese?你中文懂多少?  how+形容词或副词  how well 程度如何  how long ...
2012-2-20 20:02
雅思美国口语教程:Two language二
雅思美国口语教程:Two language二  How long have you been studying Spanish?您西班牙语学了多长时间了?  I have been studying English for two years.  I started to learn English since two years ago. ...
2012-2-20 20:02
雅思口语学习:英语的习惯性用法九  Do you speak English?您讲英语吗?  Do you speak Chinese?你会说汉语吗?  I can speak in English.我能说英语。  Excuse me , do you speak English? 劳驾,你说英语 ...
2012-2-20 19:59
2011雅思美国口语教程:Appearance五  From her appearance, I would guess she is Japanese. 从她外表看,我猜她是日本人  From her appearance, I would guess she is Italian. 意大利人  Asian American 亚 ...
2012-2-20 19:17
2011雅思美国口语教程:Appearance四  He looks exactly like … 他十分像…  They could be twins. 他们就是双胞胎啊  look-alike contest 模仿秀  He has his father's blue eyes and his mother's round ...
2012-2-20 19:16
2011雅思美国口语教程:Appearance三  He is a big guy. 他是个大块头。  Will is tall and quite lanky. Will高高瘦瘦的。  He is tall and lanky. 他高高瘦瘦的  He is stout. 他是个矮胖子  He is chub ...
2012-2-20 19:16
2011雅思美国口语教程:Appearance二  high bridged nose 高鼻梁的鼻子  flat nose 扁鼻子 snub nose 蒜头鼻  sexual mouth 性感的嘴 sexy mouth lips 嘴唇  forehead 前额 cheek 面颊 cheekbone 颧骨  hi ...
2012-2-20 19:15
2011雅思美国口语教程:Appearance一  What does Cindy look like? Cindy长得什么样儿?  appearance 外表  look v. 看 n. 长相、样子  What does she look like? 她长得什么样子?  She has big blue eye ...
2012-2-20 19:15
2012雅思美国口语教程:Identifying People三
2012雅思美国口语教程:Identifying People三   host 主持人  hostess 女主持人  announcer 播音员  broadcaster 播音员  anchormanss 大腕播音员  MC = Master of Ceremonies司仪  Where do you come ...
2012-2-20 18:33
2012雅思美国口语教程:Identifying People二
2012雅思美国口语教程:Identifying People二  Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁啊  What do you think you are? 你把自己当成什么了?  general secretary 总书记  Secretary of State 国务卿  Se ...
2012-2-20 18:33


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