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BBC news quiz节目上的几个英语小笑话

magique 发表于 2010-3-27 13:30:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
BBC news quiz节目上的几个英语小笑话

.....Labours are finally doing what they should've done in 1945, nationalizing the banks. Isn't it very weird timing, it's like cold war but reversal, in that America is nationalizing wealth and invading Afghanistan and Russians are oil-rich capitalists.

They said the post office is a better place to put your money, I think that's because by the time you get to the front of the queue, the recession would be over.

I couldn't follow his logic when he said "I(David Cameron) understand about small businesses and entrepreneurs because I sleep with one every night." And I thought 'Well Tony Blair sleeps with a judge but he never seems to know the law. If that were true, if you accumulated knowledge with everybody you slept with, then logically our next PM should be Peter Stringfellow'---(Peter Stringfellow (born 17 October 1940, Sheffield) is an English nightclub owner who has cultivated a "playboy" image in the British popular press. Stringfellow claims to have slept with more than 3,000 women (which would mean, on average, more than one new woman per week if he started at the age of twelve).

Spies have always been useless. There was a great story about Kim Filby when he was spying for the Russians at the heart of of the British secret service, so he was at huge personal risk, he was copying documents putting them in an envelope and sending them to a safe-house address in France in Paris, and he did this for years. And one day many years later, he was on holiday in Paris, and thought 'just for sentimental reasons, I'll go and see whether my safe-house is as I imagined it', so he went to this address, and it was the Soviet embassy. Luckily the British secret service were as useless as the Russian secret service.
dt224 发表于 2010-3-29 16:47:05 | 显示全部楼层
xcczl 发表于 2010-4-6 11:39:42 | 显示全部楼层
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