


2011-9-17 14:00| 发布者: 咖|、啡| 查看: 293| 评论: 0

摘要: 8天攻克8000词汇句子96 2251. monotony : sameness leading to boredom * He took a clerical job, but soon grew to hate the monotony of his daily routine. 2252. monumental : massive * Writing a dictionary ...


2251. monotony : sameness leading to boredom

* He took a clerical job, but soon grew to hate the monotony of his daily routine.

2252. monumental : massive

* Writing a dictionary is a monumental task.

2255. morbid : given to unwholesome thought; gloomy

* These morbid speculations are dangerous; we must lighten our spirits by emphasizing more pleasant matters.

2258. moribund : at the point of death

* The doctors called the family to the bedside of the moribund patient.

2260. mortician : undertaker

* The mortician prepared the corpse for burial.

2261. mortify : humiliate; punish the flesh

* She was so mortified by her blunder that she ran to her room in tears.

2262. mosaic : picture made of smell, colorful inlaid tiles

* The mayor compared the city to a beautiful mosaic made up of people of every race and religion on earth.

2264. motif : theme

* This simple motif runs throughout the score.

2272. multifarious : varied; greatly diversified

* A career woman and mother, she was constantly busy with the multifarious activities of her daily life.

2274. multilingual : having many languages

* Because they are bordered by so many countries, the Swiss people are multilingual.

2275. multiplicity : state of being numerous

* He was appalled by the multiplicity of details he had to complete before setting out on his mission.

2277. munificent : very generous

* The munificent gift was presented to the bride by her rich uncle.








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