


2015英语六级口语考试(2):美国革命  The Historical Significance of American Revolution   The ways of history are so intricate and the motivations of human actions so complex that it is always haz ...
2015-5-15 13:28
2015英语六级口语考试练习(1):儿童的数学能力  children’s numerical skills   people appear to born to compute. The numerical skills of children develop so early and so inexorably that it is easy to ...
2015-5-15 13:27
【美国常用习语】平分秋色  今天我们来学几个在总统大选中常会用上的词汇和习惯用语。在大选举行前,几乎隔一天就会公布一次民意调查结果,衡量那些希望得到共和党或民主党总统侯选人提名的人在选民中支持率的高低 ...
2015-4-17 14:07
【美语常用习语】安慰他人的口语句子  大白呆萌的there there萌化了众粉丝的心,那么英语中还有哪些表达用来安慰别人呢?今天,让我们一起做个治愈系。   身边的人失恋了、失业了,最重要的人生病住院啦,等等。 ...
2015-4-17 14:02
【日常口语】吃自助餐时的常用表达  buffet   自助餐 n.名词   prefer   较喜欢 v.动词   certainly   当然 adv.副词   a la carte   照菜单自行点菜   over there   在那里   help oneself ...
2015-4-16 10:32
【美语常用习语】容易办成的事  美国习惯用语第460讲:今天要学的习惯用语都有这样的意思: 你原来担心会相当难办的一件工作或者一项行动没想到结果却是轻而易举的。凑巧的是这几个习惯用语还都和吃的东西有关。第一 ...
2015-4-16 10:31
口语记英语六级单词 Z字头
A: You play sports with great zeal. B: Yes, I am enthusiastic about all sports.zealn. 热心,热忱,热情 A: Have you ever seen a zebra ?B: Yes, but only in a zoo.zebran. 斑马 A: Is your kitchen sink mad ...
2011-11-26 21:33
口语记英语六级单词 Y字头
A: We rented a yacht for two weeks.B: And to where did you sail?yachtn. 快艇,(竞赛用的)帆船,游艇 A: Why did you not finish knitting the blanket?B: I ran out of yarn. yarnn. 1.纱,纱线,防线;2.奇 ...
2011-11-26 21:32
口语记英语六级单词 W字头
A: We waded though the river to reach the other side.B: Why didn’t you swim?wadevi. 涉水,跋涉wade through 艰难地通过,费力地做完 A: The dog seems happy to see you.B: Yes, he is wagging his tail.wagv ...
2011-11-26 21:31
口语记英语六级单词 V字头
A: I have to an operation, a valve in my heart is broken.B: That sounds serious.valven. 1。阀,活门;2。(心脏的)瓣膜,(管乐器的)活瓣 A: You have been looking into that mirror for half an hour.B: I ...
2011-11-26 21:29
口语记英语六级单词 U字头
A: Did he give you a choice of options?B: No, he offered me no ultimatum .ultimatumn. 最后通牒 A: Ultraviolet light is harmful to our skin.B: So you better wear some sunscreen when you are out in the ...
2011-11-26 21:28
口语记英语六级单词 Q字头
A: Your town is quaint .B: I think it is too small.quainta. 奇特而有趣的,古色古香的 A: I am conducting qualitative research into the factors affecting female education rates in schools.B: Sounds fasc ...
2011-11-26 21:27
口语记英语六级单词 P字头
A: You don’t seem to be arguing with your brother anymore.B: No, we made a pact not to argue anymore.pactn. 契约,协定,条约A: Shall we go canoeing on the river?B: We could, but I’ve lost the paddl ...
2011-11-26 21:25
口语记英语六级单词 O字头
A: What type of tree is that?B: I think it is an oak tree. It is certainly large enough to be one.oakn. 1.栎树,橡树;2.栎木,橡木 A: Oh no, I’ve dropped an oar .B: We will have to swim to the sh ...
2011-11-26 21:23
口语记英语六级单词 N字头
A: He has a very naive attitude towards works.B: Yeah, he thinks that money grows on trees.naivea. 1.幼稚的,轻信的;2.天真的 A: I’m feeling a bit tired.B: Why don’t you have a quick nap?napn. ...
2011-11-26 21:22
口语记英语六级单词 M字头
A: Has the case been closed yet?B: No, the magistrate still needs to decide the outcome.magistraten. 地方行政官,地方法官,治安官 A: I am unable to read the small print in the book.B: It seems you ne ...
2011-11-26 21:14
口语记英语六级单词 L字头
A: Be careful, your laces are undone.B: Oh, I never learned how to tie them properly.lacen. 1.网眼花边,透空织品,花边;2.鞋带,系带vt. (up) 用系带束紧 A: Sorry I’m late, my alarm did not go of ...
2011-11-26 21:13
口语记英语六级单词 K字头
KA: I dreamt I was kidnapped by a gang of thieves.B: You were not dreaming!kidnapvt. 绑架,诱拐A: Doctor, I have a severe pain in my lower back.B: It may be your kidneys , let me check.kidneyn. 肾,肾 ...
2011-11-26 21:05
口语记英语六级单词 J字头
A: I need to change the wheel of my car, I have a flat.B: I’ll help, do you have a jack ?jackn. 千斤顶vt. 1.用千斤顶顶起;2。停止,放弃;3。提高,增加 A: What type of stone is your ring?B: It is jade ...
2011-11-26 21:05
口语记英语六级单词 I字头
A: I need to see some identification before I can let you in.B: But I’m not carrying any.identificationn. 1.身份证明;2.鉴定,验明,认出;3.认同 A: My ideologies and ideas about life have cha ...
2011-11-26 21:02
口语记英语六级单词 H字头
A: I think we have an obligation to protect our natural habitat.B: I agree. That is why I promote recycling.habitatn. (动物的)栖息地,住处 A: How did he get your personal details?B: He hacked into ...
2011-11-26 20:58
口语记英语六级单词 B字头
B A: My brother got married last year.B: That surprises me, I thought that he would remain a bachelor for the rest of his life.bachelorn. 1.单身男士,单身汉; 2.学士,学士学位 A: That is a nice badge t ...
2011-11-26 20:53
口语记英语六级单词 A字头
A: What is NY an abbreviation for ?B:
2011-11-26 20:49
How to prepare for a Band-6oral test. The format and the scope of the test: An oral test usually consists of three parts:1)A Brief Introduction about Yourself;2)Talking about a Short Topic, ...
2011-11-25 20:38
  为了进一步推动我国大学英语教学,适应国家改革开放的需要,使学生更加重视英语口语学习,获得较强的交际能力,经教育部高等教育司批准,全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会开始实施口语考试(CET- Spoken English ...
2011-11-25 20:36
 在全民学英语,北京迎奥运的滚滚热潮中,人们的英语能力再一次成为求职者和雇主们关注的内容。无论在北京、在上海、在广州、在沈阳,人们都开始在这种大潮的推动下,努力为自己争得一份位置。提高英语水平,加强交 ...
2011-11-25 20:35
  为进一步推动我国大学英语教学,适应国家改革开放的需要,使大学生更加重视英语口语学习,获得更强的英语口语交际能力,经教育部高等教育司批准,全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会自1999年起开始施行大学英语四、 ...
2011-11-25 20:34
讲述了“自言自语法”在提高学生英语口语能力中的重要性及如何巧用“自言自语法”,并在调查分析的基础上进一步提出了“自言自语法”确是一种能有效提高学生英语口语能力且普遍运用的英语口语训练方法。  大学英语 ...
2011-11-25 20:34
 六级考试中的听力对话的题材一般贴近学生生活、学习,语言口语话,掌握考题中常出现的口语短语是很有必要的。  You said it!你说对了!  It’s up to you.你决定好了。  It sure is.那当然是。  As far as ...
2011-11-25 20:33
  口语完全攻略-起步篇  听,说,读,写,是学习语言最自然的过程, 就象我们从小学母语一样。所以学英语也该先从听,说入手。  首先, 需要选一本好的口语教材。大家不要小看教材的作用。我所居住的大学已为该校教师 ...
2011-11-25 20:32
  一、考试简介  1.1 考试性质  大学英语四、六级考试口语考试( CET Spoken English Test ,简称 CET-SET )用于测量我国大学生运用英语进行口头交际的能力  1.2 考试对象本文考试大网  CET-SET 报考对象 ...
2011-11-25 20:31
 最近,又有很多同学开始关注四、六级的口语考试了,问到了具体的练习方法。我想,我应该给大家一个回复,下面谈谈我的看法吧。  众所周知,大学英语四、六级的风向标是美国托福考试(toefl),以前是旧托现在是新 ...
2011-11-25 20:29
  1. 心理准备。  四六级能考优秀,未必口语能拿到B等甚至C等。这很正常,四六级是个综合测试,并不说明你英语学习中的每一部分都尽善尽美了,而口语尤有可能与其拉开距离。总觉得一个大学生到了外面就是代表其 ...
2011-11-25 20:29
1. We study spoken English so as to make oral communications, so this order of importance of oral English study should be followed: Fluency, Accuracy, and Appropriateness. That is to say, we have ...
2011-11-25 20:27
大学英语六级口语(57) Don't do that!Stop it!Stop that! 你干吗要干那种事? Why are you doing that?Why are you doing that? (你干吗要干那种事?)Why not? (为什么不能干?) 请排队! Please line up! *用于人们 ...
2011-8-4 16:49
大学英语六级口语(56) ●制止停! Hold it! *用来表达“等等!”、“停下!”、“别干了!”。Hold it! It's time for lunch. (别干了,该吃午饭了。)It's about time. (总算到点了。)Stop!Cut it out!Knock it off! ...
2011-8-4 16:49
大学英语六级口语(55) Don't complain and do as you are told.Do what I tell you to do without complaining. 干脆点!(赶快!)Make it snappy! *这是一个惯用句, “快!”、“干脆点儿!”Hurry it up!Look snapp ...
2011-8-4 16:48
大学英语六级口语(54) Don't make dumb mistakes again! 别那么自命不凡。 Don't be stuck-up. *stuck-up “骄傲自满”、“自高自大”。Don't be so pompous. *pompous “装模作样的”、“自负的”、“华而不实 ...
2011-8-4 16:47
大学英语六级口语(53) Think twice before you do it. 轻拿轻放。/动作轻点儿。 Easy does it. *表示“要小心谨慎地处理”易碎品或贵重物。Easy does it, doesn't drop the TV. (动作轻点儿,小心别把电视掉下来 ...
2011-8-4 16:47
大学英语六级口语(52) That's easy for you to say.If you practice hard, you'll get a gold medal. (如果你刻苦练习,一定能够得金牌。)That's easy for you to say. (你说得容易。) 你发什么牢骚? There's no ...
2011-8-4 16:46
大学英语六级口语(51) 重要的提醒和忠告 ●教诲、告诫约翰,向她道歉。 John, apologize to her.John, apologize to her. (约翰,向她道歉。)I'm really sorry. (真对不起。) 约翰,你听我说! John, you listen t ...
2011-8-4 16:45
大学英语六级口语(50) I don't want to talk anymore. (我不想说了。) 那事儿我听过了。 I've heard the story before. *用于对方重复说一件事时。You've already told me.I'm sick and tired of hearing that. ( ...
2011-8-4 16:00
大学英语六级口语(49) ●下决心我已经决定了。 I've decided.I've decided to move. (我已经决定搬家了。)Really? (真的?)I've made up my mind.I've come to a decision. 一切都看你的了。 It's up to you. *up ...
2011-8-4 15:59
大学英语六级口语(48) ●催促别人说话你说点什么吧! Say something.Say something. (你说点什么吧!)I'm speechless. (我连话都说不出来了。)A penny for your thoughts. *这是惯用表达方式,用于当对方在考虑什么 ...
2011-8-4 15:58
大学英语六级口语(47) Is that so?Really?Oh, really?Oh, do you?Oh, you do?Oh, you like it? (哦,你喜欢吗?)Oh, thank you. (哦,谢谢。)It's nice, isn't it? (是不是特棒呀?) 然后呢? And? *希望对方继续说 ...
2011-8-4 15:58
大学英语六级口语(46) ●感想就像我一样。 Just like me!John is very smart. (约翰真聪明。)Yeah, just like me! (嗯,就像我一样。)*夫妻谈论自己的儿子约翰。 好吃吗? Was it good?We had melon for lunch at ...
2011-8-4 15:57
大学英语六级口语(45) I have no idea. 我不太清楚。 I don't know for sure. *for sure 有“确切地”、“毫无疑问地”的含意。Do you know the way to my house? (你认识去我家的路吗?)I don't know for sure. ( ...
2011-8-4 15:56
大学英语六级口语(44) I know. *表示“无需对方解释,我很清楚”。L.A. is in California. (洛杉矶在加利福尼亚州。)I know. (我知道呀。)I know that.I know it.I didn't know. (我怎么不知道。) 我认识那个人。 ...
2011-8-4 15:55
大学英语六级口语(43) 随意的谈话 ●征求意见懂吗? Do you understand? *是一般的说法。Do you understand? (懂吗?)I understand. (懂了。) 懂了吗? Understood? *既可以用于提问也可以用于回答。You have to im ...
2011-8-4 15:55
大学英语六级口语(42) 好像要下雨。 We're expecting some rain.It's going to rain.It's supposed to rain.Rain is expected.I heard it might rain. (我听说今天可能下雨。) 下雨了。 It's raining. 今天会下 ...
2011-8-4 15:54
大学英语六级口语(41) 你去国外旅行过吗? Have you ever traveled abroad?Have you ever traveled abroad? (你去国外旅行过吗?)Yes, twice. (是的,去过两次。)Have you been overseas? (你去国外旅行过吗?) 你 ...
2011-8-4 15:53
大学英语六级口语(40) 我明年毕业。 I'll graduate next year.I'm graduating next year. 你的专业是什么? What's your major?What do you major in?What are you studying? (你是学什么的?) 我的专业是英语。 ...
2011-8-4 15:53
大学英语六级口语(39) 你在日本呆到什么时候? How long will you be in Japan?How long will you be in Japan? (你在日本呆到什么时候?)Until next month. (呆到下个月。)How long do you plan to stay? 呆到12 ...
2011-8-4 15:52
大学英语六级口语(38) Good to meet you.I'm pleased to meet you.I'm pleased to meet you. (能认识您,我很高兴。)Pleased to meet you, too. (能认识您,我也很高兴。)I'm really happy that I could meet you ...
2011-8-4 15:51
大学英语六级口语(37) 您喝点什么吗? Would you care for something to drink?A) Would you care for something to drink?(您喝点儿什么吗?)B) Yes, I'll have a beer, please. (好的,我要啤酒。)*当拒绝A的提问 ...
2011-8-4 15:51
大学英语六级口语(36) 别干得太猛。Don't work too hard.Take care.Be careful. 旅途愉快! Have a nice trip. *对要去旅行的人说的话。I wish you a pleasant journey.Have a good vacation. (祝你假期愉快!)Bon ...
2011-8-4 15:50
大学英语六级口语(35) ●好久不见 好久不见。 It's been a long time. *当别人这么对自己说时,通常用It sure has.来回答。 好久不见。 It's been so long.John, is that you? (你是约翰吧?)Yeah, it's been so ...
2011-8-4 15:49
大学英语六级口语(34) 见面、分手时 ●碰到友人 嗨!你好! Hi! *比Hello随便,用于比较熟悉的人,男女都可以用。Hi! (嗨!)Hi! (嗨!你好!) 你好! Hello. *一天中常用的寒暄用语。A)Hello, Mr. Smith. (史密斯先生 ...
2011-8-4 15:49
大学英语六级口语(33) 日期和时间 ●询问时间今天几号? What's today's date?Fill out the form. (请填这张表。)What's today's date? (今天几号?)It's the tenth. (今天10号。)What date is it today?What's the ...
2011-8-4 15:48
大学英语六级口语(32) How do you spell your name?Could you spell your name, please?Would you please spell your name?Could you spell that? (您能拼一下您的名字吗?) 您开会的时候史密斯先生给您来电话了。 ...
2011-8-4 15:45
大学英语六级口语(31) Who in particular would you like to talk to? *in particular“特别”、“尤其”。 他一直在等您的电话。He's been expecting your call. * He's是He has的省略形式。Expect“抱有希望地 ...
2011-8-4 15:44
大学英语六级口语(30) 电话 ●打电话我是丹尼斯·史密斯。 This is Dennis Smith. *打电话时常用This is...代替My name is...。This is Dennis Smith speaking. 喂,是约翰吗? Hello, John? *常用于熟人之间。 ...
2011-8-4 15:43
大学英语六级口语(29) You're a chicken. 他在逞强。 He's acting big. He's acting like a hot shot. 他动不动就生气。 He has a short temper. *temper 特指“(感情上的)秉性,气质”,short temper 表示 ...
2011-8-4 15:42
大学英语六级口语(28) He's hard to deal with. He's hard to put up with. (他让人难以忍受。) 他是个倔老头。 He's a stubborn old man. *stubborn“顽固的”、“倔强的”。 Didn't your father say okay? ( ...
2011-8-4 15:41
大学英语六级口语(27) She has a good figure. 他已过壮年。 His best days are gone. He's past his prime. 我父亲上年纪了。 My father's getting on in years. *be getting on in years 为惯用语,“上年 ...
2011-8-4 15:41
大学英语六级口语(26) You look younger than me. *从语法上来讲应该是“You look younger than I”,但美国现在一般不这么说。 We're the same age. (我们同龄吧。) But you look younger than me. (可是你看上 ...
2011-8-4 15:40
大学英语六级口语(24) They're helping our boss again. (他们又去帮上司的忙了。) I don't like brownnosers. (我可讨厌拍马屁的人了。) I don't like flatterers. (我不喜欢爱说恭维话的人。) I don't like ass ...
2011-8-4 15:39
大学英语六级口语(25) ABC公司在几楼? What floor is ABC on? What floor is ABC on? (ABC公司在几楼?) The tenth floor. (在10楼。) 电梯在哪儿? Where are the elevators? Where are the elevators? (电梯在 ...
2011-8-4 15:38
大学英语六级口语(23) 我有很多事要做。 I've got so much to do. 瞧我桌上堆了一堆的事儿。 There's a lot of work piled up on my desk. *pile up“堆积如山”。 There's a lot of work piled up on my desk. ...
2011-8-4 15:37
大学英语六级口语(22) 你应该更加努力工作。 You'd better work harder. You should work harder. *这句不如上句语气强烈。 我是个工作狂。 I'm a workaholic. *这句话既可以是褒义也可以是贬义。它是“工作的 ...
2011-8-4 15:37
大学英语六级口语(21) I think it ran out of paper. *run out“用完”。 I think it's out of paper. 付款截止到什么时候? When is this due? *due“已到付款截止日期”。 When do I have to pay this by? Whe ...
2011-8-4 15:36
大学英语六级口语(20) I made it! *可以用于上班、上学和坐车时的情况。 I made it! (我赶上了!) Not quite. (那可未必。) I'm on time! I arrived on time! (正点到达。) 要严格遵守时间。 Be punctual! Be pun ...
2011-8-4 15:35
大学英语六级口语(19) 你变了。 You have changed.You're not the same as before. (你和以前不一样了。) 你现在是不是和谁交往呢? Are you seeing someone now?Are you seeing someone now? (你现在是不是和谁交 ...
2011-8-4 15:34
大学英语六级口语(18) 看着我! Look at me! 我爱上了罗丝。I fell in love with Rose. *fall in love“坠入爱河”、“谈恋爱”、“迷恋”。I fell in love with Rose. (我爱上了罗丝。)Does she love you? (她爱 ...
2011-8-4 15:33
大学英语六级口语(17) I wish you were never a part of my life. 你是我喜欢的那种类型。You're my type. *也可以用于女性对男性。Why do you like me? (你为什么喜欢我?)You're my type. (因为你是我喜欢的那种 ...
2011-8-4 15:32
大学英语六级口语(16) ●约会今晚有空吗? Are you free tonight? *free“空闲的”。Are you free tonight? (今晚有空吗?)Yes. Why? (有空,干嘛?)Do you have plans tonight? (今天晚上有事吗?)Are you available ...
2011-8-4 15:32
大学英语六级口语(15) 恋爱和结婚 ●喜欢、爱上……汤姆是个美男子。Tom is a lady-killer. *lady-killer直译是“少女杀手”,其实不是杀手,而是指一下子就能迷住女人的男子。Tom dates around a lot. (汤姆和 ...
2011-8-4 15:31
大学英语六级口语(14) ●唱卡拉OK我们去唱卡拉OK吧。 Let's go to karaoke. *虽然卡拉OK在美国的大城市比较受欢迎,但是并不普遍。美国人称卡拉OK为“Carry O.K.”。Let's go to karaoke! (我们去唱卡拉OK吧。)So ...
2011-8-4 15:30
大学英语六级口语(13) Can I rent the equipment? *equipment 表示“用具,必需品”。 请帮我预约高尔夫球。(请别人预约时) Please make a reservation for golf.Would you make a reservation for golf? (能帮我 ...
2011-8-4 15:28
大学英语六级口语(12) What do you say to going to a movie? *这句和上句的意思一样,但是这种说法比较随便。今天晚上放什么电影? What's on tonight? *on用来表示“电影、戏剧的上演和活动的举行”。What's pla ...
2011-8-4 15:28
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