


2012-4-23 10:19| 发布者: bjangel| 查看: 115| 评论: 0

摘要: 新东方网络课堂:历年中级口译真题7Questions 11~15 She looked in the pockets of the black leather jacket he had reluctantly worn the night before. Three of his suits, a pair of blue twill work pants, an ...

Questions 11~15
She looked in the pockets of the black leather jacket he had reluctantly worn the night before. Three of his suits, a pair of blue twill work pants, an old gray sweater with a hood and pockets lay thrown across the bed. The jacket leather was sleazy and damply clinging to her hands. She had bought it for him, as well as the three suits: one light blue with side vents, one gold with green specks, and one reddish that had a silver imitation-silk vest. The pockets of the jacket came softly outward from the lining like skinny milk toast rats. Empty. Slowly she sank down on the bed and began to knead, with blunt anxious fingers, all the pockets in all the clothes piled around her. First the blue suit, then the gold with green, then the reddish one that he said he didn’t like most of all, but which he would sometimes wear if she agreed to stay home, or if she promised not to touch anywhere at all while he was getting dressed.
She was a big awkward woman, with big bones and hard rubbery flesh. Her short arms ended in ham hands, and her neck was a squat roll of fat that protruded behind her head as a big bump. Her skin was rough and puffy, with plump mole like freckles down her cheeks. Her eyes glowered from under the mountain of her brow and were circled with expensive mauve shadow. They were nervous and quick when she was flustered and darted about at nothing in particular while she was dressing hair or talking to people.
Her troubles started noticeably when she fell in love with a studiously quiet schoolteacher, Mr. Jerome Franklin Washington III, who was ten years younger than her. She told herself that she shouldn’t want him, he was so little and cute and young, but when she took into account that he was a schoolteacher, well, she just couldn’t seem to get any rest until, as she put it, “I were Mr. And Mrs. Jerome Franklin Washington the third, and that’s the truth!”
11. The word “sleazy” (paragraph 1) is closest in meaning to        .
(A) lacking moisture (B) lacking persistence
(C) lacking substance (D) lacking confidence
12. Jerome’s taste in clothing is probably        .
(A) worse than the woman’s (B) very loud and flashy
(C) different from the woman’s (D) on agreement with the woman’s
13. Apparently Jerome will occasionally wear the reddish suit if        .
(A) She is very good to him (B) she will leave him alone
(C) she buys him more clothes (D) she gets a better education
14. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true about the woman?
(A) She is married to a school teacher.
(B) Her eyes move around a lot at times.
(C) She is ten years older than Jerome.
(D) She has found what she is looking for.
15. According to the passage, which of the following can be concluded form the passage about this couple?
(A) They will live happily ever after.
(B) Their marriage is not harmonious.
(C) The couple will adopt children.
(D) They will become schoolteachers.









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