


2012-4-18 10:37| 发布者: bjangel| 查看: 133| 评论: 0

摘要: 新东方网络课堂:中级口译口试分类词汇4cross-straits relations  两岸关系crucial historical juncture  重大历史关头democratic decision-making民主决策democratic elections 民主选举democratic management ...

cross-straits relations  两岸关系
crucial historical juncture  重大历史关头
democratic decision-making民主决策
democratic elections 民主选举
democratic management民主管理
Democratic Progressive Party  民进党
democratic supervision 民主监督
Deng Xiaoping theory邓小平理论
deputy to the National People's Congress 全国人大代表 
extensive and profound 博大精深
extravagance and waste 铺张浪费
falsification 弄虚作假
family planning计划生育
federations of industry 工商联
fetters of subjectivism and metaphysics 主观主义和形而上学的桎梏
fight against "Taiwan Independence" 反对“台独”
good-neighborly relationship睦邻友好
government functions 政府职能
government institutions政府机构
government intervention政府干预 
government organs政府机构 
(have) a good government and a united people 政通人和
historic breakthrough 历史性突破
hold high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping theory高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜
honesty 诚实守信
honesty and high efficiency廉洁高效
Hong Kong And Macao special administrative regions
ideological and moral education 思想道德建设
intellectuals 知识分子
intensify functions 强化功能
international organizations国际性组织
international situation 国际形势
iron out differences 化解歧见
keep pace with the times 与时俱进
long-term peace and order长治久安
long-term social stability and solidarity长期社会安定团结
Mao Zedong thought 毛泽东思想
Marxism Leninism马克思列宁主义
mass organizations人民团体
masters of the country当家作主
material and cultural needs of the people 人民的物质文化需要
material and spiritual civilization 物质文明和精神文明
media and publicity work 宣传舆论工作
moral kingpin 精神支撑
morality, intelligence, physique and art德智体美
national rejuvenation through science and education 科教兴国
national reunification祖国统一
national spirit民族精神
negotiations on peaceful reunification和平统一谈判
neighborhood committee 居委会
NPC member人大代表 
our compatriots in Taiwan台湾同胞
our compatriots in the Hong Kong SAR香港特别行政区同胞
our compatriots in the Macao SAR 澳门特别行政区同胞
patriots from all walks of life 各界爱国人士
patriotic democratic personages爱国民主人士
patriotic united front 爱国统一战线
peace and development 和平与发展
peace, justice and progress和平,正义,进步
problems facing agriculture, rural areas and farmers 农业、农村和农民问题
grain distribution system粮食流通体制
reduce agricultural tax rate降低农业税税率
reform of rural taxes and administrative charges农村税费改革
repeal taxes on special agricultural products取消农业特产税
rescind agricultural taxes in five years 五年内取消农业税
to alleviate rural poverty through development农村扶贫开发
proceed from our national conditions 从我国国情出发
promote all-round social progress促进社会全面进步
realm of ideology意识形态领域
reform and opening-up改革开放
reform, development and stability改革发展稳定
rule (run) the country by law依法治国
rule (run) the country by virtue以德治国
running the party, state and army 治党治国治军
survival and development生存和发展
sustainable development 可持续发展
system of regional ethnic autonomy 民族区域自治制度
the Chinese people of all ethnic groups 全国各族人民
the great cause of national reunification 祖国统一大业
the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation中华民族的伟大复兴
the people of all social strata 社会各阶层人们









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