


2011-8-1 20:22| 发布者: 尒、囄| 查看: 299| 评论: 0

摘要: 新东方六级材料二(8) ★Lesson8★The vast majority of people in any given culture will _____ to the established standards of that culture.A) confineB) conformC) confrontD) confirm注:1. conform 符合2. ...



The vast majority of people in any given culture will _____ to the established standards of that culture.
A) confine
B) conform
C) confront
D) confirm
注:1. conform 符合
2. confine 限制;圈养
define 下定义
definite 明确的
infinite 无限的,极大的
3. confront 面临
4. confirm 确认
Although he was on a diet, the food __________ him enormously.
A) inspired
B) tempted
C) overcame
D) encouraged
注:1. tempt 诱惑
2. inspire 启迪
3. overcome 克服
4. encourage 鼓励
His argument does not suggest that mankind can _____ to be wasteful in the utilization of these resources.
A) resort
B) grant
C) afford
D) entitle
注:1. afford 负担得起
affray 争吵
2. resort 诉诸于,求助 resort to = make use of 利用
3. grant 津贴,补助
4. entitle 给……题名;授权
If you want this pain-killer, you'll have to ask the doctor for a ______.
A) receipt
B) recipe
C) subscription
D) prescription
注:1. pain-killer 止疼片
2. prescription 药方
3. receipt 收据
4. recipe 菜谱;秘诀
Some fish have a greater __________ for acid water than others.
A) tolerance
B) resistance
C) dependence
D) persistence
注:1. tolerance 忍耐,忍受
2. resistance 抵抗
3. dependence 依赖
4. persistence 恒定不变,坚持,持续
There was once a town in this country where all life seemed to live in _____ with its surroundings.
A) coincidence
B) harmony
C) uniform
D) alliance
注:1. harmony 和谐,协调
2. coincidence 巧合,一致
3. uniform 制服;统一的,一致的
4. alliance 联盟
The court considers a financial ______ to be an appropriate way of punishing him.
A) payment
B) obligation
C) option
D) penalty
注:1. penalty 惩罚
2. payment 付款
3. obligation 责任,义务
4. option 选择
It is true that____ a wild plant into a major food crop such as wheat requires much research time.
A) multiplying
B) breeding
C) magnifying
D) generating
注:1. breed 生养
2. multiply 增加
3. magnify 放大,扩大
4. generate 产生
The government has devoted a larger slice of its national ______ to agriculture than most other countries.
A) resources
B) potential
C) budget
D) economy
注:1. budget 预算(六级最爱)
2. resource 资源
3. economy 经济
economical 节约的
frugal 节俭的
miserly 小气的,吝啬的
In this poor country, survival is still the leading industry; all else is ______.
A) luxury
B) accommodation
C) entertainment
D) refreshment
注:1. luxury 奢侈
2. accommodation 提供食宿
3. entertainment 娱乐
4. refreshment 精神清爽;茶点
Some criminals were printing __________ dollar bills until they were arrested.
A) decent
B) fake
C) patent
D) suspicious
注:1. fake 假的,伪造的
2. decent 合适的;体面的
3. patent 专利,执照
tent 帐篷
attention 注意力
suspicious 怀疑的
Mr. Bloom is not __________ now, but he will be famous someday.
A) significant
B) dominant
C) magnificent
D) prominent
注:1. prominent 卓越的,著名的
2. significant 重要的,有意义的
3. dominant 占主导地位的,重要的
His body temperature has been _____ for 3 days, the highest point reaching 40.5 degree centigrade.
A) uncommon
B) disordered
C) abnormal
D) extraordinary
注:1. abnormal 不正常的
2. uncommon 罕见的
3. disordered 混乱的
4. extraordinary 特别的
He seems to be __________ enough to climb to the mountain top in an hour.
A) radiant
B) conscientious
C) conspicuous
D) energetic
注:1. energetic 精力充沛的
2. radiant 阳光明媚的;容光焕发的
3. conscientious 有责任心的,有良知的
4. conspicuous 明显的,显著的
Although cats cannot see in complete darkness their eyes are much more __________ to light than are human eyes.
A) glowing
B) brilliant
C) sensitive
D) gloomy
注:1. sensitive 敏感的
2. glowing 兴高采烈的
3. brilliant 聪明的
4. gloomy 郁闷的
While nuclear weapons present grave ________ dangers, the predominant crisis of overpopulation is with us today.
A) inevitable
B) constant
C) overwhelming
D) potential
注:1. potential 潜在的
2. constant 常数
3. inevitable 不可避免的
4. overwhelming 占绝大多数的,压倒一切的
This is the ______ piano on which the composer created some of his greatest works.
A) true
B) original
C) real
D) genuine
注:1. ACD为同义词
2. original 最初的,原版的
3. genuine 真的;真诚的
humble 谦虚的
generous 慷慨的
Comparison and contrast are often used _______ in advertisements.
A) intentionally
B) pertinently
C) incidentally
D) tiresomely
注:1. intentionally 故意地
2. pertinently 相关地;中肯地;贴切地
3. incidentally 偶然地
A complete investigation into the causes of the accident should lead to improved standards and should __________ new operating procedures.
A) result in
B) match with
C) subject to
D) proceed with
注:1. result in 导致
2. match with 相匹配
3. subject to 屈服于,遭受 =undergo
4. proceed with 继续
______ popular belief that classical music is too complex, it achieves a simplicity that only a genius can create.
A) Subject to
B) Contrary to
C) Familiar to
D) Similar to
注:1. Contrary to 与……相反
2. C应该是Familiar with
3. Similar to 与……相似
The bond of true affection had pulled us six very different men from six very different countries-across Antarctica; we proved in the end that we weren't very different __________.
A) for all
B) as usual
C) in particular
D) after all
注:1. after all 毕竟,终究
2. for all 尽管
3. as usual 平常
4. in particular 特别,尤其
Though her parents __________ her musical ability, Jerrilou's piano playing is really terrible.
A) pour scorn on
B) heap praise upon
C) give vent to
D) cast light upon
注:1. pour scorn on 蔑视,贬低
sneer 嘲笑
2. heap praise upon 大加赞赏
3. give vent to 发泄
4. cast light upon 明显,显现
Some children display an __________ curiosity about every new thing they encounter.
A) incredible
B) infectious
C) incompatible
D) inaccessible
注:1. incredible 令人难以置信的
2. infectious 传染的
3. incompatible 不相容的,相矛盾的
4. inaccessible 难以到达的,难以接近的
Bruce Stephen gripped the __________ wheel hard as the car bounced up and down.
A) stirring
B) driving
C) steering
D) revolving
注:steering 操纵,掌舵。方向盘
Many of the scientists and engineers are judged ____ how great their achievements are.
A) in spite of
B) in ways of
C) in favor of
D) in terms of
注:1. in terms of 根据
2. in spite of 尽管
3. in favor of 支持,赞成
4. by means of 通过……方法解决
The directions were so _______ that it was impossible to complete the assignment.
A) ingenious
B) ambitious
C) notorious
D) ambiguous
注:1. ingenious 机灵的,灵巧的,有发明天分的
2. ambitious 野心勃勃的;有雄心的
3. notorious 臭名昭著的
Because a degree from a good university is the means to a better job, education is one of the most ________ areas in Japanese life.
A) sophisticated
B) competitive
C) considerate
D) superficial
注:1. competitive 竞争的
2. considerate 体贴的,体谅的
3. superficial 表面的,肤浅的
If a person talks about his weak points, his listener is expected to say something in the way of _______ .
A) persuasion
B) remedy
C) encouragement
D) compromise
注:1. encouragement 鼓励
2. persuasion 劝告
3. remedy 治疗
4. compromise 妥协(永陪词汇)
Her interest in redecorating the big house kept her ________ for a whole week.
A) constrained
B) dominated
C) restricted
D) occupied
注:1. constrained 不舒服的,被强迫的(永陪词汇)
2. dominated 占统治地位的,占主导地位的
3. restricted 受限制的
If we _______ our relations with that country, we'll have to find another supplier of raw materials.
A) diffuse
B) diminish
C) terminate
D) preclude
注:1. terminate (正式)终止,停止
2. diffuse 弥漫,扩散;学历的改变移交,政权的改变移交
3. diminish 减少,降低
4. preclude 排除;阻止;防止
Movie directors use music to _______ the action on the screen.
A) contaminate
B) compliment
C) contemplate
D) complement
注:1. compliment 赞扬
2. complement 补充
3. contemplate 沉思,思考
4. contaminate (化学)污染
tame 驯化
contamination 污染物
A terrible traffic accident happened; people were saddened when they watched the ________ sight on TV.
A) panic
B) patriotic
C) pathetic
D) periodic
注:1. pathetic 悲惨的
2. panic 恐慌
3. patriotic 爱国的
4. periodic 周期性的;定期的







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