


2011-8-1 20:17| 发布者: 尒、囄| 查看: 202| 评论: 0

摘要: 新东方六级材料二(1) ★Lesson1★提高英语的方法:1、每天保证一定的阅读量。2、短期内迅速突破词汇量。六级不考语法,只考词汇。六级最爱词汇:deprive of 剥夺摸底:Unit 841. For many patients, institutional ...



六级最爱词汇:deprive of 剥夺
摸底:Unit 8
41. For many patients, institutional care is the most ______ and beneficial form of care.
A) pertinent
B) appropriate
C) acute
D) persistent
42. Among all the changes resulting from the ______ entry of women into the work force, the transformation that has occurred in the women themselves is not the least important.
A) massive
B) quantitative
C) surplus
D) formidable
注:massive 大量的
43. Mr. Smith became very ______ when it was suggested that he had made a mistake.
A) ingenious
B) empirical
C) objective
D) indignant
注:indignant 愤怒的
44. Rumours are everywhere, spreading fear, damaging reputations, and turning calm situations into ______ ones.
A) turbulent
B) tragic
C) vulnerable
D) suspicious
45. The ______ cycle of life and death is a subject of interest to scientists and philosophers alike.
A) incompatible
B) exceeding
C) instantaneous
D) eternal
注:eternal 永恒的,永远的(六级最爱)
46. She remains confident and ______ untroubled by our present problems.
A) indefinitely
B) infinitely
C) optimistically
D) seemingly
注:infinitely 非常地,无限地,极大地
47. Fiber-optic cables can carry hundreds of telephone conversations ______.
A) simultaneously
B) spontaneously
C) homogeneously
D) contemporarily
48. The police were alerted that the escaped criminal might be in the ______.
A) vain
B) vicinity
C) court
D) jail
注:vicinity   附近,邻近
49. Whether you live to eat or eat to live, food is a major ______ in every family's budget.
A) nutrition
B) expenditure
C) routine
D) provision
注:1. expenditure 花费
2. budget 预算(六级最爱)
50. Now a paper in Science argues that organic chemicals in the rock come mostly from ______ on earth rather than bacteria on Mars.
A) configuration
B) constitution
C) condemnation
D) contamination
51. There is much I enjoy about the changing seasons, but my favorite time is the ______ from fall to winter.
A) transmission
B) transformation
C) transition
D) transfer
注:1. transmission 广播电视节目的传送;疾病的传播;文化的传递
2. transformation 变革
3. transition 季节的过度,时间的更替,社会制度的转型
4. transfer 转学,调任工作
52. I think we need to see an investment ______ before we make an expensive mistake.
A) guide
B) entrepreneur
C) consultant
D) assessor
注:consultant 顾问
53. The ______ on this apartment expires in a year's time.
A) treaty
B) lease
C) engagement
D) subsidy
注:lease 租约
54. The elderly Russians find it hard to live on their state ______.
A) pensions
B) earnings
C) salaries
D) donations
注:pensions 养老金
55. There is supposed to be a safety ______ which makes it impossible for trains to collide.
A) appliance
B) accessory
C) machine
D) mechanism
56. After four years in the same job his enthusiasm finally ______.
A) deteriorated
B) dispersed
C) dissipated
D) drained
注:1. drain (强调结果)耗尽
2. disperse (强调过程)
3. dissipate (强调过程)
57. No one can function properly if they are _______ of adequate sleep.
A) deprived
B) ripped
C) stripped
D) contrived
注:deprive of 剥夺(六级最爱)
58. For years now, the people of that faraway country have been cruelly ______  by a dictator.
A) depressed
B) immersed
C) oppressed
D) cursed
注:1. oppress 压制
2. curse 诅咒
59. Ever since the rise of industrialism, education has been ______ towards producing workers.
A) harnessed
B) hatched
C) motivated
D) geared
注:gear 调整以适应
60. The prospect of increased prices has already ______ worries.
A) provoked
B) irritated
C) inspired
D) hoisted
注:provoke 引起,引发
61. The suspect ______ that he had not been in the neighbourhood at the time of the crime.
A) advocated
B) alleged
C) addressed
D) announced
62. Although the colonists ______ to some extent with the native Americans , the Indians' influence on American culture and language was not extensive.
A) migrated
B) matched
C) mingled
D) melted
注:mingle 混合(六级最爱)
63. E-mail is a convenient, highly democratic informal medium for conveying messages that _______ well to human needs.
A) adheres
B) reflects
C) conforms
D) satisfies
注:conform to 表符合
64. The wings of the bird still ______ after it had been shot down.
A) slapped
B) scratched
C) flapped
D) fluctuated
注:1. flap 拍动
2. slap 掴耳光
3. scratch 用爪子抓、刮、挠;scratch your head 思考;scowl 皱眉头
4. fluctuate 波动
65. The disagreement over trade restrictions could seriously ______ relations between the two countries.
A) tumble
B) jeopardize
C) manipulate
D) intimidate
注:jeopardize 危险
66. When you put up wallpaper, should you ______ the edges or put them next to each other?
A) coincide
B) extend
C) overlap
D) collide 碰撞 运动撞运动
注:1. overlap 重叠
2. coincide  一致;coincident 一致的
3. frugal 节俭的
4. collide 运动物体撞运动物体,撞击
67. Under the present system, state enterprises must ______ all profits to the government.
A) turn down
B) turn up
C) turn out
D) turn in
注:turn in 上交
68. Oil companies in the U.S. are already beginning to feel the pressure. Refinery workers and petroleum-equipment-manufacturing employees are being _______.
A) laid out
B) laid off
C) laid down
D) laid aside
注:1. lay off 裁员
2. lay out 布置
3. lay down 制定政策;放下,放弃
4. lay aside 放到一边,搁置;积蓄
69. We'll ______ you for any damage done to your house while we are in it.
A) compensate
B) remedy
C) supplement
D) retrieve
注:compensate 补偿,弥补(六级最爱)
70. She cut her hair short and tried to ______ herself as a man.
A) decorate
B) disguise
C) fabricate
D) fake
注:disguise 伪装
disgusting 令人恶心的







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