


2011-10-11 16:36| 发布者: bjangel| 查看: 3136| 评论: 0

摘要: 2010年公共管理硕士(MPA)全国联考英语真题  考 生 须 知  Part I Dialogue Communication (15 minutes, 15 points)  Part II Vocabulary and structure (20 minutes, 10 points)  Part III Reading Compre ...
  21.He purposely ignored her call because he just didn't feel like 
  A. disturbing 
  B. to disturb 
  C. being disturbed 
  D. to be disturbed 
  22. Do you really think Bill will help you write the report? Don't count your chickens they are hatched. 
  A. as 
  B. after 
  C. before 
  D. while 
  23. If you want a thing _ well, do it yourself. 
  A. done 
  B. doing 
  C. to do 
  D. being done 
  24. The committee members agreed to the proposal that .the issue _ to immediate voting. 
  A. is to be put 
  B. be put 
  C. should put 
  D. must be put 
  25. Soloudly _ that even people in next room could hear him. 
  A. did he speak 
  B. dose he speak 
  C. he spoke 
  D. he speaks. 
  26. To master a foreign language like French requires hard work, so you study 
  A. should 
  B. must 
  C. can’t 
  D. may not 
  27. Gaining a new customer costs keeping an old one. 
  A. as many as five times 
  B. five times as many as 
  C. as much as five times 
  D. five times as much as 
  28. People with glasses are perceived to be up to ten IQ points more intelligent than. . 
  A. those without 
  B. that without 
  C. these without 
  D. one without 
  29. Reading books, takes the reader to other worlds, is a wonderful way to “escape”. 
  A. that 
  B. what 
  C. as 
  D. which 
  30. Take 60mg up to four tim.es a day, advised otherwise by a doctor. 
  A. if 
  B. until 
  C. though 







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