


2011-10-7 14:18| 发布者: bjangel| 查看: 1818| 评论: 0

摘要: 新东方新概念英语第三册课堂笔记-第14课Lesson 14 A noble gangster 贵族歹徒【New words and expressions】 生词和短语 ★gangstern. 歹徒,强盗a band of gangsters 一伙强盗robber 抢劫犯,抢劫者;ban ...
good memory
in memory of/to the memory of
If my memory serves me well,you're Tom.
adj. 英勇的   
brave adj. 勇敢的
The boy is brave.
During war,soldiers are valiant.
fearless adj. 大无畏的,无所畏惧的
We are fearless in time of danger.
courageous adj. 有胆量的,有勇气的
Listen to the tape then answer the question below.
How did Haywood make in times of peace?

    There was a tine when the owners of shops and businesses in Chicago that to pay large sums of money to gangsters in return for 'protection.' If the money was not paid promptly, the gangsters would quickly put a man out of business by destroying his shop. Obtaining 'protection money' is not a modern crime. As long ago as the fourteenth century, an Englishman, Sir John Hawkwood, made the remarkable discovery that people would rather pay large sums of money than have their life work destroyed by gangsters.
    Six hundred years ago, Sir Johan Hawkwood arrived in Italy with a band of soldiers and settled near Florence. He soon made a name for himself and came to be known to the Italians as Giovanni Acuto. Whenever the Italian city-states were at war with each other, Hawkwood used to hire his soldiers to princes who were willing to pay the high price he demanded. In times of peace, when business was bad, Hawkwood and his men would march into a city-state and, after burning down a few farms, would offer to go away protection money was paid to them. Hawkwood made large sums of money in this way. In spite of this, the Italians regarded him as a sort of hero. When he died at the age of eighty, the Florentines gave him a state funeral and had a pictured with as dedicated to the memory of 'the most valiant soldier and most notable leader, Signor Giovanni Haukodue.'




pay large sums of money to sb. 向某人付大笔大笔的费用
in return for 目的是为了换取----作为对……的回报
Eg.: He gave me some books in return for my help.
when 引导状语从句修饰time
There was a time when mini skirt was in fashion.

promptly: immediately
put a man out of business: 使某人失业
put sb./sth.out of...使某人失去……
Eg.: You are putting me out of patience.
Eg.: You have already put everything out of order.

put it out of your mind 忘记这件事情吧
by destroying his shop 通过……手段
Eg.: You are putting me out of patience by disturbing me.

obtaining: getting

as long ago as 追溯回到; dating back to
Eg.: I knew Jane as long ago as the year 1980.

John Hawkwood's discovery was quite remarkable
make the remarkable discovery 做出不同寻常的发现
would rather ...than...宁愿而不
Eg.: He would rather die than surrender.
Eg.: I would rather play tennis than swim.

would prefer to do ... than do...
would prefer doing ... to doing...
Eg.: He would prefer to die than surrender.
Eg.: He would prefer dying to surrendering.

would rather: sooner+ that 宾语从句(过去式)









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