


2012-8-4 10:44| 发布者: bjangel| 查看: 297| 评论: 0

摘要: 新概念英语第三册介副词练习497. Verrazano, an Italian about whom little is known, sailed into New York Harbour in 1524 and named it Angouleme. (Unit 17)98. He described it as ‘a very agreeable situa ...

97. Verrazano, an Italian about whom little is known, sailed into New York Harbour in 1524 and named it Angouleme. (Unit 17)
98. He described it as ‘a very agreeable situation located within two small hills in the midst of which flowed a great river.’ (Unit 17)
99. Though Verrazano is by no means considered to be a great explorer, his name will probably remain immortal, for on November 21st, 1964, the greatest bridge in the world was named after him. (Unit 17)
100. The Verrazano Bridge, which was designed by Othmar Ammann, joins Brooklyn to Staten Island. It has a span of 4260 feet. (Unit 17)
101. The bridge is so long that the shape of the earth had to be taken into account by its designer. Two great towers support four huge cables. (Unit 17)
102. The towers are built on immense underwater platforms made of steel and concrete. The platforms extend to a depth of over 100 feet under the sea. (Unit 17)
103. These alone took sixteen months to build. Above the surface of the water, the towers rise to a height of nearly 700 feet. (Unit 17)
104. They support the cables from which the bridge has been suspended. Each of the four cables contains 26,108 lengths of wire. (Unit 17)
105. It has been estimated that if the bridge were packed with cars, it would still only be carrying a third of its total capacity. However, size and strength are not the only important things about this bridge. (Unit 17)
106. Despite its immensity, it is both simple and elegant, fulfilling its designer’s dream to create ‘an enormous object drawn as faintly as possible’. (Unit 17)
107. Even people who take no interest in art cannot have failed to notice examples of modern sculpture on display in public places. (Unit 18)
108. In spite of this, some people--including myself--were surprised by a recent exhibition of modern sculpture. (Unit 18)
109. The objects on display were pieces of moving sculpture. Oddly shaped forms that are suspended from the ceiling and move in response to a gust of wind are quite familiar to everybody. (Unit 18)
110. These objects, however, were different. Lined up against the wall, there were long thin wires attached to metal spheres. (Unit 18)
111. Sparks were emitted from small black boxes and red lamps flashed on and off angrily.(Unit 18)
112. Kidnappers are rarely interested in Animals, but they recently took considerable interest in Mrs. Eleanor Ramsay’s cat. (Unit 19)
113. Mrs. Eleanor Ramsay, a very wealthy old lady, has shared a flat with her cat, Rastus, for a great many years. Rastus leads an orderly life. (Unit 19)
114. Three day after Rastus’ disappearance, Mrs. Ramsay received an anonymous letter. The writer stated that Rastus was in safe hands and would be returned immediately if Mrs. Ramsay paid a ransom of &1000. (Unit 19)
115. At first, she decided to go to the police, but fearing that she would never see Rastus again --the letter had made that quite clear--she changed her mind. (Unit 19)
116. She explained that Rastus was very dear to her. Considering the amount she paid, he was dear in more ways than one! (Unit 19)
117. In 1908 Lord Northcliffe offered a prize of £1000 to the first man who would fly across the English Channel. (Unit 20)
118. He had travelled only seven miles across the Channel when his engine failed and he was forced to land on the sea. (Unit 20)
119. The 'Antoinette' floated on the water until Latham was picked up by a ship. (Unit 20)
120. A week before, he had completed a successful overland flight during which he covered twenty-six miles. Latham, however did not give up easily. (Unit 20)
121. Both planes were going to take off on July 25th, but Latham failed to get up early enough. After making a short test flight at 4.15 a.m., Bleriot set off half an hour later. (Unit 20)
122. Latham made another attempt a week later and got within half a mile of Dover, but he was unlucky again. His engine failed and he landed on the sea for the second time. (Unit 20)
123. Boxing matches were very popular in England two hundred years ago. In those days, boxers fought with bare fists for Prize money. (Unit 21)
124. One of the most colorful figures in boxing history was Daniel Mendoza who was born in 1764. The use of gloves was not introduced until 1860 when the Marquis of Queensberry drew up the first set of rules. (Unit 21)
125. Though he was technically a prizefighter, Mendoza did much to change crude prizefighting into a sport, for he brought science to the game. (Unit 21)
126. Mendoza rose to fame swiftly after a boxing match when he was only fourteen years old. (Unit 21)
127. He offered to train Mendoza and his young pupil was quick to learn. In fact, Mendoza soon became so successful that Humphries turned against him. (Unit 21)
128. He earned enormous sums of money and was paid as much as &100 for a single appearance. Despite this, he was so extravagant that he was always in debt. (Unit 21)
129. After he was defeated by a boxer called Gentleman Jackson, he was quickly forgotten. He was sent to prison for failing to pay his debts and died in poverty in 1836. (Unit 21)



















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