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七年级家庭作业:人教版语文知识点汇总七年级(下)-短文两篇  一、重点字词   1.给下列加点字注音。   盘盂yú   2.解释下面加点的词语。   (1)夸父与日逐走 逐走:竞跑,赛跑。   (2)见两小儿辩斗 ...
2015-6-27 20:17
七年级家庭作业:人教版语文知识点汇总七年级(下)- 珍珠鸟
七年级家庭作业:人教版语文知识点汇总七年级(下)- 珍珠鸟  一、重点字词   1.给下列加点字注音。   细腻nì 眼睑jiǎn 眸mó子 呷xiā   2.解释下列词语。   (1)斑斑驳驳:原指一种颜色中杂有别的颜色,这 ...
2015-6-27 20:17
七年级家庭作业:人教版语文知识点汇总七年级(下)-斑羚飞渡  一、重点字词   1.给下列加点字注音。   对峙zhì 咩miē 苍穹qióng   悲怆chuàng 娴xián熟   2.解释下列词语。   (1)进退维谷:无论是进 ...
2015-6-27 20:16
七年级家庭作业:人教版语文知识点汇总七年级(下)-华南虎  一、重点字词   1.给下列加点字注音。   栅zhà栏lan 拂fú动 抽搐chù   掠lvè过 咆哮xiào   2.解释下列句中加点的词语。   (1)哦,老虎,笼 ...
2015-6-27 20:15
七年级家庭作业:人教版语文知识点汇总七年级(下)- 马
七年级家庭作业:人教版语文知识点汇总七年级(下)- 马  一、重点字词   1.给下列加点字注音。   剽piāo悍hàn 窥kuī伺sì 疮chāng痍yí   遒qiú劲 妒dù忌jì 觑qú畸jī形   点拨:"觑"不要误读为xū ...
2015-6-27 20:13
2015七年级英语下册期末试题  选择填空:从下列各小题的四个选项中,选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳答案。   (共20小题,计20分)   26. —________ you play chess?   —Yes, I can.   A. Are B. Do C. Did ...
2015-6-14 22:00
初一语文下册第八单元同步练习:《黔之驴》  黔之驴   自主积累   一、给下列加点字注音。   黔无驴(  )  好事 者(  )  庞然大物(  ) 远遁(   )   窥之(  ) 稍近益狎(   )  跳踉(   ) ...
2015-6-1 21:28
七年级语文家庭作业:黄河颂  两全其美中考网校诚意整理,七年级语文家庭作业:黄河颂,希望大家喜欢。  黄河颂   【积累•感知】   一.给加点字注音   气魄___ 山巅___ 澎湃___ 狂澜___   浊流___ 构筑__ ...
2015-5-14 20:38
七年级英语家庭作业:阅读理解   A   A well-dressed man goes into a restaurant one day. He sits down at a table near the window. A waiter comes up to him and says,“Can I help you, sir?”The man says ...
2015-4-16 17:22
七年级家庭作业:完形填空  Bill likes football very much,and he often 36 to watch matches in our town on 37 .He doesn’t go to the best seats, 38 they are very 39 .   There was a big 40 match in o ...
2015-4-16 17:20
  一. 单项选择   ( )1. My English teacher _______ the Great Wall three times since he came to China.   A. has been to B. has been C. has gone to D. has gone   ( )2. The Statue of Liberty is in ...
2015-4-5 21:49
初一年级英语家庭作业试题  Dear Li Lei,   How are you? I’m glad to get your 21 . I’d like to tell you something about my school life.   In the USA, school 22 at 8:00 a. m. I usually get up at 6 ...
2015-4-5 21:48
初一英语从句练习题精选   1.中学阶段常见科目   Chinese语文 P.E.体育art美术 science科学 music音乐 math数学   history历史 biology生物 physics物理 chemistry化学   2.“favorite+名词”表示“最喜欢的 ...
2015-4-2 22:10
七年级语文家庭作业关于春天话题:春天  一缕缕阳光洒向大地,显得那么温暖明媚。微风迎面吹来,感到虽有几分寒意,但已不是那么凛冽了。噢,春天来了。   清晨,我迎着阳光去跑步,身上暖洋洋的。这时,我才注 ...
2015-3-26 21:18
  关于端午节作文600字:端午快乐(修改篇)   端午是我国传统节日,农历五月初五。相传古代爱国诗人屈原在这天投江自杀,后人为了纪念他把这天当作节日,有的吃粽子、龙舟竟渡等风俗。   但是,现在的社会端午 ...
2012-6-15 10:46
  关于端午节作文:吊屈原赋   文言文.《吊屈原赋》   尚记两千年前,贾公过长沙,自慨命运之不济,悒郁思索,而做斯赋。竟有同命相似之感叹,其悲叹人才之不为用,而忠言不被纳之意,盖与君之所行谬矣。命吾 ...
2012-6-15 10:45
  关于端午节作文700字:自己包粽子真快乐   今年端午,我要()馅粽子   明天就是一年一度的端午节了,吃粽子总是这一天的“重头戏”。以前,我吃粽子总是好吃就行,现在我也要挑剔点了。今年,我以做题的形式 ...
2012-6-15 10:44
  关于端午节作文900字:端午奇遇记   今天是端午节,我高高兴兴“坐”在椅子上吃粽子。“这,这怎么回事,这个粽子好奇怪,怎么通红的?”我问“老妈”(对妈妈的尊称)“老妈”说:“快别吃了,估计坏了。”“啊 ...
2012-6-15 10:43
  中学作文:行走在粽叶飘香的季节里   又是一年端午,又是一年粽叶飘香,华夏大地处处弥漫着温馨,炎黄子孙陶醉在粽叶淡雅的香味中,陶醉在屈原的不朽精神中.真可谓有水的地方就有龙舟的鼓声;有岸的地方就有楚歌四 ...
2012-6-15 10:42
  端午节的沉思   在沉默中,端午节又到了。和妈妈一起品着蜜枣粽子,谈到了端午节的由来。多么悲壮的一幕呀!   屈原乃爱国之才,却连遭排挤。满腔悲愤的他,不愿与那些贪官污吏同流合污,苟且偷生。万般无奈 ...
2012-6-15 09:59
  读《屈原》有感   端午节汨罗江边的诗--读《屈原》有感   空气开始凝固,风欲呼不能。   你最终还是来到了汨罗江岸,颜色憔悴,面容枯槁。   你的心在滴血,不平的遭遇,不公平的议论,不同的人生价值 ...
2012-6-15 09:59
  屈原你的心情我最懂   空气开始凝固,风欲呼无能.   你最终还是来到了泊罗江岸,颜色憔悴,形容枯槁.   你的心在滴血,不平的遭遇,不同的人生价值观,你最终选择了与日月争光.   用尽力气,抹不去你悲 ...
2012-6-15 09:58
  我论屈原   屈原,千百年来,人们用包粽子,赛龙舟,等各种各样的方法来纪念他。可是,我却并不觉得他像人们想象得那么完美,可以说,我对他很不满意。人们,正是因为他的才学,他的许多对国家有益的意见而纪 ...
2012-6-15 09:57
  端午节的彩绳   每一条彩绳背后都有一个不为人知的故事。   ――题记   前两天大连一直阴雨连绵,太阳也没露一下。昨天总算碰上了一个晴天。   今天,从补习班回家,一个人底着头,漫不经心的走着,突 ...
2012-6-15 09:56
  关于端午节的英语作文:端午节习俗的魅力   So what is it about the Dragon Boat Festival that appeals to foreigners? “It’s an unusual sport,” says one racer from Germany. “It’s not like every ...
2012-6-15 09:55
关于端午节的英语作文:The Chinese Dragon Boat Festival
  关于端午节的英语作文:The Chinese Dragon Boat Festival   The Dragon Boat Festival is a lunar holiday, occurring on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month   The Chinese Dragon Boat Festival is ...
2012-6-15 09:54
  关于端午节的英语作文:观看赛龙舟   Dragon Boat Festival Dragon Boat race is a unique folk activities, the causes of this event is to commemorate one of ancient China during the great poet - Qu ...
2012-6-15 09:53
  关于端午节的作文:龙舟看台所见   今天又是周未假了,这周准备回家。一是想回去看看父母,二来是手拮据。其实也就是回家问父母要点钱用,想回去看父母只不过是打个掩护罢了。   与以前回家一样依然还是清 ...
2012-6-15 09:50
  关于端午节的作文:激烈的龙舟赛   今天是一年一度的端午节龙舟赛。我高兴极了!午饭过后,来到河两岸,河两岸人山人海,人声鼎沸,人多得数不清,像银河上的无数的小星星。场上,人人都穿了自己喜欢的衣服, ...
2012-6-15 09:48
  快乐的端午节作文   盼星星,盼月亮,端午节终于到了,一家人摩拳擦掌忙活起包粽子。前一天早上,妈妈和奶奶把泡好的糯米拿出来,洗好粽子叶,准备开始包粽子。   我从来没包过粽子,于是对妈妈说:“妈妈 ...
2012-6-15 09:47
  端午节英语作文:端午节计划   what‘s your plan for dragon boat festival?   As a chinese, I was really ashamed of having a little knowledge of dragon boat festival. Perhaps I was born in north ...
2012-6-15 09:46
  我心中的屈原   荠是甜的,荼是苦的,荠和荼不可能生长在一起。兰花要保有自己的幽香,它只能生长在幽深的山谷中。一个人想要保持自己高贵的人格,他这一辈子,注定要走上一条不归路。   我敬佩屈原,因为 ...
2012-6-15 09:45
  初中关于端午节的作文:赛龙舟   龙舟竞渡又称“赛龙舟”、“划龙船”、“龙船赛会”等,大多数人只知道是为了纪念楚大夫屈原而源远流长的群众性娱乐活动。其实,其起因历来说法不一,主要有以下几种:    ...
2012-6-15 09:40
  2012年关于端午节的英语作文   The Dragon Boat Festival, also called Double Fifth Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth moon of the lunar calendar. It is one of the most important ...
2012-6-15 09:39
  关于端午节的英语作文:我家乡的端午节   Legend of the Dragon Boat Festival's Origin   At the end of the Zhou Dynasty, the area we now know as China had fallen into a state of fragmentation and ...
2012-6-15 09:38
  关于端午节的英语作文:中国的端午节   The Dragon Boat Festival is a lunar (阴历)holiday, occurring (存正)on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month (农历史五月第五天)   The Chinese Dragon Boat ...
2012-6-15 09:37
  端午节优秀作文:端午节的联想   耐人寻味的端午——为纪念一个忠心爱国的诗人   五月初五,泪罗江边,你——屈原,内心充满矛盾,充满无奈,你是多么希望能够报效国家,为国捐躯,可是天妒英才,不识人才 ...
2012-6-15 09:17
  中学生端午节优秀作文:我们的端午节   初一糕,初二粽,初三螺,初四桃,初五插艾……”每当念起这些儿时的歌谣,我就会想起家乡的端午节来。   五 味 草   家乡在壶公山下。山上的草木青翠,瓜果飘香 ...
2012-6-15 08:41
  端午节作文:梦话   起床之前,天气还是晴朗的,可是起床之后.......还是晴朗的......哈哈哈。于是看看表,才发现我没有表,没办法,只好看看手机了:9点15.想了一下,发现今天没什么事,所以倒头继续睡。   ...
2012-6-15 07:35
  童年的端午节   很快,一年一度的端午节又到了,这免不了要勾起我童年的回忆。   大概是四岁时吧,那时候家乡的河还能划船的。当我远远地听见锣鼓震天、呼喊撼地时,好奇的我便硬是拉着家里的婆婆出门看热 ...
2012-6-15 07:34
  端午节优秀作文:我很怀念儿时的端午节   在我儿时的记忆中,除了春节以外就数端午节最为热闹了,由于父母工作都很忙,小时候我常常跟外婆一起呆在乡下。那时的端午节使我难以忘怀。   与平时的过年过节一 ...
2012-6-15 07:33
  2008年杭州建兰中学七年级英语期中试卷   2008年杭州建兰中学七年级英语期中试卷的延伸内容:尖子生经验谈:日常学习该如何安排   很多学生看上去很用功,可成绩总是不理想。原因之一是,学习效率太低。 ...
2012-4-17 00:27
  2010年度杭州西湖区七年级英语期中试卷   2010年度杭州西湖区七年级英语期中试卷的延伸内容:尖子生经验谈:日常学习该如何安排   很多学生看上去很用功,可成绩总是不理想。原因之一是,学习效率太低。 ...
2012-4-17 00:26
  2010年度杭州市萧山区金山学校七年级英语期中试卷       2010年度杭州市萧山区金山学校七年级英语期中试卷的延伸内容:尖子生经验谈:日常学习该如何安排   很多学生看上去很用功,可成绩总是不理想 ...
2012-4-17 00:23
  2010年黄冈市启黄中学初一年级英语期末考试试题      2010年黄冈市启黄中学初一年级英语期末考试试题的延伸内容:尖子生经验谈:日常学习该如何安排   很多学生看上去很用功,可成绩总是不理想。原 ...
2012-4-17 00:22
初一英语作文:health or Wealth?
  初一英语作文:health or Wealth?   Which is more important,wealth or health? This is a difficult question which is often argued by people.Everybody has his own answer. In my view,I prefer the fo ...
2012-4-17 00:20
初一英语作文:the lucky number
  初一英语作文:the lucky number   The lucky-number has become increasingly popular in daily life of mordern socialty. For example, the number eight means big money which people like most, while ...
2012-4-17 00:19
初一英语作文:My summer vacation
  初一英语作文:My summer vacation   Summer vacation is coming. Here is my plan. I am going to have a good rest after a hardworking term. I am going to do my homework every day inorder to finish ...
2012-4-17 00:18
初一英语作文:My room
  初一英语作文:My room   Open the door,oh,the room is very beautiful!Whose room is this?It’s my room.   The bed is near the window.a quilt and a doll is on the bed.What color is my bed?It’s ...
2012-4-17 00:16
初一英语作文:My bedroom
  初一英语作文:My bedroom   When I first came into this house, my mom told me that this room is my bedroom, my own bedroom, I was just freaking out. Let me introduce my lovely bedroom.   When ...
2012-4-17 00:16
初一英语作文:My best friend
  初一英语作文:My best friend   friend is a person who can let you feel warm when you are depressed.So I have many friends.But XXX is my best friend.He is as old as me.He taller than me.Basketba ...
2012-4-17 00:15
初一英语作文:My Classroom
  初一英语作文:My Classroom   Look at tis photo! This is my class room. My classroom is very big. The window are big and the walls are white. there are 33 students in it. However, there are 34 c ...
2012-4-17 00:08
初一英语作文:My Daily Schedule
  初一英语作文:My Daily Schedule   Everybody has a daily schedule.We do the same things almost every day.My typical day is probaly like yours.   Here's my daily routine.I get up at 6:30 every ...
2012-4-17 00:06
初一英语作文:My Day
  初一英语作文:My Day   May first is a Sunday. And it is the Labor’s Day. My mother said to me :“Open your eyes!And look out of the window. What a fine day! Let’s go to park,” So my mother, ...
2012-4-17 00:05
初一英语作文:My Favorite Places
  初一英语作文:My Favorite Places   Many people have favorite places they like to go to when they are feeling sad or bored.I,too,have favorite places that I go to as often as I can.   Here are ...
2012-4-17 00:04
初一英语作文:My Experience in Examination
  初一英语作文:My Experience in Examination   In my ophfion, examinations are one of the important activities in school life. I have gone through all sorts of examations since my primary school ...
2012-4-17 00:04
初一 My favorite food作文 2
  初一 My favorite food作文 2   My favourite food is mushrooms. I like them because I think they are very delicious and nutritious. There are many kinds of mushrooms in the world. Some are like s ...
2012-4-17 00:03
初一 My favorite food作文 1
  初一 My favorite food作文 1   My favourite food is fruit.   As we all know, fruit is delicious and healthy food. It has many kinds, such as apples, pears, oranges, lemons and so so. Nowadays, ...
2012-4-17 00:02
初一 My favorute animals作文
  初一 My favorute animals作文   My favorite animals are swans.They are white.They can swim very well.I think they look like a beautiful girl in a white dress.They have a pair of wings and they c ...
2012-4-17 00:00
初一 My favourite person作文
  初一 My favourite person作文   Who is your favourite person? I like Zhang Yining best. She is a famous ping-pong player. Now I will tell you something about her.   Zhang Yining was born on Oc ...
2012-4-16 23:59
初一 My friend 作文 3
  初一 My friend 作文 3   It is well known, the friend to each person all is very important.Then you do have the best friend? I best friend is Jan.She has a pair of black big eye, a head length h ...
2012-4-16 23:57
初一 My friend 作文 2
  初一 My friend 作文 2   NO.5 middle school is the school that I am from.Our school is in the outskirts of the city.It is truly very beautiful! Near the front gate there are many different kinds ...
2012-4-16 23:56
初一 My friend 作文 1
  初一 My friend 作文 1   I have a good friend , her name is Gina . She is a girl. She is 13 years old.She is a student in Class 1 of No.1 Middle School . She studies very well. Her favorite subj ...
2012-4-16 23:55
初一 My hobby 作文 2
  初一 My hobby 作文 2   Different people have different hobbies.For example,someone likes reading,someone likes swimming and someone likes collecting and so on.   I used to read books and draw ...
2012-4-16 23:54
初一 My hobby 作文 1
  初一 My hobby 作文 1   I have many hobbies, such as reading, skating, and watching TV. But reading is my favorite hobby.   I like reading for three reasons. First of all, books introduce me t ...
2012-4-16 23:39
初一 My pet 作文
  初一 My pet 作文   I have a clever dog. Her name is Huang Huang. She is two years old.I like her very much!   Huang Huang is very beautiful!Her feet are white. But the other parts of her body ...
2012-4-16 23:38
初一 My sweet home作文
  初一 My sweet home作文   Most people has a sweet home,so have I.I think my home is sweet because it is my best place to have rest or have fun with my friends or my parents.   I can remember c ...
2012-4-16 23:37
初一 My weekend作文
  初一 My weekend作文   I had a sad weekend last week. I wanted to sing songs with my sister but she was very busy. Then I wanted to swim with my friends, when we got to the swimming pool, it was ...
2012-4-16 23:36
初一 My winter holiday作文
  初一 My winter holiday作文   From the sixteenth of January to the seventh of February is our Winter Holiday. I think everybody did a lot of things in the Winter Holiday. But I didn’t. Let you ...
2012-4-16 23:34
初一 My birthday party作文
  初一 My birthday party作文   It’s my birthday and my Canadian mom held a birthday party for me. We had a perfect birthday plan. We invited Alice and many neighbors to celebrate my birthday.   ...
2012-4-16 23:28
初一 My family 作文
  初一 My family 作文   Everyone has a family. We live in it and feel very warm. There are three persons in my family, my mother, father and I. We live together very happily and there are many in ...
2012-4-16 23:27
初一 My Father作文
  初一 My Father作文   My father has small eyes,Wear a pair of glasses,looking more gently,the daddy's hair are not many, he said "the intelligent head does not grow hair",daddy does the managem ...
2012-4-16 23:15
初一 myself 作文
  初一 myself 作文   We haven’t all met before. So I want to introduce myself. My name is Wang Hong Yue.I’m fourteen. My hobby is reading .I think“A good book is a good friend”.I learn a lot ...
2012-4-16 23:14
初一 No Pains,No Gains作文
  初一 No Pains,No Gains作文   It is obvious to everybody that the only way to achieve one's goal is to work hard. Just as the old saying goes "no mill, no meal". Have you ever seen a man who suc ...
2012-4-16 23:13
初一 NOT GIVE UP 永不放弃作文
  初一 NOT GIVE UP 永不放弃作文   I come from a small village. My family is poor. I don't have money to buy a computer or an e-dictionary like other students. But I never feel unhappy. I try my b ...
2012-4-16 23:12
初一 information Age 信息时代作文
  初一 information Age 信息时代作文   It's the age of information now and information is very important in the society.we need verious of information to live a normal life.we need to know the las ...
2012-4-16 23:11
初一 I could do my best 作文
  初一 I could do my best 作文   After I failed in the mid-term exams, my life got so dark and boring that I felt I almost couldn’t go on living any more. I was hurt badly, so I always hid mysel ...
2012-4-16 23:10
初一 Our school 作文
  初一 Our school 作文   In our school there are many different kinds of flowers and tress, On the left of the school gate there are four pingpong tables. On the other side there are many wooden ...
2012-4-16 23:09
初一 Our Teacher作文
  初一 Our Teacher作文   Our new English teacher is Mr. Smith. He wears a pair of thick glasses. He is very serious and strict to us. I never saw him smile until the Teachers’ Day. On the Teache ...
2012-4-16 23:08
初一 Overpopulation作文
  初一 Overpopulation作文   The large number of our population has become one of the most serious problems of our society. According to a recent survey of the National Bureau of Statistics, there ...
2012-4-16 23:07
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