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光头小尼姑 发表于 2010-5-6 10:32:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Hello,boys and girls.I'm an English girl.My first name is Linda,and my family name is Miller.You can call me Linda.I'm nine years old
My mother is a teacher in my school.She is ourmath teacher.My father is a driver.My phone number is 0550-493458.I have a friend.Its name is Tony.Is it a student?No,it is a dog.It is at home every day.
1.What's the girl's full name? Her full name is Linda Miller.
2.Is Linda eight years old? No, she is nine years old.
3.Is Linda an English girl? Yes, she is.
4.What's Linda's phone number? Her phone number is 0550-493458
5.What's Tony? He is Tony's friend.
1.Thanks for these nice __photos__(photo)
2.__Are___(be)these your keys?
3.The boy __isn't__(be not)my brother
4.__Those___(that) are my brother and sister.
5.Here are three __pictures___(picture)
1.what's this in E__nglish___?
2.Tom,t_his___ is my friend,David.
3.How do you s__pell__ it?   B-O-O-K
A.Hi,this is a photo of my family.
B.Oh!Are __these___ your parents?
A.NO.They're my __grandparents___.These are my parents.This is __my___ father.His name is Mark.And this is my __mother___.Her name is Lisa.
B.Is this your __brother___?
A.Yes,_he___ is.His name is Bill.And these ___are__ my cousins.
B.Is this your __sister____?
A.No,that's my aunt.__Her__ name is Jenny.This is my sister Mary.
1.__Is this a ruler?__________   Yes,it is       图片:尺子
2.What's this in English?   ____It is a clock________    图片:时钟
3.___Is that girl your sister?________ No,she isn't my sister.    图片:小女孩
4.Is it an orange? ___No, it is a tomato.______   图片:西红柿
5.____What's the color of your bag?_______ It's black and blue  图片:书包
I'm a student, I have a beautiful bag. Many books and a pencil box in it. There are a pen, two rulers, three pencils and two erasers. I can use them to write, and draw pictures.Futhermore, the pen is my birthday present when I was 10 years old.
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