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鑫龙 发表于 2010-4-16 15:22:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
管理科学(management science)专业,简称管科,有的大学称为管理科学与工程专业,本科阶段培养目标是具有一定的人文社会科学和自然科学基本理论知识,掌握现代经济与管理科学的基本理论与方法;掌握现代数学、计算科学等科学技术知识和某一方面的工程技术知识;能够运用运筹学、统计学、计算科学等科学技术知识和某一方面的工程技术知识;能够运用运筹学、统计学、组织行为学、可持续发展战略理论等知识来从事管理理论研究及应用;能够运用数学、经济学、管理科学等知识建立模型,并能运用计算技术分析研究管理问题;具有阅读本专业外文书刊的能力,一定的听的能力,初步的写和说的能力;具有灵活适用的公关交际技能;熟练的语言文字处理技能和计算机操作技能。   主要专业课程可以分为几个模块:数学、计算机、经济与管理。数学包括高等数学、线性代数、数理统计、运筹学;计算机包括某种程序设计语言、数据库、管理信息系统、系统科学;经济与管理课程较多:管理学、企业管理、生产管理、会计学、财务管理、市场营销、公共关系、组织行为学、战略管理、电子商务、西方经济学、技术经济学、计量经济学、货币银行学、财政学、国际贸易、国际金融、专业外语等,视专业方向不同,所开设专业课程有所差别。

Management science is a combination of quantitative and qualitative subjects. It is widely used for planning and decision making in business, industry, government, health services and everyday life by applying mathematical and statistical techniques to solving practical problems, often using computers. At Kent we also aim to develop your skills in communications and the human side of management. There is currently great demand for graduates with quantitative management skills.

Management Science at Kent is a wide-ranging and exciting subject that has staff expertise in operations management, operational research, statistics, mathematics, simulation and computing. The programme also combines theory with practical applications, so you can practise techniques you have learnt and develop your consultancy skills.
In a world of rapid change – increasing use of information and communications technology, larger organisations and changing politics – managers are faced with a growing number of complex situations, which in turn gives new and exciting challenges to management science.
Course Content
Although the course has an analytical and quantitative orientation, it does not demand a high level of prior mathematical expertise. The ability to cope with logical arguments presented in a formal way, and the willingness to explore numerical data are much more important. However, you should have a willingness to be exposed to some mathematics as this is required for some parts of the course. A-level Mathematics is certainly not an essential prerequisite but students who do not have A-level Mathematics or its equivalent are offered a support course on Analytical Methods for Economics and Business in their first year.

There are three mains strands to the teaching programme.

Quantitative Aspects of Management
This strand is designed to equip you with the basic quantitative skills you will need to unearth the information hidden in complex data sources (Statistics) and to use it to assist in decision making (Operational Research). It is the most technical part of the course but even here the emphasis is on problem formulation and analysis rather than on mathematical detail. Modules in this strand will include:
Management Science I (first year, compulsory)
Management Science II (second year, compulsory)
Management Science III (third year, compulsory)
Topics in Operational Research and Statistics (third year, option)

Economic and Financial Aspects of Management
This strand focuses on the financial environment facing firms and considers how this affects the ways firms should and do operate. It also covers the foundations in economic theory which underpin much of modern finance together with financial reporting and decision making. There are close links with the other strands: statistical methods are required to analyse financial data, the models discussed in operational research are often grounded in economics, there is a human as well as a financial dimension to accounting. Modules in this strand will include:
Markets, Hierarchies and Networks (first year, compulsory)
Financial Accounting (first year, compulsory)
Managerial Economics II (second year, compulsory)
Asset Pricing (second year, compulsory)
Quality Management (second year, option)
Portfolio Choice (second year, option)
Corporate Finance (third year, option)
Options and Futures (third year, option)
Econometrics (third year, option)
Mathematical Economics (third year, option)
Economic and Business Forecasting (third year, option)

Other Aspects of Management
This strand looks at a number of other sides of the management process. Because of the wide range of subjects covered, and because we want to allow you to mould your programme of study to your personal interests and career plans, most modules in this strand are optional. The list includes those which are likely to exploit the skills you will have acquired in the rest of the course.
Introduction to Management (first year, compulsory)
Industrial Organisation (third year, option)
Business Strategy (third year, option)
Human Resource Management (third year, option)
The Information Economy (third year, option)
The Globalised Economy (third year, option)
Law and Economics (third year, option)

Optional modules change from time to time to make sure they are as topical as possible so the lists above should be taken as indicative only.

五月渡泸 发表于 2011-2-15 04:29:29 | 显示全部楼层
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