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  Does palmistry have any basis in science? A connection has been made between the lines on the hand and some genetic traits, as well as between heart disease and certain fingerprint patterns. Wheth ...
2011-12-30 21:02
  Over time, however, we have the opportunity to learn to accept ourselves. People who have done this are confident in their true abilities; they do not feel the need to create a facade to impress o ...
2011-12-30 21:01
  Secure people do not give up when faced with a difficult situation; they say "I can" rather than "I can't." Knowing that each day is an opportunity to use their talents to acquire good health, goo ...
2011-12-30 21:00
  Such expressions as "Love thyself" and "to thine own self be true" are about self-acceptance and confidence, as well as honesty and morality. We should consider them to be good advice, and treat t ...
2011-12-30 20:59
  The first Oktoberfest was held in 1810 to celebrate the wedding of Prince Ludwig, who later became King Ludwig I of Bavaria. The celebration featured horse races, which were repeated the following ...
2011-12-30 20:59
  It is fair to say that the city of Munich was founded on beer. Christian monks established a settlement there in the ninth century and began to brew a tasty mixture of malt and hops which they pro ...
2011-12-30 20:58
  There is much more to modern Munich than beer gardens. It is Germany's favorite city, insofar as surveys show a majority of Germans would prefer to live there. Some jokingly call it the only Itali ...
2011-12-30 20:57
  Munich, then, is a city of fascinating contrasts. It has terrific museums, architectural treasures, and open-air shopping as well as space-age factories and world-class markets. If you could visit ...
2011-12-30 20:56
  Many science-fictional ideas from the past have subsequently became scientific realities. Take space exploration, for example. In the 1950s this was just a fantastical idea that few people would h ...
2011-12-30 20:56
  全国英语等级考试二级阅读文章段落精选(3)   In 1971, after Einstein's death, two scientists were able to carry out a crucial experiment. They used two atomic clocks, synchronized them, and placed ...
2011-12-30 20:55
  If it were possible, however, it would present some pretty knotty paradoxes…… For example, what if someone or something traveled back in time and changed the ensuing future? And have you heard t ...
2011-12-30 20:54
  口诀妙用   1 见到谓语找主语,主谓一致找状语   见到名词想多数,可不可数要记牢   见到平行看结构,形式功能要对称   见到代词找指代,指代通常不合理   小小of常抓的点,of前名词adj最高级   谓 ...
2011-12-30 20:49
  6、But it came with a price because when he was drinking, we had jobs and money. When he quit, we traded alcoholism for being dirt-poor.   这个句子中重点解析的是“we traded alcoholism for being ...
2011-12-30 20:48
  主谓一致性错误。   如第三人称单数漏掉s,或主语为复数,谓语动词却用了单数;以及就近原则对主语的影响等等。   例如:采集者退散   The president of the company, together with the workers, are pla ...
2011-12-30 20:47
  虚拟语气错误   虚拟语气的使用错误在综合改错题中主要表现为主句和从句的语气不协调。   例如: We suggest that Henry is told about his condition as soon as possible.   句中动词suggest之后的从句 ...
2011-12-30 20:46
  1、名词错误   名词单、复数用错,可数与不可数名词的混用。   例如:   ①We study quite a few subject, such as maths, Chinese, English and physics.   A few后面应该用复数,所以subject改为subje ...
2011-12-30 20:46
  PETS二级考试的短文改错题型主要检测考生发现、判断、纠正文章中错误的能力,文章中的错误主要是词语、语法、篇章结构和行文逻辑等方面的错误。这些错误往需要在不同程度上借助语境进行判断,它不仅要求考生掌握 ...
2011-12-30 20:45
  第二节评分标准   第一节以标准答案为准。第二节评分标准如下:   一、评分原则   1.该节总分为10,按5个档次给分。   2.评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量、 ...
2011-12-30 20:44
  ● 词形的派生   【例句】   17.The teacher told us to be careful when we did our exam.   The teacher told us to do our exam.   【正确答案】17.carefully   【规律分析】这部分要求考生掌握一 ...
2011-12-30 20:41
  写作部分是对考生书面表达能力的考查,因而在命题方面有着不同于其他部分的特点,考生应了解其命题规律,做到心中有数。   改写句子   该节共有3道题,主要考查考生在意思相同的情况下,对不同句型的表达方式 ...
2011-12-30 20:39
  Direction:   A. Study the following paragraph carefully and write a letter of about 200 words.   B. Your name is Li Jin, a student of the Department of Applied Physics, Tsinghua University. Yo ...
2011-12-30 20:38
  Directions:   请按题目: Advantages of Five-Day week(5天工作日的优点)写出大约200个字的短文,并包括下列内容:   1. 对家庭的好处   2. 对社会的好处   3. 对个人的好处   例文: Advantages of F ...
2011-12-30 20:37
  Directions:   A. Title:Globle Shortage of Fresh Water   B. Word Limit: about 200 words   C. Your composition should   be based on the Outline given in Chinese below:   1. 人们认为淡水是 ...
2011-12-30 20:37
  Direction:   A. Write an essay that conveys the information in the following cartoon accoMPAnied by your comments.   B. Word Limit: about 200 words   C. Your eassy should be written clearly ...
2011-12-30 20:36
  Directions:   A. Title: Fast Food   B. Word Limit: about 200 words   C. Your composition should be based on the Outline given in Chinese blew:   1. 快餐在中国十分流行,它是现代快节奏社会的 ...
2011-12-30 20:35
  Directions:   A. Title:What Will Happen If China Enters WTO?   B. Word Limit: about 200 words   C. Your composition should be based on   the Outline given in Chinese below:   1. 每个中国 ...
2011-12-30 20:35
公共英语二级阅读理解训练 Earthquakes
Earthquakes   A   It was October 17, 1989 in Santa Cruz. Grandma and I were looking after the kids, 6-year-old Angela and 4-year-old Patrick. My husband was at work in East Bay. The clock had just ...
2011-12-30 20:34
公共英语二级阅读理解训练 Customs
Customs   A   In rural areas in Finland1 people didn’t get married for romantic reasons, but for economic ones. Parents had a lot of influence on the choice of bride or groom2. Weddings provided ...
2011-12-30 20:33
公共英语二级阅读理解训练 Culture Shock
Culture Shock   Section A   When greeting someone, an American’s first response1 is to hold out his or her hand, look directly at the person and smile. In some situations, this behavior may bring ...
2011-12-30 20:33
公共英语二级阅读理解训练 Culture
Culture   A   I think the phrase "culture shock" is not proper. When you think of a shock, it’s something that strikes your mind in a second. In most cases, culture shock is more like something t ...
2011-12-30 20:32
公共英语二级阅读理解训练 Cultural Relics 2
Cultural Relics   A   Philippe Charlier, a scientist in Paris, France, began to study the supposed Joan of Arc1 Relics from the church in Normandy, France last year. Charlier’s team studied the r ...
2011-12-30 20:31
公共英语二级阅读理解训练 Cultural Relics
Cultural Relics   A   Ever thought of taking off your clothes at the top of the world? I don’t know about you, but a lot of crazy people would like nothing better. And they’ve become a major hea ...
2011-12-30 20:31
公共英语二级阅读理解训练 Computers
Computers   A   A computer has been trained to "read"people’s minds by looking at scans1 of their brains. It might lead to better understanding of how and where the brain stores information.    ...
2011-12-30 20:30
公共英语二级阅读理解训练 Buildings
Buildings and Living   A   The design of most houses throughout the world depends on the climate. People living in hot countries need their houses to be as cool as possible, while people in cold c ...
2011-12-30 20:29
公共英语二级阅读理解训练 Between
Between Parents and Us   A   Although Father’s Day may be celebrated at different times of the year in different parts of the world, I think the importance of the day remains the same. It is a da ...
2011-12-30 20:29
  At the lineup   Wei: That's them, all right.   Ramon: Hey, Chinita! Is that you? I can't see with all this light.   Wei: We're gonna put you behind bars for good.   Ramon: You better not. ...
2011-12-30 20:27
  Trev talks to the cop   Trev: I hope they'll forgive me now that we got everything back.   Cop: They still seem pretty mad.   Trev: Yeah, I know. I really blew it this time.   Cop: You sho ...
2011-12-30 20:26
  Mom, Sam and Kim are walking through a parking lot   Kim: I'm so excited to go to the store! I want lots and lots of candy!   Mom: We'll see. Sam, Kim, stay right with me, OK?   Kim: Don't ...
2011-12-30 20:26
  They enter Eagle grocery store   Mom: OK, Sam. I want you on my right. Kim, you stay on my left. I'll push the cart.   Sam: But I want to push the cart! Can I can I can I?   Mom: OK, I guess ...
2011-12-30 20:25
  Sam and Kim rush off with the cart, leaving mom behind   Sam: Get inside the cart, sis! I'll take you for a ride!   Kim: Whee! Yeah! Faster! Faster!   Sam: Daddy wanted beer, right? Let's g ...
2011-12-30 20:25
  Sam and Kim get chocolate and beer and go to the toy aisle   Sam: Look at this toy soldier! This gun is so cool.   Kim: Hey! No fair. I don't have one yet!   Sam: Bang, bang! Let's go hunt ...
2011-12-30 20:24
  Twenty minutes later, Mom finds Sam and Kim shooting each other   Mom: I'm going to take you back to the car right now! How dare you run off like that?   Sam: But Mommy, we were just trying to ...
2011-12-30 20:23
  Mom: You're not going anywhere, Sam. Where's that shopping list?   Kim: I have it, Mommy. Umm, we need two heads of broccoli, a bag of carrots...?   Mom: Let's see if any of that is organic. ...
2011-12-30 20:23
  Milt is still on the phone   Seth: I've never seen Milt so wound up before.   Ash: Shhh, let's listen to their conversation!   Seth: I don't want to eavesdrop. Actually, I don't even think w ...
2011-12-30 20:22
  After the hot spring, all three go to a karaoke bar   Kathy: This isn't such a good idea. These open karaoke bars are sometimes bad places.   Morley: We'll only stay for a little bit. Those g ...
2011-12-30 20:21
  Anne: I bet they do a good job of helping you slam-dunk.   Mike: With these, I can almost touch the rim.   Anne: You don't look like you play a lot of basketball, though.   Mike: Basketball ...
2011-12-30 20:21
  Kathy: What are you going to wish for?   Dan: For you to speak Chinese with me.   Kathy: What? You want me to speak Chinese?   Dan: Your English is so good. I hardly ever get any practice in ...
2011-12-30 20:20
  Milt: OK, OK. You two stop laughing at me already!   Ash: It's OK, Milt. My best friend was almost scammed last week by someone claiming to be her cousin! It was past midnight. She was asleep an ...
2011-12-30 20:19
  Hiking around Kilauea later that day   Jun: Oh my god! The ground is growing red! Is that lava?   Lisa: Yes. This is the world’s most active volcano! It’s been erupting for twenty years now. ...
2011-12-30 20:19
  Morley and Dan meet in downtown at the saloon   Dan: So, how’ve you been enjoying your time so far?   Morley: It’s been great, you know. I feel like I’m always learning something new about ...
2011-12-30 20:18
  PETS2考试即将开始,不知道大家复习的如何。PETS2听力虽然并不算太难,但对于英语基础差、学习时间短的同学来说还是不太容易的。为了提高PETS2听力能力,在考前系统地训练PETS2听力是不可缺少的。   听力练习 ...
2011-12-30 20:15
  尽管我们觉得PETS2的听力部分并不是太难,但对些英语基础比较差、学习时间不长的同学来说可能就不是那么容易了。为提高考生的听力能力,在考前系统训练听力是必不可少的。   听力练习是项系统工程。平时只有靠 ...
2011-12-30 20:14
  题型分析   一、价格计算   试题常常告诉你买几个物品多少钱,再问你买一个物品需要多少钱;或者告诉你正常价格及优惠方法,然后问你最终需要多少钱。   当遇到比较复杂的数字关系时必须反复练习听力, ...
2011-12-30 20:13
  一、生词处理   学生在听的过程中,经常会遇到不熟悉的词汇、短语。不少学生总是将注意力停留在此,其后的话语就听不进去了。较妥当的方式是把这一句听完,根据上下文意思迅速判断或猜测;或索性把它当做作某 ...
2011-12-30 20:13
  听力训练包括听音会意和听音辨音两项。听音会意是指听懂别人所表达的意思;听音辨音是指不仅能觉察到说话者在语音、语调上的特点,还能分辨出他或她在发音上的正误。因而听力能力其实就是一种语言综合运用能力。 ...
2011-12-30 20:12
  听力训练包括听音会意和听音辨音两项。听音会意是指听懂别人所表达的意思;听音辨音是指不仅能觉察到说话者在语音、语调上的特点,还能分辨出他或她在发音上的正误。因而听力能力其实就是一种语言综合运用能力。 ...
2011-12-30 20:11
  尽管我们觉得PETS2的听力部分并不是太难,但对些英语基础比较差、学习时间不长的同学来说可能就不是那么容易了。为提高考生的听力能力,在考前系统训练听力是必不可少的。   听力练习是项系统工程。平时只有靠 ...
2011-12-30 20:11
  尽管我们觉得PETS2的听力部分并不是太难,但对些英语基础比较差、学习时间不长的同学来说可能就不是那么容易了。为提高考生的听力能力,在考前系统训练听力是必不可少的。   听力练习是项系统工程。平时只有靠 ...
2011-12-30 20:10
  考试重点   单项填空测试内容涉及到《全国英语等级考试第一级考试大纲》中所规定的词汇、短语以及特殊句型和基本的语法概念。根据1999年5月颁布的大纲词汇表,考生需掌握1000左右的词汇以及若干相关的常用词组 ...
2011-12-30 20:08
  单词和表达方式   单词和表达方式也是该节考查的内容,考查考生对于大纲规定的常用单词和词组的掌握情况。除了单词的搭配及惯用法之外,还要对特定条件下的词义有正确的理解,即单词在具体语义环境中的不同用 ...
2011-12-30 20:03
  PETS1单项填空测试内容包括《全国英语等级考试第一级考试大纲》中所规定的词汇、短语以及特殊句型和基本的语法概念。根据1999年5月颁布的PETS大纲词汇表,PETS考生需掌握1000左右的词汇以及若干相关的常用词组。 ...
2011-12-30 20:02
  PETS考试英语知识运用主要考查考生的语篇分析能力和语言知识,要求PETS考生具有较好的阅读理解能力和扎实的语法基础,同时要求考生对各类词法、句法、上下文逻辑关系、语义搭配等具有较强的运用能力,PETS考查的 ...
2011-12-30 20:00
 PETS考试2010年下半年考试即将开始,在PETS考试即将到来之日,考试吧为大家总结了PETS1单词和表达方式,帮助大家考试成功。   PETS单词和表达方式也是PETS单项填空考查的内容,考查考生对于PETS大纲规定的常用单 ...
2011-12-30 20:00
 这些英语等级考试大纲词汇都比较简单,大家可以在考前突击记忆,希望对备考有帮助!   a(an)  art.一(个);每一(个);任一  A.M.  ad.午前  able  a.能够,有能力的  about  prep.关于;在…周围 ...
2011-12-30 19:58
   命题规律   英语知识运用部分考查考生的语言知识和语篇分析能力,要求考生具有扎实的语法基础和较好的阅读理解能力,同时对各类词法、句法、上下文逻辑关系、语义搭配等具有较强的运用能力,考查的形式与单 ...
2011-12-30 19:56
  PETS是由教育部考试中心主办的全国统一考试,该考试是面向全社会,以全体公民为对象的非学历性英语证书考试。应试者不分年龄、学历、户籍,只要有一定英语基础,均可选择适合自己报考的级别,参加考试。全国英语 ...
2011-12-30 19:54
  二、命题规律   英语知识运用部分考查考生的语言知识和语篇分析能力,要求考生具有扎实的语法基础和较好的阅读理解能力,同时对各类词法、句法、上下文逻辑关系、语义搭配等具有较强的运用能力,考查的形式与 ...
2011-12-30 19:53
  【例题6】   —When Mr. Harris the town for Sydney?   —I think it last December.   did, leave, wasdid, leave, ishas, left, was   【正确答案】A   【考查要点】特定语境中的动词时态(一般过去 ...
2011-12-30 19:53
  PETS是由教育部考试中心主办的全国统一考试,该考试是面向全社会,以全体公民为对象的非学历性英语证书考试。应试者不分年龄、学历、户籍,只要有一定英语基础,均可选择适合自己报考的级别,参加考试。全国英语 ...
2011-12-30 19:52
  PETS第一级   听力:第一级的题型为图片判断和对话理解,均为三选一的客观题,没有中考中常见的听录音选择单词、单词拼写、音标选择、句子和单词填写等形式;选项均以图片的形式给出,降低了选项的难度。    ...
2011-12-30 19:52
  公共英语等级考试一级单项填空技巧3   2. 单词和表达方式   单词和表达方式也是该节考查的内容,考查考生对于大纲规定的常用单词和词组的掌握情况。除了单词的搭配及惯用法之外,还要对特定条件下的词义有正 ...
2011-12-30 19:51
  公共英语等级考试一级单项填空技巧2   二、命题规律   英语知识运用部分考查考生的语言知识和语篇分析能力,要求考生具有扎实的语法基础和较好的阅读理解能力,同时对各类词法、句法、上下文逻辑关系、语义 ...
2011-12-30 19:50
  公共英语等级考试一级单项填空技巧1   PETS是由教育部考试中心主办的全国统一考试,该考试是面向全社会,以全体公民为对象的非学历性英语证书考试。应试者不分年龄、学历、户籍,只要有一定英语基础,均可选择 ...
2011-12-30 19:49
公共英语考试一级作文 留言
  :你请几个好朋友吃饭,也想请John来,你去John家,碰巧她不在家,为此请你用英语给他写一张50字左右留言条,告诉他:   为何请他吃饭;   吃饭后还有什么活动;   提醒他何时到你家。      Dear John, ...
2011-12-30 19:47
公共英语考试一级作文 英语便条
  :同事明天要出差,说好你要去送她,突然你接到你父亲的电话,得知你母亲病重,要你马上回家。离开办公室的时候,同事正在开会,为此请你用英语给她写一张50左右的便条,告诉她:   你为什么马上要回家;    ...
2011-12-30 19:47
公共英语考试一级作文 广播启事
     考查考生写出含有3-5条信息的简短信函和便条(标点符号不计算在内,约50词)的能力,答题时间约为15分钟。      一个国外客人乘坐出租汽车去机场,下车的时候将一个皮包遗失在你的车上。为此,请你用英语 ...
2011-12-30 19:46
公共英语考试一级作文 预定宾馆
     考查考生写出含有3-5条信息的简短信函和便条(标点符号不计算在内,约50词)的能力,答题时间约为15分钟。      假如你是李明明,你有事要去一趟上海,需要你上海朋友王一军给你预定宾馆。为此,请你用英 ...
2011-12-30 19:43
公共英语考试一级作文 探望病人
     考查考生写出含有3-5条信息的简短信函和便条(标点符号不计算在内,约50词)的能力,答题时间约为15分钟。      假如昨天医生打电话说你姑妈病了,你听后你和你哥一起去医院看望你姑妈。为此,请你用英语 ...
2011-12-30 19:43
公共英语考试一级作文 病假条
     考查考生写出含有3-5条信息的简短信函和便条(标点符号不计算在内,约50词)的能力,答题时间约为15分钟。      Dear Sir,   Please excuse my absence from class today, because I got a bad cold ye ...
2011-12-30 19:42
公共英语考试一级作文 乘坐路线
     考查考生写出含有3-5条信息的简短信函和便条(标点符号不计算在内,约50词)的能力,答题时间约为15分钟。      假如你是李明明,你有一个美国朋友Lisa今年暑假要来北京旅游。你写信告诉他,你住在北京市 ...
2011-12-30 19:42
中华会计网校 新东方网络课堂 中华会计网校会计继续教育 新东方网校 环球网校 中公网校

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