


2015年6月大学英语四级阅读题冲刺精讲(4)  四、出奇制胜   1、体现中心思想的选项是答案   文中的细节、例子、引语都是为了说明文章主旨、段落主旨,所以考查细节的题目,虽然不是主旨题,但能体现中心思想 ...
2015-5-22 15:23
2015年6月大学英语四级阅读题冲刺精讲(3)  三、题型分类及解题技巧   根据大学英语阅读理解测试能力的要求,阅读理解的试题类型可以分为以下五大类:主旨题、细节题、语义题、推理题和观点态度题。通过对历年 ...
2015-5-22 15:22
2015年6月大学英语四级阅读题冲刺精讲(2)  二、解题步骤   第一步,读问题,划出标志词或关键词   快速浏览题目,对5个题目有大概印象以便阅读时有侧重点。一般来说,对于本身已经明确其考查内容的题目,标 ...
2015-5-22 15:22
2015年6月大学英语四级阅读题冲刺精讲(1)  一、仔细阅读题型简介   要求考生阅读三篇短文。两篇为单项选择题型的短文理解测试,一篇为选词填空或简答题。但从2007年6月以来的考试全部考查的是选词填空而没有考 ...
2015-5-22 15:21
2015年6月英语四级阅读句子分析:跳读方法  Scanning——跳读   跳读其实对大家来说就比较熟悉了。首先是找准题干关键词,然后带入原文定位寻找答案。段落中与关键词无关部分可以一概略去不看。每次快速阅读考试 ...
2015-5-15 10:59
2015年6月英语四级阅读句子分析:略读方法  快速阅读从2006年6月份首次出现到现在,题型的难度一直在稳步递增,其中也包含了题型的改变(自2007年12月份起将判断题改为选择题)。这既折射出了命题者对该部分题型命制 ...
2015-5-15 10:59
2015年6月英语四级阅读句子分析:分割结构  含有分隔结构的复杂句通常是指那些句子结构主谓、谓宾、宾补之间存在着其他成分。而有时这些介入成分又较长,从而使本来应该紧联在一起得句子成分被分隔开了。另外还有 ...
2015-5-15 10:54
2015年6月英语四级阅读句子分析:倒装结构  阅读长难句句子结构分析:倒装结构   倒装结构   英语中有时为了强调突出某一句子成分,或当否定词出现在句首时,或是由于同上文衔接等的缘故,常常采用倒装的结构 ...
2015-5-15 10:53
2015年6月英语四级考试选词填空模拟练习(5)  To others and themselves the British have a reputation for being conservative——not in the narrow political sense, but in the sense of adherence to accepte ...
2015-5-11 15:40
2015年6月英语四级考试选词填空模拟练习(4)  According to BT’s futurologist, Ian Pearson, these are among the developments scheduled for the first few decades of the new millennium(a period of 1,000 ...
2015-5-11 15:39
2015年6月英语四级考试选词填空模拟练习(3)  A great deal of attention is being paid today to the so-called digital divide--the division of the world into the info(information) rich and the info poor. ...
2015-5-11 15:39
2015年6月英语四级考试选词填空模拟练习(2)  As the plane circled over the airport, everyone sensed that something was wrong.  The plane was moving unsteadily through the air, and although the passeng ...
2015-5-11 15:38
2015英语四级考试选词填空模拟练习(1)  Have you ever wondered what our future is like?Practically all people _1_ a desire to predict their future _2_.Most people seem inclined to _3_ this task using c ...
2015-5-11 15:37
2015年大学英语四级阅读材料:著名景区英文介绍——法国凡尔赛宫镜厅 ...
2015年大学英语四级阅读材料:著名景区英文介绍——法国凡尔赛宫镜厅  镜厅(Galerie des glaces):又称镜廊,在战争厅之南,西临花园。凡尔赛宫最著名的大厅,由敞廊改建而成。长73米,高12.3米,宽10.5米,一面是 ...
2015-5-6 10:41
2015年大学英语四级阅读材料:著名景区英文介绍——意大利米兰大教堂 ...
2015年大学英语四级阅读材料:著名景区英文介绍——意大利米兰大教堂  米兰大教堂(Milan Cathedral),意大利著名的天主教堂,又称“杜莫主教堂”、多魔大教堂、朵摸教堂,位于意大利米兰市,是世界五大教堂之一, ...
2015-5-6 10:40
2015年大学英语四级阅读材料:著名景区英文介绍——科罗拉多大峡谷 ...
2015年大学英语四级阅读材料:著名景区英文介绍——科罗拉多大峡谷  A famous American John Muir said in 1898: “The GrandCanyon… as unearthly in the color and grandeur and quantityof its architecture a ...
2015-5-6 10:39
2015年大学英语四级阅读材料:著名景区英文介绍——埃及金字塔 ...
2015年大学英语四级阅读材料:著名景区英文介绍——埃及金字塔  古埃及金字塔是奴隶制帝王的陵墓,最宏大的当为吉萨三座大金字塔。塔基呈方形,每边长230米,高146米,用230余万块巨石(每块平均重达2.5吨)垒成,国 ...
2015-5-6 10:39
2015年大学英语四级阅读材料:著名景区英文介绍——纽约新摩天大楼 ...
2015年大学英语四级阅读材料:著名景区英文介绍——纽约新摩天大楼  One57, a 1,004-foot tower under construction in MidtownManhattan, will soon hold the title of New York's tallest buildingwith residenc ...
2015-5-6 10:37
2015年大学英语四级阅读材料:著名景区英文介绍——长廊  始建于乾隆十五年(1750),后被英法联军烧毁,光绪十二年(1886)重建。长廊东起邀月门,西至石丈亭,共二百七十三间,全长七百二十八米,枋梁上还绘有人物、 ...
2015-4-29 11:23
2015年大学英语四级阅读材料:著名景区英文介绍——台湾垦丁 ...
2015年大学英语四级阅读材料:著名景区英文介绍——台湾垦丁  For many, Taiwanese and expats alike, Kenting means sunnybeaches and not much more.   In fact,there are not only (sometime overrated) beac ...
2015-4-29 11:23
2015年大学英语四级阅读材料:著名景区英文介绍——科罗拉多大峡谷 ...
2015年大学英语四级阅读材料:著名景区英文介绍——科罗拉多大峡谷  A famous American John Muir said in 1898: “The GrandCanyon… as unearthly in the color and grandeur and quantityof its architecture a ...
2015-4-29 11:21
英文赏析:世上最动人的情书:伏尔泰致情人  伏尔泰(1694—1778),原名佛兰苏阿•玛利•阿路埃,伏尔泰是其笔名。他出生于巴黎,自幼受过良好教育。他从小就喜爱文学,立志当文学家,中学毕业后就成为一名无业的文人 ...
2015-4-29 11:08
【叨叨】据说穿名牌应聘更容易成功?  Imagine this: You're interviewing two people for a job. They'reequally competent, capable, and qualified—but you can see thatone is wearing an outfit from HM and ...
2015-4-29 11:06
【新闻词汇】尼泊尔地震 中国在行动
【新闻词汇】尼泊尔地震 中国在行动  【相关新闻】   2015年4月25日在尼泊尔加德满都杜巴广场拍摄的遭到地震破坏的建筑。(图片来源:新华社/欧新中文)   据新华社报道,当地时间25日12时许,尼泊尔中部地区突 ...
2015-4-29 11:05
【英语新闻】职场中的80,90后到底看重什么  What’s the biggest incentive you can offer a millennial tocome work for you instead of your competition? If you answered “more money” you need torethink y ...
2015-4-29 11:04
2015年大学英语四级阅读材料:著名景区英文介绍——天坛  The Temple of Heaven is located in southern Beijing. It isincluded in the UNESCO world heritage list in 1998. With anarea of 2.7 million square ...
2015-4-17 11:24
2015年大学英语四级阅读材料:著名景区英文介绍——定陵  Dingling, the underground mausoleum of Emperor Wan Li, isone of the thirteen imperial tombs of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). Emperor Wan Li (157 ...
2015-4-17 11:23
大学英语四级考试仔细阅读练习 The biggest safety threat facing airlines today may not be a terrorist with a gun, but the man with the portable computer in business class. In the last 15 years, pilots ...
2012-5-10 13:52
四级阅读细节题破题方法:逐词对应法   在最近几次的四级考试当细节题所占比例有所增加,从2006年题型改革之前的40%提高到50%。我们可以这么说,“得细节题者得天下”。不过非常可惜的是,考生们在细节题部分的得 ...
2011-12-24 09:09
英语四级考试阅读理解做题程序分析  一个阅读要做好的话,首先要明白一点,我们四级里,35分钟做四篇文章的时间相对比较紧张,我们以前一般有的同学是,四加五或者是五加四的模式,四分钟的时间看文章,五分钟做题 ...
2011-12-24 09:05
  Imagine that you want to send a secret message to your colleague at the CIA. You can encrypt it to prevent counterspies from reading it. But they'll still know you were sending some sort of messag ...
2011-11-15 19:34
考前重视真题 找技巧
  一、考前30天,复习重点以做历年真题为主   在最后这30天,阅读部分相对于听力、完形还是有很大的提升空间。在最后的这30天中,一切都要以真题为主导。就是以我们过去考过的,新六级和新四级真题为主导。因为 ...
2011-11-15 19:33
  Insurance is the sharing of risks. Nearly everyone is exposed to risk of some sort. The house-owner, for example, knows that his property can be damaged by fire; the ship-owner knows that his vess ...
2011-11-15 19:31
  The political background of the atomic scientists' work was the determination to defeat the Nazis. It was held—I think rightly—that a Nazi victory would be an appalling (令人惊骇的 ) disaster. I ...
2011-11-15 19:30
  Americans always have different opinions in their 11 toward education. On the one hand, free and universal public education was seen as necessary in a democracy, for how else would citizens learn ...
2011-11-15 19:29
  How Thanksgiving Day Came into Being   In 1620, a small sailboat named the Mayflower left England for the New World. The Mayflower headed for the Jamestown colony on the warm shore of Virginia. ...
2011-11-15 19:29
  Friends play an important part in our lives, and although we may take the friendship for granted, we often don't clearly understand how we make friends. While we get on well with a number of peopl ...
2011-11-15 19:28
  Adam Smith, writing in the 1770s, was the first person to see the importance of the division of labor and to explain part of its'advantages. He gives as an example the process by which pins were m ...
2011-11-15 19:27
  Does a bee know what is going on in its mind when it navigates its way to 11 food sources and back to the hive, using polarized sunlight and the tiny magnet it carries as a navigational aid? Or is ...
2011-11-15 19:26
  The Man Who Changed the World   Born in 1879, in Ulm, Germany, Einstein was two years old when his parents moved to Munich. There his father opened a business in electrical supplies. As a boy, E ...
2011-11-15 19:26
  We all know that the normal human daily cycle of activity is of some 7-8 hours' sleep alternating with some 16-17 hours' wakefulness and that, broadly speaking, the sleep normally coincides with t ...
2011-11-15 19:25
  Tight-lipped elders used to say, "It's not what you want in this world, but what you get. "   Psychology teaches that you do get what you want if you know what you want and want the right things ...
2011-11-15 19:24
  Resources can be said to be scarce both in an absolute and in a 11 sense: the surface of the Earth is limited, 12 absolute scarcity, but the scarcity that concerns economists is the relative scarc ...
2011-11-15 19:23
  Oil   There are three main groups of oils: animal, vegetable and mineral. Great quantities of animal oil come from whales, those enormous creatures of the sea which are the largest remaining ani ...
2011-11-15 19:23
  When we think of creative people the names that probably spring to mind are those of men such as Leonardo da Vinci, Albert Einstein and Pablo Picasso, i. e. great artists, inventors and scientists ...
2011-11-15 19:22
  When we think of creative people the names that probably spring to mind are those of men such as Leonardo da Vinci, Albert Einstein and Pablo Picasso, i. e. great artists, inventors and scientists ...
2011-11-15 19:22
  The first person to use the sun's energy on a large scale was the Greek, Archimedes. He used it to set fire to an attacking Roman fleet at Syracuse in 212 B. C.. He did this by means of a burning ...
2011-11-15 19:21
  On my arrival in America, the one thing I noticed more than anything else was the , 11 amount of advertising that went on,—on the radio, on television, on billboard and signposts, and in magazine ...
2011-11-15 19:21
  Erosion(腐蚀)   Erosion goes on continuously and it should be the concern of all of us. There is evidence of this process of erosion all about us. Both the small gullies(溪谷) in the side of a n ...
2011-11-15 19:20
  A weather map is an important tool for geographers. A succession of three or four maps presents a continuous picture of weather changes. Weather forecasters are able to determine the speed of air ...
2011-11-15 19:18
  In the age of a global economy and an information society, the world is now seeking a new economic pattern beyond traditional capitalism and socialism.   As the influence of Japan in the world e ...
2011-11-15 19:18
  It is estimated that 11 seven hundred million people—about half of the world's population—are unable to read and write, and there are probably two hundred and fifty million more whose level of a ...
2011-11-15 19:16
  Research Solves Forestry Problems   Forestry is a science and, as such, those who practice it must have one thing that make scientific progress possible: the benefit of research. Every forestry ...
2011-11-15 19:15
  Newspapers often tell us of floods in some parts of the United States.   Nearly every year on the great central drainages heavy rains and melting snow cause the waters to pour out the mountains ...
2011-11-15 19:14
  The world has become a world of cities. With the present rate of urban growth(3. 8% in the Third World) , the majority of the population of the world will be living in cities by the year 2000. Thi ...
2011-11-15 19:13
  Southern Californians would love to find some way of knowing a month in advance whether a 11 earthquake will likely strike. One meteorologist suggests atmospheric pressure patterns might provide s ...
2011-11-15 19:12
  Precipitation   The dictionary defines the word precipitation as a "falling down", and when the meteorologist uses this word with regard to the weather he is speaking of the rain, snow, sleet, a ...
2011-11-15 19:10
  Agriculture is the number one industry in the United States and agricultural products are the country's leading export. American farmers manage to feed not only the total population of the United ...
2011-11-15 19:08
  Happiness can be described as a positive mood and a pleasant state of mind. According to recent polls (民意测验) sixty to seventy percent of Americans consider themselves to be moderately happy an ...
2011-11-15 19:07
  Perhaps it was only during the dawn of the human race that women 11 stood equal with men. At the beginning, I think both sexes shared equal responsibility for the 12 of the race. Men and women sha ...
2011-11-15 19:07
  Black Americans   About twenty-seven million people, or a little more than one-tenth of all United States citizens, are descended from people brought across the Atlantic from Africa between 150 ...
2011-11-15 19:06
  In many traditional societies a woman's role is restricted to that of mother (for the continuation of the race) , and she is confined to family and household activities, including help out in the ...
2011-11-15 19:05
  The future population will be older than today, and this in turn will change the patterns of social demands. However, Mexico will still be far from the "aging societies" that will most likely prev ...
2011-11-15 19:04
  Ever since humans have lived on the 11 , they have made use of various forms of communication. Generally, this expression of thoughts and feelings has been in the form of 12 speech. When there is ...
2011-11-15 19:03
  Work and Play   What do we mean by leisure, and why should we assume that it represents a problem to be solved by the arts? The great ages of art were not conspicuous for their leisure—at least ...
2011-11-15 19:02
 "Culture shock" occurs as a result of total immersion (浸没) in a new culture. It happens to "people who have been suddenly transplanted abroad. " Newcomers may be anxious because they do not speak ...
2011-11-15 19:01
  There is evidence that the usual variety of high blood pressure is, in part, a familial disease. Since families have similar genes as well as similar environments, familial diseases could be due t ...
2011-11-15 19:01
 Gary Finkle had his backbone severely 11 in a swimming-pool accident seven years ago. A heavy-set, bearded man of 27, he is one of thousands of Americans who have lost 12 all feeling and movement fr ...
2011-11-15 19:00
  The Laws of Nature   The phrase "A law of Nature" is probably rarer in modern scientific writing than was the case some generations ago. This is partly due to a very natural objection to the use ...
2011-11-15 18:59
  The University of California was chartered in 1868 and established at Berkeley in 1875. South Hall, an ivy-covered Gothic-revival building of red brick, is the only survivor of the nineteenth cent ...
2011-11-15 18:58
  Passage Two   Questions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage.   In this age of Internet chat, videogames and reality television, there is no shortage of mindless activities to keep a ch ...
2011-11-15 18:57
  Part II Reading Comprehension   (35 minutes)   Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are ...
2011-11-15 18:56
 Passage Two   Questions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage.   I don’t ever want to talk about being a woman scientist again. There was a time in my life when people asked constantly fo ...
2011-11-15 18:55
类别 班级名称 主讲人 课时 价格 试听 报名 学习交流 CET-4 精讲全程班 马振旗、李防 61 200 报名 英语四级论坛 词汇专项班 马振旗 23 100 报名 听力专项班 李防 8 60 报 ...
2011-11-15 18:52
  Passage Two   Questions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage.   I don’t ever want to talk about being a woman scientist again. There was a time in my life when people asked constantly ...
2011-11-15 18:51
  Part II Reading Comprehension   (35 minutes)   Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are ...
2011-11-15 18:50
  Passage Two   Questions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage.   As we have seen, the focus of medical care in our society has been shifting from curing disease to preventing disease—es ...
2011-11-15 18:49
  Part II Reading Comprehension   (35 minutes)   Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are ...
2011-11-15 18:48
  Passage Two   Questions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage.   In a country that defines itself by ideals, not by shared blood, who should be allowed to come work and live here? In the ...
2011-11-15 18:47
  Part II Reading Comprehension   (35 minutes)   Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are ...
2011-11-15 18:36
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