


2015年6月英语四级听力模拟练习(5)  A U.S. appeals court in New York ruled Thursdaythat the National Security Agency's program tocollect phone records of Americans is illegal.   The program collecte ...
2015-6-9 16:34
2015年6月英语四级听力模拟练习(4)  The chief prosecutor in the eastern U.S. city of Baltimore, Maryland has announced charges against six police officers in the case of the death of a 25-year-old bla ...
2015-6-9 16:33
2015年6月英语四级听力模拟练习(3)  This week, three more Americans joined the ever-growing "Republican-running-for-president" club.   A pediatric neurosurgeon, one of the first women tolead a high- ...
2015-6-9 16:31
2015年6月英语四级听力模拟练习(2)  The Federal Bureau of Investigation is gatheringinformation about the two men who opened fireoutside an event last weekend in Garland, Texas. Asecurity officer shot ...
2015-6-5 10:48
2015年6月英语四级听力模拟练习(1)  U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry traveled toMogadishu, Somalia, Tuesday. He is the firstsecretary of state to visit the country while in office.U.S. officials did ...
2015-6-5 10:47
2015英语四级听力攻略技巧盘点:熟悉的货币  在听力材料中,有很多是围绕有关外国货币的内容设计的,因此,熟悉一些主要国家的货币名称也很重要。常见的货币名称可以提示你对话发生在什么国家或地区,也为证明说话 ...
2015-5-29 16:18
2015英语四级听力攻略技巧盘点:熟悉的城市  英语四级考试常常涉及一些地名,还是涉及到了地名的。在汉语中,我们对地名感到容易掌握,是因为平时见多识广。其实,英语中的地名也有类似的感觉。像Paris(巴黎),Was ...
2015-5-29 16:18
2015英语四级听力攻略技巧盘点:学会比较  比较有两种基本形式,相等比较和不等比较。相等比较的基本句型为:主语+谓语+as+形容词或副词原级+as+被比较对象。请看下面一句话的比较:   Walking fast uses up as ...
2015-5-29 16:17
2015英语四级听力攻略技巧盘点:把握条件句  四级题目中特别是Section A中的对话,有不少是通过条件句来表达建议,想法,结果和趋势等。因此,能正确理解和抓住说话者所要表达的真实意图至为重要。   条件句有两 ...
2015-5-29 16:16
2015英语四级听力攻略技巧盘点:认清逻辑  在四级听力测试的题目中,有关原因及结果或是引起与被引起的关系比重很大,若是考生对此类问题加强认识,则对提高听力大有裨益。   首先要掌握一些体现原因的词,如bec ...
2015-5-29 16:16
2015英语四级听力攻略技巧盘点:速读选项  考生要切记,对付一切听力考试都行之有效的做法是快速浏览选择项并提炼信息点,再找出选项间的联系点。当录音人在即将开始读Directions时,这就是你阅读选择项的最佳时机 ...
2015-5-29 16:15
2015英语四级听力攻略技巧盘点:巧做笔录  同学们对于记忆的培养很重要。记有两种形式,一是用脑记,二是用手记。人的脑力是有时间局限的,超出一定的时间,信息就会弱化,甚至消失。因此,训练作笔录能力大有好处 ...
2015-5-29 16:15
2015英语四级听力攻略技巧盘点:近音陷阱  同音、近音词句一样,在英语语言中也有许多单词读音很接近。它们在被读出时,很容易对考生造成干扰,使你产生多余的联想。另外,在对所提问题设定的选项中,通常会出现与 ...
2015-5-29 16:14
2015英语四级听力攻略技巧盘点:调整心态  心理状态就是一个人的心情。心情的好坏,会直接地影响我们工作、学习的效果。你也能看到,在体育比赛中,由于心理状态的起伏,参赛选手的发挥会跟着有较大的起伏。    ...
2015-5-29 16:14
[BBC]讲究穿着 Dress to impress
讲究穿着 Dress to impress  讲究穿着   Dress to impress   【BBC听力原稿】   What do you wear to work? Do you wear a uniform, perhapssomething formal, or do you just pick up the first T-shirt yo ...
2015-5-20 08:48
美国特工逮捕六名青年  Authorities have responded to distress call from 3 more boatsfilled with hundreds of refugees in the Mediterranean.   U.S. government agents have arrested six men from theMid ...
2015-5-20 08:47
索马里青年党袭击联合国车辆  Militant group al-Shabab claimed responsibility for anapparent suicide attack on a United Nations bus in northernSomalia that killed at least seven people. The attacker M ...
2015-5-20 08:46
【VOA】沙门氏菌可杀死癌细胞  From VOA Learning English, this is the Health andLifestyle Report.   Not many people consider a bacterium that makes millions ofpeople sick … a friend. But scientist ...
2015-5-20 08:45
【VOA】上千哀悼者在新加坡总理官邸前献花致敬  Thousands of mourners have gathered outside the PrimeMinister's official residence in Singapore to lay flowers and paytheir respects to the country's fou ...
2015-4-23 13:10
【VOA】肯尼亚大学遇袭  From VOA Learning English, this is In The News.   This week, Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta marked two yearsin office. The anniversary was observed as Kenyans mournedthe vi ...
2015-4-23 13:09
【VOA】科学家寻找新方法以养活世界不断增长的人口  As the population grows and temperatures rise it will becomemore difficult to grow enough food for everyone. So, scientistsare exploring the planet f ...
2015-4-23 13:08
【VOA】与Easy相关的短语  Now, the VOA Special English program Words and TheirStories.   (MUSIC)   Every people has its own way of saying things, its own special expressions. Some of theseexpress ...
2015-4-16 10:20
【看美剧学英语】sick的特殊解释  sick这个单词不就是表示生病吗?我们今天要来看看sick在口语里面有什么更地道的用法。   Larry和李华今天去看赛车。 李华会学到两个常用语sick和souped up。   LH: Larry,你 ...
2015-4-16 10:19
  1.学校场景   课程分类 Optional course 选修课 Required course 必修课   Day course 白天的课Evening course 晚上的课   科目或专业Chinese 中文mathematic 数学history 历史 chemistry 化学   Lit ...
2011-11-18 20:03
英语四级听力点评 重视技巧 把握关键词
 主要来点评一下今年四级考试听力部分。首先听力这个部分,短对话从11题到18题。11题到18题这个题目,我们研究越来越觉得大家要能够听得懂,因为本身说的话比较少,男生一句女生一句后面一个问题,对应四个选项。里 ...
2011-11-18 20:01
2011年英语四级 听力正确答案的特征
 正确答案的特征   1. 含义肯定的不是正确选项,模糊的是正确选项   意思具体的不是正确选项,概括的是正确选项   意思详细的不是正确选项,抽象的是正确选项   意思肤浅的不是正确选项,深刻的是正确选项 ...
2011-11-18 20:00
  提高听力能力的最佳途径——听写训练   短文听力训练办法   考生可以在历年考题中选取10-20篇不同题材和不同体裁的文章,依据以下几个步骤,横竖结合来进行精听训练。   Step 1:第一遍听时认真做题,对所 ...
2011-11-18 19:59
英语四级考试听力破题关键 标志词汇
  据研究有90%以上的考点都是由标志词引导活提示的,因此在长对话和短文听力中听到下列标志词时要引起高度的重视,集中注意力听清标志词前后的句子。   1.最高级标志词   形容词、副词最高级、most / chief / ...
2011-11-18 19:58
2011年英语四级听力备考 常考习语详解十一
  56、volume   1、音量。   Would you please turn the volume of the music down? 你能把音量调低点儿吗?   2、指书的卷,册。   I can’t find Volume Ten. 我找不到第10册书。   57、warm up    ...
2011-11-18 19:57
2011年英语四级听力备考 常考习语详解十
  51、suit   1、套装,衣服。   You look great in your new suit. 你穿上新衣服后看上去棒极了。   I bought a good suit in a clothing store. 我在衣服店里买了一套很好的套装。   2、一套公寓。这 ...
2011-11-18 19:57
2011年英语四级听力备考 常考习语详解九
  46、semester   这种表示“学期”的说法才是在口语听力中最为常见的。   I’m thinking of taking five courses next semester. 我在考虑下个学期选修5门功课。   47、severe   1、严重的。车祸造成了严 ...
2011-11-18 19:56
2011年英语四级听力备考 常考习语详解八
  41、print   1、打印。   Print this article out. 把这份文件打印出来。   2、印刷。与publish 相近,the printing industry 就是印刷业,out of print绝版。   The book has been out of print for so ...
2011-11-18 19:56
2011年英语四级听力备考 常考习语详解七
  36、offer   1、提供。公司提供工作职位给学生就是offer a job。国外大学提供奖学金即:offer scholarship。所以大家一般称国外大学的全额奖学金为offer。   I turned down the offer because it would mean ...
2011-11-18 19:55
2011年英语四级听力备考 常考习语详解六
  31、laundry   该词本意是指洗衣店。但是在听力中,会用来借指洗衣服的工作。   比如,There’s a lot of laundry to do.  有很多衣服要洗。   32、look   该词本身作为一个基本动词并无什么难度,但 ...
2011-11-18 19:54
2011四级听力 一个中心 两类选项 三种答案
  一个中心:A部分以大学校园生活为中心   四级听力的A部分试题中,有很多都直接来自托福(TOEFL)听力A部分,还有部分是托福听力试题改编的。托福考试的目的就是检测非英语国家学生是否到美国接受高等教育的语言 ...
2011-11-18 19:54
2011年英语四级听力备考 常考习语详解五
  25、film   1、电影。最常见用语。   2、胶卷。   ran out of film 胶卷用完;a roll of film 一卷胶卷;develop the film冲洗胶卷,说成wash就完蛋了。   3、拍摄。   film the river bank 拍摄河岸景 ...
2011-11-18 19:53
2011英语英语四级考试听力备考 常见习语
  1) take a rain check   2) lost count 弄不清楚   3) be in another world 精神恍惚;魂不守舍   4) make yourself at home 随意,随便   5) save your breath 省口气吧;别白费口舌了   6) make sense ...
2011-11-18 19:52
  问题一:我听不懂,怎么办?   问题质量:低   提问频率:极高   这是个令老师极度难以回答的问题,因为这个问题的答案会有N多种。   首先,是什么材料听不懂?是对话?文章?还是听写?   其次,是否是语 ...
2011-11-18 19:51
2011年英语四级听力备考 常考习语详解四
  19、crossword puzzle   纵横字谜,一种填字游戏。既可以entertain oneself(自我娱乐),也是一种不错的智力训练。   This is not a game. It’s only a crossword puzzle that helps increase my vocabulary ...
2011-11-18 19:50
2011年英语四级听力备考 常考习语详解三
  13、briefing   1、简介。会议之前,总要有一个项目叫做Give a briefing.   Mrs. Lung’s briefing seems to go on forever.  Lung女士的简报似乎没完没了。   2、news / press briefing 新闻发布会   ...
2011-11-18 19:49
英语四级听力备考 常考习语详解二
  6、awfully   非常地,相当地。在口语中用于表程度的比例十分高。   awfully nervous 相当紧张;awfully cold 相当冷;awfully sorry 十分抱歉   Tom looks awfully nervous. 汤姆看上去相当紧张。   I a ...
2011-11-18 19:49
英语四级听力备考 常考习语详解
  1、across   1、表方位。   Let’s go to the restaurant across the street and get something to eat.   让我们去街对面的餐馆买些吃的。   2、表动作,穿越。   You must go across the bridge and ...
2011-11-18 19:43
2011英语四级听力短对话攻略 拿下关键7分
  意义解释题是四级听力小对话里最常见的一种题型,平均10题中有7 道题都是意义解释题。其基本意义是对于一男一女对话中的某个句子,词组或是单词进行解释,进而用于原文不同的单词表达出来。这种题型可以说是小对 ...
2011-11-18 19:43
英语四级考试听力备考 常见提问方式
 听力的提问方式最常见的有4种类型   1) 中心思想题这类问题主要是测试文章的主题思想。提问方式有:What is the main idea of the passage?Whatcan we learn from this passage? What is the best title for thi ...
2011-11-18 19:42
 Recently, the issue of ...... has been brought into public focus.   近来,_______的问题引起了社会的广泛关注。   Now we are entering a brand new era full of opportunities and innovations, and gre ...
2011-11-18 19:40
  1.听即原则:所听即所得,听到什么就选什么(正好与短对话相反,短对话时听到的一般不选)   2.重读原则:某单词被反复读到或是在语音上加以重读,因引起重视如果选项中出现很可能是正确答案   3.顺序原则:出 ...
2011-11-18 19:39
  据研究有90%以上的考点都是由标志词引导活提示的,因此在语段听力中听到下列标志词时要引起高度的重视,集中注意力听清标志词前后的句子。   1.最高级标志词形容词、副词最高级、most / chief / primary / mai ...
2011-11-18 19:38
  四级听力题目构成与比例:   小对话: 8% 选择题 共8道对话,每题长约1分钟  长对话: 7% 选择题 共2段对话,每段长约3分钟  听力短文: 10% 选择题 共3篇文章,每篇长约3分钟  复合式听写:10% 听写填 ...
2011-11-18 19:37
  四级听力题目构成与比例:   小对话: 8% 选择题 共8道对话,每题长约1分钟  长对话: 7% 选择题 共2段对话,每段长约3分钟  听力短文: 10% 选择题 共3篇文章,每篇长约3分钟  复合式听写:10% 听写填 ...
2011-11-18 19:36
  四级听力题目构成与比例:   小对话: 8% 选择题 共8道对话,每题长约1分钟  长对话: 7% 选择题 共2段对话,每段长约3分钟  听力短文: 10% 选择题 共3篇文章,每篇长约3分钟  复合式听写:10% 听写填 ...
2011-11-18 19:35
  长对话同义替换总结:   Be interviewed=received your resume   Lead a team=in charge of a team   Be satisfied with=you might just be the person we’ve been looking for   Brush up=practice   ...
2011-11-18 19:35
  一、历年出现的单词拼写   Additional architecture artificial average boring cancer   Coupled crossed describe despite destroyed distant   Emotionally ensure established experiences   famili ...
2011-11-18 19:33
  锦囊妙计1:听到什么就不选什么   “听到什么就不选什么”是一个非常有风险的“技巧”,可是,正如风险投资一样,风险越高,其回报率也就越高。如果听到的内容实在太难,你根本就没有听到具体在说什么,而只是 ...
2011-11-18 19:32
  锦囊妙计1:话题与场景的判断——第一个话轮中的核心词汇揭示答案   在长对话中,第一个话轮(尤其是对话的第~句话)往往引出话题,很可能是对话的主题所在,也是回答主旨、话题以及场景题的依据所在。简而言之 ...
2011-11-18 19:31
  锦囊妙计1:一头一尾。决定成败   如果说.短文听力只要听懂短文的开头与结尾就能得到较好的成绩,这丝毫不令人意外。为了进一步说明短文听力理解题头尾句的作用,我们先看几个例子。   【例】 1. A) The art ...
2011-11-18 19:30
  通过对大学英语四级考试复合式听写的命题规律和考查要点的分析我们可以发现:尽管复合式听写是四级考试的难点,但还是有规律可循的。只要我们平时打好基础,在解题时做个有心人,复合式听写并没有想象中那么可怕 ...
2011-11-18 19:28
 admit to 许可,允许   appear to 似乎,好像   apply sth to sth 把...适用于...   ask for 要求   assure sb of sth 使某人确信某事   attach importance to = pay/ call attention to 关注,重视   ...
2011-11-18 19:27
 在西方的文化里,女性是受到绝对尊重的,所以提醒大家,在做听力的时候一定要留意的一点是:文中出现的观点如果是针对女性的,一般都会比较正面,也就是我们所说的positive. 如果是是针对男士的,一般都会比较负面 ...
2011-11-18 19:25
  2010年12月份的四、六级考试近在眼前,听力部分历来是中国考生的薄弱环节,也是考生最紧张、最容易丢分的环节,如何在最后有限的时间内提高听力成绩,相信考生们都很关注。下面就请四、六级听力主讲赵建昆老师给 ...
2011-11-18 19:23
  but 题型   2. M: How many students passed the final physics exam in your class?   W: Forty. But still as many as 20 percent of the class failed. Quite disappointing, isn’t it?   Q: What doe ...
2011-11-18 19:22
  听写练习:   Test 4-Passage Three BBC   Test 6-Passage Three Interview   Test 10-Passage Two American Movie   沙云龙校长讲话:   优秀是一种习惯。   心理素质好最重要。   幸福是一种理 ...
2011-11-18 19:22
  场景题   注:That's odd/ ridiculous/ absurd   复合式听写   Section B Compound Dictation   President Clinton later today joins (S1) _______________ presidents Ford, Carter and Bush at "the ...
2011-11-18 19:21
  but 题型   注:take sth. up 提起,谈及   7. W: You know, the Browns have invested all their money in stocks.   M: They may think that's a wise move. But that's the last thing I'd do.   Q: ...
2011-11-18 19:20
  场景题   2. W: Hey, if you can't enjoy that at a sensible volume, please use earphones. I'm trying to study.   M: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize it was bothering you.   Q: What is the man p ...
2011-11-18 19:20
  3. A) She can't make any calls.   B) She can't receive any calls.   C) She can't repair the phone.   D) She can do nothing with the phone.   4. A) What Tom said is true.   B) Tom is very ...
2011-11-18 19:19
     A) She could help him with the problems.   B) He should go out for a while.   C) She could go out together with him.   D) He should do the problems himself.   M: I'm getting absolutel ...
2011-11-18 19:19
     A) They get a bargain right away.   B) They go and buy a big TV set.   C) They sell their TV set.   D) They have a look at the advertisement.   M: This TV set is getting worse and wor ...
2011-11-18 19:18
     A) He knows more than the woman does.   B) What the woman said is true.   C) What the woman said is wrong.   D) Some people pretend to know what they really don't.   W: Some people kn ...
2011-11-18 19:17
     A) Go to the lab for a quick look.   B) Check on what’s for dinner.   C) Have a run before they eat.   D) Go and see if they have dropped anything in the lab.   W: Could we drop by t ...
2011-11-18 19:17
  机场场景:   1、票已售完 2、接人晚点 3、送人伤感   态度方向题 建议题 复合式听写   Section A   1、but 题型(3个) 2、场景题(3个)   3、替换题(3个) 4、态度方向题、建议题(1个)   态度方向(Yes ...
2011-11-18 19:16
     A) The man thinks the woman is wasting her time.   B) The man thinks the woman should make full use of her time.   C) The man can wait and there is no need for her to hurry.   D) The ma ...
2011-11-18 19:15
     A) It's too expensive.   B) It isn't needed.   C) A college would be better.   D) It should be built.   M: The city council has finally voted the funds to build a new high school.   ...
2011-11-18 19:14
  Most people have had a dog or wanted one as their companion at some time in their lives. If you are thinking of buying a dog, however, you should first decide what sort of companion you need and w ...
2011-11-18 19:14
     A) One.   B) Four.   C) Five.   D) None.   M: I hope there weren’t many visitors when I was away yesterday.   W: There wasn’t a single one, Mr. Green. But I received four phone ca ...
2011-11-18 19:13
  Paper is one of the most important products ever invented by man. Wide spread use of written language would not have been possible without some cheap and practical material to write on. The invent ...
2011-11-18 19:12
  Most people have had a dog or wanted one as their companion at some time in their lives. If you are thinking of buying a dog, however, you should first decide what sort of companion you need and w ...
2011-11-18 19:12
  To be successful in a job interview, you should demonstrate certain personal and professional qualities. You need to create a good image in the limited time available, usually from 30 to 45 minute ...
2011-11-18 19:11
     14. A) They are not active hunters.   B) They don't sleep much.   C) They are often seen alone.   D) They don't eat much.   15. A) To catch the birds.   B) To look for shade in the ...
2011-11-17 21:38
  Federal Express is a private airline service which expands the Postal Service in the United States. It is the only U. S. airline specializing in the transportation of small packages-35 kilos or le ...
2011-11-17 21:38
     14. A) They are not active hunters.   B) They don't sleep much.   C) They are often seen alone.   D) They don't eat much.   15. A) To catch the birds.   B) To look for shade in the ...
2011-11-17 21:37
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