

英语四级阅读:史上最萌小仓鼠亮相 表演高空走绳索

2011-8-18 11:07| 发布者: bjangel| 查看: 682| 评论: 0

摘要: 英语四级阅读:史上最萌小仓鼠亮相 表演高空走绳索  Meet Dolly the high-wire hamster... who hauls herself back onto the tightrope when she takes a tumble. 来看看这只可爱的高空绳索小仓鼠Dolly吧...当它翻 ...
英语四级阅读:史上最萌小仓鼠亮相 表演高空走绳索

  Meet Dolly the high-wire hamster... who hauls herself back onto the tightrope when she takes a tumble. 来看看这只可爱的高空绳索小仓鼠Dolly吧...当它翻筋斗时会拉着绳子把自己悬吊在绳索上。A high-wire hamster who loves to show off her circus skills almost came a cropper when she slipped off a tightrope in the middle of a routine.一只会走空中绳索的小仓鼠非常喜欢展示它的杂技技巧,当它顺着绳子滑到绳中央的时候就像是要栽跟头一样。
  Dolly's delightful trick could have ended in trauma as the cute critter misplaced a paw. But, teetering on the edge, she managed to haul herself up to finish off her routine.Dolly的这些滑稽的小把戏本会使它伤痕累累,这个可爱的小动物可能会伤掉它的小爪子。但是结果却是它摇摇晃晃的爬到了绳子边缘,它成功的用手抓着绳子完成了这段距离。
  Luckily she was only inches from the ground, and would not have suffered injury had she taken a tumble.幸运的是它离地面只有几尺高,如果它栽了个跟头也不会受伤。请访问考试大网站http://www.233.com
  These adorable photographs were taken by keen photographer Mirko Waltermann, 37, at his home in Hamm, Germany.这些让人喜爱的照片是由37岁的机灵的摄影师Mirko Waltermann在他德国哈姆的家中拍摄的。He said: "Dolly is very curious and funny - she likes to play and hang on the rope for a couple of minutes or so at a time before having a break and starting all over again.She really enjoys performing for us and I'm pretty sure she is showing off. She likes to be the centre of attention.My daughter Lara has had her for three years now and she doesn't seem to be slowing down, if anything it is harder to get her off it.As much as she loves it though I think her favourite trick is to hide somewhere so all the family has to search for her."







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