


2012-2-20 14:06| 发布者: as2113712| 查看: 213| 评论: 0

摘要: 2010年雅思口语经典试题之体育运动  2010年的雅思口语考试已经过去了,又一年的硝烟战场被留在了烤鸭们的身后。在这一年的雅思口语考试中出现了很多的具有借鉴意义的经典试题。究竟这些试题都是什么样子的呢,他们 ...


  P2 describe a sport(which level you want to reach)
  P3 say sth. about an international sport.
  Why some countries are good at a certain sport?
  What kind of sport your country is good at? Why your country is better than others?
  Why different countries are good at different sports?
  Some countries pay more attention to the results of the sports competition, what do you think of it?
  Is the sport course necessary in school?
  Do you think there should be more sports classes in school?
  China is very good at sports games, what do you think of it as a Chinese?
  Is the sport course necessary in school?
  Do you think there should be more sports classes in school?
  In the World Cup of soccer game, why there exists strong teams and weak teams?
  What are the benefits for children?
  Do you think school should longer the sport class?
  In the World Cup of soccer game, why there exists strong teams and weak teams?
  What do we learn from taking sports?
  What kind of sport you want to be good at?
  What courses should school have?
  Does your school have these courses?
  What sport you like?(根据你的回答再问,比如你答篮球Which NBA star affects you most)
  What students may get through sports?
  Some sports are popular in some places and not in other places, what do you think?
  P2 Describe an activity outside or in the open air (what it is, where you do it, how often you do it, why you like it)
  P3 Do you think outside acidities are good?
  What about the inside ones?
  How often do young people take sports? What about old people?
  What outside activity young people like? What about old people?
  How do the working people relax?
  What kind of people work outside?
  What is the difference between work outside and work inside?
  What is the difference between young and old people's outdoor activities?
  P2 describe a walk with your friend(Where you had the walk, Who was with you, When you had the walk and why you remember the experience)
  P3 Do you like walking?
  Do you think walking is good?
  Why people should have a walk?
  Where could they walk? Why?
  What are the positive effects of having a walk (physically and mentally)?
  What about negative ones?
  If you suggest a walk with your friend, what you will say?
  What is the difference between having a walk in the past and at the present?
  Do you think we should drive to work?
  Why people choose driving?
  Do you think it's good if they walk to work?
  Which one do modern people prefer, driving or walking? What about you?
  Why some people prefer walking while others prefer cycling?
  Why some people still drive to work although the distance is not very long?
  Do you think it is good if parents drive their children to school?
  What is the harm of driving except for health?
  How to encourage more and more people to have a walk?
  What should government do?
  Do you think the fast-paced life is good in this industrial society?
  Is life in your country very fast-paced?


  1. 中心是否切题:
  2. 意思是否明白:
  3. 结构是否严密:
  4. 表达是否连贯:
  5. 发音是否清楚:
  6. 语法是否正确:
  7. 词汇是否熟练:







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