


2012-2-20 12:34| 发布者: as2113712| 查看: 300| 评论: 0

摘要: 雅思考试全面预测和复习指导   8月21日雅思考试,A类大作文International travel makes people prejudiced rather than broad-minded国际旅游可能产生偏见而不是扩大视野,分析原因和解决方法,和G类书信Your co ...



  8月21日雅思考试,A类大作文International travel makes people prejudiced rather than broad-minded国际旅游可能产生偏见而不是扩大视野,分析原因和解决方法,和G类书信Your college is going to organize a International Day. Write to the organizer that explain why it is a good event, what typical food you can take there ,what activity you are going to organize?跟我A/G类预测的作文很接近。听力两旧两新,填空题目多,难度适中在预测中,而且部分口语考试话题也预测中。


  8月21日,16日,8月8日和7月份的雅思考试总体上难度适中,较多沿用或改造以前考过的题目,感觉传统,熟悉,这种情况估计会持续到机考前后一段时间。尤其是听力,考生普遍反应适中或比剑桥稍微简单,其中8月21日,16日,9日两旧两新,7.5/12三旧一新,7.26三新一旧,传统,旧题多,难度适中,这种情况估计还会继续。但是根据无数考生的经验教训,听力机经不值得去背(就是要背,也就主要是背s3,s4的),因为考试时根本难回忆起来,跟不上节奏,反而会影响听力效果,所以只需根据预测看看了解想象听力背景和记忆好里面的单词(注意拼写)。长期以来发现雅思考试喜欢走点极端相反的路线,比如:听力上一次8.16单选题多,填空少,这次8.21就填空题多,单选少;再比如阅读上一次8.16T/F/NG是非判断题型考了15题,选择题型考了13题, 而这次8.21阅读一个T/F/NG都没有,全是matching和填空(summary)。8月份开始实行口语评分标准之一的调整---语音语调方面增加细则,考生需要加强这方面的训练,每天坚持跟读模仿VOA SPECIAL,BBC或剑桥听力。阅读一直以来就有一个逐渐盘旋加大的趋势,尤其是今年比较明显,7-8月的阅读总体上是中稍难些,8.30会继续这种情况。虽然考生经常在阅读方面叫难,但是阅读考出来的成绩往往却是各项中最好的,所以大家要有信心,一方面要加大阅读量,另外一方面加强雅思文章的熟悉和解题技巧的熟练掌握,坚持每天精读一篇,泛读或做一套的习惯,同时在做完题目后要进行专项总结和归纳,加强考点单词,替换词和好词句的积累。8月30日阅读的题型重点排列如下T/F/NG, match (专家讲话配对是重点之重点),List of Headings(或段落/信息配对—接下来估计会较多), Summary,建议大家把剑桥1-6的这些题型按照专项总结复习,归纳技巧和突破口。不管考试难易,评分标准是弹性的和公平的,假如阅读难考,那么可能做对23个是6分,假如阅读简单,那么做对25个才得6分,所以考生要有良好的心理素质,尽力而为。总之,8.30的考试估计会继续近来的考试特点(总体难度适中),有关于预测中提到的一些问题和资料,大家可以到我博客blog.sina.com.cn/yeyibin2008或QQ:26346059空间的雅思考试资料库上查找。


  一级重点:V30074s1s3s4 V30076s1s3s4 V30078s1s2s4 V30079s1s3s4 V30034s1,s3,s4; V30036s1,s3,s4; V30037s1,s3,s4; V30038s1,s2,s3; V30039s1,s3; V30040s2,s4; V30041s2,s4;V30062s2,s3; V30064s1,s2,s3; V30072s3,s4; V30074s1,s4; V30076s1,s3,s4; V30080s1,s2,s3; V30081s2,s3,s4; V30083s1,s3,s4; V30085s3; V30090s2,s4; V50127s3; V50130s2,s3; V50133s2; V50134s4; V50147s3; V50233s2,s4,V06110s1,s2; V06141s1,s2,s3; V07138s2,s3; V07139s2; V07147s1,s4; V30042s3,s4; V30043s3,s4; V30044s1,s3; V30045s1,s3,s4; V30049s1,s2,s3; V30059s2,s4; V30060s1,s3,s4; V30061s1,s2,s4; V30084S2S3S4 V08118S1S3

  二级重点: V06113s2,s4; V06119s4; V06121s1; V06125s2; V06130s3; V06138s1; V06142s2; V06144s1,s2; V06146s1; V06148s4; V07134s2,s3,s4; V07135s1,s2; V07141s1,s2; V07142s1,s2; V30018s1,s3,s4; V30019; V30020; V30058s1,s3; V30078s1,s2;V06316s3; V07102s3; V07109s1,s3; V07112s4; V07118s2; V30079s1,s3; V40110s2,s3; V50101s1,s3; V50112s4; V21; V26; V37; V66; V06102s4; V06111s4;


  回顾一下,8月16日的阅读,T/F/NG是非判断题型考了15题,选择题型考了13题,难度跟剑桥5-6差不多或略低,估计是两个月来最简单的。同8月9日,7月5日一样,8.21阅读一个T/F/NG都没有,全是matching和填空(summary).但是那种“T/F/NG是非判断题型成为历史”的说法是错误的。8.30考试建议大家把剑桥4-6上面提到的重点题型集中在一起专项复习,如T/F/NG, Match (专家讲话配对是重点之重点,看题的时候应该把专家名字圈出来然后他说的话也圈出来,这样做题和检查的时候一目了然),List of Headings(或段落/信息配对), Summary。考前做题一定要掐时间,把阅读速度和质量进行磨合(雅思考试中阅读和写作经常有相当一部分考生没做完),可以使用叶老师课堂讲过的平行做题法,平行读透和归纳关键词一样的题目,有目的地阅读,没有用的段落不用去读或迅速浏览就可以了,重点精读跟题目有关的句子段落,以此来保证做题质量和速度。在平常的阅读训练中培养叶老师课堂强调的雅思阅读三大品-confidence, carefulness, patience。同时参考复习课堂讲义中的题型解题技巧,注意出题特点--同义转达,句型替换,语法替换和考点不考面的规律。坚持句子对句子,词对词,点对点的做题方法,保证每个题目的证据定位;精读对照并验证题目和原文的替换和转化。另外大家要坚持每天精读一篇剑桥(剑桥5-6)+做题(剑桥5-6)或泛读2-3篇文章(雅思阅读真经2,3)或一些英文报刊杂志:如cnn,bbc,www.nature.com,www.scientist.com,www.nationalgeograpgic.com,国际先驱导报等科技,经济等新闻,现在考试的三篇文章都是这样的题材。事实证明,经常阅读英文网站报刊,到大海中游泳的人,到了雅思这种池塘考试就会觉得很轻松。我很多阅读高分学生的有这样的体会:考试的三篇文章很面熟,在平时每天阅览的英文网站报刊看过。确实,阅读考试几个月来新文章考得多,最多每次就一篇旧文章--旧文章少考,阅读的预测意义不大,真正有用的是阅读能力和解题思路技巧。词汇严重不足的同学可以在阅读中积累记忆。基础词汇主要是掌握剑桥1-6题目中的同义替换词,一词多义,考点词,同时要重视加强常见单词的听写,以防听力的填空和写作中单词拼写出问题。


  经常发现考试时考生作文题目看错,看不懂,或单词误解,造成离题,偏题现象,比如8月9日考试时,A类大作文是In some countries ,governments are encouraging industries and businesses to move out of large cities and into regional areas ,do you think advantages of this development outweigh its disadvantages. Give reasons for you answer and include examples from your knowledge or experiences。有的考生就把regional areas 看成religious areas,有的考生都不知道outweigh的意思。所以建议考生在考前要熟悉常考的作文题目,选择5-10篇代表社会,教育,文化,科技,艺术等的题目写一写,请人批改,再读范文提高。可以看写作机经和里面范文,但是如果你想考到6.5以上,考前绝对少不了自己写10篇。 可注意一下国际国内热点话题例如教育,奥运,环保,和平,能源危机,国际合作,社会经济生活,还要注意一下图表题,流程图。G类小作文为各种书信,大家各准备一篇,大作文常为简单的A类考过的简单题目或者是生活,教育,职业类,和社会公共系统(例如道路交通、公共场所等等)。

  1、Multi-cultural societies, which are a mixture of different ethnic groups, bring more benefits than drawbacks for a country. To what extend do you agree or disagree with this conclusion?

  2.Some people hold that the development of modern science and technology leads to environmental pollution and energy shortage. What do you think?

  3. Throughout the history, male leaders often made the society more violent and conflicting. If women governed the world, it would be a more peaceful world. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give an example to support your idea.

  4. Some people think that increasing business and cultural contacts have positive influences on development; others think that it has negative effects on national identities. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

  5. People have different ways of escaping the stress and difficulties of modern life. Some read; some exercise; others work in their gardens. What do you think are the best ways of reducing stress?

  6. Some people think museums should be enjoyable places to attract and entertain young people. Others think the purpose of museums is to educate, not entertain. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

  7. Some people think that the government should provide assistance to all kinds of artists including painters, musicians and poets, etc. However, other people think that is a waste of money. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

  8. Some people say that governments should pay for the health care and education, but other people say that it is not the governments' responsibility. Discuss and give your views.

  9. In some countries, advertisers increase the amount of advertising which try to persuade children to buy snacks, toys,and other goods. Parents object to such pressure on children. But some advertisers claim that there is useful information in these advertisements. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

  10. With the increasing use of mobile phones and computers, fewer people tend to write letters. Some people even think the skill of writing letters will disappear completely. To what extent do you agree or disagree? How important do you think letter writing is?

  11.Some people argue that teaching children of different abilities together benefits all of them. Others believe that intelligent children should be taught separately and given special treatment. Discuss both views and what do you think about it?


  1. 熟悉英文信件结构和框架

  2. 熟悉信件类型

  3. 练习 常用信件的introduction 和 conclusion 当然包括 polite ending

  4. 练习impersonal formal letter

  5. 练习 personal formal letter

  6. 掌握两者区别

  7. 结合信件类型进行练习

  8. 熟记自己常用的2-3中写信模式

  1. A reference letter for your friend to work with foreign teenagers. describe his or her character and why you recommend her.

  2. There are lots of difficulties for the new students at the first day in the high school/college because they feel very alone. what are the difficulties they will face on the first day? what can the school and college do to solve these problems?

  3. Some people think that the young children benefit from going to the nursery school before starting primary school. Others think it is better for the young children to stay all day with the families. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

  4. You stay with a local family when you attended a training program in newzerland. You returned to your home country in a hurry and found that you had left your laptop computer in the family. write a letter to the family, thanking them for their hospitality. Describe your computer and where it is and ask the host to send it back to you.

  5 You bought audio cassette player in a store. but just after one week, you found it broken down the store did not want to give you a new one as replacement . so you write to the manufacturer about this problem of the player and the store and ask them to replace a new one.

  6. Some people say that children should spend their leisure time in educational activities. Some people believe it is dangerous to put pressure on children. Describe these two sides

  7. Some people think young people are suitable for learning foreign languages. Some people think adults are more suitable. Discuss both and give your opinion

  8. People use computer in shop, bank...without leaving home. Someone think it is danger because it may make people isolate and lose the social skills to live with others to what extend do you agree or disagree this opinion?

  9. You have been to a place and your friend also will go to the same place, write a letter to your friend, describe that place, give some advice.

  10. Today's parents spend too little time staying with their children and use television to make their children keep quiet. explain the reason and results by using our relevant experience.

  11. You are going to London to take a training course for a month. please write a letter to the local accommodation agency to prepare a flat for u. u should tell him your information, your requirement, when you would arrive.


  想要取得好分数,要礼貌,大胆,自信,流畅,自然,真诚,在跟考官的聊天中成为好朋友,把考官当人看,不要当神拜。有四个窍门,第一:多听,听说,考前准备好20-30个考试的高频率话题目(下面预测的Topics),多听标准发音(VOA Special, BBC, 剑桥)对大家正音很有帮助。第二,多模仿,尤其是语调,每天坚持跟读模仿VOA SPECIAL,BBC或剑桥听力半小时以上。第三,一定要敢说,大方的说,不要怕错,对着考官时候连珠炮的问的时候要镇定自若,把话题打开,但是要围绕中心,这真的有点难度,所以大家在思考时一定要有一些连词或者过渡类素材说出来不断同时脑子里思考怎么回答中心问题。第四,尽量让你的讲话内容生动有趣味,独特,富于激情,吸引考官。第五,穿着,这真的好重要,大家一定不要穿的很休闲很随意地去参加口语考试,俗话说人靠衣装,男生推荐衬衫,一定要干净,女士也不推荐穿的很花里胡哨,要稍微装重点,这样考官在见你的时候会有点好印象,很重要的。另外进去和结束时一定要和考官问好,THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME, GOODBYE 等等,礼貌问题很重要。

  1.Study or work(where, why choose)你住在house还是flat,your hobby,



  What kind of food do you like best?

  Which restaurant is your favorite?

  Which is most important to you, breakfast, lunch or supper?

  Do you think we should have more meals or have much at one meal?

  2.clothes(what style. do you like , how often do you wear, what clothes are popular in China)

  3.Sports (Related to Bejing Olympics, how often, your favorite, why),What sports are popular among Chinese people?

  Should we teach sports to children? Why?

  What is the role of sports?

  Do you think sports can help you relieve your mood?

  4.What are the pollutions mainly in China, how to solve it? 你曾经到过的城市的污染问题,政府是否应该对此负责?有没有什么办法解决污染问题?







  6. Art Do you think the art is important to life?

  Can you give an example of arts you learn?

  What kind of art do you like?

  What kind of art experience did you have when you were young?

  What kind of art are you good at?

  7.school ( where, what do you like most ,your favorite teacher and subject, why?)

  8. a language you want to learn想学哪门语言,原因,如何学


  9.Cook( do you like cooking?Who does the housework? What kind of housework do you often do?)

  10.Shopping( the comparison between the past and present)

  11. Clothing

  What kind of clothes do you like?

  What’s the difference between the opinions of men and women on clothes?

  Do you like buying clothes?

  Do you often wear formal or informal clothes?

  Do you think that color is important when you buy clothes?

  12.TV program ,watch Beijing Olympic Games, opening ceremony-fantastic, spectacular, miraculous , matches, what , why , compare the past and present, how to access to English program

  13.Traffic: (which transportation do you prefer ?)

  14.Weather ( typhoon, cyclone ,what is it like)

  15.Internet or telephone(how often do you use telephone/ internet, which communication way people in your country prefer(telephone or letter)

  16. 介绍一个大型组织,例如公司,商场或者其他的大型组织

  part 3:在你们国家最主要的工作方式是什么?




  17. A place with a lot of water

  What are the importance and usage of water?

  Why we use more water now than the past?

  What hazards of the inequality of water resources?

  What can be done by the government to improve the situation?

  Why do people like live near by the water?

  What can they do there?

  Why children like swimming?

  18. Photography

  Do you like taking photos?

  On what kind of situations do you take photos?

  Could you tell me one of your happy experiences of taking photos?

  19.Explain a foreign language except for English. A foreign language (besides English):

  What are the advantages of learning foreign language?

  What are the difficulties?

  20. Friends, a person you like most

  What is your standard for choosing friends?

  What makes a good friendship?

  How can you maintain friendship?

  21. do you think traveling can be educational? tourist attraction

  1) tourist attraction 的种类

  2)什么叫好的tourist attraction



  22. Teenager: What are the influences of teenager on society?

  How do teenagers treat the old people?

  Compare the teenager now and in the past? teenager

  who is the teenager

  how do you know her or he?

  what is she or he like?


  在中国大部分teenager都是enjoy life 吗


  23.A piece of law in your country...how do you learned about that...who may affects by the law...from a large scale. .let's talk about international law...





  1. 打印老师的阅读课课件,结合自己课堂笔记把课件在回忆,理解的基础上补充的更加完整,熟读并且努力背诵解题思路。

  2. 结合已经做过的真题,分析出自己擅长和不擅长的题型,做到心中有数,以应对考场各种情况。


  ★ 考试时间:1-2周的同学



  1. 先把笔记上这部分的做题思路背下来。

  2. 其次把剑四,剑五里这个题型已经做过的题目仔细分析,思考为什么曾经做错,从中吸取经验。同时对做对的题目也要分析到位。

  3. 然后把剑四,剑五里涉及到这个题型剩余的题目,定好时间,按时完成。核对答案,分析错题。在剑四,剑五都以题型的方式处理过之后,

  4. 最后一周拿剑六当大套题做,按照真实考试时间

  9:00 am-9:40 am 听力


  9:40 am-10:40 am 阅读

  10:45 am-11:45 am 写作



  ★ 考试时间:1-2个月的同学



  1. 先把笔记上某部分的做题思路背下来。

  2. 其次把剑三,剑四里这个题型已经做过的题目仔细分析,思考为什么曾经做错,从中吸取经验。同时对做对的题目也要分析到位。

  3. 然后把剑四的12篇文章做精读。对语言进行一定必要的积累。还有一个月准备的同学。至少按照精读的六个要求,选不同题材做五篇精读,准备二个月的同学,至少按照要求做十篇。找出自己的不足。在剑三,剑四都以题型的方式处理过,而且剑四还做了适当的精读之后,

  4. 然后把剑五当套题做一遍,结合精讲订正改错。

  5. 最后一周拿剑六当大套题做,按照真实考试时间。

  ★ 考试时间:3-4个月的同学



  1. 选一本单词书背完

  2. 按照课上要求复习相关语法

  3. 可以补充教材<<朗文高级英语阅读>>上下册+参考书和Insight into IELTS (蓝色那一本,补充练习)比实际考试难

  4. 然后同1-2个月的复习方案。

  ★ 补充说明:


  2. 阅读看看机经,不能依靠阅读机经,有时间熟悉背景还可以。

  3. 重心应该在最后一周,甚至两周转移到口语和写作上。








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