


2012-2-20 12:33| 发布者: as2113712| 查看: 251| 评论: 0

摘要: 雅思53天倒计时基本功训练:定语从句的继续   Part I:单词与短语   thirsty adj.渴的;ghost n.鬼;public house = pub酒吧;be up for sale挂牌出售;be haunted 闹鬼;go to sleep(动词短语)入睡;strange noise ...



  Part I:单词与短语

  thirsty adj.渴的;ghost n.鬼;public house = pub酒吧;be up for sale挂牌出售;be haunted 闹鬼;go to sleep(动词短语)入睡;strange noise奇怪的声响;block vt.阻挡;furniture n.家具;turn off the lights=turn the lights off(动词短语)把灯关掉;be on亮着;empty adj.空的;whisky n.威士忌;suggest vt.提议,建议,暗示;shake vt.摇动;accept vt.接受;give sth. away(动词短语)将sth送人

  Part II:语法学习


  示例1:A public house which was recently bought by Mr. Ian Thompson is up for sale.(可以简化为:…house recently bought…)

  示例2:He told me that he could not go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar.(可以还原为:…noise which came from the bar)

  示例3:He also said that he had found five empty whisky bottles which the ghost must have drunk the night before.(which在定语从句中作宾语,可以省略)

  Part III:综合训练

  A public house (1) was recently bought by Mr. Thompson is now up (2) sale. Mr. Thompson is going to sell it (3) it is (4 haunt). He told me (5) he could not go to sleep one night (6) he heard a strange noise (7 come) from the bar. The next morning, he found (8) the doors (9) been blocked by chairs (10) the furniture (11) been moved. (12) Mr. Thompson (13) turned the lights off (14) he (15 go) to bed, they (16) on in the morning. He also said (17) he (18) found five empty whisky bottles (19) the ghost must (20) drunk the night (21). (22) we suggested (23) some villagers must (24) come in (25) a free drink, Mr. Thompson shook his head. The villagers (26) told him (27) they will not accept the pub even (28) he (29 give) it away.


  (1) which; (2) for; (3) because; (4) haunted; (5) that; (6) because; (7) coming; (8) that; (9) had; (10) and; (11) had; (12) Though; (13) had; (14) before; (15) went; (16) were; (17) that; (18) had; (19) which; (20) have; (21) before; (22) When; (23) that; (24) have; (25) for; (26) have; (27) that; (28) if; (29) gives

  Part IV:句子翻译

  1. Thompson先生最近买下的一个酒店现在挂牌出售。

  2. Thompson先生要卖掉它是因为它闹鬼。

  3. 他告诉我他有一夜无法入睡因为他听到从酒吧里传来一种奇怪的声音。

  4. 第二天早上,他发现几扇门都被椅子堵住了,家具也被搬动了。

  5. 虽然Thompson先生睡前已经把灯都关掉了,然而早上灯却亮着。

  6. 他还说他发现了五个空的威士忌酒瓶,一定是头天晚上鬼喝掉的。

  7. 当我们提示一些村民一定是进来免费喝了一顿时,Thompson先生直摇头。

  8. 村民告诉过他即使他白送,他们也不会接受这个酒吧的。


  1. A public house which was recently bought by Mr. Thompson is now up for sale.

  2. Mr. Thompson is going to sell it because it is haunted.

  3. He told me that he could not go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar.

  4. The next morning, he found that the doors had been blocked by chairs and the furniture had been moved.

  5. Though Mr. Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning.

  6. He also said that he had found five empty whisky bottles which the ghost must have drunk the night before.

  7. When we suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink, Mr. Thompson shook his head.

  8. The villagers have told him that they will not accept the pub even if he gives it away.

  Part V:听力与口语训练


  Man: The snow is really coming down, isn’t it?

  Woman: Rarely do we get som much snow in December.


  Man: Do you think Professor Smith will cancel class because of the special conference?

  Woman: Not likely.


  Woman: Randy, how are you finding life on campus this year?

  Man: Much the same as last.


  Woman: All of your classmates seem so enthusiastic about running in the race.

  Man: But in the end, only three of them actually took part.


  Woman: I ought to call Joan and tell her about the meeting this afternoon.

  Man: Why bother? You’ll see her at lunch.


  Man: Would you like to come mountain climbing with us?

  Woman: That’s the last thing in the world I’d ever want to do.


  Woman: Do you know that Mark turned down the job offer from a travel agency?

  Man: Yes, the hours were convenient, but he won’t be able to make ends meet.


  Man: Are you sure you can remember the name of the film you saw last week?

  Woman: It’s just on the tip of my tongue.


  come down(动词短语)下来;rarely adv.极少,少见;cancel vt.取消;conference n.会议;likely adj.可能的;be enthusiastic about 对。。。充满热情的;race (n.)赛跑,赛车;bother v.费麻烦;mountain climbing 爬山;the last thing in the world I’d ever want to do最不想做的事情;turn down (动词短语)拒绝;job offer 工作机会;travel agency 旅行社;convenient adj.方便的;make ends meet(动词短语)维持生计;on the tip of one’s tongue (某件事情或某人的名字)就在嘴边却想不起来

  Part VI:快速阅读

  Foods in the World

  Food is national(国家化的) and international(国际化的). Many people like their own national dishes(饭菜)and a variety of(品种多样的)foreign ones. You can find European(欧洲的) and Oriental(东方的)restaurants in most large cities. You can find Italian, French, Chinese, and Mexican restaurants in New York, Washington, San Francisco, and many other cities in the United States. As well(同时), you might also find Greek(希腊的) and Middle Eastern(中东地区的) restaurants in some cities in the US. Amercian hamburgers and hot dogs(热狗)are popular in Tokyo(东京) and Paris. In almost every country, you will find rice, potatoes, eggs, bread, soup, meat, vegetables, milk, fruit, and other basic(基本的)foods. People just cook(烹饪)them differently in different countries. People all over the world also prefer(喜欢)different things to drink. The English drink a lot of tea and the French a lot of wine. Americans prefer coffee, milk or pop(可乐). German beer is now completely(完全地)international. Children are often very conservative about(对。。。保守的)new foods. In the United States, they often prefer to eat the same three or four favorite(最喜欢的)dishes: hamburgers and French fries(炸薯条), hot dogs, fried chicken(炸鸡), and ice cream.





  1. 打印老师的阅读课课件,结合自己课堂笔记把课件在回忆,理解的基础上补充的更加完整,熟读并且努力背诵解题思路。

  2. 结合已经做过的真题,分析出自己擅长和不擅长的题型,做到心中有数,以应对考场各种情况。


  ★ 考试时间:1-2周的同学



  1. 先把笔记上这部分的做题思路背下来。

  2. 其次把剑四,剑五里这个题型已经做过的题目仔细分析,思考为什么曾经做错,从中吸取经验。同时对做对的题目也要分析到位。

  3. 然后把剑四,剑五里涉及到这个题型剩余的题目,定好时间,按时完成。核对答案,分析错题。在剑四,剑五都以题型的方式处理过之后,

  4. 最后一周拿剑六当大套题做,按照真实考试时间

  9:00 am-9:40 am 听力


  9:40 am-10:40 am 阅读

  10:45 am-11:45 am 写作



  ★ 考试时间:1-2个月的同学



  1. 先把笔记上某部分的做题思路背下来。

  2. 其次把剑三,剑四里这个题型已经做过的题目仔细分析,思考为什么曾经做错,从中吸取经验。同时对做对的题目也要分析到位。

  3. 然后把剑四的12篇文章做精读。对语言进行一定必要的积累。还有一个月准备的同学。至少按照精读的六个要求,选不同题材做五篇精读,准备二个月的同学,至少按照要求做十篇。找出自己的不足。在剑三,剑四都以题型的方式处理过,而且剑四还做了适当的精读之后,

  4. 然后把剑五当套题做一遍,结合精讲订正改错。

  5. 最后一周拿剑六当大套题做,按照真实考试时间。

  ★ 考试时间:3-4个月的同学



  1. 选一本单词书背完

  2. 按照课上要求复习相关语法

  3. 可以补充教材<<朗文高级英语阅读>>上下册+参考书和Insight into IELTS (蓝色那一本,补充练习)比实际考试难

  4. 然后同1-2个月的复习方案。

  ★ 补充说明:


  2. 阅读看看机经,不能依靠阅读机经,有时间熟悉背景还可以。

  3. 重心应该在最后一周,甚至两周转移到口语和写作上。








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